Just International

Syrian News on March 19, 2012

Martyrs of Terrorist Blasts Escorted to Final Resting Place

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – In a solemn official and popular procession, the martyrs of the two terrorist blasts which occurred in Damascus on Saturday were escorted from al-Othman Mosque to their final resting place, while the music of “the Martyr” and the “Farewell” was playing.

After performing prayers, the martyrs, who were wrapped in the national flag, were carried on shoulders, with the citizens chanting slogans that condemn the criminal terrorist acts committed by the armed terrorist groups.

The participants stressed the Syrian people’s adherence to their national unity and their determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against Syria.

Requiem Mass for Repose of Souls of Damascus Terrorist Bombings Martyrs

Huge crowds of Syrian citizens on Sunday participated in the march and the Requiem Mass held for the repose of souls of the martyrs who fell in yesterday’s two terrorist blasts in the customs square and al-Qasaa region in Damascus, praying for God to heal the injured and preserve Syria’s security and stability.

The event was organized by the Orthodox Patriarchate in Damascus at the site of the terrorist attack in al-Qasaa quarter.

The crowds condemned these terrorist acts which are aimed at destabilizing Syria’s security, spreading chaos and stoking the flames of sedition among the Syrian people.

The Patriarchal Assistant Bishop Ishak Barakat told SANA reporter that those who commit such terrorist acts do not belong to any religion and have nothing to do with humanity, calling upon the countries which are supplying the terrorists with money and arms to stop trading with the Syrian blood in service of US and Israel’s interests in eliminating resistance in the region.

“Each blood drop shed in these terrorist acts is the responsibility of those who are sending arms to Syria,” said Sawsan Subh, a participant in the Mass, adding that each and every Syrian mother will give birth to heroes who are able to defend and protect their homeland.

Citizen Elias al-Eneini called upon all the Syrians to be united and preserve their unity as it is the only guarantee to overcome the crisis, live in peace and achieve better future.

“These terrorist acts reveal the failure of the conspiring powers and their supporters to weaken the Syrians’ determination to go ahead with the reform process led by President Bashar al-Assad,” said Georgette Ayyoub, participant in the Mass.

“The more Syria heads forward with its reform program, the more atrocious and repulsive the terrorists’ crimes against the Syrian people become,” said Engille Farah.

The marchers added that the Syrians’ participation in the global march for Syria across the Syrian governorates stresses their commitment to national unity and their standing side by side in the face of those who want to undermine Syria.

They stressed that the Syrian people will not give up their determination to move forward with reforms and combat terrorism, adding that the sacrifices of the Syrian army will safeguard Syria.

Two Terrorist Bombings Hit Damascus, Cause Martyrdom and Injury among Civilians and Law Enforcement Personnel

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ Two terrorist attacks targeted Damascus Saturday morning claiming the lives of 24 people, along with the remains of three other martyrs, while 140 others were injured, including civilian citizens and law enforcement personnel.

The two terrorist attacks, carried out by two booby-trapped cars, targeted two crowded places in the capital: the Customs Square, and the zone linking Baghdad Street to al-Qasaa’ Quarter.

A statement of the Interior Ministry said that Damascus was hit on Saturday with two booby-trapped car terrorist attacks carried out by two suicide bombers, which caused the martyrdom of 24 people, while the remains of three other martyrs were found and 140 others were injured, including civilian citizens and law enforcement personnel.

The statement explained that the first explosion took place at 07: 20 am at al-Jamarek (customs) roundabout, and a few minutes later the second explosion occurred in al-Tahrir square that links Baghdad Street with al-Qassaa region.

“The two terrorist explosions caused great damage to the adjacent residential buildings and the cars parked nearby,” the statement added, indicating to grave material damages and losses.

The Interior Ministry said that the competent authorities at the Ministry collected evidence, samples, remains and remnants of explosive materials, which were sent to specialized labs to get to identifying the crime’s perpetrators and the type of material used in the bombings.

The Ministry’s statement said these two terrorist bombings are part and parcel of targeting the Syrian people in its security and stability and come in light of the recently witnessed escalation by regional and international parties, which was lately manifested in public calls for sending arms to Syria.

“On the other hand,” the statement added, “the Interior Ministry will not be tolerant while dealing firmly with all those who attempt to strike Syria’s security, stability and unity and terrorize its citizens.”

The Ministry called in its statement on the international community and the international organizations to shoulder their responsibilities and stand by the Syrian people and to work for stopping the attempts at disrupting Syria’s stability and security.

