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Syrian News on March 21, 2012

President al-Assad in the Umayyad Mosque Stresses that Syria and the Levant Prove Day after Day that It Will Remain Main Fountain of Islamic Science

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad visited on Tuesday the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus to inspect the printed and audio standard copy of the Holy Quran which was set to be the standard for printing the Holy Quran.

President al-Assad listened to members of the Permanent Committee for Holy Quran Affairs about the stages of writing the copy which is considered the first of its kind in the Islamic world.

President al-Assad hailed the efforts exerted by the committee which is affiliated to the Ministry of Religious Endowments and includes a number of top Islamic scholars under the supervision of Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Said Ramadan al-Buti.

The copy includes the correct articulation of letters and their inflections and precision.

President al-Assad gave the green light for the printing of the copy as to be distributed to all interested.

The President also reviewed a copy of the Holy Quran dubbed ‘al-Sham’ written by over 64 calligraphers from 17 states. The copy is two meters long and one meter wide set to be the largest copy of the Holy Quran in the world.

In a statement, Minister of Religious Endowments Mohammad Abdelsattar al-Sayyed said that President al-Assad was briefed on this project which took four years to complete, which commemorates the sending of the original copy of the Quran by Uthman ibn Affan to the Umayyad Mosque.

He said that the preparation of this copy was a huge undertaking for the Ministry and that it was carried out by the Permanent Committee for the Affairs of the Holy Quran, adding that this copy of the Quran is the first of its kind in terms of covering all aspects of punctuation, Quran science, calligraphy and letter composition.

A Number of Law-Enforcement Members, Civilians Martyred by terrorist’s booby-trapped car in Daraa Countryside

DARAA Countryside, (SANA)-A number of law-enforcement members, several civilians were martyred Tuesday when a suicide terrorist exploded a booby-trapped car at law-enforcement forces at al-Jiza crossroads on al-Musefra-Busra road in Daraa countryside.

SANA reporter in Daraa learned that the blast caused big damages in some surrounding buildings with 2-meter crater at the place of bombing.

The act also left many injuries among the law enforcement members and citizens.

Seven Army and Law Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Seven army and law enforcement martyrs on Tuesday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held on Tuesday for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Damascus and its Countryside and Daraa.

The martyrs are:

  • Major Farkad Abdul-karim, from Tartous.
  • Warrant Officer Aws Ghassan al-Ahmad, from Tartous.
  • Sergeant Amer Munir Ahmad, from Lattaki.
  • Sergeant Mohammed Hafez Hilal, from Lattakia.
  • Corporal Ashraf Ahmad Shahin, from Idleb.
  • Corporal Eid Kamal Ayyoub, from Damascus Countryside.
  • Conscript Khalil Mahmoud al-Ali, from Aleppo.

The martyrs’ families called for confronting the terrorists in order to restore Syria’s security and stability, expressing confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through adhering to  national unity.

They condemned the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups backed by some Arab and Western countries.

Syria Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Iraq

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Syria strongly condemned the terrorist bombings that took place simultaneously in several Iraqi cities on Tuesday, killing and wounding dozens.

In a statement, the Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that terrorism has no religion nor homeland, and that the same terrorism that struck Damascus and Aleppo recently is targeting Iraqi cities.

The Ministry offered the sincerest condolences to Iraq for the martyrs who lost their lives in the bombings, voicing full support and commiserations to the families of the victims and hoping that security and stability will be restored in Iraq.

On Nowruz Day.. Kurds Affirm they are part of Syrian Society

Aleppo, (SANA)-The National Initiative for the Syrian Kurds on Tuesday held its annual festival at Sky Rose Hall in Aleppo celebrating al-Nowruz ( Spring ) occasion, with participation of popular, civil and official activities in Aleppo.

“The Syrian Kurds, as other national constituents, have foiled all wagers, showed high national awareness and sense to become a real defender of the Homeland,” Chairman of the Initiative Omar Ossi said, referring to the hostile powers’ bids to exploit the Kurdish file within their hostile agendas.

He pointed out to the role of the US-backed Zionism and their tools represented by Al Saud, Al Thani, Turkey and its war against the Kurds in safe regions, preventing them from celebrating the Nowruz Day.

He added that the Kurds will engage, along with their partners in the Homeland, in the national political life to build the features of modern Syria that will consolidate the basic principles of the Syrian people’s rights.

The festival included a lot of shows, songs, folkloric dances that reflected the Syrian people’s civilization and history.

HRW: Some Syrian Armed Opposition Groups Committed Serious Abuses

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Human Rights Watch (HRW) affirmed on Tuesday that some Syrian armed opposition groups have committed serious human rights abuses.

AP reported the Organization as saying in a statement that the abuses included the kidnapping, torture and execution of Syrian civilians and security force members.

HRW stressed that it has received  reports of ‘executions by armed opposition groups of security force members and civilians’.

Earlier this week, two booby-trapped car  blasts hit Damascus city leading to 24 martyrs and torn-off limbs of three other martyrs and 140 civilians and law-enforcement members were injured.

Popular, State Efforts to Bring Back Normal Life to Terrorism-Affected Cities Being Exerted

CITIES, (SANA) –Less than twenty four hours after Aleppo’s terrorist bombing, Suleimanyieh neighborhood has restored to normal gradually amid its residents’ insistence to go back to their work and open their shops.

” We thank God that we are alright and Syria is alright… everything is okay because we, the Syrians, are as one,” a woman who was affected by Suleimanyieh blast told SANA correspondent.

