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Syrian News on Jan 6, 2012

Syrian Officials: What Brings Syrian and Turkish Peoples Together Is Stronger than Passing Crises

DAMASCUS, SANA_ Vice President Dr. Najah al-Attar stressed that what links the Syrian and Turkish peoples is stronger than the passing crises and that the policy adopted by the government of Justice and Development Party towards Syria do harm to the two peoples’ interests and serve the Western countries targets in dividing the region and destabilizing it.

During a meeting with a delegation of Turkish Felicity Party,(Saadet Partisi), headed by Mustafa Kamalak on Thursday, al-Attar hailed positions of this party which refuse the policy of the government of Justice and Development Party towards Syria.

“Who wants the interest of the Syrian and Turkish people doesn’t embrace groups that perpetrate killing and terrorism against the Syrians and cannot be a tool in the hand of the West for the aggression against Syria and its people,” the Vice President said.

Al-Attar warned against attempts of the United States to impose American concepts that devote the policy of separation, hatred, killing and terrorism.

She said “We, in Syria, believe that the right will triumph and the relations between Syria and Turkey will return to normal at the political, economic and commercial levels.

For his part, Kamalak said that what is happening in Syria is temporary and transitory, adding that the policy of the Turkish government does not express the will of the Turkish people.

He said that the ultimate goal of the West is to dominate the resources of the Islamic peoples through dividing the region and creating small states and entities.

Kamalak called on Islamic countries to unify their ranks for defending their rights and resources.

Al-Moallem Briefs Kamalak on the Reality of the Situation in Syria

In the same context, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem briefed Head of the Turkish Felicity Party Mustafa Kamalak on the reality of the situation in Syria, referring to the negative role of the Turkish government in destabilizing Syria’s security.

Al-Moallem stressed the strong relations between the Syrian and Turkish peoples.

In turn, Kamalak expressed relief over the reform process launched by the Syrian leadership in all fields, hoping that things will return back to a normal state between the two countries.

He reiterated rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

Information Minister: Establishing Media Networks to Reveal Reality of Events Taking Place in Syria

Minister of Information Dr.Adnan Mahmoud stressed the need for establishing media networks between Syria and Turkey to reveal the reality of events taking place in Syria to the Turkish public opinion.

Dr. Mahmoud, meeting the Turkish Felicity Party delegation, underlined the role of media and visits organized between the two countries in exposing the damage caused by the Turkish government’s policies to the interests of the Syrian and Turkish peoples, stressing keenness on friendship relations between the two peoples.

For his part, Kamalak said that the Turkish Felicity Party raised some questions regarding news broadcast by media about Syria, expressing annoyance of the policies adopted by the Development and Justice Party’s government and the establishment of the missile shield system on the Turkish territories as it serves Western interests rather than the interests of Islamic countries and peoples.

Hassoun : Syrian People Will Foil Conspiracy

Grand Mufti of the Republic Dr. Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun stressed that the Syrian people will foil the conspiracy hatched against them due to their awareness.

He added that the foreign pressures on Syria can be attributed to Syria’s commitment to its pan-Arab and national stances in the face of western schemes aimed at fragmenting the region and dominate its resources.

Meeting Head of the Turkish Felicity Party, Mufti Hassoun stressed the deep Syrian-Turkish fraternity relations.

Kamalak said that what is taking place in Syria targets the whole region and the Arab and Islamic nations.

He added that the visit aims at conveying the real image and revealing facts on the ground to expose the western and US plots to undermine Syria.

Sweida Clergymen: Outside Calls Don’t Represent Us

SWEIDA, (SANA)_Clergymen in Sweida province said that the outside calls which seek to sow divisions in Syria represent those who make them only and are in no way representative of them.

In an interview with the Syrian TV on Thursday, Sheikh Ayman Zahreddin said that the sons of Jabal al-Arab are committed to the national unity in Syria, stressing that the outside calls echo US-Zionist calls.

”Walid Jumblatt represent himself only…The sons of Jabal al-Arab cannot be swayed by such calls which they categorically reject.”

He added that the Syrian Arab army is the pride of the homeland, voicing utter rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

Sheikh Ali al-Ali said that the people of Sweida are determined to remain committed to their army and leadership, adding that the conspiracy against Syria seeks to weaken national sense and resolve.

