Just International

Syrian News on May 30th, 2012

President al-Assad: Success of Annan’s Plan Depends on Stopping Terrorism and Weapon Smuggling

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad on Tuesday discussed with UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan and the accompanying delegation the situation in Syria since the beginning of the implementation of Annan’s six-point plan to the moment.

The meeting also discussed means for overcoming obstacles hindering Annan’s plan, particularly the escalating terrorism in some Syrian areas.

President al-Assad pointed out that the armed terrorist groups escalated their terrorist acts noticeably as of late in various areas across Syria, committing murder and abduction against Syrian citizens in addition to robberies and targeting public and private properties with arson and vandalism.

He stressed the need for the countries who are financing, arming and harboring the terrorist groups to commit to Annan’s plan, and that these countries’ political will to participate in stopping terrorism must be put to the test.

President al-Assad affirmed to Annan that the success of his plan depends on stopping weapon smuggling and curbing terrorism and those who support it.

For his part, Annan commended the positivity in the coordination between the Syrian government and the international observers.

The meeting was attended by Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, Presidential Political and Media Advisor Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Deputy Foreign Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad, and Foreign Ministry Official Spokesman Dr. Jihad Makdessi.

Annan: Syria cooperated with international Monitors..Investigation into al-Houla incident encouraging

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-The UN Special Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan on Tuesday appreciated the Syrian government for cooperation in deploying the military monitors as soon as possible.

“During my meeting with President Bashar al-Assad, I relayed to him the deep concern of the international community about violence in Syria, including the incident of al-Houla,” Annan said at a press conference in Damascus.

He added that the Security Council declared that an investigation should be held to bring those who were responsible for al-Houla incident into justice, saying “I have noticed that the Syrian government is investigating into the act, and this encouraging.”

Annan saw that the 6-point plan was not implemented, indicating that the international community will make an evaluation of the situation in Syria, calling for adopting bold steps to create atmospheres for carrying out the plan.

He pointed out that violence stopped on April 12th, and now there is no justification for not halting violence once again.

Annan underlined that he asked the armed opposition to halt violence, saying “I call on all influential states to press the government and all sides on the need for the halt of violence in all areas.”

He pointed out to the importance of releasing the detainees, considering this point as part of the six-point plan and a necessity for finding confidence, saying “it is necessary to reach to all detainees and the places of their detention.”

“I agreed with President al-Assad on the importance of handing over the humanitarian aid to all regions in addition to giving visas to the UN organizations to offer assistance,” Annan said.

He referred that he also underlined on the need for respecting the freedom of peaceful demonstrations and freedom of expression.

He added that he has noticed more journalists and press are getting visas to enter Syria, saying “this is encouraging for more openness.”

The armed terrorist groups have perpetrated more than 5000 violations since the adoption of Annan’s plan with a number of Arab and western countries, including the US are supporting gunmen with weapons and money.

The Syrian Ministry of Information gave visa entries for more than 178 media institutions to cover the events in Syria since last March.

Twenty One Army, Law-Enforcement Martyrs Paid Final Tribute

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of 21 army and law-enforcement a martyrs on Tuesday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital and the Police Hospital in Damascus, Aleppo Military Hospital and Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were martyred in line of duty in Damascus Countryside, Daraa, Homs, Hama, Aleppo and Raqqa.

The martyrs are:

­           Captain Nidal Badee’ Mansour from Homs.

­           First Lieutenant Khalil Madha from Deir Ezzor.

­           First Lietuenant Qusai Mohammad Qhaila from Lattakia.

­           Second Lieutenant Rabee’ Mohammad Harba from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Ahmad Salman al-Ward from Hama.

­           Sergeant Major Auroa Mohammad Younis from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Major Mohammad Ibrahim al-Na’em from Hama.

­           Sergeant Khaled Maher al-Ammouri from Hama.

­           Corporal Mohammad Basheer Bakkour from Homs.

­           Corporal Ziad Adel Suleiman from Lattakia.

­           Conscript Mohammad Saffouk al-Issa from Hama.

­           Conscript Ammar Salem Aouda from Damascus.

­           Conscript Ahmad Ziad Saleh from Daraa.

­           Conscript Mohammad Mahmoud al-Haj Mohammad Ramadan from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Fadi Jnaid Haj Ahmad from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Na’eem Hussein al-Hussein from Daraa.

­           Conscript Khaled Mohammad Shinana from Damascus.

­           Conscript Ibrahim Zaki Jabr from Idleb.

­           Conscript Ismael Mohammad Briemo from Idleb.

­           Private Nazeer Mustafa Mustafa from Homs.

­           Policeman Hashem al-Khaled from Aleppo.

