Just International

Syrian News on February 23, 2012

Five Army, Law-Enforcement Personnel Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of five army and law-enforcement personnel martyrs on Wednesday  were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus and Zahi Azraq Military Hospital to their final resting places.

The martyrs were killed in the line of duty by armed terrorists groups in Damascus Countryside and Homs.

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, who were killed by the gunfire of armed terrorist groups while on duty in Damascus, Damascus Countryside and Hama, as they were carried up on shoulders while the music of “The Martyr” and “The Farewell” was played.

The martyrs are: -Lieutenant Osama Haitham Ahmad, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Major Manhal Habil Tahmouz, from Tartous.

­           Sergeant Major Jihad Hussein Qaddour, from Hama.

­           Corporal Ali Hussein al-Khatib, from Homs.

­           Conscript Ammar Akram al-Goutani, from Sweida.

The martyrs’ families voiced pride in their sons’ martyrdom and said that their blood will protect Syria and make it stronger in the face of challenges, stressing that the sacrifices of the army will foil the conspiracies, and that the support given by some Arab countries to terrorists is part of these conspiracies.

The martyrs’ relatives said that Syria’s independence and the rallying of its people around their leadership angers those who seek to fragment the nation, adding that it’s shameful that the Arab League has become a tool for striking the Arab nation.

They lauded the role of the Syrian army in combating armed terrorist groups and protecting Syria’s freedom and dignity, saying that political and economic pressure will not dissuade Syrians from their principles.

Law Issued on Compelling Parents of Children Aged 6 to 15 to Send them to Basic Education School

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad issued on Wednesday law No.7 for 2012 stipulating for compelling parents of Syrian children ageing from 6 to 15 years old to send their children to basic education schools.

In case parents do not send their children to school after 10 days of notification, the parents will be fined up to SYP 15.000 (USD 255).

Syria Sends Letters to ICRC, UN, HRC Refuting Misleading Provocative Campaign on its Health Sector

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – In response to the misleading and provocative campaigns carried out by suspected organizations and channels, Syria on Wednesday sent messages to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), United Nations (UN) and the Human Rights Council (HRC).

In these messages, Syria pointed out that the Syrian government gave priority to its health sector in order to provide free health services to all its citizens through 124 public hospitals and 1919 health centers in addition to 387 private hospitals.

The messages outlined that the health institutions affiliated to the Health Ministry provided more than 30 million services and received about 4.5 million persons in the last 9 months, adding that the health centers have provided more than 24 million services.

The messages stressed that several external sides are insisting on using the health sector as a tool to achieve political ends, adding that the health sector suffered heavy losses in lives and materials as the armed terrorist groups targeted hospitals, health centers and medical and paramedic staffs.

The messages added that “For example, armed terrorist groups targeted al-Naimi Hospital in Homs and looted its equipment. 15 doctors and paramedics were martyred, 27 paramedics were injured by armed terrorist groups while trying to transport wounded citizens to hospitals.”

The messages added that there are organized kidnapping operations against doctors, paramedics and ambulance vehicles, adding that 129 ambulance vehicles were sabotaged, 17 hospitals were partly destroyed and some hospitals, such as al-Qsair Hospital in Homs, were looted.

The messages pointed out that the unjust sanctions imposed by the USA and some Arab and European countries resulted in a shortage of some medical equipment and materials.

The messages stressed that despite the aforementioned losses, workers at the health sector are continuing providing services to citizens within the available capabilities.

The messages also stipulated that Syria, despite those losses, stresses its right to protect its citizens adding that Syria is committed to the comprehensive reform program despite all external attempts at hindering them.

Concluding the letters, Syria condemned the unilateral procedures and sanctions imposed by some countries, condemning that criminal acts targeting the health institutions and medical staffs.

Syria held the external sides, which are funding and arming the armed terrorist groups with the aim of targeting the infrastructure institutions, including public and private hospitals, health centers and paramedic staffs, responsibility for these acts.

