Just International

Syrian News on Jan 27, 2012

Support Rallies to Comprehensive Reforms Led and Masterminded by President Bashar al-Assad

PROVINCES, (SANA) Hundreds of thousands of Syrians of all governorates headed since the early morning Thursday to central and main squares in rallies of support to the ongoing process of comprehensive reform led and masterminded by President Bashar al-Assad.

Expressing their awareness of their responsibilities to face the conspiracy targeting their beloved homeland, masses of citizens streamed into Saba Bahrat Square in Damascus, Saadallah al-Jaberi Square in Aleppo, the Governorate’s Square in Lattakia, the President Square in Hasaka, as well as in the squares of Deir Ezzor and along the corniche in Tartous to stress adherence to Syria’s sovereignty and independent national decision.

The jubilant Syrians, chanting pro-Assad songs, embracing President al-Assad’s pictures, waving national banners and Syrian Flags, took to the streets in rejection of the recent decisions by Arab League Council which are but flagrant violation of the Syrian independence and sovereignty.

Thousands of angry Syrians have been frequenting Syria’s main squares and streets in condemnation of the ongoing aggressive campaigns led by some Arab sides within the frame of the conspiratorial scheme hatched against Syria.

Today’s huge rallies, an embodiment of the Syrians’ national unity and cohesion, are considered a sharp cry and strong condemnation of the armed terrorist groups’ attacks against their security, stability and unity.

In Damascus, the participants stressed that the tougher the circumstances, the stronger the resolve of the Syrian people, vowing to remain united under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

They also expressed utter rejection of the killings and vandalism perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups, hailing the great role of the Syrian army in protecting the homeland.

Muhammad Sweidan, a participant, expressed rejection of all forms of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs, indicating that the mass rally underlines that the Syrian people are firm in the face of the conspiracy.

Hayyan al-Dali, also one of the participants, said that the AL decisions seek to undermine Syria’s stances and steadfastness against the Zionist enemy and prove the involvement of many sides in plotting against the Syrian people.

In Aleppo, Saadallah al-Jabiri Square bustled with thousands of people who came to express support to the comprehensive reform program and readiness to offer sacrifices for preserving Syria’s stability and national role.

Ahmad Yassouf, a participant, said that the reform decisions and laws are able to transform Syria into an advanced country.

Amin Osman, an engineer, urged the Syrian people not to be deluded by attempts for inciting sedition and fear, stressing that no one can subjugate the Syrians.

In spite of heavy rains in the governorate, huge crowds of Syrian citizens gathered al al-Muhafaza Square in the coastal city of Lattakia holding national flags and banners that stress the Syrian people’s commitment to the national unity and strong will to defend Syria’s resistant position in the face of Zionist-US schemes.

The gathering people considered the AL decisions against Syria a flagrant infringement on its national sovereignty and serious precedent in terms of joint Arab action.

They criticized the AL role as it turned into a tool to implement the West’s plots to fragment the Arab region, stressing that internationalizing the Syrian issue and calling for foreign interference will be foiled.

The participants condemned terrorist acts committed by armed groups throughout the Syrian cities, calling for eliminating these groups which kill civilians, army and law-enforcement members and sabotage public and private properties.

Addressing the Turkish Prime Minister, some citizens who came from Qamishli and participated in the gathering, called him to not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, particularly in Syria. The gathering people stressed that Syria will come out victorious under the leadership of President al-Assad thanks to the sacrifices of the martyrs who offered their souls for the sake of the homeland.

In Deir Ezzor, people of the governorate crowded at Saba Bahrat Square in support of the reform program and Syria’s independent national decision.

The crowds stressed adherence to the national sovereignty and the wise leadership of President al-Assad , expressing gratitude for the friendly countries which supported Syria.

Citizens of Tartous governorate held a rally on the Coastal Corniche of the City in appreciation of the Syrian army’s sacrifices, stressing that Syria will not bow down to the AL decisions and pressures which aim at undermining its pan-Arab and national stances.

The participants called upon the Arab and international public opinion to respect the Syrian people’s will in support of the national reform program.

The gathering citizens condemned misleading media campaigns launched against Syria to spread chaos and destabilize the safety and security of the Syrian people.

