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Syrian News on Jan 3, 2012

Syrian News on Jan 3, 2012

Law-Enforcement Officer Martyred, Explosive Devices Dismantled, Health Center Burglarized

HOMS, (SANA) – Rami Khallouf, a law-enforcement officer, was martyred on Monday when an armed terrorist group opened fire on a security patrol located in front of Homs National Hospital.

Engineering units dismantled two explosive devices, each weighting 10 kilograms, planted by terrorists near Homs city.

The two devices are handmade and rigged to explode by remote control. The first was planted on the Homs-Fairouza road, and the second in al-Oras farms area near Homs city.

Also in Homs governorate, the Health Center in al-Qasir area in Homs governorate, with the culprits breaking down the external and internal doors of the building.

Medical sources stated that after the end of the working hours on Thursday, the Center was locked by workers only for them to return on Monday and find the doors broken and all its contents stolen, including medical supplies and equipment and assorted items such as telephones and fans.

The Health Center services al-Qasir area and its villages, in addition to neighboring Lebanese villages.

Terrorists assassinate policeman al-Mustafa in Idleb

An armed terrorist group Monday assassinated policeman Khaled al-Mustafa who works at Idleb Police Leadership when the terrorists shot fires on him at al-Khudra market in Idleb.

SANA reporter said that policeman al-Mustafa was killed by two bullets in the head.

Another armed terrorist group burglarized the Cooperative Bank at Ariha in Idleb.

Body of a child left at deserted house in Idleb found

At Kfar Roma town in Idleb, the body of the 5-year child Mohammad bin Moahmoud al-Hassan,  was found Monday left since two days at a deserted house.

SANA reporter said the child’s body was covered with straw with clear deformation marks.

Martyr Journalist Shukri Abu el-Burghol Laid to Rest.. Minister Mahmoud: Act is meant to target national media

Damascus,(SANA)- Shukri Abu el-Burghol, journalist at al-Thawra newspaper, was laid to rest on Monday. He succumbed to his wounds after being shot by an armed terrorist group a few days ago in Darayya in Damascus Countryside.

Abu el-Burghol was escorted from the hospital to Abdullah bin Rawaha Mosque in Bab Mosalla and then to his final resting place.

Abu el-Burghol was struck with a bullet beneath his eye while he was at home preparing a weekly report for Damascus Radio.

Information Minister: Abu al-Burghul martyrdom shows that national media Message is targeted

Minister of Information, Dr. Adnan Mahmoud, offered condolences to the family of Journalist Shukri Abu al-Burghul in Daraya city in Damascus countryside.

Minister Mahmoud said that the national media cadre has lost a comrade who spent his life for the sake of his job, adding that the martyr was an example to be followed.

The Minister pointed out that the Syrian media message has been targeted since the beginning of the events, expressing the Syrian media’s resolve to continue its mission despite all difficulties

Chairman of the Syrian Journalists Union Elias Murad stressed that the martyrdom of Abu el-Burghol will not dissuade journalists from carrying out their dty of relaying fact, commtting to free speech and supporting the reform program.

In turn, Director General of al-Wahda Journalism and Publishing Establishment Khalaf al-Meftah said that the culture of death will not win over the culture of life, stressing that armed terrorist groups don’t understand the language of dialogue and that their acts of murder and vandalism reflect the culture, crimes and dark thoughts.

Al-Meftah affirmed that Syrian meda will continue to fulfil its national duty of uncovering the lies of biased channels and relaying the truth about the crimes of terrorist groups.

For his part, Editor in Chief of al-Thawra Ali Kassem said that Abu el-Burghol was a model of integrity and morality, stressing that the acts of terrorists will not dissuade honest journalism from carrying out their duties professionally and objectively.

The funeral was attended by heads of local media establishments, members of the Syrian Journalists Union, and a large number of the martyrs’ colleagues, friends and relatives.

The Syrian Journalists Union eulogized Abu el-Burghol in a statement, denouncing the crimes of armed terrorist groups who murder, vandalize and attack public and private establishment, citizens and security forces under the support of foreign forces that provide them with money and weapons.

The statement affirmed that the conspiracy against Syria is doomed to fail thanks to the Syrians’ national unity.

Medical Director of al-Muwasat Hospital Dr. Shadia al-Khodari told SANA that Abu el-Burghol passed away on Monday morning. A team of medical specialists had operated on him on Friday and stabilized his condition, only for it to go critical leading to his death.

Shukri Abu el-Burghol was born in 1956. He worked as an editor in al-Thawra since 1980, showing dedication to following up on citizens’ complaints and relaying their voices, in addition to preparing reports for Damascus Radio.

He left behind a wife, two sons and a daughter.

Mansour: Solution in Syria Internal Not Through Foreign Interference That Complicates Situation

KUWAIT, (SANA)– Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour underlined that the solution in Syria is internal and cannot be solved through foreign interference in the country’s domestic affairs because this will hinder the solution and does not deepen dialogue rather it complicates the situation, expressing hope that Syria would overcome the crisis.