The Ministry also called upon the citizens to continue to cooperate with the authorities to inform any suspicious case or any information about the terrorists’ activities and movement so as to contribute to ending terrorism and preserving the Syrian citizens’ lives.

Damascus was targeted on 23/12/ 2011 by two terrorist explosions carried out by two suicide bombers driving two booby-trapped cars.The explosions targeted a state security headquarters and a security branch, claiming the lives of 44 martyrs and the injury of 166 of security personnel and civilians in addition to huge material damages in the surrounding buildings.

On January 6th, 2012, the terrorist explosion which was carried out by a suicide bomber at a crowded area near Hasan al-Hakim School at al-Midan Neighborhood in Damascus, claimed the lives of 26 and the injured 63 others of the civilians and the law-enforcement personnel.

Aleppo was also targeted on February10th by two terrorist explosions against a military security branch and the headquarters of the law-enforcement forces at al-Arqoub area.The explosions claimed the lives of 28 martyrs and the injury of 235 of the law-enforcement members and civilians.

Two Martyred, 30 Injured in Terrorist Bombing in Residential Area in Aleppo

ALEPPO, (SANA)_ A law enforcement member and a woman were martyred, 30 civilians and law-enforcement members were injured on Sunday when an armed terrorist group detonated a booby-trapped car while the authorities were dragging it out of a residential area in al-Suleimaniyeh neighborhood in Aleppo province.

The explosion took place near the Latin Church and two preliminary and preparatory schools in the abovementioned neighborhood.

A source in the province told SANA correspondent that the explosion resulted in the martyrdom of a law-enforcement member and a woman, while 30 civilians and law-enforcement members were injured, two of them are in a critical condition.

The source said the explosion caused the destruction of a residential building’s facade and huge material damage to the adjacent buildings.

Aleppo Governor Muwaffak Khallouf said the booby-trapped car was a black Geely with a fake license plate, and that it was parked in the middle of the neighborhood and was detonated when the authorities were attempting to remove it from the area.

Father George Abu Khazem, a local, said that the explosion happened after more than 50 children left al-Ram School of the Holy Land Convent, saying that divine intervention saved the children from being massacred.

Harut Donoyan, owner of one of the damaged houses, said that this bombing aims at destabilizing Syria’s social structure, and that those behind it will fail to achieve their goals because the Syrians are aware of the conspiracy.

In turn, Sona Tarrab, whose house was also damaged in the explosion, said that such barbaric crimes target the psychological and social stability to which Syrians have been accustomed for decades.

Ibrahim Hamidi, one of those injured in the explosion, said that such attacks will only make Syrians and more determined to defend their country’s security and stability.

Bernadette Naisi, who was also injured and whose home was damaged, said that those who carry out such crimes are merciless and part of the campaign led by some Arab regimes that are calling for arming those who commit crimes against Syria.

For his part, Mansour Mansour, one of the injured, said that this cowardly act reflects the frustration of terrorists and those who support them.

Director of al-Razi Hospital Dr. Samir Bebi said that the conditions of the wounded are currently stable, and that most of them suffer from broken bones, contusions and various wounds, affirming that cases are being evaluated according to severity and treated accordingly.

13 Civilians Martyred by Terrorists’ Gunfire in Homs, Terrorists Detonate Railway Bridge in Daraa

PROVINCES, (SANA) – An armed terrorist group on Sunday shot 13 civilians dead in the village of Hasiba near al-Qseir in Homs countryside.

SANA reporter said that the 13 civilian bodies include women and children.

Terrorists Detonate Railway Bridge in Daraa

An armed terrorist group on Sunday detonated with explosive devices a railway bridge on Damascus-Daraa highway near Kherbet Ghazaleh village.

A source in Daraa province told SANA correspondent that 30 m in length and 32 m in width were destroyed in the explosion, with the damage covering 900 m2 of the bridge’s total area.

According to explosives experts, the amount of explosives detonated was estimated at 700 to 1000 kg.

Director of Road Transportation Department in Daraa, Mahmoud al-Balkhei, said the targeting of the bridge constitutes a heavy burden on the state and citizens, pointing out that the total cost of the damage was estimated at SYP 30 million, in addition to the time period required to rebuild the bridge.

For his part, Director of Technical Services in Daraa, Kamal Brumo, said that the Directorate is constructing a detour to facilitate the movement of citizens in the damaged area.