In Raqqa, the Syrians gathered at the late president Hafez al-Assad Square in rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs, condemning the AL decisions and the instigative media campaigns. The participants stressed support to the comprehensive reform program led by President al-Assad and the national sovereignty. They affirmed that the Syrian people are united in the face of all plots and conspiracies aimed at undermining Syria’s stability.

In Homs, people from Sheen town and the neighboring towns and villages gathered at the town’s main square to stress support to the reform program and national unity, calling for combating terrorism and extremism.

The citizens condemned the killing and sabotage acts committed by the armed terrorist groups against innocent citizens and military members who defend the country.

They also denounced the AL decisions which implement foreign agendas, adding that the current crisis won’t weaken the Syrians’ determination to remain united under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

Two Officers and Law-Enforcement Member Martyred in Homs and Daraa, Four persons killed in Homs by armed groups

HOMS/ DARAA / ALEPPO, (SANA) – Colonel Loai Mohammed al-Nuqari was martyred on Thursday after he was targeted by an armed terrorist group near his house at al-Awa’ar Neighborhood in Homs.

SANA Correspondent was informed that an armed terrorist group opened fire from its machineguns on Col. al-Nuqari near his house as he was immediately martyred.

A law-enforcement member was also martyred by the gunfire of an armed terrorist group near Homs City.

A well-informed source told SANA correspondent that the armed terrorist group opened fire on the car of the law-enforcement forces while crossing Shinshar bridge near Homs City which caused the martyrdom of member Zakariya Mohammad Kurdieh.

A terrorist group in Homs kills four persons, among them 2 women with RPGs

An armed terrorist group in Homs today killed four persons, among them 2 women, injuring 20 others among them children.

SANA reporter in Homs learned that the armed group shelled al-Naziheen, Wadi al-Dhab and al-Zahra neighborhoods with RPGs, leading to the martyrdom of four citizens and wounding twenty others.

Another armed group shelled the Palestinian Camp neighborhood the city with mortars.

In the morning, another terrorist group kidnapped Shawkat al-Ali, a teacher at the Training  Secondary School, while on his way to the school at Tadmour Street in the City.

On the other hand, First Lieutenant Engineer, Suleiman Ali Jura’a from the Engineering Units was martyred while he was dismantling a bomb which was planted by an armed terrorist group near Khirbet Ghazaleh Bridge in Daraa Countryside.

A source told SANA Correspondent that Engineer Jura’a was martyred while he was dismantling the bomb , pointing out that the armed terrorist group denoted the bomb through a remote control, while the engineer was dismantling it.

The source added that two members of the armed group, which denoted the bomb, were arrested along with their weapons.

Armed Terrorist Group Assassinates an Industrialist in Aleppo

An armed terrorist group on Thursday assassinated the industrialist Haitham Khankan as it opened fire on him while entering his factory “The Golden Penguin” at Sheikh Najjar Industrial City in Aleppo.

SANA correspondent in the governorate said that four armed terrorists in a Double Cab Jeep Car fired on the car of Khankan which caused his immediate death.

He added that the security cameras installed at the entrance of the factory filmed the terrorists who assassinated Khankan, indicating that the authorities are studying and analyzing information to hunt the killers to arrest them.

Competent Authorities Seize Weapons, Ammunition in Harasta, Douma and Hama

Competent authorities seized amounts of arms and ammunition, some Israeli-made, in Douma and Harasta in Damascus countryside and Hama city.

The seized weapons in Damascus countryside included a machine gun and Israeli-made bombs, automatic rifles, explosive devices, night vision binoculars, military saddlebags and outfit, detonators, fake plates and medical equipment, in addition to outfit similar to that used by the Arab observers.

The authorities also discovered a deserted house that the armed groups used to torture kidnapped citizens.

A team from the AL observers documented the seized weapons and the torture room in Douma.

In Hama, the competent authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group in al-Qusour neighborhood and arrested a number of them and killed many others. They also seized a big quantity of weapons including explosive devices, detonatorss, RPG launchers and Energa launchers, in addition to automatic rifles and two sniper rifles.

Wireless communication and remote detonation devices, and huge quantities of ammunitions and medical stuff were also seized.

Military Engineering units dismantle 18 explosives in Idleb

Military Engineering units today dismantled 18 explosive devices planted by armed terrorist groups on the roads leading to Idleb governorate.

