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Syrian News on Jan 5, 2012

Syrian News on Jan 5, 2012

Masses Stream into Sabaa Bahrat Square in Damascus in Support of Reform Program

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Thousands of Syrian people streamed into Sabaa Bahrat Square in Damascus on Wednesday in support of the comprehensive reform program and the independent national decision, and in rejection of foreign interference attempts in Syria’s internal affairs.

The crowds condemned instigation campaigns led by satellite channels which serve foreign agendas, stressing the ability of the Syrian people to face all pressures and conspiracies hatched against their country.

The participants rejected the attempts to deviate Syria from its pan-Arab stances which show its keenness on the interests and rights of Arab Nation.

The gathered people expressed appreciation for the Syrian Army’s role in defending their homeland against armed terrorist attacks, stressing that its sacrifices safeguarded Syria and strengthened the national unity of its people.

They stressed that today’s gathering is a message to the whole world that all spectrums of the Syrian people reject foreign interference in Syrian affairs and support the reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

Citizen Lynn Assaf said that the daily spontaneous rallies express the Syrian people’s rejection of foreign interference in their internal affairs, adding that the conspiracy against Syria aims at fragmenting the region to serve the Western countries’ interests.

Another participant said that the bet on undermining Syria’s role in support of resistance fell in front of these mass gatherings which said their word and made their mind to offer sacrifices to preserve their national dignity.

The crowds condemned the financial and military support provided by some Arab and Western parties to armed terrorist groups which kill civilians and military members and create chaos.

They stressed that Syria will come out stronger from the crisis thanks to the awareness of its people and their rallying around their leadership, calling for holding the armed groups accountable for their crimes.

Foreign Ministry: Nuland’s Statements Do Harm to Arab League, Are Interference in Its Work

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Foreign and Expatriates Ministry Spokesman Jihad Maqdisi said the false accusations against Syria made on Tuesday by the US State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland of not abiding by what was agreed upon in the protocol signed with the Arab League do harm to the League, which Nuland claims to care for its work.

In a statement on Wednesday, Maqdisi considered the accusations a blatant interference in the core of the League’s work and the sovereignty of its member states.

He said that Nuland’s statements are an attempt towards deliberate unjustified internationalization of the situation in Syria and an anticipatory stance that harms the performance of the Arab monitors before issuing their preliminary report.

“Syria is not interested in presenting an account on compliance or noncompliance with a protocol to the US, which is not a party to the protocol in the first place but a party in inflaming and instigating violence,” Maqdisi added.

Earlier on Tuesday, Nuland said that Syria didn’t fulfill all its obligations to the Arab League.

Two Army and Security Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS,(SANA)- Two army and security forces martyrs on Wednesday were escorted from Tishreen Hospital to their final resting place after they were killed by the armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Damascus Countryside and Daraa.

Solemn funeral ceremony was held for the martyrs as they were carried up on their colleague’s shoulders covered with the national flag and flower wreaths to the Military Band playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell.”

The martyrs are:

-Volunteer Sergeant, Majid Hashem Wannous from Hama.

-Sergeant Major Sergeant, Ahmad Hasan Said from Lattakia.

Relatives of the martyrs expressed confidence that the Syrian people will overcome the crisis and the conspiracy hatched against their homeland.

They affirmed adherence to the national unity and to their national and pan-Arab principles which fortify Syria and make it more able to face the challenges.

Four Martyrs Killed by Terrorists in Homs, Two Others in Hama, One in Jableh

HOMS/HAMA/IDLEB, (SANA) – Two citizens and a law enforcement member were martyred by the gunfire of members of an armed terrorist group driving a car without a license plate in al-Sina’eh area in Homs, central Syria.

SANA correspondent in the governorate said that the martyrs are the citizens Izzat al-Tarsheh, his son Tareq al-Tarsheh and the law enforcement member Dakhlallah al-Masri, who were transported to Homs National Hospital.

Another armed terrorist group targeted a bus belonging to al-Waleed Maternity Hospital in front of Homs National Hospital, causing the martyrdom of the drugstore’s director Mohammad al-Shareef.

Terrorist Groups Kill Two Citizens in Hama

On Tuesday, two armed terrorist groups killed two citizens in the neighborhoods of Bab al-Jisr and al-Sabounieh in Hama City.

An official source told SANA Correspondent that an armed terrorist group opened fire on citizen Hayyan Ahmad al-Moallem who resides in Hama City while he was inside his shop at Bab al-Jisr Neighborhood because he rejected to participate in the strike which the armed groups imposed on the citizens.

The source mentioned that another armed group shot citizen Mohammad Abdullah al-Saghir in the head and body while he was near his house in al-Sabounieh Neighborhood as he succumbed to his wounds.

Armed Terrorist Group Murders Mayor Samih Shahwan in Jableh

An armed terrorist group murdered Samih Shahwan, the mayor of al-Sina’a, al-Tadamon and Basatin Saleh district in the city of Jableh.