Competent Authorities Find Big Amounts of Ammunition and Explosives in North Idleb

Meanwhile, competent authorities found big amounts of ammunition and explosives in northern villages of Idleb at borders with Turkey.

SANA correspondent was informed by an official source in Idleb Governorate that the while competent authorities were chasing terrorist members in the villages of Kherbet al-Jowz and Ain al-Baida lying at the Syrian-Turkish borders, they found the weapons which were used by the gunmen in their terrorist attacks against citizens and law enforcement members.

Terrorist Killed by Another Terrorist Gang during Armed Clash in Hama

A terrorist was killed at the hands of a terrorist gang during an armed conflict which took place between them on Saturday on the way of al-Sayyad –Khan Sheikhoun in Hama Province on the basis of a disagreement.

The terrorist Yousef Ahmad Salloum from al-Latamina village was shot dead by terrorists Hussein Abdullah and his son Saddam.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Deir Ezzor

Authorities clashed with terrorists in Deir Ezzor Province, killing several terrorists and confiscating large amounts of weapons.

Two officers and three personnel were martyred in the process.

SANA correspondent added that the authorities confiscated large amounts of arms, comprising 23 AK-47 rifles, a sniper rifle, 2 PKC machineguns, an RPG launcher and 11 rounds, Israeli anti-armor charges and mines in addition to Molotov cocktails, military uniforms, magazines and ammunition.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Idleb

Authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group which tried to blockade the highway between Areeha and Jisr al-Shughour in Idleb Province.

SANA correspondent said that many terrorists were killed and others were injured.

The authorities also raided a terrorist den in Jisr al-Shughour, killing several terrorists and arresting two most wanted criminals.

Weapons and ammunition were confiscated in addition to 25 explosive charges and detonators.

A camera-equipped balloon was spotted above border towns in Jisr al-Shughour, and the authorities shot it down and confiscated it.

Russia Supports Sending UN Mission in Syria, Describes it as a step in the Right Direction

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia announced on Sunday that it supports sending a UN technical mission to Syria to discuss means of getting out of the crisis.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov, said on his blog that the UN technical mission will visit Syria to start consultations on settling the crisis, emphasizing that the mission is an important step in the right direction.

Five Army Martyrs Escorted to Resting Place

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The bodies of five army members, who were martyred at the hands of the armed terrorist groups in Idleb and Homs, were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital to their final resting place amid official funeral ceremonies.

The martyrs are:

­           Conscript Fayez Faysal al-Omar from Hasaka.

­           Conscript Nour-Eddin Mohammad Ali Mous from Hasaka.

­           Conscript Ghazal Omar al-Taha from Idleb.

­           Conscript Mohammad Turkmani from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Mohammad Hassan Ersali from Damascus Countryside.

The families of martyrs lashed out at the terrorist acts of the armed groups backed by Western powers and some Arab regimes, calling for bringing the perpetrators to account.

Lebanese Foreign Ministers: Terrorist Bombings in Damascus and Aleppo Will Not Undermine Syrians’ Determination

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour said on Sunday that the bombings that took place in Damascus and Aleppo are distinctly terrorist acts, but they will not undermine the Syria’s determination to achieve security and stability.

In a statement to al-Manar TV before heading to Moscow for a three-day visit, Mansour said that Lebanon has seen such bombings before, and that he doesn’t believe that they will achieve the goals of those who planned it who seek to undermine Syria’s security, unity and stability.

He reiterated Lebanon’s support to Syria’s leadership and people, stressing that these bombings will not dissuade the Syrian leadership from continuing reforms.

Mansour also lauded the Russian stance which calls for resolving the crisis in Syria peacefully and rejects foreign interference in Syria’s affairs, reiterating Lebanon’s rejection of any military of foreign intervention in Syria and its rejection of supporting armed groups.

He said that Lebanon believes that the choice should be left to Syria, and that it must be supported to resolve the crisis rather than oppose it and make the situation more complex.

Mansour also announced that Lebanon will not be participating in the so-called “friends of Syria” conference which will be held in Istanbul next month.

President al-Assad Offers Condolences Marshal al-Tantawi over Death of Pope Shenouda

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad sent on Sunday a cable of condolences to Head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces of Egypt,  Field Marshal Mohammad Hussein Tantawi, over the death of Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate.

In the cable, President al-Assad expressed on behalf of the Syrian people and on his own behalf heartfelt condolences to Field Marshal Tantawi and the Egyptian people over the death of Pope Shenouda.

