Just International

Syrian News on Jan 31, 2012

Foreign Ministry Regrets the US-Western Hostile Statements against Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-An official source at the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry stated that the US-Western hostile statements are mounting against Syria in a flagrant way, adding “no one can link them to the current reform process in the country whom the US and its allies alleged they adhere to.”

“Those mounting statements are parallel to the hard strikes which the armed terrorist groups receive since three days , particularly today,” the source said on Monday,

“Those statements are also synchronized with the coming session of the UN Security Council on Tuesday that the US and its followers rely on in order to target Syria and create a different image about the situation of the Syrian crisis, particularly after the campaign of suspicion and the negative media pumping which some Arabs directed against the mission of the Arab League monitors,” the source added.

It said “We won’t be astonished at the absence of wisdom and reasonability of those statements… we regret that those statements are still coming from countries accustomed to making the Middle East a field for their foolishness and failing experiments.”

The source underlined that Syria, who defend itself against terrorism, will be the exception that has defeated and will defeat the policies of chaos adopted by those countries.

Interior Ministry: Big Numbers of Terrorists Killed, Many others Caught in Damascus Countryside

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_The Interior Ministry said that the competent authorities killed big numbers of terrorists and caught many others in Douma, Harasta, Saqba, Hammourieh and Kfar Batna in Damascus countryside over the past three days.

The Ministry said in a statement on Monday that the competent authorities discovered a number of hideouts that the terrorist groups used for manufacturing explosives and incarcerating kidnapped citizens, in addition to huge amounts of weapons and explosives.

The authorities are chasing the terrorists who remain at large.

The Ministry said that this operation comes to fulfill the state’s duty in enforcing law and ending the state of chaos that the terrorist groups sought to foment, indicating that it came in response to appeals by citizens and workers in the Eastern suburbs of al-Ghoutta in Damascus countryside calling upon law-enforcement forces to interfere to restore safety and stability.




The armed groups have repeatedly brushed aside the Syrian government’s warnings that tampering with security and stability won’t be tolerated.

Armed terrorist groups in Damascus countryside, equipped with up-to-date weapons including US and Israeli-made ones, committed killings and kidnappings against civilians, blew up explosive devices and vandalized private and public properties.

Participants at 10th Forum of Syrian Clans and Tribes Underline National Unity, Rejection of Foreign Interference

RAQQA, (SANA)_The 10th Forum of the Syrian Clans and Tribes started activities in Raqqa on Monday, with the participation of Arab and international delegations.

The participants in the2-day forum stressed adherence to national unity and rejection of foreign interference and sedition attempts, emphasizing support for the comprehensive reform program and dialogue under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

They also slammed the acts of killings and vandalism perpetrated by armed terrorist groups, calling for striking with an iron fist those who tamper with the homeland’s security and stability.

Participants said that the conspiracy against Syria is backed by some Arab regimes who have turned into tools in the hands of countries which are plundering the natural resources of peoples.

They underscored the importance of bolstering national unity among the Syrian people against the conspiracy, calling for launching national reconciliation that helps stop bloodshed in Syria.

The conferees expressed trust that the political and media campaigns against Syria, led by the colonial West and the Arab reactionary powers, won’t weaken Syria’s steadfastness thanks to the awareness and faith of the Syrian people.

They added that some powers in the Arab League want the Syrian crisis to be referred to the Security Council, affirming that dialogue is the sole solution to the crisis.

Armed Terrorist Group Blows up Gas Pipeline in Homs, Six Army Members Martyred by Terrorists in Daraa Countryside

HOMS/DARAA, (SANA) – An armed terrorist group at dawn Monday blew up a gas pipeline extending from Homs to Banyas near al-Rabieh village in Tal Kalakh.

The attack caused a leak of about 460,000 cubic meter of gas.

An official source at the Ministry of Petroleum told SANA that the sabotaged 24-inch diameter pipeline, set ablaze and exploded by an explosive charge, is affiliated to the Syrian Gas Company and feeds Banyas electricity generation plant operating by gas.

The source said two electricity generation plants with a capacity of 260 megawatt/hour were stopped due to the explosion.

