Just International

Syrian News on Mar 2nd, 2012

Corpses of US Journalist Marie Colvin, French Journalist Remi Ochlik, and Spanish Journalist Javier Espinosa uncovered at Baba Amro

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ The corpses of US Journalist Marie Colvin, French Journalist Remi Ochlik, and Spanish Journalist Javier Espinosa were uncovered by competent authorities at Baba Amro, Homs following humanitarian motivated strenuous efforts of search and follow up.

An official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates declared , just after the Syrian Army cleansed Baba Amro from the foreign-backed armed groups of terrorists, that 3 previous bids by the Syrian Red Crescent in coordination with the International Red Cross failed to take these corpses out because the armed terrorist groups rejected to do so as to manipulate them along with the forces of provocations against Syria.

The corpses, added the source, are to be transferred into a Damascus hospital for Forensic DNA analysis, to be compared with the DNA to be received from their respective countries, before being handed over to the Embassies of Poland, on behalf of the US Embassy, France and Spain and in presence of representatives from the Syrian Red Crescent and International Red Cross.

”Syria offers condolences to the families of the three journalists, Syria, however, voices the hope that all foreigners would evade entering to the Syrian Territories in an illegal way and to evade going to the places where the terrorist armed groups are present,” concluded the source.

Foreign Ministry: Amos Asked to Come to Syria on Inappropriate Date for Us,   We Are Ready to Consult on Suitable Date

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Foreign and Expatriates Ministry Spokesman announced that the Ministry reviewed with regret the allegations which said that Syria rejected to welcome UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos or cooperate with her, which came in a press statement released by Amos.

“The Foreign and Expatriates Ministry would like to make clear that it had expressed welcome of Amos’ visit to Damascus and readiness to discuss her mission and cooperate with her and that an appropriate date for the visit for both sides was to be agreed on,” the Spokesman said in a statement on Thursday.

“However, we were surprised about her having arrived in the region and asking to come to Syria on a date not suitable for us,” added the statement.

“To put things in perspective,” it continued, “the Syrian side is ready to continue consultation with Amos on a date that is appropriate for both sides so that for Amos to start her visit to Damascus.”

Armed Group which Assassinated two Businessmen from Aleppo Caught, 8 Civil Workers Kidnapped in Hama

ALEPPO, HAMA(SANA)_The competent authorities arrested on Thursday the armed terrorist group which assassinated Mahmoud Ramadan and Mahmoud al-Sourani, two businessmen from Aleppo.

The terrorist group had also blown up public and private cars in Aleppo, intimidated locals there and vandalized public and private properties.

The armed group assassinated on February 20 the businessman Mahmoud Ramadan in front of his home in New Aleppo neighborhood.

Armed Terrorist Group Kidnaps 8 Civil Workers at the Defense Factories Establishment in Hama

An armed terrorist group seized a bus carrying 8 civil workers at the Defense Factories Establishment in Hama city.

SANA correspondent in the city said that the workers were kidnapped while they were heading to their workplace.

Syria has been exposed to a fierce unprecedented attack and plot

Palestinian Liberation Army Command asserted, in a statement received by SANA, that Syria has been exposed to a fierce unprecedented attack and plot, in which the ugliest kinds of misleading, falsifications and fabrication are being used.

The Command condemned the crimes perpetrated by armed terrorist groups, linked to foreign and Zionist agendas,  in Syria against civilians and army personnel, including that assassination of colonel Abul Naser Moqari at al-Yarmouk Camp in Damascus yesterday.

The Palestinian Liberation Army Command underscored that the crimes perpetrated by the terrorists would never deter the Palestinian People from pursuing the way of liberation and that Syria would emerge out from the crisis stronger, and more steadfast under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

Nine Army Martyrs Laid to Final Resting Place

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The bodies of 9 army martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed by the armed terrorist groups while performing their national duty in Damascus, Damascus Countryside, Homs and in Idleb.

Solemn funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, as they were carried on shoulders while the music of the “Martyr” and “Farewell” was playing.