The martyrs’ relatives said that the blood of the martyrs fortifies the homeland in the face of conspiracies, expressing the Syrian people’s readiness to sacrifice everything for the sake of defending the homeland’s security and stability.

Authorities Storm Apartment in Daraa, Confiscate Weapons and Communication Devices

DARAA, (SANA) – With the help of residents, authorities managed on Tuesday to uncover and confiscate weapons and communication devices used by an armed terrorist group in Naseeb border town in Daraa Province.

The weapons were hidden in an apartment used by the terrorists to carry out terrorist crimes against citizens.

A PKC machinegun, rifles, ammunition, night binoculars, fake car plates and Motorola communication devices in addition to maps of important sites which terrorists planned to target were found in the apartment.

Authorities Confiscate Weapons in Homs

Authorities confiscated different kinds of weapons after storming terrorists’ dens in Homs city.

SANA’s reporter quoted a source at the province as saying that the weapons include mortar and 13 shells, RPG launcher and 4 rounds, 26 advanced communication devices, 3 hand grenades (one of which Israeli-made), 4 ak-47 rifles with 12 magazines, 4 pump-action shotguns, 5 pistols and a sniper’s scope in addition to different kinds of ammunition.

Authorities in Hama storm dens of terrorists, confiscate weapons

The competent authorities today stormed a number of dens for the armed terrorist groups at al-Arba’en neighborhood in Hama, seizing big quantities of weapons, ammunitions and arresting scores of terrorists who perpetrated acts of killing and sabotage.

The weapons confiscated were RPGs, machine guns, rifles, bombs and communication sets.

Lavrov: Russia Concerned over  Some Countries’ Disregard of UNSC Investigation in al-Houla Events

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, said on Tuesday that Russia is concerned over some countries’ disregard of the UN Security Council’s call for investigating al-Hola events in Syria, adding that some countries are exploiting these events to propose military measures.

At a press conference in Moscow, Lavrov added that these countries are pressurizing the Security Council, however, the plan of UN envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, seems to be hindering them.

He expressed Russia’s sympathies with the countries which hosted Syrian refugees who numbered up to 150 thousand people, but he pointed out that other countries are trying to exploit the issue of refugees as a pretext for military intervention.

Lavrov denounced Burhan Ghalion’s statement in which he openly called on all Syrian opposition factions to continue what he called “the liberation strife until the Security Council agrees on military intervention.”

Lavrov pointed out that Ghalion’s statement is a direct provocation for a civil war, adding that such acts contradict with Annan’s plan which stipulates for unifying the opposition to start dialogue with the authorities, not unifying the opposition to start a civil war.

Lavrov: Objective and Unbiased Investigation into al-Houla Massacre

Later during a phone call with the UN Special Envoy, Kofi Annan, Lavrov called for objective and unbiased investigation into al-Houla massacre in Homs countryside.

Russia Today website quoted the Russian Foreign Ministry as saying that Lavrov expressed deep concern over the tragedy and stressed the need for all Syrian sides to immediately halt violence to avoid the repetition of such incidents in the future.

“In the current stage, it is necessary to conduct an objective and unbiased investigation into the circumstances of the incident under the auspices of the UN observer mission,” said Lavrov.

Gatilov: No Alternative to Diplomatic Solution to Crisis in Syria

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov stressed that there is no alternative to the diplomatic solution to the crisis in Syria.

Gatilov’s remarks came during his meeting with the US Ambassador in Moscow Michael McFaul.

Russia Today website quoted the Russian Foreign Ministry as saying in a statement that Gatilov indicated that there is no alternative to the political diplomatic means to solve the crisis in Syria based on wide-ranging political dialogue without any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

The statement added that all foreign parties who have influence on the stances of sides in Syria including the armed opposition should exert efforts to encourage them to start dialogue.

The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the Russian side focused on the need for intensifying international support to implement the six-point plan of the UN Special Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, by all Syrian sides, reiterating Russia’s support to the work of the international observer mission in Syria.

Gatilov reiterated Moscow’s condemnation of the tragic incidents in al-Houla area in Homs countryside, stressing the need for conducting investigation into the incident.

Chizhov: No impact of the decision of western states to end mission of Syrian Ambassadors

Russian permanent Representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov criticized the decision of a number of European and western states to end the mission of the Syrian Ambassadors accredited to them.

“The escalation of confrontation is simple, but getting out of it will be complicated,” Chizov said in a statement in Brussels.

Mission of a number of ambassadors, chargés d’affaires and diplomats at the Syrian Embassies in the US, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, Canada and Bulgaria were terminated on Tuesday in an escalation measure against Syria.

Foreign and European Countries Terminate Mission of Syrian Ambassadors, Chargés d’affaires and Diplomats

CAPITALS, (SANA)- Mission of a number of ambassadors, chargés d’affaires and diplomats at the Syrian Embassies in the US, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, Canada and Bulgaria were terminated on Tuesday.