President al-Assad considered Pope Shenouda as an example of religious men who were distinguished for their openness and wisdom.

Pope Shenouda,89, died yesterday, and he was known for his firm stances on the Palestinian Cause which rejected normalization with the Zionist entity and judization of Jerusalem.

Lavrov: Russia Supports any Agreement in Framework of Comprehensive Political Dialogue between Government and Opposition

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the Syrians should decide the fate of their country by themselves.

” Russia supports any agreement will be reached in the framework of a comprehensive political dialogue between the Syrian government and all spectrums of opposition,” Lavrov said in statements published by Russia Today website on Saturday.

The Minister expressed Moscow’s full support to the mission of UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

“I confirm again that we strongly support the mission of the UN envoy to Syria as we believe that the Syrian government should support the means proposed by Annan to tackle the crisis quickly. We look forward that the political and armed opposition in Syria will adopt the same stance,” Lavrov said.

He went on to say that Russia supports the necessity of starting the political settlement which necessitates stopping violence immediately, asserting his country’s continued efforts in this regard

UN Chief Condemns Terrorist Explosions Hit Damascus

NEW YORK/ UN, (SANA)- UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has condemned Damascus two terrorist explosions and called for an immediate end to all violence.

The Secretary-General, in a statement, vehemently condemned the bomb attacks which killed and injured scores of people.

The statement added that Ki-Moon extends his sympathy and condolences to the bereaved families of the victims and the Syrian people.

At least 24 people were killed and around 140 others injured, including civilians and law-enforcement personnel, when two suicide bombings rocked Damascus on Saturday morning. The two terrorist explosions targeted Dawar al-Jamarek area and al-Tahrir Square in al-Qasaa district.

The explosions caused huge damages in the buildings and the cars barked at the sites of the explosions and huge materials losses.

Strong International Condemnations of Damascus Terrorist Bombings

CAPITALS, (SANA)- Russia firmly condemned the terrorists’ new acts in Damascus, stressing its full confidence in the failure of these acts’ plotters and perpetrators.

A statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry on Saturday said that Syrian government bodies’ headquarters have once again become targets for the terrorists whose crimes claim the lives of civilian citizens and representatives of army forces and law-enforcement apparatus.

“We firmly condemn the terrorists’ new crimes,” the statement added, expressing Moscow’s deepest condolences to the victims’ families and relatives and sympathy with the injured and the affected.

“We are confident that the intentions of those who perpetrated today’s crimes are doomed to failure,” the statement stressed.

The Russian Foreign Ministry continued that “what arouses caution is that the terrorists’ bloody acts that are being carried out in al-Qaeda style coincide with the increased effectiveness of the international efforts aimed at overcoming the Syrian internal crisis, namely the mission of UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan, which has Russia’s support, especially that Annan has just announced ending experts to Damascus to discuss the suggestions aimed to find a political solution to the Syrian crisis.”

The statement stressed that it is not allowed for the terrorists to block out the prospects of a peaceful settlement being the only way out of the crisis in Syria.

France Strongly Condemns Damascus Attacks

France expressed its strong condemnation of the two bloody attacks which took place in Damascus on Saturday.

“I strongly condemn the two attacks which happened in Damascus on Saturday,” French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppe, was quoted by the AFP as saying in a statement, adding that France condemns all unjustifiable terrorist acts.

He expressed his country’s deepest condolences to the victims’ families and relatives and sympathy with the injured.

Iran: The Two Terrorist Bombings Are Revenge against the Syrian People

The Iranian Islamic Republic strongly condemned the two terrorist bombings which hit Damascus, stressing that such practices lead to disrupting the region’s security and stability.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, expressed his country’s rejection of these terrorist practices, saying Iran considered that the two new terrorist explosions in Damascus came in the framework of taking revenge against the Syrian people because of the strength they showed and their support to their leadership and because of the stability Syria enjoys.

Mehmanparast voiced Iran’s sympathy with Syria, government and people, placing the responsibility for these acts on those who listed on their agenda providing arms to and instigating the armed groups. “The intentions behind these practices aim to strike the process of crystallizing the reforms, a dialogue that is charged with sovereign national understanding and the return of stability and security to Syria,” the Iranian official said.

Egypt Condemns Damascus Terrorist Blasts

Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammed Amr condemned the terrorists bombings which rocked Damascus on Saturday morning.

According to the Middle East News Agency (MENA) Amr offered condolences to the Syrian people and families of the victims, recalling Egypt’s firm position which rejects all types of terrorism whatever its motives.

