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Syrian News on March 16th, 2012

Syrian News on March 16th, 2012

Millions of Syrians Stress Support to Reform Program, Adherence to Syrian Leadership

PROVINCES, (SANA) – In a national scene conveying a message to the whole world of the Syrian people’s commitment to national unity away from foreign interferences and dictates, millions of Syrians on Thursday streamed into the homeland’s streets and squares throughout the provinces in a global march for Syria.

Waving Syrian flags and banners with national slogans on them, the jubilant participants voiced rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian people’s internal affairs and support to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad to build the renewed Syria.

The reverberating echoes of pro-Syria and pro-leadership chants were heard all through the Umayyad square in Damascus, and Saba Bahrat Square in Deir Ezzor, Saadallah al-Jaberi Square in Aleppo, al-Mohafazeh Square in Lattakia and al-Raqqa, along the cornice in Tartous, the President Square in Hasaka, al-Baladieh in Misyaf, the main street of Salhab, the Post roundabout in Daraa and the neighborhoods of al-Zahra, al-Nuzha, al-Hadara and al-Sheirat in Homs.

The marchers’ slogans expressed denunciation of the antagonistic campaign and the conspiracy hatched against their homeland and led by some Arab parties, stressing adherence to their leadership and vowing to remain steadfast in defending Syria’s security and stability.

In Damascus, the citizens who filled the Umayyad Square stressed that the Syrian people won’t bow down to pressure and are bent on foiling conspiracies weaved in black rooms against Syria.

Afif Dalleh, a political analyst, said that this monumental day proves that all Syrians support the reform program under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad and that their unwavering national choices are ever focused on national unity.

”This is a declaration of victory by all accounts,” Dalleh added.

Participants voiced trust that Syria will emerge even stronger form the crisis, pledging to protect Syria from traitors and plotters who attempt to undermine its power in service of foreign and Israeli agendas.

”These crowds want to get a vocal message across to the whole world that the Syrian people will remain united as ever in combating terrorism,” said Monzer Mohammad, a participant.

They expressed deep thanks to Russia and China who stood by the Syrian people, indicating that one year after the onset of the crisis, the Syrians’ will remains unbreakable.

”The attempts of Western and Arab countries to alter Syria’s position will come to naught…because the Syrian people will spare no sacrifice to defend their country,” said one of the participants.

The tens of thousands of wavering Syrian flags reflected the Syrians’ awareness in confronting the pressures and foreign dictates that are aimed at undermining their homeland and its resistant and principled national and pan-Arab stances, and their choice of sticking to national unity and discarding all attempts at sowing sedition and the tendentious media misleading campaigns.

While condemning the criminal acts of the armed terrorist groups against the civilians, the security and army forces and the public and private properties, the cheering marchers applauded the Syrian Arab Arm’s sacrifices for the sake of preserving Syria’s stability, security and pride.

The Syrians expressed appreciation of Russia, China and other friendly countries for their stances in support of Syria against the conspiracy, denouncing the irresponsible resolutions of the Arab League, which they said has turned into a tool to implement foreign agendas aimed at fragmenting the region and controlling its resources.

In Aleppo, Saadallah al-Jabiri Square was filled to overflowing with mass crowds to voice support to national unity, independent national decision and reforms, as well as rejection of foreign interference.

Chanting national songs, they hailed the heroism and sacrifices of the Syrian Arab army for protecting the homeland, calling for punishing the armed terrorist groups and their funders.

They stressed that the pressure by the Arab League, EU and the US will not debilitate Syria, affirming that the Syrians reject dictates and foreign interference no matter where they come from.

Ahmad Ibrahim, a Palestinian, said that the Palestinians have become an inseparable part of the Syrian fabric, adding that it is obvious that Syria is coming under pressure due to its support to resistance, denouncing statements by Palestinian leaders which ”do not represent the Palestinian people.”

”This stupendous march proves beyond doubt that the Syrian people oppose foreign interference in their country,” said Haidar Talab, adding ”The comprehensive reform program and dialogue are the sole way out of the crisis.”

Abdul-Rahman al-Nayef, leader of al-Bousalem clan in Aleppo, said that the clans will be up to the challenge in repelling aggression against their country.

In Hasaka, Mr. President Square saw a mass gathering of thousands who began to stream into the square early in the morning to express rejection of foreign meddling and support to the independent national decision and the comprehensive reform program in Syria.

The participants raised national flags and lashed out at the attempts of foreign interference in their country, underling the importance of national unity among the Syrians.

”The horrendous crimes of the armed groups have laid bare their blood-thirsty tactics under the cover of demanding liberty…but the Syrian people were never taken in by these false pretexts,” said Jawhar El-Helo, leader of Adwan clan.