President Francois Hollande of France announced terminating the mission of Syria’s Ambassador in Paris Lamia Shakkour, a measure that was also taken against the Syrian ambassadors in Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Italy.

Meanwhile, Bulgaria, Australia, the US and Britain terminated the mission of the chargés d’affaires at the Syrian Embassies in these countries, while Canada asked a number of Syrian diplomats to leave the country.

Austria, however, announced that it has no intention to terminate the Syrian Ambassador’s mission in Vienna and that its embassy in Damascus is still open but the number of its staff has been reduced.

These measures coincide with talks held between the UN special envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, and the Syrian officials about the implementation of Annan’s plan, which was considered by these countries which have taken the termination decision against Syrian diplomats as doomed to failure since the first day of its announcement.

These termination measures also came in line with the escalation approched by these countries against Syria and the pressures and economic sanctions which they have imposed on the Syrian people.

Czech doesn’t put into its accounts dismissing the Syrian diplomats from its lands

Czech Foreign Ministry Spokesman Vit Kolar said his country doesn’t put into its accounts dismissing the Syrian diplomats from its lands.

In a statement today, Kolar added that the Ministry has just informed the Syrian diplomats of its stance on what is going in Syria.

Earlier, Czech rejected to close its Embassy in Damascus.

Cabinet: Brutal Massacre Committed by Terrorists in al-Houla will Not Undermine Syrians’ Determination

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian cabinet stressed on Tuesday that the brutal massacre which was committed by the armed terrorist groups in al-Houla will not undermine the Syrian people’s determination to confront the conspiracy and terrorism.

During a session headed by Prime Minister, Adel Safar, the cabinet pointed out that this inhuman crime is part of the terrorist escalation and the foreign plot to undermine Syria’s steadfastness and national unity.

The cabinet stressed the necessity of taking all measures to deter the armed terrorist groups and protect the citizens, noting that citizens’ awareness and cooperation is vital to uncovering the people responsible for this heinous crime and bringing them to justice.

During the meeting, the Finance Minister briefed the cabinet on the results of his visit to Russia and the talks he held there to boost cooperation between the two countries.

The Cabinet passed a bill on copyright protection, specifically in the field of material related to informatics, and another bill on amending the law regulating currency exchange companies.

The cabinet also agreed to form the General Establishment of the Syrian Communications Company as per the suggestion of the Communications and Technology Ministry.

In statements to the press after the meeting, Finance Minister Mohammad al-Jleilati said that during his visit to Russia, the two sides agreed to follow up on signed agreements and discussed several issues such as organizing expos to promote Syrian products in Russia, drawing Russian investments in Syria in the fields of industry, energy, transport and higher education, and providing petroleum products.

Al-Jleilati said that Russian companies made several offers for exporting petroleum products to Syria and importing Syrian crude oil, and that these offers are currently being studied.

He also noted that Russia voiced full readiness and desire to find alternatives to improve the state of Syrian economy and provide the needs of Syrians .

142 Citizens Involved in Recent Events Turn Themselves In

PROVINCES, (SANA) – 142 citizens who were misled and got involved in the recent events in the country and whose hands are clear of the Syrian blood have handed themselves and their weapons in to the authorities in Homs and Hama provinces.

The citizens, 101 from Homs and 41 from Hama, were released to go back to normal life after pledging not to take up arms again or take part in vandalizing public and private properties.

The released citizens expressed regret and promised not to participate in acts that affect Syria’s security and stability in the future.

The number of citizens who turned themselves in to the authorities and went back to normal life reached 7000.

Mehman Parast: Some Sides Seeking to Destabilize Syria

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehman Parast warned that undermining Syria’s security and stability threatens the security and stability of the region.

In a press conference held on Tuesday, Parast added that some sides are trying to destabilize Syria with the aim of achieving political ends and ending Israel’s isolation.

Parast reiterated his country’s condemnation of the terrorist and inhuman acts which target the Syrian people.

“To restore stability and security to Syria, a dialogue should be held between the government and the opposition,” he underscored.

UN Observer teams Visit Syrian Cities and Towns, Meet Citizens

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The international observers on Tuesday visited a number of neighborhoods and areas in Daraa and its countryside.

The delegation inspected normal life in the city and its markets where they listened to some citizens’ viewpoints about the events.

The UN observer delegation also visited Nasib bordering village and met people there.

Observer teams visited Harasta city and Yabrud, Qara and al-Jrageer towns in Damascus Countryside and met the locals.

In Homs province, a delegation of UN observers visited Homs- al-Rastan road, checking traffic movement in it.

Some members of the delegation met with Homs Governor and discussed with him the situation in the Province.


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