Just International

Syrian News on May18th , 2012

Thirteen Army, Law-Enforcement and Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA)- The bodies of thirteen  army, law-enforcement and civilian martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus and Aleppo Military Hospital and Deir Ezzor Military Hospital to their final resting place. Solemn processions were held for the martyrs who were killed while they were in the line of duty in Damascus and its Countryside, Daraa, Hama and Aleppo.

The martyrs are:

­        Colonel Engineer Ahmad Hasan Halabieh, from Aleppo.

­        Lieutenant Colonel Yasser Ali Mahmoud, from Lattakia.

­        Major Hussein Mahmoud Kharma, from Lattakia.

­        Captain Imad Jaber Shakira, from Homs.

­        Chief Warrant Officer Mohammad Ahmad Fares Ammari, from Daraa.

­        Corporal Mohammad Ahmad Mustafa, from Aleppo.

­        Policeman Ali Omar Hussein, from Aleppo.

­        Conscript Hasan Ibrahim Sharbo, from Aleppo.

­        Conscript Ali Ahmad Mohammad, from Idleb.

­        Conscript Salah-Eddin Hussein al-Obeid, from Hasaka.

­        Conscript Taha Khalaf al-Ali, from Hasaka.

­        Civilian Omar Adnan Qabouni, from Damascus.

The martyrs’ families expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons who sacrificed their souls for the sake of defending Syria’s stability and pride.

They called for confronting the armed terrorist groups, who have no relation with humanity, freedom and democracy, expressing readiness to sacrifice their lives in defending their homeland.

They expressed confidence in Syria’s ability to overcome the crisis thanks to the sacrifices of the Syrian army.

Two Law-enforcement Members Martyred by Terrorists Gunfire in Hama, Homs Countryside

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)_An armed terrorist group targeted on Thursday a bus carrying law-enforcement members on Homs-al-Salamieh road, killing a law-enforcement member and injuring another.

SANA correspondent quoted a source in the governorate as saying that the terrorist group opened fire at the bus, killing Ali Shahoud and injuring another who was rushed to al-Salamieh National Hospital.

Conscript Youssef Hassan, a law-enforcement member, was also martyred on Thursday by terrorists’ gunfire near al-Hijra roundabout in Hama city.

Competent Authorities Raid Terrorists’ Hideout in Aleppo Countryside, Arrest Three

The competent authorities raided on Thursday a terrorists’ hideout in al-Hamra village in Aleppo countryside and arrested three terrorists.

A source in the governorate said that weapon-manufacturing materials and an amount of weapons, including 20 explosive devices weighing nearly 15 kg each, were seized.

Terrorist Group Kills 4 Workers, Steals 7 SYP Millions from the Fuel Company Branch in Hama

An armed terrorist group shot dead 4 workers after breaking into their rented house in Jub al-Safa village in al-Hamra, Hama countryside.

SANA correspondent quoted a source in the governorate as saying that the terrorist group opened fire and killed Torky Joma’a al-Osman, Joma’a Torky al-Osman, Kaddour Mohammad al-Osman and Torky Mohammad Sadek.

Another terrorist group stole a car rented by Hama Fuel Company branch with SYP 7 millions inside while it was on its way to deposit the sum at the Commercial Bank at the Industrial City in Hama.

The source added that the competent authorities arrested on Thursday Mohammad Dorzi al-Mheimid on al-Raqqa –Salamieh road near al-Mzeira’a village and seized two guns and two bombs he was carrying.

The body of citizen Mohammad Hikmat Hadid from Ma’ardes was found in Taibet al-Imam town. A terrorist group also opened fire in al-Arba’in neighborhood in Hama, injuring Ahmad Nasser, a 10 years old child.

Two law enforcement members injured by explosive in Aleppo

Two law enforcement members were injured today by an explosive device detonated by an armed terrorist group near al-Dala Square, al-Neil Street in Aleppo.

SANA reporter said that the weight of the explosive was 3 KG, it was detonated from remote area and it caused some material damages.

Al-Shaar: Syria Achieved Great Success in Pursuing Armed Terrorist Groups

DAMASCUS, SANA_ Interior Minister in the caretaker government, Lt. Gen. Mohammad al Shaar, said Syria has achieved a great success in the pursuit of armed terrorist groups.