SANA’s correspondent was informed that the terrorist shot Shahwan dead in front of his house in al-Dreibeh area in Jableh city, with Lattakia Police Chief Brig. Gen. Jamal Bittar confirming this information and saying that Shahwan was shot in the shoulder and neck.

Over 50 Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb Countryside

The military engineering units in the northern governorate of Idleb dismantled on Tuesday more than 50 improvised explosive devices in travel gas cylinders and metal tubes, planted by the armed terrorist groups in different areas to target army and security personnel and a number of vital public utilities.

Informed sources told SANA correspondent that the explosive devices, which ranged between 1 kg and 25 kg, were planted in various areas in Jabal al-Zawiyeh, Ein al-Bida village and Bdama town in Idleb countryside.

Two Terrorists Killed in Explosive Device Blast

The sources said that two terrorists were killed when an explosive device, which they were carrying to another area, exploded in the Industrial Zone in Idleb city, that witnesses an active economic and trade movement being a compound of a largest number of craftsmen and traders from Idleb and its countryside.

Two Law Enforcement Members Injured in Explosive Device Blast

In the same context, two law enforcement members were slightly injured today in an explosive device blast in al-Tarnabeh village to the west of Saraqeb city in Idleb.

Terrorists Burglarize the Cultural Center in Saraqeb City

Meanwhile, an armed terrorist group burglarized the building of the Cultural Center in Tal Mardikh town in Saraqeb city and stole the air conditioners and broadcast equipment, in addition to messing with its contents of books and documents and smashing the doors and windows.

Authorities Seize weapons inside car in Baba Amro

Competent authorities today seized quantities of weapons inside a car at Baba Amro neighborhood in Homs.

SANA correspondent in Homs said the weapons included mortar, RPG, different kinds of rifles, bombs, hand-made explosives and other ammunitions.

People of Occupied Syrian Golan Reiterate Commitment to Syria and the Unity of Its People

OCCUPIED GOLAN, (SANA) – The people of the occupied Syrian Golan reiterated their commitment to Syria and the unity of its people, stressing that they belong to Syria alone and denounced some statements that aim at spreading animosity among Syrians and slandering the Syrian army.

In an interview with the Syrian TV, sheikh Ali Ibrahim said that all the people of the Golan stand alongside Syria and its leadership and that they will never abandon their nationality, Arabism and Syrian identity, adding that they will not follow those who seek to undermine the dignity of the people of Golan and Syria.

In turn, Madin al-Damaqsi, another Golan local, addressed Walid Jumblatt by saying “if you don’t want to stand by Syria which stood by you in the past, then you shouldn’t interfere in our internal affairs, because the Druze sect in Syria will never be anything other than Arabic and it doesn’t follow you and your political capriciousness.”

In a similar statement, Tawfik Amasha said that the people of Golan strongly support the reforms carried out by President Bashar al-Assad, adding “we denounce all foreign and Arab interferences… we accept nothing other than for Syria’s head to remain held up high.”

For her part, Salma Farhat said that the Golan has always been and will always be Syria and Arabic, stressing commitment to the Syrian army, leadership, President and homeland.

In turn, Jihad Abu Salha said that “God will ensure Syria’s victory soon.”

Arab Monitors Continue Tours in Syrian Cities…AL-Arabi: AL Committed to the Mission

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) – Members of the Arab League observer mission continued their tour in the Syrian governorates of Homs, Daraa, Idleb, Hama and Aleppo.

The monitors visited Da’el and Tafas villages in Daraa Countryside, while the team in Idleb visited the Justice Palace and the National Hospital.

In Homs, the monitors visited Joret al-Araies, Baba Amro neighborhood in addition to the central Prison.

Other teams visited Khattab and Arza villages in Hama, Harasta in Damascus Countryside and the northern city of Aleppo.

Meeting of Arab Ministerial Follow-up Committee on Syria Postponed until Sunday

Meanwhile, the Arab League (AL) announced the postponement of the meeting of the Arab Ministerial Follow-up Committee on the situation in Syria, which was scheduled on Saturday, until Sunday.

The Arab League’s Deputy Secretary General, Ahmed bin Heli, said the meeting, which is to look into the first preliminary report by the Head of the Arab observer mission in Syria, Gen. Mohammad Ahmad Al Dabi, after more than one week of observation and monitoring, was postponed until Sunday.

Al-Arabi: AL Committed to Arab Observer Mission in Syria according to the Protocol

The AL Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi stressed the League’s commitment to the Arab monitors mission in Syria, rejecting calls for withdrawal of observers from Syria.

In press statement at the AL headquarters in Cairo, al-Arabi said “We have a one-month mission and we are committed to it in front of the Syrian government. Up till now, we want to evaluate the situation once we receive the report of the head of the Arab observer mission in Syria, Gen. Mohammad Ahmad Al Dabi.”

