Just International

Syrian News on March 27th & 28th, 2012

President al-Assad: Restoring Security, Safety, Imposing Rule of Law a Must

 HOMS, (SANA)_President Bashar al-Assad paid an inspection field visit Tuesday to Baba Amr Quarter in Homs Governorate.

President al-Assad met the inhabitants of the Quarter, earlier agonized by heavily-armed terrorist groups which terrorized the inhabitants, asserting that the State would never hesitate to carry out its duty and responsibilities in protecting its citizens.

“The State has given those who deviated from the path of right the best of possible opportunities to backtrack and return to the Homeland, and to put down their arms; they ,however, rejected seizing these opportunities and further increased their terrorism. So, there was a must as to work for restoring security, safety, and for imposing the rule of law,” underscored President al-Assad to hundreds of the citizens who gathered around him and complained from the heinous acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups.

President al-Assad, during his field visit and inspection of the destruction inflicted upon the Quarter by the armed terrorist groups, called for the rallying of efforts and redoubling work as to quickly reconstruct destroyed buildings and rehabilitate the infrastructure, especially schools, electricity grids, and medical establishments.

President al-Assad, during his meeting with some army and police force members, lauded the sacrifices and efforts exerted by the Syrian Army and Police members in defense of the Homeland and its stability and security.

The inhabitants of the Quarter, who chanted slogans of loyalty, and amity to president al-Assad, asserted that the terrorist acts by the armed terrorist groups have but increased the inhabitants’ commitment to their Homeland, and care about its security and stability, highly appreciating the Syrian Arab Army, which restored safety and security to their Quarter and City.

14 Martyrs at the Hands of  Terrorist Groups Escorted to Final Resting Places

DAMASCUS, LATTAKIA, (SANA)_ 14 martyrs of the Syrian Army and Police Force, who were martyred by the armed terrorist groups, were escorted to their final resting places.

Solemn funerals were held for the martyrs, who sacrificed their souls in defense of the beloved homeland :

  • Brigadier General Ali Ahmad Jamahiri from Lattakia.
  • Colonel Mahir Nadim Issa from Lattakia.
  • Major Alaa Arif Al-Ali from Lattakia.
  • First Lieutenant Ihab Fhassan al-Khatib from Lattakia.
  • Sergeant Rabi Abdullah Ramadan from Homs.
  • Sergeant Amar loui Shalah from Damascus Governorate.
  • Conscript Omar Moussa al-Hassan from Quneitra.
  • Conscript Mamoun Mohamad Taha from Aleppo.
  • Conscript Abdulrahman Hassan Abdulrahman from Aleppo.
  • Conscript Mohanad Zouheir Jouma from Deir Azzour.
  • Conscript Swar Salahaldin Qaddour from Aleppo.
  • Conscript Youssef Abdulhamid Oubid from Damascus.
  • Conscript Mohamad Ramadan Alal from Homs.
  • Conscript Mahmoud Mohamad Dojan from Hama.

The family members of the martyred reiterated their pledge to stand united in the face of foreign schemes and terrorist attacks targeting Syria.

In press statements, the family members underlined their willingness to sacrifice the more in defense of stability and security .

Gatilov: Russia Awaiting Syrian Opposition’s Acceptance of Annan’s Plan

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov on Tuesday said Moscow is waiting for the Syrian opposition to accept the plan of UN-Arab League special envoy to Syria Kofi Annan to settle the crisis.

The Russian ITAR-TASS news agency quoted Gatilov as saying on his Twitter page that the Syrian authorities have accepted Annan’s plan and that the envoy expressed cautious optimism over this, adding “this is a step forward…now it’s the opposition’s turn.”

The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister earlier mentioned that a Syrian opposition delegation representing the Coordination Commission will visit Moscow soon.

Russia Is Not Participating in Next ‘Friends of Syria’ Meeting

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich announced that his country is not participating in the meeting of the so-called ‘Friends of Syria’ due to be held on April 1st in the Turkish city of Istanbul, saying such activities have a politicized character and unilateral approach.

“The participants in Istanbul meeting are preparing for foreign intervention and they are not seeking solution for national dialogue or a peaceful settlement to the crisis in Syria,” Lukashevich was quoted as saying by ITAR-TASS agency.