Two Officers, a Security Member Martyred in Homs, Civil Engineer Martyred in Hama

PROVINCES, (SANA)- Captain Ghufran Abdul-Latif Ahmad and First Lieutenant Imad Suleiman Mohammad were martyred on Wednesday as an armed  terrorist group fired RPG shell at their car near al-Zara Bridge in Homs countryside, official source told SANA reporter.

The source added that another armed terrorist group burglarized a truck loaded with lead tubes in the same area.

The armed terrorist group abducted two civilians and burglarized their car and took them to an unknown place.

A law-enforcement member was martyred and three others were seriously injured when two explosive devices went off on the road of Maryamin-al-Shinieh in Homs.

An official source told SANA reporter in Homs that the first roadside bomb was planted west of the aforementioned road between Maryamin and al-Shinieh towns when it exploded as a civil Pullman was passing, causing no casualties.

The source added that when the law-enforcement forces approached to inspect the site, a second roadside bomb, planted east of the road, exploded, claiming the life of a law-enforcement member and injuring three others.

A policeman and a civilian martyred by explosive  in Aleppo

A policeman and a civilian were martyred today while 8 others were wounded by an explosive planted by an armed terrorist group near  Jisr al-Haj in Aleppo.

A source at Aleppo Police Department told SANA reporter that Policeman Ayman Dali and citizen Abdul-Latif Salal were martyred by an explosive while 8 others were wounded, one of them in a critical condition.

Terrorists Kidnap Warrant Officer, Assassinate an Engineer in Hama

Meanwhile in Hama, an armed terrorist group kidnapped Warrant Officer Mahmoud Eid near his house in Souran village while he was heading to his job.

Another armed terrorist group assassinated Engineer Hassan Khalouf al-Sattouf al-Salloum, director of al-Hamra Telephone Center in Hama countryside, and wounded his 16-year-old son.

SANA reporter quoted a source in Hama province as saying that the gunmen Hamza Hassoun and his brother set an ambush for engineer al-Salloum on his way to al-Hamra area and opened fire on him as he tried to flee away.

The source pointed out that one of the gunmen was arrested while the other succeeded to run away.

Armed Terrorist Group Abducts Citizen, Attack Public and Private Properties in Hama

Meantime, an official source said that an armed terrorist group riding a truck burglarized an oil station on the main road between Homs and Hama and stole 4.000 liters of gas oil and 500 liters of gasoline.

The source added that another armed terrorist group consisting of five terrorists attacked a petrol station in al-Salamiyah district opening fire at the oil pumps.

Another armed terrorist group burglarized yesterday a car belonging to a citizen in al-Salamiya district.

The source pointed out that another armed terrorist group burglarized a garbage truck belonging to Hama City Council.

The source said that another armed terrorist group burglarized Tuesday two 4wd cars belonging to two employees working for Water Resources Directorate in Mehardeh district who are in charge of operating Mehardah Dam and burglarized a truck loaded with 3.000 liters of gas oil accompanying the two cars

An armed terrorist group abducted citizen Ayman al-Adaa while he was going to work in Hama and took him to an unknown place.

Gunmen Kidnap Law-Enforcement Member in Idleb, Explosive Charges Dismantled, Terrorists Killed

An armed terrorist group kidnapped a law-enforcement member while on his way to work in Idleb city.

SANA reporter quoted a source in the province as saying that an armed terrorist group kidnapped Warrant Officer Yousef al-Hussein outside his house in al-Thawra neighborhood as he was heading to his work at the central prison.

The source added that military engineering units dismantled 4 explosive charges, 20 kg weight each, planted by armed terrorist groups in al-Younissyah town in Jisr al-Shughour with the aim of targeting the train rail in the area.

On Tuesday evening, the authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group in Jisr al-Shughour district in Idleb province and arrested five of its members, including one of the most dangerous terrorists in the area.