Local, Arab and International Condemnations of Terrorist Bombings Continue

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (ICATU) on Sunday strongly condemned the two terrorist attacks which hit Damascus yesterday morning, stressing that they are part of targeting the Syrian people and their security, stability and national unity.

In a statement of which SANA got a copy, the Union added that the two terrorist attacks would not have happened without the foreign, Western, Arab and Gulf support.

The statement stressed that “targeting civilians, the Syrian state institutions and the stable neighborhoods is a serious terrorist escalation.”

The ICATU said that one of the two terrorist attacks took place near the ICATU headquarters in al-Qasaa and greatly damaged its building, calling upon all international organizations and unions to condemn these terrorist attacks.

The statement indicated that this serious escalation goes in line with Syria’s determination to move forwards with reforms, adding that this escalation cannot be confronted without the Syrian unity and the keenness on dialogue as the only way out of the crisis in Syria without foreign interference.

National Union of Syrian Students, General Union of Arab Students, al-Ahd National Party Condemn Damascus Terrorist Blasts

National Union of Syrian Students and the General Union of Arab Students strongly condemned Damascus terrorist blasts, in which 27 people including civilians and law enforcement members were martyred and dozens injured.

Both unions underlined that the terrorist attacks will make the Syrians more determined and adherent to their principled stances.

Al-Ahd National Party condemned the blasts, stressing that the black terrorism is a manifestation of a destructive scheme that serves the interests of colonial powers and their allies.

The party said in a statement that the bombings have represented the real image of the terrorists’ culture and co-supporters which spread death and devastation, underlining the party’s adherence to and belief in the national unity.

Secretary-General of Egyptian Libration Party Condemns Damascus Blasts

Secretary-General of Egyptian Libration Party, Mahomud Jaber condemned Damascus blasts, underlining that they are part of the conspiracy launched by the Gulf countries and the USA against Syria.

Jeber expressed the party’s solidarity with the Syrian people and leadership, pointing out that the conspirators are resorting to terrorism, which is similar to what is happening in Iraq and reflects their hopeless attempts to pass their dubious schemes to the Arab nation.

Regional Leadership of al-Baath Party in Yemen: The Blasts Are Part of U.S.-Zionist Agenda

The Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party in Yemen issued a statement denouncing the two terrorist blasts which took place in Damascus on Saturday, saying they are part of implementing a U.S.-Zionist agenda against Syria.

The statement added that these acts came to take revenge against the millions of Syrians who went out into the streets to support the reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad, stressing the failure of these Zionist powers.

General Union of Arab Farmers, Arab Youth Union and Union of Palestinian Communities and Institutions in Diaspora/Europe Express Condemnation of Damascus Terrorist Blasts

In separate statements, the General Union of Arab Farmers, the Arab Youth Union and Union of the Palestinian Communities and Institutions in Diaspora/Europe condemned Damascus terrorist explosions, which they said will not weaken the Syrians steadfastness, national unity or principled national and pan-Arab stances.

The organizations considered that the two terrorist blasts comes in the framework of the organized terrorism supported by the US, Israel and the reactionary Arab countries, particularly Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

They called for stopping all forms of support to the opposition abroad, adding that the armed terrorist groups’ acts, which are backed by the Zionist powers and some Arab regimes aim at destabilizing Syria and undermining the resistant forces in the region.

Syrian Human Rights Network Condemns Terrorist Blasts in Damascus

Syrian Human Rights Network condemned the two terrorist blasts targeted Damascus Saturday morning, considering them as a form of the foreign-backed opposition’s failure and international conspiracy which ultimately supports terrorism and violates all human rights principles, the international law and relevant international pacts.

In a statement, the Network called on human rights organizations which adopt a one-sided view and have involved in politicization to stop their allegations and pretend to representing the social promoter of human rights principles after they tainted with the Syrian blood and terrorism in the country.

It affirmed that all those army members broadcast by channels as being defectors, have initially been kidnapped by the armed terrorist groups and they were reading the pre-written defection statements under threats, clarifying that it has documented several cases by name, date and number.

The Network appealed to the international community with its institutions and the Human Rights Council in Geneva, saying that what is taking place in Syria constitutes a violation of human rights principles and the international law , as it is a terrorism similar to the terrorist attack took place in the USA on September 11 2001, which was condemned by the international community.

