Just International

Syrian News Oct 24- 25, 2011

Authorities Rescue Abducted Dr. Mohammad Khaddour in Homs, Arrest Armed Terrorists, Wound Others in Hama Countryside Oct 24, 2011

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The authorities in Homs on Sunday evening managed to rescue Dean of the Petrochemical Engineering Faculty at al-Baath University, Dr. Mohammad Khaddour, after a few hours of his abduction at the hands of an armed terrorist group.

Rector of al-Baath University Dr. Ahmad Mufid Sobh told SANA’s correspondent that Dr. Khaddour was freed and returned to his home.

Earlier, an official source told SANA that the terrorist group intercepted the car of Dr. Khadour and kidnapped him along with a person accompanying him.

An armed terrorist group opened fire on a minibus carrying civilians in Cairo Street in Homs on Sunday evening, martyring Zaynab Yehea al-Hallaq al-Shaar, a student at al-Baath University’s Science Faculty.

In Hama governorate, authorities arrested on two armed terrorists and wounded several others during a fire exchange as the terrorists were trying to attack an oil pipeline and steal fuel near Hama city.

An official source told SANA that three members from the competent authorities were injured during the fire exchange.

Meanwhile, the authorities in Ashira suburb in Homs city seized a weapon cache with several hand grenades, Molotov cocktails, AK-47 rifles and night-vision scopes.

Authorities seized a car loaded with vegetables and fruit with advanced weapons and explosives concealed among its cargo on Damascus-Quneitra highway.

Authorities managed to apprehend the driver and kill the accompanying gunman.

By English Bulletin

Terrorist al-Assaf Confesses to Attacking Government Establishments and Army Checkpoints, Kidnapping, Torturing and Murdering Citizens Oct 24, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) Terrorist Muhannad Fouad al-Assaf, a leader of an armed terrorist group in Homs, confessed to attacking government establishments, kidnapping, torturing and murdering citizens, shooting and killing demonstrators to frame the army and security forces, attacking army checkpoints, and vandalizing public and private property.

In confessions broadcast by the Syrian TV on Sunday, al-Assaf said that he was a neighbor of Bilal al-Ghen who invited him to his home and asked him to join him in demonstrations, to which al-Assaf agreed.

Al-Assaf, a barber born in 1974, said that al-Ghen tasked him with collecting money from specific people, two of which gave him a total of SYP 300,000 while the third, a woman named Fadia al-Jandali, have him a box of medicine, a box of ammo and SYP 500,000 she collected as donations from rich people she worked for as a cook.

“Bilal would go out in his pickup truck on which he mounted a machinegun and opened fire on the Police Command. we also broke street and traffic signs. he told us that he will arm us and indeed he gave us weapons and I formed an armed group consisting of 9 people while Bilal’s group contained more than 20 gunmen,” he said.

“We began by opening fire on protestors, killing ten of them to accuse the government of killing them. we also attacked the Trade Union and the Workers Pharmacy which we attacked ten times. we attacked an infirmary in al-Khalidiya and opened fire on it,” al-Assad elaborated, adding that Bilal’s cousin Majed al-Ghen fired an RPG round at the infirmary.

“We attacked dozens of checkpoints in Homs. We attacked the school of Yousuf al-Azma in al-Khalidyah neighborhood. We were about 100 gunmen. we had AK-47 rifles and pump-action shotguns. Bilal had a machinegun. Bilal used to give me money to buy rifles, pump-action shotguns, RPG rounds, grenades and ammunition from ‘Khalid al-Zoubi’ from Tel Kalakh area.” He confessed.

He indicated that the weapons were coming to them through vehicles transporting vegetables from Lebanon, smuggling weapons from Beirut to Tel Kalakh to Bab Amro in Homs, then they would phone Bilal to receive them.

“In one operation, we smuggled 15 RPG rounds and about ten hand-made explosive charges. Bilal had two Thuraya satellite phones and several mobile phones,” al-Assaf said, pointing out that the group of Bilal al-Ghen abducted people and took them to a house in Old Homs, where they beat them up and tortured them before putting them in a car.

“I would drive this car to distant areas. We killed several people and dumped their bodies. I knew some of the people whom we killed. One of them was Ahmad al-Abrash and another was called Bashar. I was among the group that killed al-Abrash,” he said.

On the attack on the Homs Police Command, al-Assaf said “Bilal phoned Abdul-Minim Kolko, AKA Abu Hassan, then Bilal asked us to go by car to observe if there are nearby army or law-enforcement personnel. Bilal then went in his pick-up truck with a machinegun mounted on it and opened fire on the Police Command along with his cousins.”

He concluded that “Once, we attacked the Police Command with grenades and RPG rounds. Bilal’s group also killed a policeman at night on Hama Road.”

By M. Nassr / H. Sabbagh

Academics & Jurists: Formulating New Constitution Draws General Outline for Transitioning into a Modern, Democratic Country Oct 24, 2011


A number of academics, jurists, politicians and various social figures said that the presidential decision on forming a committee to prepare a new constitution for the country comes in response to the Syrians’ aspirations and hopes, constituting a starting point for transitioning into a modern, democratic country serving as a role model in the region.