He added that Russia considers that such groups are not able to unite the stance of the international community, but rather work destructively contrary to the mode of the positive changes related to the UN envoy’s mission to Syria.

Lukashevich said the chances of success are available for Annan’s mission as long as all the parties in Syria halt dialogue and sit at the dialogue table, noting that his country has from the beginning supported the envoy’s mission.

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman added that Russia is using all its capabilities and continuing contacts with many of the Syrian groups inside and outside Syria, stressing the necessity for more effective participation by the West in the peaceful settlement to the situation in the country.

He added that Moscow is awaiting specific signals from the Syrian opposition.

Medvedev: Syrians Alone Decide Their Country’s Destiny

SEOUL, (SANA)- Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday said the Syrians alone decide Syria’s destiny and not other countries’ leaders, describing the calls for President Bashar al-Assad to step aside as “a short-sighted view”.

Speaking at a press conference in Seoul, President Medvedev considered the UN envoy’s mission is a last chance to avoid civil war in Syria.

Authorities Seize a car loaded of weapons in Dir Ezzor, Kill Terrorists in Sarakeb

Dir Ezzor, (SANA)-Competent authorities in Dir Ezzor on Tuesday seized a pickup Chevrolet automobile loaded with a big quantity of weapons at al-Mayaden semi-desert on the Syrian-Iraqi borders.

An official source in Dir Ezzor told SANA reporter that the seized weapons included 267 Russian rifles, machine guns, mortars, RPGs, and a number of bombs.

Authorities Clash with terrorists in Sarakeb, kill a number of them

In response to the citizens’ appeals in Sarakeb, Idleb, the competent authorities pursued the armed terrorist groups which attacked the private and public properties and practiced acts of kidnapping, killing, looting and rape, burning houses and shops.

The authorities clashed with the terrorists, killing the most dangerous leaders of those groups, including Abdullah al-Haji, Osama al-Hammoud, Eyad al-Zer, Ibrahim Baker, Imad Shaaban and Mohammad Parish, known as Mohammad al-Hafi.

Security members also clashed  with another terrorist group near Jisr al-shoughour, killing a number of the armed men and confiscating their weapons.

An official source in Idleb told SANA reporter that two of the arrested terrorists were Fadi Mohammad al-Ahmad and Deib Latif Mohammad.

Iranian President: Relations’ Development with Syria has no Limits

TEHRAN, (SANA)-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday underlined that development of bilateral relations between Iran and Syria has no limits, saying that his country will spare no effort to achieve this purpose.

“The Syrian leadership carries out the reforms in a correct manner, depending on the Syrian people who have foiled the enemies’ conspiracies which achieved nothing,” President Ahmadinejad said during a meeting with Deputy Foreign and Expatriates’ Minister Fayssal Mikdad in Tehran.

He added that the Syrian leadership is not only confronting armed terrorist groups, but a global project against the country, pointing out that the enemies of the region seek to strike Iran, Syria and the resistance to rescue Israel under the pretext of protecting the freedoms and human rights.

The Iranian President criticized the Arab League’s dealing with the crisis in Syria, referring to proposals by some countries to Syria to adhere to democracy while they didn’t run any elections.

Al-Mikdad, for his part, briefed the Iranian President on the situation, events and latest developments in Syria, and the consultations, contacts made so far to reach a solution that protects Syria’s territorial integrity and ends the terrorist acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups.

Later, al-Mikdad completed talks with the Iranian National Security Advisor Saeed Jalili who hailed Syria’s resistant role against the western-Zionist schemes.

Al-Mikdad also reviewed with Iran’s Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salihi the situation in the region, particularly in Syria.

Salihi hailed Syria’s steadfastness, as people and leadership, to foil the conspiracy to which it is exposed. Salihi underlined the importance of coordination between the two countries in all fields, saying that Syria’s stances and its support to the Palestinian Cause made it a target to the attacks of terrorists and their supporters.

China Calls All Syrian Sides to Cooperate with Annan

BEIJING, (SANA)- Chinese Prime Minister, Wen Jiabao, discussed with UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan in Beijing his plan on the situation in Syria.

AFP quoted Jiabao as saying during his meeting with Annan on Tuesday that the UN Security Council presidential statement which called for ending violence reflects the high level of concern and important consensus reached by the international community on the situation in Syria.

