Just International

Syrian News on Oct 26, 2011

Four Security Forces Martyrs Laid to Rest Oct 25, 2011

DAMASCUS/ HOMS, (SANA) – Four security forces martyrs on Tuesday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals to their final resting place in their villages and cities after they were targeted by the armed terrorist groups in Daraa and Homs.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were carried up on shoulders covered with the national flag and wreaths of laurel and flowers to the Military Band playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell.”

The Martyrs are:

•           Chief Warrant Officer, Ahmad Ibrahim al-Mohammad from Idleb.

•           Sergeant, Osama Dahi al-Ahmad from Lattakia.

•           Conscript, Ahmad Khalaf al-Dali from Raqqa.

•           Conscript, Jasim Abdul-Rahim Shihada from Raqqa.

Relatives of the martyrs expressed pride in their sons’ martyrdom who sacrificed their lives to defend their homeland in face of all the conspiracies targeting its steadfastness, dignity and pride.

They also called for prosecuting the criminals who are trying to undermine Syria’s security and stability, stressing that these criminals will fail to achieve their goals of undermining Syria’s stability and security.

R. al-Jazaeri /

Al-Shara Offers Condolences at the Funeral of Late Saudi Crown Prince Oct 26, 2011 

RIYADH, (SANA) – Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Emir Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz, First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Aviation and Inspector General in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on Tuesday was escorted to his final resting place in al-Oud Graveyard.

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, senior Saudi officials and delegations representing more than 100 Islamic and Arab countries participated in the funeral ceremony.

After performing funeral prayers over the deceased Crown Prince, Vice President Farouk al-Shara, who attended the funeral representing President Bashar al-Assad, offered condolences to King Abdullah over the death of his brother.

Heads of the delegations also offered condolences to King Abdullah and the deceased’s brothers.

The body of the late Crown Prince arrived in Riyadh on Monday after the Saudi Royal Court announced Saturday his death abroad of an illnes.

English Bulletin

Five Terrorists Confess to Smuggling Weapons, Working among Armed Groups and Committing Criminal Acts in Jisr al-Shughour, Lattakia and Abu Kamal Oct 26, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Terrorists Ala’a Ahmad Nanna and Walid Ahmad Nanna and confessed to joining armed terrorist groups in attacking the Military Security Detachment in Jisr al-Shughour in the northern province of and killing its personnel, in addition to smuggling firearms and ammo from Turkey.

Terrorist Mouayad Ghannam confessed to participating in smuggling firearms and ammo from Turkey to the Palestinian neighborhood in al-Ramel al-Janoubi in the coastal province of Lattakia, in addition to smuggling large quantities of fuel to Turkey.

The 26-year old terrorist Alaa Nanna, who lives in al-Raml al-Janoubi in Lattakia and works at al-Zain Company for Food Industry, confessed that he and someone called Hazem Faido from Khirbat al-Jouz village transported 50 pump-action shotguns to protesters in Jisr al-Shughour to help launch their attack on the Military Security Detachment there.

Alaa said that he took a gun and participated in opening fire on the detachment with 700 other armed men while a person called Mustafa Baydaq drove a bulldozer to transport barrels full of explosives into the detachment and then detonated them.

Terrorist Alaa confessed to cutting the hand and the leg of an injured soldier with a cleaver before Baydaq shot him dead with a machine gun.

The terrorist added that having had the detachment under their control, Baydaq used the bulldozer to put the dead security members into cars and threw some of them into the Orontes River, while other bodies were thrown in a waste landfill and in an unknown place.

He also confessed to transporting 50 pump-action shotguns to Lattakia City after Hazen smuggled them into Syria from Turkey.

Alaa said that he and the other armed men were shooting at the army personnel from the buildings’ roofs in al-Ramal al-Janoubi. “I shot an army member in his waist. He fell to the ground and I fled.”

In turn, the 32-year old Walid Nanna, Alaa’s brother, who was born in al-Sleibeh neighborhood and also works at al-Zain Company, confessed to participating in transporting pump-action shotguns in bags from the Turkish borders to al-Hamboshiyeh village to be later taken to Lattakia.

For his part, Mouayad Ghannam, who is from Idleb and lives in Lattakia, confessed to participating in smuggling firearms and ammo from Turkey using his microbus, in addition to smuggling large quantities of fuel in plastic containers to Turkey for 25 days in an area called Harf al-Aass.

He said that he smuggled firearms into Syria four times and each time the shipment included 12 pump-action shotguns.