Busalama and Anza Clans in Syria and Iraq Condemn Two Terrorist Explosions Hit Damascus

Al-Sada al-Ashraf Busalama and Anza clans in Syria and Iraq condemned the two terrorist explosions hit Damascus on Saturday, asserting that these crimes target the security and safety of the Syrian people.

In a statement on Saturday SANA received a copy of, the clans said “Those two criminal acts, which target Syria’s dignity, will increase the Syrian people commitment to the national principles and rallying around the comprehensive reform program led by the Syrian leadership.”

Bani Sakhr Clan Denounces the Terrorist Attacks

The Bani Sakhr Clan (al-Khirshan) in Syria and the Arab countries also condemned the two terrorist attacks committed in Damascus, stressing that Syria will remain immune to plots and conspirators.

In a statement, the clan pointed out that the enemies of Syria and the Islamic nation are trying to undermine Syria and its people.

People of the Occupied Syrian Golan Denounce Damascus Terrorist Attacks

During their participation in the Global March for Syria on Saturday, the people of the occupied Syrian Golan denounced the two terrorist attacks.

During the march, participants said that the explosions are part of the plots targeting Syria, affirming their commitment to Syria and national unity and their rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

They also said that Syria will be victorious under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad thanks to the strength and unity of its people and the valiance of its army.

The participants then headed to the memorial of the Greater Syrian Revolution Martyrs where they lit candles for the souls of Syria’s martyrs.

Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism, Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights Condemn Damascus Twin Blasts

The Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism and the Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights condemned in the strongest of terms the twin blasts which rocked Damascus Saturday.

The Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism held the so-called ”The International Union of Muslim Scholars” responsible for the bloodshed and increasing tension which goes as far as giving orders for carrying out terrorist operations and giving the green light to Isranbul Council and its terrorist groups to kill innocent civilians.

The Observatory denounced the international silence over the terrorism hitting Syria which does not spare civilians, and the silence of the Human Rights Council and the humanitarian organizations, considering it as complicity in the bloodletting in Syria.


For its part, the Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights said that it has become obvious that the what is happening in Syria is a new chapter of the conspiracy that adopts the choice of violence and killing.

The Center indicated that this heinous crime which goes against human ethics and values coincides with a suspicious closure of embassies 48 hours before the attacks.

Journalists Union, National Media Council Condemn Damascus Terrorists Bombings

Journalists Union in Syria condemned the two terrorist attacks targeted Damascus on Saturday morning claiming 24 lives and injuring 140 others, mostly civilians.

The Union said in a statement that the two blasts come in a time while inflammatory campaigns against Syria are increasing and some foreign sides announcing the implementation of sabotage acts through calling on citizens not to leave their homes to foment fear among them.

The statement stressed that the perpetrators of these bombings are linked immediately to the states which call for arming saboteurs and work to hinder the international efforts to find political solutions to the crisis in Syria.

The Union urged international community to take its full role in exposing the lies led by international governments and mass media which continue implementing their scheme targeting the Syrian society as a unique model at the world level.

The statement concluded by praying for God’s mercy on the martyrs’ souls and wished speedy recovery to the wounded, calling on the Syrian people to show more coherence in the face of this plot.

In a similar statement the National Media Council said that Arab and foreign media, which are still instigating and misleading people, contrary to the simplest rules of professional work and media charter of honor, are partners of those terrorists in their crimes against Syria.

The statement offered condolences to the families of the martyrs and wished quick recovery to the injured.

Arab Socialist Union Party of Syria: This Terrorism Aims at Hitting the Syrians’ Will

The Arab Socialist Union Party of Syria expressed denunciation of the terrorist attacks, saying that the terrorism hitting Damascus is aimed at hitting the Syrian people’s will to subjugate it and break its ability to confront the conspiracy.

Syrian Communist Party (Unified) Condemns The Terrorist Attacks in Damascus

The Syrian Communist Party (Unified) strongly condemned the two terrorist attacks committed in Damascus on Saturday.

In a statement, the party added that this criminal act aims at undermining the situation in Syria as a preface to spread chaos before calling for foreign intervention.

The party stressed that the terrorists won’t succeed in undermining the national unity in Syria with their crimes.

Syria’s Scholars Statement ‘Strongly’ Condemns Damascus Explosions

A statement issued by Syria’s Scholars ‘strongly’ condemned the two terrorist explosions which hit Damascus stressing that the provocative scholars shoulder the responsibility for the terrorist acts.