In a statement to SANA, Dean of Damascus University’s Law School Dr. Mohammad Wassel said that the decision to form the committee is part of the reforms announced by President Bashar al-Assad and meets the requirements of comprehensive change since the constitution forms the basis for the ruling system and the country’s policies and principles, in addition to guaranteeing basic rights and liberties.

Wassel stressed the need for the constitution to guarantee freedom and rights on the bases of equal opportunities and the rule of law.

In a similar statement, head of the National Initiative of Syrian Kurds Omar Osi said that formulating a new constitution is the most important if the reform steps and decrees, saying that it should have a positive impact on economy.

For his part, Syrian Human Rights Network (SHRN) spokesman Ahmad al-Khazem said that the SHRN views the forming of the committee as a positive and constructive step the optimal expression of popular democracy.

In turn, lawyer Fayssal Surour said that the decision marks the beginning of a new stage, with the new constitution helping to bolster the development of citizens’ rights to good life and self-expression.

Authorities arrest terrorists and seize weapons in different Syrian regions

DAMASCUS, DARAA, (SANA)-Competent authorities on Monday seized a Hyundai Truck loaded with weapons and explosives on Damascus-Quneitra Highway at Sasa’a region.

Upon suspicion of the car, covered by vegetables and fruits, the driver rejected to stop for verification, his companion shot fires at the security personnel.

Later, the security members responded to the fires and killed the driver’s fellow and arrested the driver while investigation is underway to know the source of weapons.

The seized weapons include 15 Russian rifles, 13 pump-action and 3 M16 guns, 4 RPG, advanced snipers, explosives and different ammunitions.

Meanwhile, in Daraa, security forces arrested several members of an armed terrorist group at a farm in Tseil town, seizing a big quantity of ammunitions, weapons and modern communication sets.

The weapons are different machine guns, one of them an Israeli made, rifles, pump-action guns, RPGs and hand-made bombs. Competent authorizes in Daraa also dismantled two hand-made explosives, prepared to be bombed on Nawa-Tseil highway.

Competent Authorities Detect Phone Call between Terrorists

The competent authorities detected a phone call between two terrorists planning to dispatch gunmen to open fire at protesters and citizens in Homs.

Terrorist Muhammad al-Kurdi, who lives in the old al-Wa’r neighborhood, says to the terrorist Ahmad al-Hussein from al-Khalidiyyeh neighborhood in the phone call broadcast by the Syrian TV that Adel al-Zir gave his group a white Serato car to open fire at the protesters in al-Insha’at neighborhood after the black Kia Rio car, which opened fire at protesters, disappeared.

In the phone call, Al-Kurdi demands that al-Hussein inform his group in al-Insha’at about the matter so as to be alarmed.

By Mazen/M. Ismael

Uncle of Martyr Muhammad Kabbani Refutes Claims of Armed Groups

HOMS, (SANA)_Abdulhamid Kabbani, Uncle of martyr Muhammad Kabbani who was martyred yesterday after being kidnapped by a terrorist group in Idleb, related to the Syrian TV on Monday the details of the crime.

Kabbani said ”Muhammad was in the company of friends at an Internet café when five people entered and asked for his ID card, then they dragged him outside the café and beat him to death.”

Kabbani refuted the claims of the armed terrorist groups that Muhammad was killed by the security forces, affirming that it was an armed terrorist group who committed the crime.

By M. Ismael

Six Army and Security Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS,HOMS, IDLEB (SANA) – Six army and security forces  martyrs on Monday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals to their finals resting place in their cities and villages after they were targeted by armed terrorist groups in Daraa, Homs and Hama.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were covered with the national flag and flowers while Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell”.

The martyrs are:

·         Captain, Aktham Ali Tarraf from Lattakia.

·         Chief Warrant Officer, Ali Durgham Alloush from Hama.

·         Chief Warrant Officer, Mohammad Ahmad Darwish from Idleb.

·         Sergeant Major, Nasser Taher Ibrahim from Hama.

·         Sergeant, Mohammad Nizar Issa from Lattakia.

·         Policeman, Samer Ahmad al-Ahmad from Homs.

Relatives of the martyrs expressed pride in their sons’ martyrdom who sacrificed their lives to defend their homeland in face of all the conspiracies targeting its steadfastness, dignity and pride.

They also called for prosecuting the criminals who are trying to undermine Syria’s security and stability, stressing that these criminals will fail to achieve their goals of undermining Syria’s stability and security.

The martyrs’ family members stressed that the vicious attack against Syria calls for all honest Syrian to unity and foil the plots against their country, saying that Syria will remain immune to conspiracies thanks to the unity and banding together of its people and army.

By H. Zain / R. al-Jazaeri / H. Sabbagh

Turkish Director: Presence of Large Numbers of Syrian Refugees in Turkey before Events in Syria Prove Pre-Planned Conspiracy

ANKARA, (SANA) – Turkish Director, Semir Aslanyurek, stressed on Monday that the fact that thousands of people from Jisr al-Shughour and other towns took refuge in the Turkish borders before events outbreak in Syria proves that the refugees’ issue has already been prepared.