For his part, Annan described the response of the Syrian Government to his plan as “positive”, expressing hope to work with it as to translate this response into action.

Earlier, China called on all the Syrian sides to participate in the efforts exerted by Annan.

In a press conference, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Hung Li, said “We hope that all the Syrian sides will be able to join the mediation efforts exerted by  Annan to ensure the conditions for a political settlement for the situation in Syria.”

The Chinese Foreign Ministry expressed determination on continuing work with all sides through playing an active and constructive role in reaching a peaceful and appropriate solution to the Syrian crisis.

Economy Ministry Permits Importing  All Materials and Products Originating from Iran

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Minister of Economy and Trade Mohammad Nidal al-Shaar issued a decision on Tuesday permitting the import of all materials and products originating from Iran.

The decision also ratifies the Free Trade Agreement between Syria and Iran which was put into effect on March 21st.

Only items that are prohibited from being imported due to health, environmental or such reasons are exempt from this decision, in addition to materials that are restricted to the public sector which the private sector isn’t allowed to import.

Five Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Five army and law-enforcement martyrs on Monday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Daraa Province.

The martyrs are:

  • Sergeant Ismael al-Ammouri, from Aleppo.
  • Sergeant Hamzeh Ramadan al-Ali, from Tartous.
  • sergeant Mohsen Majed al-Hassan, from Homs.
  • Corporal Ali Hani Hmaidoush from Lattakia.
  • Conscript Nayef Abdul-Rahman al-Owayid, from Aleppo.

The martyrs’ families expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons to protect the security, safety and dignity of their homeland in the face of the conspiracy and the foreign interference.

They called for confronting the terrorists in order to restore Syria’s security and stability, expressing confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through adhering to national unity.

People’s Assembly Appeals to the President for Delaying Legislative Elections until Comprehensive Reforms Consolidated

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – In a session chaired by Speaker Mahmoud al-Abrash, the People’s Assembly discussed on Monday the date for parliamentary elections set to be on May 7,2012 according to Decree No. 113.

The Assembly appealed to the President of the Republic, H.E. Bashar al-Assad, as to consider delaying the elections so that the comprehensive reforms are consolidated, waiting for the outcome of the comprehensive national dialogue and empowering the licensed parties in light of the new parties law.

Mikdad: Terrorists Destroyed a number of developmental projects carried out with the UN

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad said that cooperation between Syria and the UN programs has been good during the latest years which gave fruits to many development projects in Syria, but the terrorists have destroyed a number of these projects with billions of SYP losses.

Al-Mikdad, meeting the UN Development Program (UNDP) Representative in Syria Ismael Wild al-Sheikh Ahmed who has ended his mission in Syria Monday, regretted that the UN didn’t condemn the sabotage acts of the terrorists, saying “A lot of information which the UN receives are taken from several sources, but they don’t reflect what is really happening in Syria.”

He added ” while Syria steps with quick strides towards stability and gets rid of the terrorist members who brought chaos into the country, we are going ahead with our people towards more developed Syria with democracy, pluralism and respecting freedoms.”

For his part, Wild al-Sheikh regretted the latest events in Syria, underlining that the peaceful solution and dialogue is the only way to come out of the crisis.

Mikdad: Syria Keen on Continuing Efforts Regarding Population

Mikdad said that Syria is bent on continuing efforts as regards the population despite the exceptional circumstances it is going through.

During his meeting on Monday with Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) ,Laila Bakr, on the occasion of assuming her mission in Syria, Dr. Mikdad expressed Syria’s appreciation for the standing cooperation with the UNFPA, wishing her success in her missions.

Dr. Mikdad underlined Syria’s desire to carry out the programs that will address population-related problems and find the appropriate solutions.

He added that any UNFPA program should be based on the real needs of the population, the nature of the Syrian society and the standing challenges to yield the hoped-for results.

Bakr expressed happiness over assuming her new mission , indicating that the UNFPA is willing to cooperate with the Syrian government and continue the programs it started in Syria.

She voiced appreciation for the progress achieved in Syria, attributing it to its cooperation and support to the UN Population Fund.