Two terrorists Confess to Working among Armed Groups and Committing Criminal Acts in Abu Kamal City

Jalal-allah al-Moussa and Mahmoud Faiyyad Ghour confessed to participating with armed groups in perpetrating acts of killing, sabotage, arson and plunder in Abu Kamal city in the northeastern province of Deir Ezzor.

Jalal-allah al-Moussa, who sells cigarette packets at the public square in Abu Kamal, related how he participated in the protests in the city in exchange for money, saying that he once received SYP 10000 from some called Saddam al-Jamal in return for his participation.

He admitted dealing with an armed group who one Friday supplied him with weapons “which they might need to protect the protest.”

Al-Moussa added that he took part with the terrorist group’s members in attacking several government buildings in Abu Kamal.

“We set the city’s prison on fire and helped the prisoners out…We also burned the Security Forces center and the police stations and stole all their contents of confiscated stuff and firearms,” the terrorist explained.

He added that the armed group he was part of seized over 82 military firearms and other hunting weapons, released two prisoners and stole drugs from the prison.

“We also stole money from the Region’s Director’s house, incinerated the Court and the Civil Affairs Institution building and threw gas bottles at the Security Forces Center,” al-Moussa confessed.

He added that they also set up roadblocks which were later removed by the army when it entered the city after few days.

The terrorist Mahmoud Faiyyad Ghour from Abu Kamal city, who was released from prison on a general amnesty by President Bashar al-Assad, confessed to working among an armed group and committing criminal acts.

“On my way back home from prison, I was stopped by a guy who gave money for people to go out to the streets. He gave me a sum of money and I went on the protest,” Ghour said.

He admitted that he was part of an armed group of more than 1500 members, with whom he participated in burning the building of the Region’s Leadership Department, stealing cars belonging to the Security and Police Forces and shooting dead an army member in a narrow street who was on duty to protect citizens.

R. Raslan/ H. Said / H. Sabbagh

Health Ministry: Amnesty International’s Allegations on Abuse Practices against Patients at Hospitals False Oct 26, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Ministry of Health refuted the allegations of the Amnesty International on patients undergoing abuse practices at the national hospitals in the cities of Homs and Baniyas as “untrue and full of contradictions and fabrications”.

In a statement published on Tuesday, the Ministry confirmed that till date no complaints of any assaults or any form of abuse practices committed by medical cadres or health staff against patients have been reported to the Ministry by any of the patients or of their relatives.

The statement stressed that there are laws and legislations that regulate the performance of medical cadres and preserve the rights of patients at health institutions and hospitals.

The Ministry denounced such allegations “which aim to distort the reputation of the Syrian health sector and create a state of lack of confidence in the national hospitals to serve biased purposes.”

The statement said that the Amnesty International’s report contradicted itself referring to abuses against patients at a private hospital, while at the same time highlighting the people’s fear to go to government hospitals and preferring to go to private hospitals.

The Ministry affirmed the high occupancy rate at the state hospitals, particularly at the emergency departments, noting that no decrease in the number of admitted patients has been reported all over the past period.

It stressed accessibility of high quality emergency medical services to all citizens, military or civilians, and regardless of their belongings.

It added that the medical teams’ mission is limited to diagnosing the cases and providing patients with immediate treatment.

Concluding its statement, the Ministry referred to the huge human and material losses the health sector has suffered due to the attacks launched by the armed terrorist and sabotage groups against doctors and medical cadres while performing their national duty in transporting injured people to hospitals.

It also cited the abduction of doctors and the sabotaging of several health establishments.

The Ministry said these attacks caused the martyrdom and the injury of dozens of high profile doctors and the damage of 60 ambulance cars and some parts of public hospitals which were burned by terrorists.

R. Raslan/H. Said

Danish Media Delegation Inspecting Hama City: Some Channels Broadcast Fabricated News on Syria Oct 26, 2011

HAMA, (SANA) – Members of the Danish media delegation, visiting the city of Hama, said on Tuesday that some channels are broadcasting fabricated news on the situation in the city.

The delegation, which consists of journalists from Danish newspapers and TV, said that they saw with their own eyes that life in the city is normal which is contrary to the reports broadcast by some foreign channels, pointing out that that they listened to some eyewitnesses in the city about the killing and mutilation crimes committed by armed terrorist groups against the army and security members.

For his part, head of the delegation, Mohammad Mahfoud, said the aim of this visit is “inspecting the reality of events and conveying it to the Danish and international public opinion”.