The Lebanese Minister told al-Anbaa Kuwaiti Newspaper on Monday that the Syrian leadership did not refuse reforms, rather it accepted them from the beginning and reforms cannot be achieved out of the blue, but rather fulfilled through dialogue.

He added “the events taking place in Syria concern us to a great extent because Syria and Lebanon are neighboring brotherly countries which are connected through geographic, economic, social and humanitarian ties and there are common things between them i.e. stability and security….security and stability in Syria reflect positively or negatively on Lebanon.”

Regarding Lebanese Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn’s statements on the infiltration of al-Qaeda members from Lebanon into Syria, Mansour underlined that Lebanese Interior Minister Marwan Charbel did not contradict Minister Ghosn regarding his information about al-Qaeda members, saying that the Defense Minister did not talk about the existence of al-Qaeda in Lebanon, but rather about members crossing borders between Syria and Lebanon.

In a similar context, former Lebanese Information Minister Michel Samaha said that Syria is a resistant country and it protects resistance, adding ” I advise not to try Syria in a military confrontation nor in imposing a no-fly zone because it will fight for its people and for its national sovereignty.”

Samaha pointed out that Syria accepted to receive the Arab observers and they have to prove that they are not biased and that they will relay the situation known by the Syrians through their report.

He clarified that the Syrian people, under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, reject to deal with those who call themselves the opposition abroad; the latter presented credentials to Israel. On a relevant note, Lebanese Liberation and Development Bloc member MP Ayoub Hamid called for not interfering in Syria’s internal affairs or using Lebanon as a platform against Syria, recalling that Syria supported Lebanon during its hardest times, particularly during the Israeli aggressions on it and during its internal ordeals.

Huge Masses Gather in Deir Ezzor and Homs to Support Reforms, National Unity

DEIR EZZOR, HOMS (SANA) – Thousands of Syrian citizens in Deir Ezzor and Homs on Monday gathered in the main squares in the two governorates in support of the national unity and the comprehensive reform process led by President Bashar al-Assad.

The participants voiced support to the independent national decision, stressing their rallying around their leadership.

Huge masses of people streamed into al-Basel Square in Deir-Ezzor governorate and chanted national slogans in rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, condemning the crimes committed by armed terrorist groups.

The gathered people stressed that Syria will come out stronger from the crisis and it won’t change its national and pan-Arab stances.

Some participants underlined the decrees and legislations issued that contribute to building the future of Syria.

Citizen Ali Eleiwi said that the Syrian youth support the reform program and recognize the conspiracy targeting their country and the misleading media campaign led by some satellite channels to falsify facts about the events in Syria with the aim of undermining its security, stability and economy.

In Homs governorate, thousands of Syrian citizens in al-Kabo village and the neighboring villages gathered in the village’s square in support of reforms, rejecting all forms of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs.

The participants held banners and chanted national slogans that stress the national unity of the Syrian people in the face of all instigative campaigns, insisting that Syria will remain strong.

Citizens spontaneously gathered in front of the Municipal Council Building to express support to the reform program under the leadership of President al-Assad.

Lawyer Yousef Ghaleh called upon the AL observers to be objective and convey the reality about the crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups as they witnessed on the ground.

Arab League Observers Continue Visits and Tours, al-Arabi: Monitors’ Mission fulfilled some Achievements

GOVERNORATES, SANA_Teams of Arab League Observer mission on Monday visited al-Rastan, Baba Amro neighborhood in Homs and continued tours in Daraa al-Balad.

Another group of observers visited al-Hamidiyyah and al-Andalus Neighborhoods , Ma’r Shehur Village in Hama.

In Idleb, observer mission teams visited the areas of Harem, Salkim, Armanaz and Kafr Takharim and met locals.

Another team toured the town of Daraya in Damascus Countryside.

Al-Arabi: The Monitors’ Mission fulfilled some achievements

Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi said that the Arab monitors have fulfilled some achievements, calling on media not to anticipate events and await till the monitors end their mission.

At a press conference in Cairo on Monday, al-Arabi considered that the most important results were withdrawing the armed phenomenon from the inner Syrian cities.

“Head of the mission is doing his work successfully.. he will come to Cairo before the end of this week to submit his report about what has been archived during the last ten days of the mission presence in Syria,” al-Arabi added.

He saw that some opinions which criticize the work of the mission “are not studied”, saying that the mission is present now in Homs, Hama, Idleb, Damascus countryside and Damascus.

“The mission teams are continuing their work according to a planned schedule…. And the operations’ room receive any complaints,” Arab League Chief added.

He said that the Arab observers have specified mission according to the Arab protocol, which is halting all acts of violence from any source, releasing the detainees, confirming no confrontation with the peaceful demonstrations, verifying the allowance for media to work freely, withdrawing the armed phenomenon.

Al-Arabi added that “we asked the monitors not give any statement .”