The authorities also clashed with an armed terrorist group in Sarakeb district and killed three and wounded two others.

Terrorists Killed and Arrested while Others Surrender themselves and Weapons in Idleb

Authorities in Idleb governorate arrested a number of terrorists and killed few others in a clash with members of armed terrorist groups in Trembeh village in Sarakeb in Idleb countryside.

Other terrorists, who used to attack citizens and set up barriers on roads, surrendered themselves and their weapons to the authorities.

An official source told SANA correspondent that the authorities also seized different types of weapons, machineguns, grenades and explosive devices ready for detonation which the armed groups use in their sabotage acts and the targeting of army, law-enforcement forces and citizens in the governorate.

Information Minister: No Information about Presence of US Journalist and French Photographer in Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Minister of Information, Adnan Mahmoud, said on Wednesday that the Ministry has no information about the entry or the presence of US Journalist Marie Colvin  and French photographer Remi Ochlik and other foreign journalists in Syria.

In a press statement, the Minister added that the authorities in Homs were asked to look for the whereabouts of these journalists who were reported by some media to have been injured in Homs.

Minister Mahmoud pointed out that the Ministry asked all foreign journalists who entered Syria illegally to refer to the nearest immigration department in the areas of their presence to regularize their status according to law.

President Medvedev: International Decisions about Peoples’ Destiny Shouldn’t Be Taken under Influence of Propaganda

MOSCOW, (SANA)- President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia on Wednesday reiterated Moscow’s rejection of what he described as “rashness” in taking important international decisions about the destiny of certain countries, expressing Russia’s interest in preserving the credibility of international institutions.

“We should not take decisions of grave importance for the destiny of countries and peoples, particularly in the complicated circumstances of the regional situation, rashly and under the influence of intensive propaganda,” said Medvedev addressing newly accredited ambassadors of a number of foreign countries at the Kremlin.

In his speech broadcast by Russia Today TV, the Russian President added “It is a wrong practice in principle in terms of form and content. It is not acceptable that the international institutions, particularly the UN, lose their credibility and turn into a so-called ‘group of friends’  based on political considerations or economic feasibility.”

Russian President, Saudi King, al-Maliki Discuss Situation in the Region

In another context, President Medvedev discussed in a phone call with King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia the developments in the region and the events in Syria.

The press office at the Kremlin said that both sides exchanged views on the situation in the Middle East in light of the developments in the Syrian arena and discussed coordinating the bilateral and international efforts to achieve stability in the region as soon as possible.

President Medvedev also discussed with Iraqi Premier Nouri al-Maliki the situation in the region, particularly in Syria.

The press office at the Kremlin announced that during a phone call, Medvedev and al-Maliki underlined that it is not permissible for any foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs, calling for the need of an immediate halt to the bloodshed and conducting a comprehensive dialogue among the Syrians.

The two sides stressed that there is no alternative for the diplomatic political efforts to contribute to the stability in Syria.

Medvedev, Ahmadinejad Encourage Syrians to Overcome Crisis Using Peaceful Methods Exclusively and Without Foreign Interference

Later, President Medvedev and Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that they encourage Syrians to overcome the crisis on their own as soon as possible using peaceful methods exclusively and without any foreign interference.

The two presidents discussed developments in Syria in a phone call, with both sides stressing the need to work to halt violence and initiative constructive dialogue between the authorities and the opposition without preconditions.

Medvedev and Ahmadinejad stressed the need to continue pursuing political, social and economic reforms in Syria in a calm atmosphere to benefit all Syrians, with the two agreeing that the primary goal must be preventing a civil war from erupting in Syria as such a thing would destabilize the entire region.

Gatilov: Moscow Has “Confirmed Information” on Syrian Opposition Receiving Weapons and Money from Abroad

For his part, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that Moscow has “confirmed information” that the Syrian opposition has been receiving weapons and money from abroad, calling for refraining from such activities which ignite internal conflict and further inflame it.