Heads of Syrian Clans Condemn the Terrorist Explosions

Sheikh Abdul-Aziz al-Barak of al-Jabour clan condemned the terrorist explosions which hit Damascus, stressing that these explosions and other terrorist acts will not weaken the will of the Syrian people.

Al-Boumajed clan,  Al-Marramera clan and al-Khazaelah clan also condemned the explosions stressing that the Syrian people will remain united and continue rallying around their leadership against all conspiracies.

Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party Condemns  the two Terrorist Explosions, Stress Syrian People’s Will to Overcome Terrorism

The Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party condemned the two terrorist explosions which hit the Syrian people and their secure institutions and houses.

In a statement, the Regional Leadership considered the explosions as indicative of terrorism backed from the outside through offering money and ammunition.

People’s Assembly Condemn Damascus Terrorist Explosions

The People’s Assembly condemned the terrorist explosions which hit Damascus early in the morning, stressing that such acts are aimed at undermining the security and stability of the Syrian people.

In a statement, the People’s Assembly stressed that such criminal acts will boost the steadfastness of the Syrian people against all forms of terrorism.

Damascus Chamber of Commerce, Arab Writers Union, General Sport Union and National Initiative of Syrian Kurds Condemn the Bombings

Condemnations of the terrorist explosions were also expressed in statements issued by Damascus Chamber of Commerce, the Arab Writers Union, the General Sport Union and the National Initiative of Syrian Kurds.

The statements firmly condiment the two explosions highlighted the continued war against Syria and its national and pan-Arab stances waged by the US, Zionism and the Arab reactionary forces, stressing that building homelands cannot be achieved by means of destruction and sabotage.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: The Same Killers Committing Massacres from Gaza to Damascus

For its part, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the General Leadership, condemned the two terrorist bombings, saying it is the same hands of the killers that are committing massacres stretched from Gaza to Damascus, whose aim is to assassin the spirit and culture of the Resistance.


A statement by the Front said this crime shows the failure of the conspiracy against Syria, stressing that “the flames of hatred will backfire on the killers in Washington, Saudi Arabia and Qatar and all those following their plots against our nation.”

Syrian Community in Jordan Denounces Damascus Terrorist Attacks

The Syrian community in Jordan organized a protest rally outside the Syrian embassy in Amman to condemn the twin terrorist blasts in Damascus.

A joint statement by the Syrian community and the gathering of Jordan national powers denounced the terrorist attacks and their mastermind, stressing that Syria will not bow down.

Syrian Community in Lebanon Denounces the Terrorist Bombings in Damascus

Members of the Syrian community in Lebanon strongly condemned the two terrorist bombings that took place in Damascus, reiterating their support for reforms and rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs.

Participants in a march to support Syria gathered in front of the Russian Embassy in Beirut, saluting Russia and China for their support for Syria, rejecting all the attempts for supporting and arming the terrorist groups, and denouncing the channels of misdirection that fabricate lies and allegations and support terrorism.

Syrians in Austria, Slovakia Lebanon Denounce Damascus Terrorist Attacks

Members of the Syrian community in Austria and Vienna strongly denounced the two terrorism attacks that took place in Damascus, condemning this cowardly act that shows the frustration of the terrorism and their masters.

During a march in Vienna as part of the Global March for Syria, Syrians decried the terrorist attacks affirmed their support for their homeland and reforms and their pride in Syria’s national unity.

They also denounced the instigation campaigns and the support provided to terrorists by some Arab countries, thanking Russia, China and the friendly countries which stood by Syria in the face of the conspiracy.

Syrian Community in Algeria, Algerians and Tunisian Journalists Denounce Damascus Terrorist Attacks

Members of the Syrian community in Algeria and Algerians participated in the Global March for Syria, condemning the terrorist attacks which took place in Damascus.

Participants gathered in front of the Syrian Embassy in Algeria to affirm commitment to reforms, stressing that terrorism will not intimidate the Syrian people and dissuade them from supporting reforms.

They also rejected calls for arming terrorists, eliciting the support of foreign armies and exploiting human rights to interfere in Syria’s affairs.

In turn, Tunisian journalists Kheri al-Nouri and Eskandar Alwani and political analyst Najib al-Dreizi denounced the two attacks, affirming that they’re parts of the plots targeting Syria for its resistant stances, calling on Syrians to rally behind its leadership and Arab youths to support Syria.

Syrian Community in Italy Condemn Damascus Terrorist Attacks

Hundreds of Syrians in Italy participated in the Global March for Syria, marching in the streets of Rome and observing a moment of silence for the victims of the two terrorist bombing that took place in Damascus.