Tartous Port Opens to Navigation

TARTOUS, SANA_Tartous Port and the oil outlet opened their doors in front of the navigation on Monday morning, after they were closed due to bad weather which was accompanied by huge waves up to 5 meters high and strong wind with a speed of over 70 km per hour.

Director of Tartous Port, Ghassan Jum’a, said the General Company of Tartous Port has instructed all the ships to resort to the port’s basin to seek protection.

He added that ships with large loads were instructed to sail with their engines running to maneuver to prevent stranding.

New Year Celebrations in Syria Limited to Prayers… Christian Denominations Hold Masses in Country

DAMASCUS, (SANA) New year celebrations in Syria were limited to prayers due to the current events and in honor of the Syrian martyrs.

On this occasion, a huge religious ceremony was held at the Marimaite Cathedral of Damascus (Church of Mary) headed by His Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV Hazim of Antioch and All The East for the Greek Orthodox.

In his sermon, Patriarch Hazim prayed for peace and amity to prevail in the world instead of destruction and war and prayed that the new year would be good for the Syrians and all peoples of the world.

His Beatitude congratulated President Bashar al-Assad on the new year, praying for God to bless him and give him strength to serve the homeland, and he also prayed for our brave army, the defender of Syria’s unity and dignity.

Prayers and masses also were held at churches and places of worship in all Syrian provinces marking the new year, as preachers underlined that the national unity and awareness are the right means to beat the homeland’s enemies.

In their sermons, the preachers denounced the conspiracy hatched against Syria to deviate it from its national and pan Arab stances, underlining that the Syrians’ awareness and support to the leadership will end the crisis and make Syria an example to follow in the region for democracy and prosperity.

Arab League Observers Continue Their Mission, Visit Several  Syrian Cities

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) – The Arab League observers mission on Friday continued their work, visiting a number of Syrian cities and neighborhoods.

A team from the mission visited the towns of Douma and Harasta in Damascus Countryside and toured them, while two other teams visited Baba Amro, Bab al-Sebaa, Wadi al-Zahab and Karm al-Zaitoun in Homs city and met citizens there.

Another team met a number of citizens from the western district of Idleb city, while yet another team concluded a tour of Hama city, visiting Hama National Hospital and meeting a number of wounded people and patients there, in addition to visiting Hama Central Prison and al-Assi Square.

A team from the mission also visited the city of Daraa, touring its streets and meeting citizens.

Massive Spontaneous Gatherings in Syrian Cities in Rejection of Foreign Intervention and Emphasis on National Unity for Confronting Conspiracy

GOVERNORATES, SANA_ Syrian citizens continued their national activities to express their rejection of the foreign intervention in Syria’s internal affairs and support to the national unity, independent national decision, and to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

Massive crowds of citizens spontaneously gathered on Friday in a number of squares and streets in the governorates of Damascus and its countryside, Aleppo, Homs, Lattakia, Tartous, Sweida and Hassakeh, stressing their determination to confront the plot which Syria is exposed to.

The participants shouted slogans that reflect the civilized image of the Syrian people and confirm that they , through their awareness, sincerity, and rallying around their leadership, are able to face all the pressure and biased campaigns targeting Syria’s security and stability to turn it away from its pan-Arab approach in defending the Arab Nation’s rights and interests.

The participants also thanked the Syrian Arab Army which proved to be the defender of the homeland and its immune fort in the face of conspiracies, stressing that the pure blood of the army martyrs has protected Syria and consolidated the national unity.

The participants raised Syrian flags and banners, demanding the Arab League observer mission to be credible and professional in conveying the facts of what the terrorist groups’s crimes of killing innocents, terrorizing people and vandalizing public and private properties.

They called on them to unveil the lies and fabrications of the misleading media channels and exposing their role in shedding the Syrian blood through their “tendentious and inflammatory campaigns.”

In Damascus Countryside, mass rallies participated in lighting the “Homeland Tree” which is decorated with the photos of the army and policemen martyrs in Sahnaya.

The event was held in commemoration of the martyrs and in rejection of the attempts at foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

In Sweida Province, People of Ara Town and the neighboring villages rallied at the town square, stressing that all the Syrians are in one trench against pressure and plots targeting the homeland.

In Homs, thousands gathered at al-Hadara Street to express condemnation of the crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups against soldiers and the civilians alike.

The participants stressed to the Arab League observers, who are currently visiting the city, that the Syrians are able to solve their problems without foreign interference, urging the mission to be honest and transparent in its reports.

Two rallies also took place in Hassake city’s President Square and Qamishli city’s Sabaa Bahrat Square with the participation of social and civil activities which gathered to show support for the independent national decision and reform and voice rejection of the plots against Syria.

The two squares were decorated with Syrian flags and banners emphasizing adherence to national unity and reform, with participating chanting slogans saluting the army and the soldiers sacrificing their lives to restore Syria’s security.

The participants affirmed that the Syrians will not be affected by the lies and fabrications of mercenary media, and that the conspiracy against Syria is taking its last breaths.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.



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