Sheikh Nabhan al-Barbour said that the sons of Jabal al-Arab reject to be dictated to by people who are after personal gains and interests.

International Media Delegation Visits Homs City

HOMS, (SANA) – A media delegation including Arab and foreign journalists visited on Thursday Homs province to inspect the volume of destruction and sabotage in some public and private properties by armed terrorist groups.

The delegation visited Homs National Hospital and Homs Military Hospital, pointing out that the destruction in the hospitals is indicative of the existence of armed terrorist groups.

They said that they will relay the reality of the situation in Syria to the public opinion in their countries.

For his part, Governor of Homs, Ghassan abdul-Al, pointed out to the importance of such delegations to inspect firsthand the reality of events taking place in the province, calling on journalists to be accurate and objective in relaying the facts.

The delegation is composed of more than 30 journalists from Japan, Turkey, Germany, Austria and Algeria.

Two Martyred, Six Others Injured in Terrorist Attack on Police Station in Daraa Countryside

DARAA COUNTRYSIDE, (SANA) – Chief of Sur Police Station in Daraa Countryside and a member were martyred while six others were injured in an attack by an armed terrorist group.

An official source in the governorate told SANA correspondent that terrorist members attacked the police station and opened heavy fire on it which caused the martyrdom of Chief Warrant Officer Ziad Tarrad, the Police Chief in the region, and the member Mohammad al-Durzi.

The injured members, Maher al-Halabi, Mohammad Diab, Sami al-Akel, Rami Salim and Maher Haidar, said that the gunmen who attacked the police station were wearing full military uniform.

A number of villagers said that a black car took flight after the armed attack on the police station.

Armed Terrorist Group Kill Two Officers in Homs

A Retired Colonel and his son were martyred by an armed terrorist group that opened fire on their car in al-Madabe neighborhood in Homs.

SANA correspondent said the two martyrs are Colonel Amir Rojieh and his son First Lieutenant Hani Rojieh. The terrorists fired on them, mutilated the face of the martyred Colonel and shot the body of his son after killing them.

The bodies of the two martyrs were transported to al-Ahli Hospital in Homs.

Armed Terrorist Group Assassinates Mayor in Hama

An armed terrorist group assassinated Fawaz Abdel Haseeb Mustafa, Head of al-Amqieh Municipality in al-Ghab area in Hama province.

SANA correspondent said that the martyr Mustafa was transported to Jisr al-Shughour National Hospital but he was dead because of his wounds.

In Idleb, the law-enforcement member Ahmad Wahid al-Namr was martyred by the fire of an armed group while performing his national duty in the city.

SANA correspondent said that the martyr is from Ghanieh village in Jisr al-Shughour.

In the same context, body of the citizen Mohammad Zalilo was found after two days of being kidnapped at the hands of armed terrorist group on the road between Ein al-Hamra and Bzeit villages in Jisr al-Shughour.

Five Army, Security and Police Martyrs Killed in Homs Laid to Rest

HOMS, (SANA)-The bodies of five army, security and police martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Homs Military Hospital to their final resting place.

Official funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, who were killed at the hands of armed terrorist groups while on duty in Homs, as they were carried on shoulders while the music of “the Martyr” and “the Farewell” was playing.

The martyrs are:

– Warrant Officer Shadi Haidar Mohammad, from Homs.

– Warrant Officer Bassam Khalil Bitar, from Homs.

– Policeman Dakhlallah Jawad al-Masri, from Homs.

– Policeman Abdulbaset Ibrahim Shammouti, from Homs.

– Policeman Ahmad Eid Nisan, from Damascus Countryside.

The families and relatives of the martyrs reiterated the Syrians’ commitment to their national and pan-Arab stances despite the organized terrorist acts being perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups.

AL Observer Delegations Continue Mission, Pay Field Visits to Syrian Cities and Neighborhoods

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Arab League observer delegations on Thursday paid field visits to Damascus Countryside, Daraa, Homs, Hama and Aleppo.

The monitors visited Erbeen town in Damascus countryside.

In Hama, the monitors visited the National Hospital and al-Rabi’a village in the province and meet citizens there.

Another delegation visited Al-Sanamain, al-Sahua, al-Musaifrahin towns and the National Hospital in Daraa countryside and met people.