In press statements broadcast by Russia Today TV, Gatilov expressed his country’s concern over what is being circulated on preparing scenarios for foreign intervention in Syria despite official denials of this matter.

The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister referred to the existence of various sources of information and publications about this issue, clarifying that Moscow is against military intervention in Syria as it will not resolve the conflict in it.

In a press conference on Wednesday, Gatilov said it is doubtful that the so-called ”humanitarian corridors” would be effective, describing it as a complicated issue, adding ”We understand what this might lead to…It will lead to the use of force and will but further aggravate the conflict and cause major military confrontation.”

Referring to the French journalist Gilles Jacquier who was killed in Homs, Russia’s deputy foreign minister said that the armed terrorist groups are responsible for the victims among journalists and correspondents, adding that Russia is not inclined to hold the Syrian government responsible for that and underlining need to stop violence as an essential step to set in motion the political process in the country.

”There won’t be any use-of-force scenarios in Syria, because Syria is not Libya, and we know that such scenarios are meditated by some, which makes us concerned,” Gatilov said.

In a relevant context,the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister underlined that referendum on a new draft constitution in Syria is an important and basic step to realize democracy in the Syrian society, adding it helps launch a political process in the country.

“The Syrian government has taken a number of important measures and decisions to reform the society… in addition to the referendum, Syria has issued new laws on parties, media and running parliamentary elections,” Gatilov said in a speech to SANA correspondent in Moscow.

Gatilov said that the expected meeting in Tunis for the so-called “Syria Friends’ Group” raises a number of questions for Russia.

He made clear that Russia has taken a decision not to participate in this meeting, because it was very important to invite all sides concerned to resolve the Syrian crisis in an objective way.

Pushkov: Moscow and Beijing Stances on Syria Firm and Principled

Chairman of the Russian Duma’s International Affairs Committee, Aleksey Pushkov, stressed that Moscow is committed to its principled stance adopted during the vote on the last draft resolution on Syria at the UN Security Council.

Pushkov expressed his country’s rejection to exploiting the UN and the Security Council to interfere in Syria’s internal affairs.

In an interview with Russian ‘Russia Today’ Channel on Wednesday, Pushkov pointed out that the Arab League (AL) Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi statement on the change in Russia and China stances towards Syria expresses his own stance, asserting that there are no factors that may push Beijing and Moscow to change their firm stances towards Syria which call for halting violence by all parties.

He underscored that during his visit to Syria, he held discussions with President Bashar al-Assad and senior Syrian officials and he met representatives of the Syrian opposition with the aim of getting more realistic perceptions as the situation in Syria is still very important to Russia.

He stressed that there is big desire by the Syrians to support President al-Assad and to rely on themselves to settle their internal issues as they reject any foreign interference in their country’s internal affairs, considering Syria as a state that knows how to achieve the democratic process based on the basis it built.

The Duma official called for the necessity of halting all forms of violence not only by the Syrian authorities, but also by the armed groups.

He pointed out that the Syrian opposition is fragmented and has different goals, asserting that Istanbul Council, which rejects dialogue, is basically built on the idea of the foreign intervention and has no effect on the Syrian internal arena.

On Russia’s rejection of the so-called ‘Friends of Syria Meeting”, Pushkov said ” the cause of this rejection is that the meeting, in fact, doesn’t seek to find the needed political solution to the crisis through holding dialogue among the different parties, which would undermine the moral and political logistics of the meeting through turning it into a club to topple Syria.

Russian, Italian Media Delegation Inspect Reality of Events in Daraa

DARAA, (SANA) – A Russian and Italian media delegation on Wednesday visited Daraa City and interviewed a number of citizens about the situation in the city and the events which took place there.

The delegation toured the Justice Palace building, TV and Radio Center and some state institutions sabotaged by the armed terrorist groups, in addition to visiting Daraa National Hospital.

The delegation also examined the various weapons and explosive devices which have been seized from these groups.