Governor of Hama, Dr. Anas Naem, reviewed the reality of events witnessed in the city and the sabotage acts carried out by armed terrorist groups, explaining to the delegation the role of the misleading channels in helping those groups through broadcasting fabricated news in advance to push the armed terrorists to go to the streets, block the roads and kill soldiers.

The Governor said Syria is an open country which has never disallowed any media means from seeing the truth on ground; however, some TV channels “see only what they want to see”.


Dr. Khaddour Recounts Details of His Abduction by Armed Terrorist Group Oct 26, 2011

HOMS, (SANA) – Dean of the Petrochemical Engineering Faculty at al-Baath University, Dr. Mohammad Khaddour recounted the details of his abduction by an armed terrorist group before authorities released him.

“It was 2:14 pm on October, 23rd. I was on my way to collage with my driver and a laboratory technician. The road was blocked by armed men who spread in bystreets. We tried to return but it was impossible since we were surrounded by them. They kidnapped us and took us to unknown place,” said Dr. Khaddour in an interview with the Syrian TV on Tuesday.

“After 40 hours and exactly at 8:30 pm we were released. I don’t know the place where we were seized since the armed men blind-folded us the moment they kidnapped us,” he added.

Dr. Khaddour’s wife expressed gratitude to the authorities and the people of Deir Ba’labeh neighborhood in Homs for their efforts in getting her husband released.

She also expressed appreciation for the army’s sacrifices to defend the homeland, urging the armed terrorist groups to drop weapons so that things can go back to normal.

R. Raslan/ H. Said

Syrian Human Rights Network Calls for Dealing Firmly with Acts of Violence and Kidnapping

Oct 26, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) -Syrian Human Rights Network said that it backs the appeals of some families in regions which still witness acts of violence and kidnapping at the hands of armed terrorist groups that call on the competent authorities to deal firmly with them and deter the terrorists from perpetrating such acts.

“Acts of kidnapping and terrifying citizens are frequently happening in a way that frightens the civilians and families, and this requires work to restore calm in those regions like other Syrian areas,” The Network said in a statement SANA received a copy of.

It added that those who accuse the Army and security personnel of those acts, they are representing an agenda for foreign countries that don’t want Syria live in calm, but in chaos and destruction.

“It is enough for some sides that pretend to talk by the name of human rights, particularly the London-based the Syrian Human Rights Observatory and some external opposition to make themselves as a trumpet and spokesperson for those terrorist groups that devastate Syria, the land of peace,” the Network concluded.


Youth Rally in Damascus to Express Support to Reform Program Oct 26, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – A group of Syrian youths organized a rally on Tuesday evening with the participation of Syria’s Scouts to express support to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad, rejecting foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

Heading from al-Qassa’ area toward Bab Touma Sqaure in Damascus, the participants chanted slogans greeting the Syrian army and condemning foreign interference in Syria’s affairs and calling the western countries and their misleading media to stop attempts to spread chaos and sow sedition among the Syrians.

They raised national flags and lit candles in honor of the homeland’s military and civilian martyrs.

R. Raslan/ H. Said 

Talks to Establish Syrian-Iraqi Free Trade Zones on the Syrian-Jordanian Zone’s Model

Oct 26, 2011

DARAA, (SANA) – Talks between officials from Syria and Iraq were held on Tuesday to discuss establishing joint Syrian-Iraqi free trade zones.

The discussions took place during a visit to the Syrian-Jordanian Free Trade Zone in Daraa governorate to inspect the work situation at the Zone and make use of its successful experience in attracting capitals.

Director General of the Syrian-Jordanian Free Trade Zone, Hassan Khairat, said the administration briefed the Syrian and Iraqi sides on the work mechanisms, procedures and legislations regulating the work of the companies included in the Zone to help them in establishing joint free trade zones on its model.

For his part, Director of al-Qaem Free Zone in Iraq, Fanar Hamad al-Ma’adidi, said “We are here today to benefit from the work mechanisms and the existing rules at Syrian-Jordanian Zone to lay out the law we are in the process of formulating between Syria and Iraq.”

The Syrian-Iraqi free trade zone to be established sets an example of partnership between the two countries in terms of creating economic blocs able to face potential changes in the economic system and a spring board for transit trade and exportation movement.

The Syrian-Iraqi trade exchange volume exceeded USD 2 billion in 2010 with expectations that it will increase to USD 3 billion this year in light of the agreements signed during the joint ministerial committee meetings last July.

R. Raslan/ H. Said

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republic in Kuala Lumpur.

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