Regarding the meeting of the Arab Ministerial Follow-up Committee on the situation in Syria scheduled on Sunday, al-Arabi said the meeting will look into the performance of the observers after one week of carrying out their missions in different Syrian cities and areas in order to evaluate the situation.

Al-Khudeir: No-one Can Evaluate Work of Observer Mission Except Arab League Council

In a press conference, head of the Arab League observer mission to Syria operating room Ambassador Adnan al-Khudeir affirmed that no-one can evaluate the success or lack thereof at the current time, and that this issue can only be decided by the Arab League Council.

Al-Khudeir said that the upcoming meeting of the Arab Ministerial Committee will discuss the situation according the information provided in the report which will be submitted in a few days by head of the observer mission, Mohammad al-Dabi.

He also stressed that the mission is still carrying out its tasks as stipulated by the protocol signed by Syria and the Arab League.

Figures from Sweida City: Unity of Syrian People Strong and Impenetrable

SWEIDA, (SANA) – People’s Assembly member from Sweida city Abdullah al-Atrash affirmed that the unity of the Syrian people is strong and impenetrable by those who seek to cause division and strife in Syria and weaken its people.

In an interview with the Syrian TV, al-Atrash said that the people of Jabal al-Arab are the people of Syria, Arabism, dignity and freedom, and that they will always adhere to Syria’s national, pan-Arab and resistant goals.

He pointed out the Syria’s enemies are now seeking a new way to influence political life in the Arab region and the Middle East, calling on those who bet against Syria to abandon their malicious and futile inclinations and realize that the people of Jabal al-Arab would gladly offer their lives for the sake of their country, people and leadership.

For his part, sheikh Ibrahim Abu Asali affirmed that the people of Jabal al-Arab are raised on patriotic principles handed down by their ancestors and are not accustomed to betrayal and following those who seek to destroy Syria.

“We follow the wise policy in this country which is known for its stability and dignity under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad and the valiant army,” Abu Asali said, stressing that those who pretend to be patriotic and committed to Arabism while carrying out plans made by their masters –whether they’re in Syria or in Lebanon –  represent only themselves and that the people of Jabal al-Arab don’t recognize them because they don’t represent them in any way.

Turkish Public Rejection to Erdogan Government Policies Mounts

ANKARA, (SANA)_The Turkish public rejection to the policies of the Justice and Development Party government led by the prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, mounts as the Turkish people see Erdogan’s government as a tool to implement Western schemes in the region.

Ahmet Aday, Chairman of the Peace and Democracy Party-Ankara Department, told the Syrian TV “In Turkey, we have a regime, prime minster and a state committing genocide against its own people, and Erdogan is in no position to speak about Syria or Libya or the Middle East, especially in the Islamic world.”

A Turkish citizen said “We have plenty of problems that need to be tackled. As for other countries, we can help them but we don’t have the right to interfere in their affairs.”

”I don’t think there is a crisis in Syria, ” said another Turkish citizen, ”but it is a pressure exerted on Syria by the imperial powers, and we regret the fact that Turkey has become involved in it. I call upon the Turkish government to remember that Syria is a brotherly country and we don’t have to stand by imperial powers.”

Poet Sleiman al-Issa in Stable Condition after Suffering Chest Infection

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – After falling ill and being hospitalized, poet Sleiman al-Issa is currently in a stable condition and continuing his recuperation at home, according to his wife Dr. Malak Abyad.

Abyad said that al-Issa was admitted to the hospital due to a chest infection, adding that he was recently feeling worried and sorry for the current generation due to its confusion regarding the concepts of freedom and revolution and the lack of clarity in their vision.

Sleiman al-Issa is one of the most prominent modern poets. He was born in the village of al-Nouairia near Antioch and received his education in the village, Antioch, Hama and Damascus. He began writing poetry at the young age of nine.

After graduating from the Higher Teaching School in Baghdad, al-Issa taught Arabic language and literature in Aleppo then moved to Damascus where he worked at the Education Ministry. He was imprisoned by the French occupation forces for the occupation and calling for Syria’s independence.

Al-Issa is a founding member of the Arab Writers Union and is a member of the Arab Academy of Damascus. He and his wife translated several pieces of world literature, with some of the translations geared towards children.

He received several awards and honors, including the Syrian Medal of Merit of the Excellent Degree.

2 MOUs Signed with Iran on Training  Cadres in Liver and Bone Marrow Transplantation

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Ministry of Higher Education on Wednesday signed two memos of understanding with the Iranian universities of Tehran and Shiraz.

The two memos provide for training medical and nursing cadres in the educational hospitals specialized in liver and bone marrow transplantation.

Minister of Higher Education Abdul-Razzaq Sheikh Issa stressed the importance of signing the two memos in forming national qualified medical teams in the aforementioned specializations.

The Minister called upon doctors in Children and al-Assad University hospitals to set a timetable for implementing the two memos in cooperation with the Iranian medical and scientist institutions.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

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