Russia 24 TV reporter said that she is visiting Daraa City along with her colleagues from other TV channels to see the reality on the ground and listen to the people there away from what other media broadcast.

She made clear that the situation in Daraa is similar to what she saw in the other Syrian cities in terms of the targeting of state institutions and the different types of weapons, which stresses that one strategy has been adopted to fragment the country and spread panic among people.

The journalist stressed that normal life prevails in the city, adding that she will convey its observations to the Russian people.

The delegation was briefed by the Governor of Daraa Mohammad Khaled al-Hannous on the events taking place in the governorate over the past few months with indication to the sabotage and vandalism acts committed against private and public properties and police stations.

The media delegation comprises journalists and photographers from Russia 24 TV, the Russian TVS channel and the Italian RAI Radio.

SHRN: Authorities Not Responsible for Safety of Individuals Who Enter a Country Illegally

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Human Rights Network (SHRN) expressed surprise over some countries’ attempts to turn public opinion against Syria using reports on the injuring of journalists.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the SHRN said that according to international law, when individuals enter a country illegally then this country’s authorities are not responsible for their safety and protection, but rather should arrest them and refer them to the judicial system to interrogate them  over their illegal entry.

The SHRN that that the full responsibility is upon the journalists’ governments and their organizations which intentionally sent them in secret as part of their policies of instigation, facilitating their entry into Syria without prior permits.

Syria, Iran Sign MOU on Cooperation in Holding Expos in Both Countries

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – General Establishment for Exhibitions and International Markets and Iran International Exhibitions Company on Wednesday signed a Memo of Understanding (MOU) on holding expos and facilitating the organization of such events in Syria and Iran.

Director-General of the General Establishment for Exhibitions and International Markets Mohammad Hammoud, said the MOU provides for holding an exhibition for Syrian products in Tehran on April 28th.

The MOU also stipulates for organizing a series of direct selling exhibitions in the Iranian cities of Mashhad, Esfahan and Shizar from the beginning of June, Hammoud added.

He pointed out that the April exhibition, which will cover an area of 4000 square meters, coincides with the implementation of the free-trade zone agreement signed between the two countries.

Hammoud added that a meeting of the Syrian and Iranian businessmen is scheduled to be held next March at Tehran Chamber of Commerce.

Relatives of Martyr Mahmoud Sournai Refute Lies of Biased Channels, Affirm That He Was Murdered by Armed Terrorist Group

ALEPPO, (SANA) – The relatives of martyr Mahmoud Sourani said that the deceased was murdered by an armed terrorist group who ambushed him and shot him dead, adding that terrorists had threatened Mahmoud more than once, refuting the allegations of some biased channels who claimed otherwise.

Mahmoud’s brother told the Syrian TV that an armed terrorist group opened fire on him near the Hanano quarters crossroads on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Mahmoud’s son Mohammad said that gunmen attacked his father at 11 PM on Tuesday and shot him while he was in his car, and that he was rushed to the hospital but died on the way.

In turn, Mahmoud’s brother in law Osama Razzouk said that the deceased had been receiving threats for a month.

Arab Tribes in Syria Honor Russian Ambassador in Damascus

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – A delegation of Arab tribes n Syria dressed on Wednesday Russia’s Ambassador to Syria  the Arab Abaya (cloak), a symbol of pride and dignity, in appreciation of the Russian stance supporting Syria at the Security Council.

For his part, the Russian Ambassador Azmatullah Kulmohammadov stressed that the delegation’s visit is a genuine expression of the feelings of the Syrian people and of the firm cooperation between the two countries.

Kulmohammadov added that Russia supports the Syrian people to solve their internal problems through dialogue with their own efforts, calling for continuing the comprehensive reform program commenced by the Syrian leadership.

The delegation said that the people of Syria hail Russia’s stance which destroyed the US hegemony that made the UN a tool to carry out its colonialist schemes.


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