The martyrs are:

  • Colonel: Abdel Nasser Mouqari from Damascus.
  • Sergeant: Razan Izz Eddin Mohammad from Raqqa.
  • Sergeant: Ahmed Mohammad al-Hashash from Deir Ezzor.
  • Sergeant: Hussein Mohamad al-Hussein from Aleppo.
  • Sergeant: Hussein Jaafar Dabjan from Homs.
  • Private: Serfan Nouri kilom from Aleppo.
  • Private: Mohammad Hassan Sheikho from Aleppo.
  • Private: Khalid Wahhab Saad from Deir Ezzor.
  • Private: Jum’aa Younis Buzu from Aleppo.

Families and relatives of the martyrs said that the blood of the martyrs will fortify Syria against all challenges and conspiracies and make it more stronger to defend the national principles which have become the title of the resistant Syrian identity.

Russia and China Oppose a UN Human Rights Council Resolution against Syria

GENEVA, (SANA)- Russia and China opposed a UN Human Rights Council resolution against Syria, Reuters reported.

It said that Russia, China and Cuba voted against the resolution, while three countries abstained from voting, which are Ecuador, India and the Philippines.

Russian and Chinese Foreign Ministers Reiterate Rejection of Foreign Interference in Syria’s Affairs

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi on Thursday reiterated their rejection of any encouragement from the outside to any of the conflict parties in Syria as to help it reach its goals by means of violence, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The statement pointed out that Lavrov and Jiechi discussed in a phone call the situation in Syria in detail and stressed their countries’ unified stances against any direct or indirect encouragement from the outside to any of the parties to the conflict to help it realize its goals by force.

It added that Moscow and Beijing call on all the foreign parties concerned in a peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis to create favorable conditions for starting comprehensive internal dialogue between the Syrian authorities and the opposition.

“Such joint work is the only way to ensure the effectiveness of the efforts aimed at a cease-fire as soon as possible, relieving the suffering of civilian citizens and resolving the acute humanitarian issues,” the statement continued.

Both ministers expressed readiness to continue close contacts on the Syrian issue and coordinating their countries’ stances at the UN and other international organizations.

They voiced their satisfaction over the results of the referendum on the new Syrian constitution which gained the support of the majority of Syrian people, stressing the necessity of accurate implementation of the reform program, including the parliamentary elections.

Russia’s Stances Defend Justice and Options of Syrian People

The Russian Foreign Minister said that his country’ s stances towards Syria defend the justice and the options of the Syrian people.

In a statement to Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper, Lavrov said Russia’s stances don’t defend a regime, rather they defend the justice and the right of the Syrian people to elect the government in a peaceful and democratic way that complies fully with the UN Charter and the international law.

He stressed his country’s conviction that the way to achieve this goal is comprehensive dialogue with the participation of all Syrian political sides and parties, otherwise the substitute will be a destructive civil war.

Gatilov: Russia Voted against Human Rights Council Resolution on Syria because it is Unbalanced

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov, stressed on Thursday that Russia voted against a Human Rights Council resolution on Syria because it is unbalanced.

In a statement to Itar Tass News Agency, Gatilov said that the Russian delegation to the UN Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC) session voted against a resolution on Syria because the attempts of the delegation to form a balanced resolution were rejected by the members who drafted the resolution.

Gatilov added that the Russian delegation suggested adding some amendments to the resolution most of them were based on proposals and recommendations of the latest report of the UNHRC committee tasked with investigating human rights violations in Syria, but these amendments were rejected.

He affirmed that the Russian amendments are aimed at balancing the resolution to include the call on the opposition which is continuing its military attacks against government institutions and law-enforcement forces, and it shoulders a part of the responsibility for the current events in Syria to stop violence.

He pointed out that the resolution considered the Syrian Government as responsible for the humanitarian situation and human rights, while Moscow considers that as untrue and that the situation is more complicated.

Gatilov called for dedicating the efforts exerted by the international community to stop violence and search for a diplomatic and political settlement.

Russian Foreign Ministry:  al-Qaeda Members Fight against Syrian National Forces

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Alexander Lukashevich, stressed on Thursday that al-Qaeda members are fighting against national forces in Syria.

Itar Tass News Agency reported   Lukashevich as saying that the Russian proposals regarding the crisis in Syria were rejected by the west or frozen by the extremist opposition without mentioning armed units including al-Qaeda members and other extremists fighting against national forces in Syria.

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