That came during the ceremony of the graduation of a new batch of law-enforcement members and guards at the police academy in Damascus.

Minister al-Shaar pointed to the reform steps which have been translated into a concrete reality through laws and decrees issued by President Bashar al-Assad, stressing that the support of the Syrian people to their leadership disappointed the conspirators who increased their criminal acts and intensified the suicide bombings to undermine the security and stability of Syria.

He called on those who were misled by outside parties to execute their plans and plots and whose hands were not stained with the blood to hand themselves into police stations in their regions to settle their cases to be released immediately.

International Observers Tour a number of Syrian Provinces

PROVINCES, (SANA) – Teams of the international observer mission mandated to monitor the ceasefire in Syria on Thursday visited Duma, Daraya and Zabadani  in Damascus Countryside, meeting a number of families in these areas.

In Aleppo, another team toured Aleppo University, while a third one toured al-Khalidieh, Akramh and al-Hadareh street in the city of Homs.

Other teams visited the neighborhoods of the Southern Stadium and Dawwar al-Jub in Hama.

Gen. Mood: Those Who Use Violence against the Syrian People and International Observers Should Reconsider Their Acts

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Head of the international observer mission to Syria, Gen. Robert Mood, on Wednesday said all those who are using violence against the Syrian people or against the international community represented by the observers should reconsider their acts as they will not contribute to realizing the aspirations of the Syrian people.

In a press statement reported by the United Press International, Gen. Mood praised the cooperation provided by the Syrian government to the international observers in this regard.

He talked about the incident which happened to one of his teams in Khan Sheikhoun town in the province of Idleb, in which two of their vehicles broke down.

“This is definitely not the kind of violence we want,” said Gen. Mood, expressing hope that this kind of violence would not be repeated.

He noted that the observer team have just left Khan Sheikhoun and were on their way back to Damascus.

Head of the international observer mission thanked the Syrian authorities for their cooperation, applauding the Syrian government’s role in facilitating and coordinating the transport of the two hit vehicles and the team’s departure from the town of Khan Sheikhoun.

On Tuesday, a team of the observers were hit in an explosive device blast targeting one of their vehicles in Khan Sheikhoun town in the Idleb, which caused damage to two vehicles, while no one was harmed.

Dvorkovich: Russia Opposes Adopting Statement by G8 on Syria and Iran That Could Be Used to Impose Provisions in Security Council Decisions

MOSCOW, (SANA)- The Russian President’s Representative to the Group of Eight, Arkady Dvorkovich, stressed Russia’s opposition to adopting a statement by the Group on Syria and Iran that includes conclusions about provisions that could be later imposed by the Group’s leaders when adopting decisions at the Security Council

Dvorkovich said in a statement on Thursday that the Group of Eight summit will discuss international security and other issues like the situation in Syria and Iran.

He emphasized that the most important issue for Russia in this regard is committing to its principles and excluding any attempts at making the Group of Eight’s statement include conclusions about provisions that could be later imposed by the Group’s leaders when endorsing decisions at the Security Council.

The Russian representative said that the Group of Eight should send a signal to the parties in Syria that they should work peacefully.

He stressed that Moscow considers it necessary to give a strong signal to all the parties in Syria to work to make the situation secure for everybody inside the country as well as in the neighboring countries and the entire world, adding that the signal should includes calls on the authorities in Syria and those protesting against them to work peacefully.

He noted that agreement on shaping the Group of Eight’s stance towards Syria has not been reached yet, adding that efforts are underway to reach an agreement in this regard.

The Group of Eight summit is scheduled in Camp David on May 18-19.

Iran Stresses Cooperation to Make Success of Annan’s Plan to Avoid Problems in the Region

 TEHRAN, (SANA)- Iranian Foreign Minister, Ali Akbar Salehi, on Wednesday stressed the importance of cooperation among the region’s countries to make a success of the plan of the UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan to avoid more problems in the region.

In a statement to the Iranian students news agency ISNA, Salehi expressed hope in the success of Annan’s plan to resolve the crisis in Syria, calling upon all countries interested in the Syrian issue not to take actions they would later regret.