An official source told SANA that the units defused 10 explosives of 20-30 KG on Idleb-Ariha highway, 8 others of 30-40 KG on Iblen-Bilion road in Jabal al-Zawyea.

Twenty One Army, Law-Enforcement and Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES,(SANA)- Twenty one army, law-enforcement and civilian martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals, Sweida National Hospital and Police Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed at the hands of the armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Homs, Hama, Damascus Countryside and Idleb.

Solemn funeral ceremony was held for the martyrs as they were covered with flowers and laurel carried upon on their colleagues shoulders while the Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell.”

The martyrs are:

-Chief Warrant Officer, Nawras Majed Nassir from Hama.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Hassan Salman Ahmad from Lattakia.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Rajeh Suleiman Issa from Tartous.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Munjed Nassir al-Hussein from Hama.

-Warrant Officer, Ahmad Taha Nusseirat from Daraa.

-Warrant Officer, Jihad Mohammad Juma’a from Hama.

-Sergeant, Naji Hussein Assaf from Hama.

-Sergeant, Malek Samir al-Ahmad from Hama.

-Sergeant, Hassan Hosni Alloush from Hama.

-Sergeant, Hussein Abdul-Karim Assani from Aleppo.

-Corporal, Abdul-Aziz Mansi al-Lafi from Hasaka.

-Corporal, Ahmad Mohammad Jaroud from Idleb.

-Corporal, Hussein Yusef al-Do’aboul from Sweida.

-Conscript, Omaran Mansour al-Balbalisi from Daraa.

-Conscript, Omar Sanad al-Halh from Sweida.

-Conscript, Hamza Imad Mahal from Damascus Countryside.

– Conscript, Ahmad Eid Imad al-Homsi from Damascus.

-Conscript, Ahmad Hassan al-Hussein from Deir Ezzour.

– Conscript, Manfi Mohammad al-Ahmad from Damascus Countryside.

-Civil Servant Abdul-Rahman Kayyali from Idleb.

-Civil Servant, Monzer Ibrahim Mustafa from Tartous.

Relatives of the martyrs affirmed that the systematic terrorism perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups can’t dissuade the Syrians from their adherence to their national and pan-Arab stances.

They called for confronting the criminal terrorists who don’t know the meaning of humanity, freedom and democracy.

Arab Monitors Continue tours in Syrian provinces

DAMASCUS Countryside, DARAA, (SANA)-A team of the Arab League Monitors visited Thursday Damascus Countryside and Daraa, inspecting the situation in the two Syrian provinces.

In Damascus Countryside, Arab observers visited the Governorate HQs, meeting Governor Hussein Makhlouf.

In Daraa, the Arab observers visited the National Hospital, examining the body of martyr Suleiman Ali Joraa who passed away while dismantling an explosive planted by an armed terrorist group.

They also went to the place where the explosive was put at Jisr Kherbat Ghzaleh in Daraa.

The tem met Governor Mohammad Khaled al-Hanous and Police chief Mohammad Adib al-Asaad.

Russian Foreign Ministry :Necessity of Solving Crisis in Syria Politically, Imposing Sanctions on It Rejected

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed support to continuing the efforts of the Arab League (AL) which aim at finding means to overcome the crisis in Syria.

During a phone call with AL Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi on Wednesday, Lavrov underlined the importance of the AL decision on extending the mandate of the Arab observers who play a helpful role in achieving stability.

In a statement issued on Thursday, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that during the phone call, the two sides underlined the importance of quickly launching an internal dialogue between the Syrian authorities and the opposition on all the issues listed on the national agenda to guarantee performing effective political reforms and to ensure a peaceful democratic development in the country.

The statement added that al-Arabi stressed that the AL leadership shares Russia’s viewpoint on the necessity of finding a peaceful settlement in Syria based on stopping all forms of violence, speeding up holding a dialogue among all the Syrians and rejecting the foreign military interference in it.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: Russia Won’t Support New Western Draft Resolution Calling for Imposing Sanctions against Syria

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that Russia won’t support any new Western draft resolution at the UN Security Council that calls for imposing sanctions against Syria.

“We know that the French prepared a draft resolution in New York to the Security Council on the Syrian issue, and we still have red lines which we can’t ignore when discussing any draft resolution regarding Syria which are represented in rejecting all forms related to imposing sanctions and to the calls upon all the countries to take unilateral measures against Syria,” Gatilov added.