Later, the Arab monitors visited al-Marjeh neighbourhood in Aleppo province and the hospital in al-Zahra’a neighborhood in Homs..

552 Persons Involved in Ongoing Events Released

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ 552 persons involved in the ongoing events in Syria were released from custody Thursday.

The released persons are not involved in terrorist bloody acts of killings and explosions against the Syrians.

In December 28th 755 people who were involved in recent events in Syria and didn’t get involved in the shedding of Syrian blood were also released from custody.

Previously, 912 arrested people were released in November 30, alongside 1180 people in November 15 and 553 in November 5, all of whom were involved in the events but were not involved in the shedding of Syrian blood.

Chairman of Turkish Felicity Party: Rejection of Foreign Interference in Syria’s Internal Affairs

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Chairman of Turkish Felicity Party Mustafa Kamalak stressed that there are no disagreement between the Syrian and the Turkish peoples, expressing rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

In a press statement upon arrival at Damascus International Airport on Thursday along with a party, media and political delegation, Kamalak told SANA reporter that the West should not meddle in Syria’s domestic affairs because the West does not bring peace, but rather it brings devastation and havoc, and its objective in the region is to exploit and colonize.

He added that the visit comes in the context of expressing the genuine relations between the two countries’ peoples, pointing out that the visit aims at inspecting the reality of the events taking place in Syria and divulging media fabrications and lies.

A journalist from the delegation said that 20 journalists came from different Turkish newspapers and TV channels to inspect the situation in Syria in order to inform the Turkish public opinion of the reality of the events in the country.

He pointed out that the visit takes an official character as it will include various meetings with Syrian officials to get acquainted with the official view in a direct way.

Medvedev, Ahmadinejad: Dialogue and Political Means, Only Guarantee to Solve Problems in the Region and Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – President Dimitri Medvedev of Russia and the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Thursday said that the solution of problems in the region, including the situation in Syria is only possible through political means and dialogue among all sides.

In a phone call, the two Presidents expressed support to the efforts exerted in the framework of the United Nations and other international and regional organizations to achieve this goal.

The Russian and the Iranian presidents discussed over the phone the nuclear program issue and bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

Ahmadinejad and Medvedev also spoke for intensifying efforts to develop a convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea and stressed the importance of implementing agreements reached at the Third Caspian Summit in Baku.

People of Jabal al-Arab Stress Commitment to National Unity, Rejection of Sectarian Sedition

SWEIDA, (SANA) – Popular and official figures from Jabal al-Arab stressed commitment to the national unity, rejecting any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

The figures expressed pride in Syria’s resistant line and its national army that defends the country.

Sheikh Akel of el-Mowahideen el-Druze Sect , Sheikh Hussein Jarbou’ said that people of Jabal al-Arab gave no ear to foreign statements and reiterated their support to the comprehensive reform program and national dialogue in order to solve internal problems and enhance the homeland’s security and stability.

He added the inhabitants of Jabal al-Arab reject sectarian fighting and call for tolerance, reconciliation, wisdom and amity.

For his part, Member of People’s Assembly Abdullah al-Atrash said that those who made instigative statements should know that the Syrian people are united and ready to defend their country.

Head of Teachers’ Union Branch in Sweida condemned suspicious campaigns led by some of those who turned into American tools, stressing Syria’s strength in the face of those who aimed at undermining its steadfastness and national stances.

Sweida Clergymen: Outside Calls Don’t Represent Us

Clergymen in Sweida province said that the outside calls which seek to sow divisions in Syria represent those who make them only and are in no way representative of them.

In an interview with the Syrian TV on Thursday, Sheikh Ayman Zahreddin said that the sons of Jabal al-Arab are committed to the national unity in Syria, stressing that the outside calls echo US-Zionist calls.

”Walid Jumblatt represent himself only…The sons of Jabal al-Arab cannot be swayed by such calls which they categorically reject.”

He added that the Syrian Arab army is the pride of the homeland, voicing utter rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs.

Sheikh Ali al-Ali said that the people of Sweida are determined to remain committed to their army and leadership, adding that the conspiracy against Syria seeks to weaken national sense and resolve.

Sheikh Nabhan al-Barbour said that the sons of Jabal al-Arab reject to be dictated to by people who are after personal gains and interests.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

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