“No casualties were reported as pumping gas immediately stopped after the explosion,” the source added, stressing that the concerned authorities started repair works in preparation for the resumption of pumping gas during a week.

Last Saturday, an armed terrorist group launched a sabotage attack against an oil-pipeline passing nearby al-Quriya City in Deir Ezzor Province.

The pipeline was set on fire and exploded by an explosive device causing the loss of about 2000 barrels of oil.

The armed terrorist groups have been targeting pipelines of transferring oil, gas and oil derivatives by explosive devices.

Earlier, an armed terrorist group targeted a diesel transfer pipeline extending from Homs to Hama and Idleb, exploding it with an explosive device between Mousa al-Holeh and Talas villages, and the gas pipeline which transfers gas from the central area near al-Rastan City and feeds al-Zara and al-Zaizoun electricity generation stations.

Six Army Members Martyred by Armed  Terrorist Group Gunfire in Daraa Countryside

Six army members, including a colonel, were martyred on Monday by the gunfire of an armed terrorist group while they were in the line of duty.

The martyrs are:

Colonel Haroon Sultan Sultan.

Chief Warrant Officer Abdullah Khuder al-Khuder.

Chief Warrant Officer Ibrahim Mohammed Ali.

Sergeant Major Ayman Ali al-Ali.

Sergeant Major Ma’rouf Ali Ma’rouf.

Sergeant Ahmad Moussa Ibrahim.

SANA correspondent was informed that when the armed terrorist group attacked the car carrying the military personnel, a clash occurred resulting in the killing and the injury of a number of the terrorists.

Authorities Engage Terrorist Group in Daraa, Kill and Wound Several Terrorists

The authorities in Daraa engaged an armed terrorist group that attempted to attack law-enforcement forces between the towns of Alma and Kherbet Ghazaleh in Daraa countryside.

An official source told SANA’s correspondent that three terrorists were killed and two were injured during the conflict, and that there were no injuries or casualties among the authorities and law-enforcement forces.

Armed Terrorist Groups Assassinate Dr. Mustafa Safar and Teacher Ruba Ibrahim

In the framework of targeting the Syrian medical, technical, and technological expertise, another armed group assassinated Dr. Mustafa Mohammed Safar.

SANA Correspondent was informed that an armed terrorist group opened fire at Dr. Safar, the employee at Bissan Hospital affiliated to the School Health Department in Homs near the University Campus.

Another armed terrorist group assassinated Ruba Ibrahim, a teacher at the National Center for the Gifted in Homs.

An informed source told SANA’s correspondent that the armed terrorist group opened fire from machineguns at the teacher’s car near Khaled bin al-Walid Mosque in Homs city. She sustained a gunshot wound to the head, killing her instantly.

Armed Terrorist Group Breaks in Sqat Municipality Building in Idleb

An armed terrorist group attacked Sqat Municipality Building in Ariha region, Idleb governorate. A well-informed source told SANA correspondent that the terrorist group broke the door, stole computers and damaged its content.

In the same context, authorities found the body of Conscript Mohammad Said al-Durra bearing marks of torture and mutilation in Maaret al-Numan.

The source added that the Conscript was off duty when the armed terrorist group targeted him.

Twelve terrorists killed, eight injured while preparing explosives at al-Rastan

Twelve terrorists were killed and 8 others injured while they were preparing explosives at al-Rastan in Homs.

SANA reporter in Homs learned from an official source that the terrorist group was preparing explosives to be used against law enforcement members and terrifying civilians, and while they were doing that, the explosives went off leading to the death of the majority of them.

English Bulletin

Gatilov: Arab-Western Draft Resolution Unacceptable

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov, said on Monday that the draft resolution submitted by the Arab League and the Western countries to the UN Security Council on Syria is unacceptable in its current form for Russia.

In a press statement, Gatilov said that Russia and China voted last October against a draft resolution submitted by the Western countries to the Security Council because it included unacceptable items, adding that the current western draft resolution is not different from the previous one.

Gatilov clarified that the draft resolution submitted to the Security Council by the Western countries cannot form the ground to reach common denominators at the security Council on the Syrian issue, adding that it is a biased document that sparks debates and leaves the door open for interference in the Syrian affairs.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov stressed that Russia wants the UN Security Council members to study in detail the report of the Arab League (AL) Observer Mission on Syria before discussing the draft resolution presented by the AL to the Council.

