Just International

Syrian News on Jan 10, 2012

With Participation of Jordanian Delegation…Masses Gather in Damascus to Denounce Recent Terrorist Bombings

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) –In a splendid show of national unity, masses of Syrians, along with a delegation from the Jordanian Popular Committee for Supporting Syria and the Resistance, gathered on Monday in Sabaa Bahrat Square in Damascus to denounce the recent terrorist bombings in Damascus

The participants in the gathering decried the crimes committed by armed terrorist groups and voiced rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, as well as support to the independent national decision and the comprehensive reform program under the leadership of president Bashar al-Assad.

The slogans reflected the elevated national sense of the Syrian people, their awareness of the volume of national responsibility and resolve to stand up to all schemes hatched against Syria.

The participants raised national flags and banners saluting national unity and calling for discarding sedition, also blasting the instigation campaigns led by media channels who fabricate false news and lies to undermine Syria’s security and stability.

Head of the Jordanian delegation Mansour Murad said that the delegation’s visit to Syria is a gesture of solidarity intended to voice support to the Syrian people and army against conspiracies, indicating that it is the whole nation being targeted, not only Syria.

Murad said that the Syrian people are fighting in defense of the Arab nation, adding ”We as part of the nation are fully aware of the dimensions of the US conspiracy against Syria.”

Samih Khreis, Assistant Secretary General of the Arab Bar Association, said that Syria is the guarantee for preserving the Arab identity and principles, adding that the best way to overcome the crisis is national unity binding Syrians.

Mohammad al-Shomali, Head of the Arab Legal Commission for Defending Syria, said ”It is futile to bet on Syria’s surrender, because the Syrian people are alive to the volume of conspiracy,” adding that the Jordanian people won’t stand arms-folded in case Syria comes under attack.

Leader of AlbuSarayia clan Ahmad Shlash hailed the role of the Syrian army in combating the conspiracy and its tools being the armed terrorist groups, pointing out to the mass rallies in support of reforms.

Sheikh Ahmad Sheikho, an Islamic preacher, said that martyrs are a symbol of national unity, adding that the Syrian people succeeded in foiling the vicious conspiracy.

In statements to SANA, member of the Jordanian delegation Atta al-Sharari voiced support to the Syrian people, affirming ”Syria is far bigger than the conspiracy, and we will be with the Syrian people to the very end.”

The Jordanian delegation members indicated that Syria is targeted for its support to resistance, expressing trust that Syria will emerge stronger and more determined to uphold Arab nationalism.

The participants in the gathering expressed denunciation of the terrorist attacks in Syria, pledging to remain undeterred by terrorism and expressing readiness to offer whatever sacrifices necessary to defend Syria.

They also saluted the sacrifices of the Syrian Arab army, affirming that the crisis will sharpen their resolve to be even more united against all conspiracies.

Syrians Continue National Rallies in Condemnation of Damascus Terrorist Bombing

The national rallies and activities continued in Syrian provinces in condemnation of the terrorist attack which hit al-Midan neighborhood in Damascus and in rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

The participants chanted anthems and slogans which reflect their awareness of the conspiracies and schemes hatched against their country, vowing to protect Syria against conspirators and traitors.

In Hama, mass crowds of citizens flocked to the Memorial Monument Square to express condemnation of the terrorist attack in al-Midan neighborhood and the heinous crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups.

They also voiced support to the comprehensive reform program and the independent national decision. Participants vowed to spare no sacrifice for the sake of their country, lashing out at the massacres committed by armed terrorist groups against innocent civilians and urging the Syrian people to be alerted to vicious schemes.

In Deir Ezzor, citizens gathered at the Municipality Square in al-Mayadin City to denounce the terrorist bombing in Damascus, expressing rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

Participants hailed the role of the Syrian army in maintaining security and defending the homeland. They condemned the armed terrorist groups who seek to spread chaos and terrorize people, expressing trust that the Syrian people will come out stronger from the crisis.

Participants underlined the unity of the Syrian people, stressing that they will remain undeterred by pressure and terrorist acts.

Armed Terrorist Groups Kill Woman in Hama, Assasinates Engineer in Homs

HAMA, (SANa) – Citizen Bushra al-Nabilsi was martyred on Monday at the hands of an armed terrorist group in Hama city.

SANA’s correspondent in Hama said that the terrorists opened fire at al-Nabilsi while she was on her way to work at Janoub al-Mal’ab dispensary.