” We cannot support any proposal or draft resolution which aims at documenting unilateral sanctions that have been already taken against Syria without consultations with Russia or other Security Council member states,” said Gatilov.

He stressed that the Russian draft resolution is still on table and that Russia is ready to consult with the Security Council member states with regard to all the sides of the situation in Syria.

Gatilov reiterated his country’s insistence on that the draft resolution should include an important provision about rejecting the military intervention in Syria’s affairs and a call upon the foreign players to contribute to achieving a peaceful political settlement to the situation in Syria.

He added that the French proposals included some positive sides particularly those which are related to the support and the continuity of the AL observer mission and the call upon all the sides to halt violence and to launch a national dialogue, in addition to the call upon the other countries to work with the Syrian opposition to convince it to start the reconciliation process.

“We are ready to continue the consultations and to forge a united stance, and we hope that our colleagues will take our stances into consideration to be able through the joint efforts to set a draft resolution that could form a realistic basis to achieve a political solution in Syria,” Gatilov said.

Ukashević: Western Media Wrongly Interpreted Margelov’ Statements about Syria

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Ukashević said the Western mass media have wrongly interpreted the statements of the Russian President’s Special Representative for Africa Mikhail Margelov on Syria.

In a statement on Thursday, Ukashević said that the Russian attitude towards Syria had not changed and that the task of diplomacy is to work to resolve crises and not to aggravate them.

” Peaceful political means to resolve the Syrian crisis had not been exhausted yet.” Ukashević said.

President Ahmadinejad: Israel would not be away from danger if Syria came under Aggression

TEHRAN, (SANA)-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran on Thursday underlined that Israel would not be away from danger if Syria came under any foreign aggression.

“The US seeks to strike Syria as it is an obstructer to the Zionist, US project in the region, but the peoples of the region are aware, and Israel would not be apart from danger if Syria was subjected to any aggression,” President Ahmadinejad said in a speech in Kerman Province.

He added that the US administration is spreading false and fabricated propaganda in order to archive its goals in the region.

President of French National Front: Western Media broadcast false allegations against Syria

PARIS, (SANA)-Near the Elysee Palace in the heart of Paris, the Honorary President of the French National Front Jean-Marie Le Pen stood, and in a loud voice, he announced rejection of the allegations broadcast by the western media against Syria, saying “the Syrian Leadership is doing its best to avoid the country the dangers of going into any form of civil war.”

“The image relayed by the western media on the events in Syria is not present except in this media… it is the only media which talks about massacres, but the truth is not like this,” Le Pen told Public-Senat TV Channel in an interview.

Although the statements of Le Pen are not the first of their kind among the western journalists, but they are the most important because they come from the capital of freedom revolution to respond to the French official voice.

On his viewpoint about what is happening in the region, Le Pen warned the French Revolution sons against the West, who has called for democracy and freedom, to bring the Islamists to the authority in the region.

Since the outbreak of events in Syria, Le Pen had an objective view regarding what is taking place in the country. He repeatedly condemned the performance of the French media of their fabricated propaganda and ignorance of the huge mass marches in Support of President Bashar al-Assad.

Matuzov: President al-Assad’s Reform Solution for Crisis

MOSCOW, (SANA)_ The solution for crisis in Syria is through the political reform and free elections as announced and outlined by President Bashar al-Assad, underscored Viacheslav Matuzov, the Russian well-known writer and political analyst. Matuzov, in a talk with the Syrian TV Wednesday evening, reiterated Russia’s firm stance in rejection to any foreign interference in Syria and to any resolution to impose sanctions against Syria.

Matuzov, a veteran Middle East affairs Expert, pointed out that the countries of League of Arab States have become ‘bankrupt’ because of the ‘concessions offered to the US pressures in the region, in particular Qatar, which has been changed into ‘one of the US policy tools’ in the region as member of the anti-Arab interests camp.

The Russian Expert added that the extremist groups use of arms against the Syrian citizens and the government should cancel their participation in any dialogue.

Russia, under heavy pressures by the US and Western countries to change its stand on Syria, would never accept EU proposals as to amend the presented Russian initiative in the UN Security Council, underlined Matuzov, blasting the US New Conservatives’ sought ‘new middle east’ with its bloody maps as drawn by Ralph Peters – a US warmonger-.


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