He underlined that his country doesn’t want to trade with the west or any other side about taking a resolution on Syria, saying “we don’t trade, but we seek the others to take into consideration our stance and viewpoint.”

“We assert that our basic principles would be reflected in any resolution about Syria.. which means rejecting violence from any side, brining the government and opposition into serious dialogue away from any foreign intervention,” Gatilov said.

He added that the danger of intervention exceeds the Syrian frame and “we wouldn’t accept the Libyan Scenario, which is linked to a big violation, to be a base to resolve conflicts.”

Gatilov underlined that any international sanctions on Syria wouldn’t be effective because the UN Security Council  didn’t impose any sanctions  in this regard, rejecting the unilateral sanctions imposed by some countries on Syria.

Fomin: Russian Leadership’s Rejection of Foreign Interference in Syria’s Affairs Reflects Attitude of Majority of Russians

Fomin: Russian Leadership’s Rejection of Foreign Interference in Syria’s Affairs Reflects Attitude of Majority of Russians

Co-Chairman of the Russian Committee for Solidarity with the Syrian People Oleg Fomin affirmed that Russia supports the Syrian leadership and the majority of the Syrian people through its rejection of the brazen allegations of Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

In an interview with SANA’s correspondent in Moscow, Fomin said that the Qatar-Saudi stances elicit sarcasm since both of these countries’ policies lack any modicum of democratic principles.

He pointed out that aggressive actions against Syria cause great consternation to Russia, stressing that Russia’s stance which calls for preventing foreign interference in Syria’s affairs and holding national dialogue among Syrians reflects the attitude of the greater majority of Russians.

Fomin affirmed that the refusal of the opposition and those supporting it in the west and Arab world to engage in dialogue show that they only want to achieve their own ends.

He said that the head of the Arab observer mission Lt. Gen. Mohammad al-Dabi painted an objective picture of what is happening in Syria, and that Syria adhered to the protocol signed with the Arab League.

Fomin criticized Saudi Arabia and Qatar for withdrawing their observers, saying that these countries’ pressure to stop the mission aims to prevent the world from knowing what is actually happening in Syria and seeks to internationalize the issue.

Syrian Golan… “White Elder” in Winter, Charming Heavenly Nature in Summer

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The occupied Syrian Golan covers an area of 1,860 square kilometers to the southwest of Syria. It is a volcanic plateau and it is considered the extension of al-Sheikh Mountain. Palestine in the west, Jordan in the south, Lebanon in the north and Daraa in the east constitute the borders of the Golan.

The heavy snow in the winter adds to the beauty and charm of the Syrian Golan, in addition to the fresh air, pure water springs and green fields in the spring and summer seasons turn the region into a heaven on earth, said research Mohammad Abdo al-Ibrahim, one of the region’s inhabitants who were forced to leave their homes and fields by the Israeli occupation.

Al-Ibrahim said the highest point in the Golan is 2814 meters above sea level at Jabal al-Sheikh mountain while the lowest point reaches 116 meters below sea level in Lake Tiberias.

He added the climate and rich soil in the region helped produce three crops a year with the temperatures increasing in the eastern and southern parts.

Al-Ibrahim indicated that Jabal al-Sheikh or as it is named by its people “White Elder” is the most important and the highest mountain in the Golan.

Archeological findings dating back to the Stone and Bronze ages (Circa 7000 B.C.) showed that the region has been inhabited since ancient times, in addition to being a witness to successive civilizations such as the Canaanite, Aramaic, Roman and Islamic ones, added al-Ibrahim.

The Golan is known for agriculture, livestock and fishing, said al-Ibrahim, adding that heavy rains contributed to enhancing rainfed agriculture.

He added that wheat is the most important crop produced in the region, in addition to the well-known Golan apple, legumes, vegetables, banana and other fruits.

The Golan is rich in natural reserves, forests, surface water and ground water, particularly in the period between September and May due to the heavy rains and snow which cover Jabal al-Sheikh mountain for three seasons.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

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