In Homs which has borne the brunt of terrorism, the people there expressed strong denunciation of the acts of terrorism and vandalism, echoing the stances of their fellow citizens across Syria in supporting reform for building a strong Syria.

In Deir Ezzor, people flocked to Saba’ Bahrat Square to send a clear message of commitment to national unity and support to reforms.

The participants pledged to preserve the Syrian soil and the national unity, condemning foreign interference and terrorism. Participants affirmed that Syria will emerge victorious with its head held high, blasting the lies and fabrications spread by some TV channels on the situation in Syria.

Lattakia was no exception. Raising national flags and banners, people gathered in the Governorate Square to support reforms and voice rejection to plots against their country.

Mufti of Lattakia Sheikh Ghazal Ghazal said that Syria is a model for national unity, adding that this nation is the cradle of civilizations and religions where people have always fought adversities and difficulties.

Participants said that the Syrians are giving lessons in democracy and reforms as embodied in these huge gatherings across the country, extending thanks to all friendly countries who stood by Syria.

In Raqqa, the citizens from across the governorate gathered at the Governorate building Square, chanting national slogans and songs.

The participants voiced adherence to national unity and saluted the Syrian Arab army which is defending the homeland, indicating that the current stage entails cohesion and soaring above differences.

The people of Hama assembled in Masyaf and Salhab areas in support of reforms and in rejection of foreign interference in their internal affairs.

The participants stressed that the Syrian people will not allow foreign interference, calling for punishing traitors and mercenaries.

In Tartous, people gathered along the Sea Cornishe, affirming that the Syrian people will remain unbowed and opposed to foreign interference.

The participants said that this global event is a genuine expression of unity against conspiracies, affirming that the Syrians could withstand the crisis thanks to their willpower and determination.

In Daraa, the crowds who gathered at the Post Roundabout Square in the city voiced support to reforms and national unity.

The participants, who chanted national songs and slogans, sought to send a clear message that the Syrians can solve their own problems, hoping that Syria will overcome the crisis.

They also said that the conspiracy is breathing its last, decrying the acts of killing, vandalism and terrorism which are intended to weaken Syria and undermine its stances in support to resistance.

Terrorists killed, others arrested in Homs and Idleb Countryside

Homs, Idleb, (SANA)-The competent authorities on Thursday seized a car loaded with a big quantity of different weapons, some of them of an Israeli-made, on Homs international highway.

SANA reporter in Homs quoted a source as saying that the weapons included four RPGs, five Israeli-made mortars, three anti-tank missiles, snipers and rifles.

The authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group between the villages of Kfar Nobl and Hazazin in Jabal al-Zaweih, Idleb, killing a number of terrorists and arresting several others.

A source in Idleb told SANA reporter that the authorities arrested terrorists Abdul-Majid al-Numan, Mo’taz Ghazi al-Jadou, Ahmad al-Nanaa and Alaa Mohammad Saloum.

Weapons of the terrorists were confiscated that included Russian rifles, RPGs, communication wireless sets and military uniforms.

At Maarat al-Numan, the authorities clashed with another terrorist group that was attacking civilians, killing 3 of the armed men and wounding others.

Security members also restored 14 private and public cars that were stolen by the armed groups.

Foreign Ministry Welcomes visit of Annan’s Technical Team

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Thursday welcomed the visit of the technical team, formed by the UN Special Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan, to discuss some issues related to his mission in Syria.

The Ministry added the step comes in the framework of the efforts exerted by Syria to make Annan’s mission a success.

Lavrov: Russia Will Continue Support to UN Special Envoy to Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA)– “Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stresses the Russian side’s intention to continue support to the UN special envoy to Syria Kofi Annan,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

In the statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry added that Lavrov reiterated support to the UN envoy’s mission.

The statement said that Annan informed Lavrov about efforts exerted by all sides to write acceptable forms to reach a political settlement in Syria.

For his part, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that Annan presented important proposals and he is carrying out effective communications with all Syrian sides, expressing Russia’s support to his efforts.

Three Army and Law Enforcement Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The bodies of 3 army and law enforcement members on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Idleb, Damascus Countryside and Homs.

The martyrs are:

  • Corporal Mohammad Mute’ Abdulsalam from Aleppo.
  • Conscript Mohammad Adulrahman Nasser from Aleppo.
  • Conscript Adel Mahmoud Sultan from Aleppo.

The martyrs’ families, stressed adherence to the national unity and determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against Syria, condemning the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups.

They hailed the role of the Syrian army in maintaining the security and stability of the homeland, expressing confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through their unity and rallying around their leadership.