In the capital, Qassaa residents started to repair their houses right after the blast took place on Saturday, pointing out that terrorism will not discourage the Syrians and they will rebuild all over again.

On the other hand, Ministry of Electricity continues its efforts to supply Homs houses with electricity after terrorist armed groups sabotaged the city’s infrastructure and properties.

Life in Idleb is witnessing normal activity after the authorities secured the area.

Lavrov: Positive Modifications in Stances by Western and Middle East Countries Regarding Evaluation of Events in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA)_ Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov asserted that arms and fighters penetrate into Syria from Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Libya irrespective of the stances taken by the Governments of these Countries

In a joint press conference following his talks with Lebanese Counterpart, Adnan Mansour, Minister Lavrov added that the task is to contribute to the taking of measures as not to let such penetrations continue, because they increase the complication of the situation in Syria and inflame armed conflict.

Minister Lavrov rejected strongly the news circulated by US representatives’ claims regarding ‘modifications in Russian stance on Syria’, asserting that some positive modifications and changes in stances have been made by western and Middle East countries, where realism in their evaluation for what is taking place in Syria is close to evaluations for the ongoing in Syria.

The Russian veteran Foreign Minister underscored the importance of conveying humanitarian aid to Syria, simultaneous stopping of violence by the authority and the opposition, lashing out at calls on the Syrian Government to pull out its units from cities while the opposition isn’t called on.

Minister Lavrov denied the news circulated about the entry of Russian warships into Syrian Ports, asserting that such fabrications aim at foiling Kofi Anna’s efforts as to help in solving the crisis in Syria and that the withdrawal of Gulf Countries ‘ ambassadors from Syria and the new sanctions by EU on Syria don’t help in making the mission of Annan a success.

Minister Lavrov declared that His Country would support a statement or a resolution by the UN Security Council only if it includes no mention of ultimatums, asserting that the events of the so-called Arab spring should not be exploited as a pretext to put the Palestinian Cause on the shelf.

On his part, Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour said that the viewpoints between Lebanon and Russia are identical in standing against violence as well as in calling for a stop of violence by all sides, reiterating Lebanon’s firm rejection to any military intervention in Syria’s affairs.

Mansour Renews Lebanon’s Rejection of any Foreign Intervention in Syria’s Affairs

Mansour renewed his country’s rejection of foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs.

“We are against any military intervention, against any support to the armed men… we are with Syria’s unity and stability,” Mansour said following a meeting with Chairman of the International Relations’ Committee at the Russian Duma Council Alexander Poshkov in Moscow.

He added that Russia, as a superpower, can offer a lot through its constructive stances to solve the difficult problems in the Middle East.

Lavrov: Hardline US-French Policies Regarding Syria Prompted by Election-Related Considerations

Later, Lavrov said that the hardline policies of the United State and France regarding Syria are largely prompted by attempts to “earn points” in election campaigns in these countries.

In an interview with the Russian radio station Kommersant 93.6 FM, Lavrov said that for animosity towards Russia is currently being used in the United States to achieve election-related goals.

The Russian Foreign Minister voiced his belief that al-Qaeda might be behind the latest terrorist acts which took place in Syria, adding “when such terrorist acts, like those which recently happened in Damascus and Aleppo, are taking place how can we ask the Syrian authority to lay down arms.”

“I believe that in the condition of terrorist acts that are being manifested with al-Qaeda fingerprints on them, as far as I correctly understand what is going on, there must be a response, otherwise the citizens will be simply living in constant panic.”

Russian Deputy Defense Minister: We Don’t Have Troops in Syria

Russian Deputy Minister of Defense,   Anatoly Antonov stressed on Tuesday  that ‘at this time Russia has no troops in Syria’.

The Voice of Russia website quoted Antonov as saying that “We have a tanker there for supportive functions. We don’t have any Special Forces and Military troops. It’s all made up information regarding Russian Federation. There are no military troops now and it won’t be any. It doesn’t match our national interests.”

For his part, Chief of the General Staff of Armed Forces, Nikolay Makarov told journalists that ‘Russia is fulfilling its contractual obligations with Syria on sending weapons’, and it will continue carrying out its commitments, asserting that Russia is an independent state.

Matviyenko: Russia is Opposed to Excessive Pressure and Forceful Undermining of Authority in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko on Tuesday said that Russia is opposed to exerting excessive pressure on Syria and using force to undermine the authority in it, stressing that the Syrian crisis can only be solved by negotiations between the authorities and the opposition without preconditions.

In an interview with Russia’s Izvestiya newspaper, Matviyenko said that there are certain differences between Russia’s stances and those of western countries regarding the crisis in Syria, affirming that there are some points that Russia cannot agree upon with the west, and that Moscow considers western demands of toppling the regime in Syria to be interference in its internal affairs.

She pointed out that the Libyan model is not a successful recipe since that country is currently witnessing a civil war, noting that the west emphasis too much on toppling the regime in Syria, adding that at the same time, the west isn’t very interested in increasing external pressure on Damascus.

Matviyenko also affirmed that Russia is conducting daily dialogue with western countries and Arab League member states regarding the crisis in Syria.

She said that the joint announcement between Russia and the Arab League includes an article on guaranteeing that humanitarian aid reaches all Syrians, pointing out that Russia helped the International Red Cross to enter Syria, concluding by hoping that Syrians will be able to reach an agreement among themselves.

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