National Council of Media Grants Licenses to Six Newspapers, 13 Magazines

DAMASCUS – The National Media Council on Monday gave licenses to 6 newspapers and 13 magazines. 

The newspapers and magazines cover political, economic, cultural and social affairs.

Earlier, the council held several meetings in which it set the future plans of media work according to the media law.

China’s Foreign Ministry: Beijing Will Continue Work with All Sides to Reach Peaceful Solution to Syria’s Issue

BEIJING, (SANA) – Spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Hong Li, on Monday said that China will continue playing a constructive role and working with all sides with the aim of reaching a peaceful solution to Syria’s issue.

The Chinese News Agency, Xinhua, quoted Li as saying at a press conference that solving Syria’s issue demands participation and dialogue among all main sides, adding that the international community should provide the appropriate circumstances for such dialogue.

He outlined that the procedures taken by the international community should help alleviate the situation and enhance political dialogue.

He added that in the current situation, China didn’t consider the possibility of participating at ‘Friends of Syria’ conference, which is due to be held in Istanbul in April.

Syria, Belarus Sign Executive Protocol on Cooperation in Health Field

MINSK, (SANA) – Syrian and Belarusian Ministries of health on Saturday evening signed an executive protocol in Minsk.

According to the protocol, the Belarusian side will facilitate procedures of registering the Syrian medicine after presenting a full package of documents and implementing all requirements with regard to registering medicine in Belarus.

The protocol also encourages the Syrian investors to produce wide range of medicine in Belarus, as the Syrian registered drugs could take part in tenders held by Belarusian Ministry of health, in addition to importing medicine and cosmetics made in Syria.

The Ministries of the two countries will provide the required facilities for establishing a mutual firm in Belarus to produce a list of agreed upon drugs.

The Belarusian side pledges to provide appropriate environment to import the Syrian medicine to Belarus according to the protocol, as the two sides will set joint training programs for medical cadres, particularly for the Syrian doctors at the Belarusian Medical Academy of post-graduate qualification in different specializations.

” The Syrian-Belarusian health relations are characterized by understanding and the mutual desire of constructive cooperation in different medical domains, particularly in pharmacology.” Minister of Health Wael al-Halaqi said after signing the protocol.

Archbishop Mansour: Syrians’ Unity will Foil Conspiracies of Enemies

BRAZILIA, (SANA)_ Archbishop of Orthodox Church in Brazil, Damaskinos Mansour, said that Syria will remain the land of amity against all attempts to undermine its unity, adding that the bonds binding the Syrians will foil the conspiracies.

In a speech during a religious mass held in the Brazilian city of Cordoba in honor of the Syrian martyrs, Archbishop Mansour said “The Muslims and Christians  are praying for reforms to be consummated in peace and for dialogue to be marked with transparency and respect.”

He added that no religion allows killing, indicating that those who are using weapons are not interested in reforms.

Burial Chamber Dating Back to Byzantine and Ayyubid Eras Uncovered in Cavern in Sweida

SWEIDA, (SANA) – A national archeological expedition working in Tel Ara in Sweida governorate uncovered an ancient burial chamber dating back to the Byzantine and Ayyubid eras in a cavern.

Hussein Zeineddin, head of the expedition, said that the volcanic cave is located north of al-Hesha volcanic hill, east of Ara mountain, and that it has an arch-like entrance with a roof consisting of handmade arches.

He said that excavations uncovered four semicircular tombs, the first located in the eastern part of the cave and consisting of an oval alcove serving as a grave for an individual or a family, while the second is located in the center of the cavern and is raised from the floor, containing small bone fragments that could have belonged to a young person.

The third tomb is similar to the first one and contains a small grave in the floor, while the fourth is in the western part of the cavern and consists of an alcove full of debris.

Expedition member Yasser al-Sahaar said that it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact date of the burial chamber due to the damage it sustained over the ages and the lack of bones, noting that pottery fragments and remains of funerary wares imply that it dates back to either the Ayyubid or the Byzantine era.

In ancient times, the nearby Ara village was located on an important route connecting Basra and Sweida. It contains remains of an ancient Roman wall and church, in addition to a number of ancient ruins and two keeps, one ancient and one built in 1879.

Ara village is located 15 kilometers southwest of Sweida city. Its name means “expansive land” or “strong bond.”

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