The participants, who were joined by Archbishop of Jerusalem in Exile Hilarion Capucci, representatives of peace organizations, and Italian journalists, expresses sorrow for the deaths  caused by terrorist mercenaries carrying out suspect foreign agendas.


They voiced rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs, stressing that Syria will be victorious over the conspiracy.

Palestinian Liberation Army Staff  Condemns Two Damascus Explosions

The Palestinian Liberation Army’s General Staff condemned the two explosions which hit Damascus and stressed that the explosions are a criminal step that uncovers the conspiracy plotted by some Arab sides and western powers against Syria.

In Beirut, Maronite General Council Head, former Minister Wadih Khazen denounced terrorists bombings, affirming that the hands, which tamper with the security and stability of Syria, are seeking to push things towards the external military intervention in its affairs.

” What happened of explosions in the heart of Damascus, is a blatant defiance of the reforms approach launched by President Bashar al-Assad and a mixing of papers to lead the situation in Syria into a state which is similar to what happened in Libya, ” al-Khazen said.

He pointed out that these sabotage acts which target the civil peace in Syria represent a crazy state to create an out-of-control sedition.

In Moscow, a number of Russian and Syrian citizens, during a stand in front of the Russian Foreign Ministry in solidarity with Syria, strongly condemned Damascus terrorists bombings causing many deaths and injuries.

They stressed that Syria, due to the wisdom of its leadership and people’s awareness, will emerge from this crisis stronger.

A number of Palestinian factions, parties and bodies vehemently condemned Damascus terrorist bombings, expressing solidarity with Syria in the face of the plot to which it is exposed with the aim of deterring it from its resistant national stances.

The factions, in statements, said the blasts indicate the state of failure and despair reached by the armed opposition in Baba Amr, Idleb and in other areas, stressing that the Syrian people’s high interest lies in the emphasis on stopping violence, preventing outside interference, supporting comprehensive reform process and in adhering to the national unity and resisting the Zionist occupation.

The terrorists bombings also were condemned by several parties, unions, organizations and clans.

General Union of Farmers Condemns the Terrorist Attacks

The General Union of Farmers also denounced the two terrorist attacks, stressing that such crimes will not undermine Syria’s national and pan-Arab stances under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

In a statement, the Union pointed out that this crime is a cover for Israel’s crimes in Jerusalem and Gaza Strip amid Arab silence and submission.

The Union added that the purpose of this crime is to exaggerate the events in Syria in order to pave the way for intervention under fake pretexts as ‘defending human rights’ and ‘insuring humanitarian passages’.

Arab Workers Union Denounces the Terrorist Attacks

Rajab Matouk, General-Secretary of the Arab Workers Union condemned the attacks, considering them as terrorist acts funded and supported by external sides.

In an interview with the Syrian TV, Matouk added that the attacks prove that the conspiracy against Syria is in its last stage.

He stressed that the millions of the Syrians who took to streets on Thursday prove that the Syrians are determined to confront all terrorist acts and achieve security and stability.

Syrian Community in Russia Condemns the Terrorist Attacks

The Syrian Community in Russia also denounced the terrorist attacks, holding external sides, especially Qatar and KSA, responsible for them.

In a statement released Sunday, the community stressed its support to Syria, highlighted that ” These crimes will not dissuade us from uniting in the face of plots or from continuing the reform program announced by President Bashar al-Assad.”

For its part, the National Union of Syrian Students in Russia condemned the terrorist attacks.

The union added that these crimes were perpetrated by terrorists supported and backed by the oil princes and countries.

Syrian Community in Brazil Condemns the Terrorist attacks

The Syrian Community in Brazil condemned the terrorist attacks, reiterating its support to all procedures taken by the Syrian leadership to restore stability and security to the country.

During a mass march in Brasilia Downtown, they expressed their adherence to the leadership of President al-Assad, expressing appreciation for the sacrifices made by the Syrian army.

The participants raised banners and placards in which they expressed their rejection of foreign interference attempts in Syria’s affairs.

Two Terrorists Killed in Booby-trapped Car Blast in Yarmouk Camp

DAMASCUS COUNTRYSIDE, (SANA)_Two terrorists were killed on Saturday when a booby-trapped car they were driving exploded in Thalatheen Street in Yarmouk Camp, shattering the glass of nearby buildings and causing damage to parked cars.


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