Nasrallah: the Only Solution to Crisis in Syria is Political

BEIRUT, (SANA)-Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah said that after one year, the solution to the crisis in Syria is political through throwing weapon and engaging in a clear political solution, adding “those who want to destroy Syria or overthrow the regime have no ability to do so.”

“The latest developments have proved that wager on the fall of the regime, the army defection, sectarian war, foreign military intervention or economic sanctions, didn’t give any outcome… the citizens took to streets today, we saw them in Damascus, ,Aleppo and other Syrian cities to support reforms,” Nasrallah said in a speech during a celebration of graduating al-Nour sessions for learning, broadcast by al-Manar TV on Thursday.

“There are citizens in Syria who want reform, dismiss division or the civil war… since the beginning of the crisis, we have hoped Syria would be able to overcome crisis in the interest of its people… when we talked about fears of division, we weren’t talking about illusions or psychological war, but a reality on the ground.. and Sudan is an evidence,” Hezbollah Chief said.

He reiterated that the solution in Syria is political, and its mechanism is a Syrian issue, wondering about some sides’ dealing in Lebanon with the Syrian file, saying “we, as Lebanese people and a country, have an interest to see stability and calm, security and a political solution in Syria.”

Sheikh Nasrallah condemned the massacres perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups in Homs saying that any one couldn’t accept targeting the civilians.

Syrian Communities in Spain and Belarus Organize Stand in Solidarity with Syria

MADRID / MINSK, (SANA) – Members of the Syrian community and Spanish citizens, who support the anti-imperialist platform, organized a stand in solidarity with Syria in front of the Syrian Embassy in Madrid.

The event came within the framework of the Global March for Syria activities.

The participants stressed support to Syria and the reforms carried out under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad to achieve progress and development.

They reiterated the Syrian people’s commitment to their national unity in the face of all attempts that aim at undermining Syria’s security and stability, hailing the role of the Syrian army in defending the homeland and the citizens.

In the same context, the Syrian community and the Arab residents in Belarus organized a stand in solidarity with Syria, within the framework of, to stress rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s affairs.

The participants voiced support to the reform steps undertaken in Syria, expressing gratitude to the friendly countries, especially Russia and China, for their stances towards Syria and rejection of foreign interference attempts in its affairs.

Madlasi: Algeria’s Stance on Syrian Crisis Based on Non-interference in Other Countries’ Affairs

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Algerian Foreign Minister, Murad Madlasi, said his country’s stance on the Syrian crisis is based on the principle of non-interference in other countries’ affairs and respect of the principles and the international law in this regard.

“Algeria works for respecting the principles and the international law and reserves on any foreign interference in any country,” said Madlasi in an interview with Russia Today TV channel, highlighting Algeria’s and Russia’s identical stances towards the Syrian crisis.

The Algerian Foreign Minister referred to the five points that came out of the Arab Foreign Ministers’ meeting with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, held recently in Cairo, saying this common denominator is the beginning for opening a serious dialogue between the Arab countries and all peace-loving countries and for a political solution to the Syrian crisis and not the military solution.

Madlasi said the Syrian issue is an issue of being acquainted with the situation and making a good analysis of it, adding that the Russian analysis is based on facts and the reality, which confirms that the problem of violence in Syria is a multilateral one and the government is not its main cause.

“The Arab people might be taking from the satellite channels the images which feed desperation, anger and condemnation , but the reality is be revealed on the ground, which is not necessarily the one being shown on some TV screens,” he added.

In the same context, Madlasi underlined that the resolution to the crisis in Syria will be through the Syrians themselves.

Algerian News Agency quoted Madlasi as saying at a press conference with his Italian counterpart Giulio Terzi on Thursday that he hopes a solution to the situation in Syria will be reached through dialogue, regretting the fall of victims in the country.

Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Russia: Russian Leadership Adopts Firm Stances Regarding Situation in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Russia Valerie Gainchiev underlined that the Russian leadership adopts firm principled stances with regard to the situation in Syria.

On the sidelines of a painting exhibition, Gainchiev told SANA correspondent in Moscow on Thursday that the Russian public opinion expresses support and solidarity with the friendly people of Syria who are characterized by cultural and religious diversity.

He expressed firm confidence that the Syrian people will win and overcome the temporary crisis and they will confront all foreign attempts to attack.

The writer pointed out that the exhibition embodies a strong friendship between the two peoples, as he expressed pain over the images he saw in media about the crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups throughout a year.

The exhibition was organized by the Syrian Embassy in Moscow, Russian Writers’ Union and the Russian Committee for Solidarity with Syria at the Writers’ Union headquarters.

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