In an interview with Sol Postal website, Aslanyurek said that he has documented information that prove the Turkish authorities allow only Turkish officials to visit the Syrian refugee camps, while the refugees are not satisfied because of the Turkish unfulfilled  promises.

He noted that the refugees do not know what they want, and if they were asked about that, they would answer they only want their wages which the Turkish Government promised to pay.

The director described those people’s endeavor to reach the Turkish camps as “rushing for gold”, adding that those people did not find there anything they have dreamt of, which is why they decided to come back home; however the Turkish authorities did not allow them to come back.

He stressed that some refugees were forced to go to the Turkish camps by armed terrorist groups, pointing out that what happened is “a scenario written in advance”.

Aslanyurek added that he saw in his own eyes more than 20 ambulance vehicles entering the refugee camps in one day, noting the vehicles cannot be used to succor patients or wounded refugees because of a fight.

He stressed that some people said that the vehicles were carrying weapons into the camps.

By F.Allafi/M.Eyon

Group of Youths Visit Injured Army Members, Stress National Unity

TARTOUS, (SANA) – DAMASCUS, (SANA) – A number of youths, lawyers and artists in Damascus and Aleppo organized solidarity visit to the injured army and armed forces members at Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus who were targeted by the armed terrorist groups while performing their national duty in defending Syria’s stability and security.

The participants gave flowers to the injured members in appreciation of their sacrifices for the sake of the homeland in the face the conspiracy aimed at undermining the unity of the Syrian people.

Organizer of the campaign Yaser Qanawati said in a statement to SANA that the campaign was launched a month ago with wide national and popular participation to express support to the comprehensive reform program in Syria.

Qanawati added that these activities contribute to enhancing national unity and independence of the Syrian national decision, in addition to exposing the reality of instigative campaigns led by satellite channels.

Lawyer Suha Abboud condemned the international silence over the crimes committed by armed groups in Syria, calling upon misleading channels not to follow the foreign agendas that only serve the Israeli occupation.

The campaign’s media coordinator Daleen Yousef referred in a statement to SANA to the several activities carried out by the 200-member campaign such as visiting the martyrs’ families, honoring excelled students and visiting schools , in addition to setting future plans for organizing volunteer and charity campaigns in the next stage.

The social and youth activities also visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and put a wreath of flowers on it.

By R. Raslan/ H. Said

Foreign, Arab Delegation in Tartous. Syria, Rich in Tourism and Archeological Sites

TARTOUS, (SANA) – Members of the foreign and Arab delegation visiting Tartous governorate on Monday stressed Syria’s richness in archeological and tourist destinations.

The delegation comprises scientific and economic figures from universities of Bulgaria, Italy, Belgium, Iraq and Algeria and Syrian expatriates in the US.

Dr. Fateha Hajjo from Algeria indicated to Syria’s historical importance, adding that this is her first visit to Syria and she felt the solid social texture among the Syrian people.

For his part, a Bulgarian professor said that Syria is one of the best tourist destinations in the Arab world due to its charming nature, mild climate and great heritage and civilization.

Researcher Mohammad Salem from al-Mossel University in Iraq said that Safita Old City should be enlisted as a world heritage site.

Director of Administrative Affairs at Tartous Port Jihad Shaaban said “We want to convey a message to the whole world that Syria is a safe and stable country unlike the false claims of some satellite channels on events taking place in Syria.”

The visit also aims at introducing the delegation to the cultural, tourism sites in the governorate and conveying the real image of the Syrian people, in addition to tourism marketing and promotion.

By R. Raslan/ M. Ismael

Over SYP 8 Millions Set to Be Smuggled into Lebanon Confiscated

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Customs authorities confiscated on Saturday a Kia Cerato car carrying amounts of currency of different types set to be smuggled into Lebanon through al-Jdeida border crossing point.

A source at the General Directorate of Customs said in a statement to SANA the confiscation was carried out after receiving information about the car, adding that “upon searching the car, a secret hiding place was found in the back seat containing an amount of money wrapped in nylon.

The source said the bundles, which were opened by a special committee from the Customs Directorate, were found to include 6050 pieces of SYP 1000 banknotes, 300 pieces of Saudi Riyal (SAR) 500 banknotes, 33 pieces of USD 50 banknotes and a Jordanian Dinar (JOD).

The total amount of confiscated money was estimated at SYP 8,135 million.

By H. Said

Palestinians Organize Stand in Solidarity with Syria in Shefa’-Amr

OCCUPIED JURALESM, (SANA) – The Popular Committee for Solidarity with Syria organized a solidarity stand at Shefa’-Amr city in Palestinian territories occupied since 1948.

The activity came to stress standing by Syria’s people and leadership in the face of the conspiracy targeting its pan-Arab and national stances.

Several political and religious figures participated in the stand, in addition to dozens of inhabitants from Shefa’-Amr and the neighboring areas.

The participants raised banners that condemn targeting Syria and its resistant approach.

They wanted to Stress the Palestinian people’s standing by the Syrian people who have always supported the Arab issues, particularly the Palestinian cause.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republic in Kuala Lumpur.

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