He warned that the repercussions of not solving the Syrian crisis through dialogue would include the region entirely.

The Iranian Foreign Minister stressed the importance of giving the Syrian government the chance to implement Annan’s plan, lauding the good reform steps made by the Syrian leadership particularly those of the new constitution and the recently conducted parliamentary elections.

Salehi noted that the Syrian government has expressed complete readiness to conduct dialogue with the opposition, voicing hope that no measures will be taken that would cause problems to the region.

Visiting Russian Delegation to Produce Documentaries about Events in Syria

TARTOUS/LATTAKIA, (SANA) – Members of the Russian delegation visiting Syria underlined on Wednesday that they have shaped a clear image about the situation in the country, examining the fierce campaign targeting the Syrians upon being compared to the reality.

The delegation members, who came to produce documentaries about the events in Syria, pledged to be committed to objectivity and impartiality in documenting the facts related to the crisis.

Head of the delegation, Viktor Barabash, clarified that the Russian people realize the specialty of the Syrians who are an example of amity, expressing hope that the Syrians will remain united in defending their homeland and rejecting the foreign agendas.

For his part, Tartous Governor, Atef Naddaf, stressed the importance of Russian delegation’s expected project in documenting the situation in Syria away from distortion which has been utterly adopted by anti-Syrian media campaigns seeking to spread hatred among the Syrians and disfigure their image before the Arab and international public opinion.

Naddaf hoped that these documentaries would be soon displayed on Arab and international TV channels to convey the reality to the world.

Russian Media Delegation Visits Lattakia

The Russian media delegation also visited the city of Lattakia, meeting its governor and the head of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party branch in the city.

During this meeting, the delegation members said that what they witnessed firsthand and the testimonies of wounded soldiers, families of martyrs and citizens made them more aware of the conspiracy against Syria, adding that they sensed the Syrians’ determination to supporting reforms and preserving the country.

They voiced commitment to portraying facts as they are and relay reality with transparency, objectivity and credibility.

For their part, Lattakia’s Governor Abdelkader Mohammad al-Sheikh and head of al-Baath Party branch Mohammad Shreiteh voiced the Syrians’ appreciation of Russia’s stances in support of the Syrians’ choices.

The delegation members toured Lattakia and visited families of martyrs, offering them condolences and listening to their testimonies.

The Russian delegation includes thirteen members of different specializations including directors, journalists, professors, photographers, reporters and others.

Washington Post: Influx of Arms to Armed Syrian Opposition with Gulf States’ Money and U.S. Coordination

WASHINGTON, (SANA)- The Washington Post newspaper said that the Syrian opposition have begun receiving significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, an effort paid for by Gulf nations and coordinated in part by the United States.

The newspaper added, according to opposition activists and U.S. and foreign officials, that the flow of weapons, most still bought on the black market in neighboring countries, has significantly increased after a decision by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other gulf states to provide millions of dollars in funding each month, after armed opposition figures warned two months ago that they were running out of ammunition.

The article titled ‘Syrian rebels get influx of arms with gulf neighbors’ money, U.S. coordination’ noted that Obama administration officials emphasized that the United States is neither supplying nor funding the lethal arms, which includes antitank weaponry. Instead, they said, the administration has expanded contacts with opposition military forces to provide the gulf nations with assessments of rebel credibility and command-and-control infrastructure.

“We are increasing our nonlethal assistance to the Syrian opposition, and we continue to coordinate our efforts with friends and allies in the region and beyond in order to have the biggest impact on what we are collectively doing,” the Washington Post quoted a senior State Department official as saying.

The newspaper said that “the U.S. contacts with the rebel military and the information-sharing with gulf nations mark a shift in Obama administration policy.”

It cited Mulham al-Drobi, a member of Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood’s executive committee, as saying that the Brotherhood also said it has opened its own supply channel to the rebels, using resources from wealthy private individuals and money from gulf states, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The newspaper added, according to another opposition figure that “large shipments have got through,” and that “Some areas are loaded with weapons.”

Other opposition figures were quoted as saying that they have been in direct contact with State Department officials to designate worthy rebel recipients of arms and pinpoint locations for stockpiles.

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