Last month, another armed terrorist group killed Bushra’s brother, Ali al-Nabilisi, in Hama city.

Armed Group Assassinates Engineer Assaf in Homs

An armed terrorist group assassinated Engineer Samir Assaf and wounded his fellow Majed Nahas after shooting fires on their car while driving to their work at the Directorate of Agriculture in Homs.

In the same context, teacher Hassan Salim Issa was abducted at al-Kouatli street in Homs. He was taken to unknown place.

Information Minister: Licenses of Entry and Work given to 136 media institutions since December

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Information Minister Adnan Mahmoud announced that the Ministry gave licenses of work and entry for more than 136 Arab and foreign mass media since the beginning of December 2011 till today to cover events in Syria.

“The Ministry is keen on facilitating the work of media institutions in order to present the real image on what is happening in Syria to the Arab and world public opinion, away from the unilateral coverings which are linked to political anticipated agendas practiced by some mass media in their dealing with the events in Syria,” Minister Mahmoud said Monday.

He pointed out to the hysteric phenomenon of the instigation process and distorting facts by some Arab and foreign TV stations against Syria and its people.

“Those media institutions will discover that the Syrian people with all spectrums confront a terror perpetrated by armed terrorist groups, financed by some regional and western states… those institutions are in front of moral and professional challenge in relaying the Syrian scene in a credible and objective way to the public opinion.” the Minister said.

Seven Army and Security Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

HOMS/LATTAKIA (SANA) – Seven army and security forces martyrs killed in the line of duty by armed terrorist groups in Hama and Idleb were escorted on Monday from Homs and Lattakia Military Hospitals to their final resting places.

Solemn funeral ceremony was held for the martyrs as they were carried on their colleague’s shoulders covered with the Syrian flag and flower wreaths while the Military Band played the “Martyr” and the “Farewell” music.

The martyrs are:

-Chief Warrant Officer Sleiman Mohammad Makna, from Lattakia.

-Sergeant Saleh Hasan al-Hussein, from Homs.

-Conscript Mohammad Amin Alaa Dala Hasan, from Damascus Countryside.

-Conscript Mohammad Ali Jneid, from Aleppo.

-Conscript Ahmad Mohammad Qattash, from Aleppo.

-Conscript Ali Omar al-Masri, from Damascus Countryside.

-Policeman Ashraf Anwar Dannoun, from Sweida.

Relatives of the martyrs expressed confidence in the blood of the martyrs will help Syria overcome the crisis, stressing that the crimes of armed terrorist groups will not dull the Syrians’ determination to confront the conspiracy targeting their country.

They also voiced pride in their sons’ martyrdom and sacrifices for the sake of Syria, saying that the treacherous and criminal hands which killed their sons are working to destroy Syria, calling for dealing sternly with those who try to tamper with Syria’s security and stability.

Cuban Labor Delegation: Syrians have right to Solve problems without foreign Intervention

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Cuban Labor delegation on Monday expressed solidarity with Syria, as people and leadership, in the face of the conspiracy and the misleading media campaign to which Syria is exposed, rejecting any foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs.

The Cuban Labor delegation is currently visiting Syria, headed by Edmond Fernandez who met with members of Syrian Trade Unions’ Federation.

“We came here to show solidarity with the Syrian people and workers who confront Zionist and imperialism powers… the Syrians have right to solve their internal problems by themselves without foreign interventions,” Fernandez said during the meeting.

He added that there is a big gap between what some try to broadcast about Syria and what they see in reality, referring to foreign attempts to internationalize the local problems to justify interventions.

Shaaban Azouz, Head of the Syrian Trade Unions’ Federation underlined that Syria is determined to carry out important reforms. He briefed the visiting delegation on the sanctions imposed on the Syrian people and their negative impacts.

Venezuelan President Condemns Terrorist Explosion at al-Midan Neighborhood in Damascus

CARACAS, (SANA)- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez strongly condemned the terrorist explosion which took place at al-Midan Neighborhood in Damascus last Friday.

In a statement issued Monday by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, President Chavez expressed condemnation of all forms of terrorism and full rejection of this heinous crime which violates all the morals and values of the Syrian people.

The Venezuelan President reiterated complete support to the Syrian people and leadership, expressing heartfelt condolences to the families of the martyrs, wishing the injured quick recovery.

He strongly criticized the foreign policy of the US and its allies which help inflaming violence and terrorism in the region.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.


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