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Syrian News on Nov 10-11, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Damascus Citadel is celebrating Adha Eid through holding the 2nd “Childhood Joy Festivity” which mixes all types of entertainment and cultural activties through various children games such as the electric train and swings, in addition to theatrical shows, films, folkloric dances and entertainment shows.

Director of the Festivity, Malak Yasin said that new activities are being held in the framework of the festivity which is organized for the second year in a row such as the cinematic and theatrical shows, in addition to the sculpture workshops.

She added that all the products of the workshops will be a gift from the Ministry of Culture to Damascus Citadel.

She indicated that the festivity has witnessed a huge turn out during Adha Eid as the number of the children who participated in it has significantly increased in comparison with the last year.

She said that the increase in the number of the participants has been due to the suitable activities provided not only to the children, but also to their parents.

Technical Supervisor of the Festivity, Rami Issa said that the preparations for the event this year took about a month including the rehearsals for the theatrical shows and preparing the suitable atmosphere for the exhibitions and workshops.

The activities held by the Ministry of Culture at Damascus Citadel vary to include an environmental exhibition and interactive environmental activities.

Artistic workshops are also being held at the internal and external hallways of the Citadel, in addition to the puppet theatre and shadow theatre.

The festivity opens everyday during Adha Eid from 11:00 am till 10:00 pm.

Damascus Citadel was chosen for holding the Festivity to allow the children and their parents to get more acquainted with this magnificent great cultural monument.

By R. al-Jazaeri

State employees and families of Homs : life is normal… basic needs are available

HOMS, (SANA)- Families and the State’s employees in Homs on Wednesday underlined that life is normal in Homs, and there is no shortage in the goods and basic needs of people in contrary to what some provocative channels broadcast.

Director of Homs bakeries Khaled Jomaa said this basic material is being distributed in all the city’s suburbs as normal, adding that the private, public and reserve bakeries are working continuously, even during the Eid holiday.

Amer Turkmani, Director of Homs Water , said the drinking water is available in all Homs neighborhoods and his department didn’t receive any complaint about shortage in water.

Director of Homs Communications Kanaan Joudeh underlined that the phone network is working well in most of Homs surroundings, adding that the maintenance workshops are mending the defects resulted by acts of sabotage at the hands of terrorist groups.

Wa’el Obeid, Head of the Cleanness Department in Homs referred to intensified operations to clean the city’s neighborhoods and remove the debris and roadblocks set up by the armed groups in some streets.

Citizens of Baba Amro, Bab al-Sibaa and al-Naziheen suburbs in Homs stressed that life is normal, shops are open, all basic needs are available and the children are enjoying their Eid holiday.

By Mazen

Armed groups kill civilians in Sirmin, Idleb.. Attack citizens in Daraa

Idleb, (SANA)-An armed terrorist group on Wednesday killed teacher Mohammad Kharouf by shooting fire on him while he was going out to visit his family in Sirmin, Idleb.

SANA reporter quoted sources at the city’s Police as saying that the body of Mazen Hassoun, an employee in one of Sirmin schools was found in Talmans town . Hassoun was abducted by an armed terrorist group before Eid al-Adha.

Engineering units dismantle two explosive devices in Homs

An official source informed SANA’s correspondent in Homs that engineering units dismantled two explosive devices planted in the garden of a house in the Khaldiyeh neighborhood in Homs city.

The source said that the two devices which are handmade and filled with processed fertilizer were dismantled without causing any harm.

Citizen in Daraa narrates story of an attack against him by armed group

Citizen Jamal Mahmoud al-Nawfal, from Mothbein town in Daraa, said that while he was having his breakfast with his wife and 5 sons last Saturday,  11 armed men attacked his house, trying to storm it.

“When they failed to storm my house, they went to my brother’s house next door and burned it as my brother Taleb and his family escaped to save their lives,” Jamal said.

He added that when they rushed to rescue his brother and his family, they were beaten by the terrorists, causing severe injuries to Jamal and his brother. Later, they were admitted to a-Sanamin  military Hospital.

Nawfal said that this attack is the third of its kind because he rejected to participate in the gatherings.

By H. Sabbagh/ Mazen

Seven Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place

DAMASCUS,HOMS, SANA – Seven army and security forces martyrs on Wednesday were escorted to their final resting place from Homs and Tishreen Military Hospitals.

The martyrs were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were fulfilling their national duty to keep security and stability of the homeland.

Official ceremonies were held in honor of the martyrs as they were covered with the national flag and laurel wreaths and carried on shoulders while the army band played “the Martyr” and “Farewell” music.

The martyrs are:

•           Lieutenant Colonel, Hussain Ahmed Rsaud, Hama.

•           Second Lieutenant, Mohamed Ali Fandi, Tartous.

•           Sergeant, Ibrahim Mohammed Fallaha, Hama.

•           Corporal, Rami Mahmoud Hussein, Tartous.

•           Private, Ahmed Ibrahim Hallaq, Idleb.

•           Private, Faisal Madloul Fahd, Qamishli.

•           Private, Ali Reshou al-Said, Aleppo.

By Ghossoun /

A group of External opposition attack delegation of Coordinating Board in front of Arab League HQ

CAIRO, (SANA)- In a clear expression of the abolishment, elimination and dismissal of the other, an opposition group of Istanbul Council who was present in Cairo attacked with eggs and tomatoes a delegation representing the Coordinating Board of Democratic Change Powers in Syria.

The attack was carried out in front of the Arab League HQ in Cairo while the delegation was entering the site to meet AL Secretary General, preventing members of the delegation from entering because they rejected the foreign intervention in Syria.

A number of the assaulters, who attacked the delegation said that they assaulted members of the delegation because “they won’t express their demands which call for bringing foreigners into Syria, internationalizing the situation and imposing no-fly zone in the country.”

Hassan Abdul-Azim, Head of the Coordinating Board, in comments to the event said “we reject dismissal or any member of the opposition groups to abolish us or prevent us from expressing our stance because we reject the military intervention.”

Members of the delegation couldn’t enter the AL HQ, except Abdul-Azim who met Mr. Nabil al-Arabi, while the others, Michel Kilo, Haitham Manaa and Saleh Mislim returned to their residence.

By Mazen

Lavrov reiterates his country’s stance in support of the Arab Initiative

MOSCOW, (SANA)-Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov underlined his country’s firm stance in support of the Arab League’s initiative that gives a real base to conduct a dialogue between the Syrian authorities and the opposition as well as paving the way for settling the situation through peaceful political means.

During a phone call with the Arab League’s Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi on Wednesday, Lavrov said the Arab League currently possesses in Syria practical potentials to find suitable solutions, stressing that this opportunity shouldn’t be missed.

A statement for the Russian Foreign Ministry said that Lavrov and al-Arabi stressed the importance for the Syrian sides, without any exception, to stop acts of violence, provocations, and go to the dialogue table, referring to the need for encouraging the external players of all sides to undertake constructive steps, not to encourage them boycott dialogue.

By Mazen

Syrian Communist Party (Unified) Denounces US Interference in Syria’s Internal Affairs

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Communist Party (Unified) on Wednesday denounced the United States’ prompting armed groups to continue committing murders and not surrender their weapons after the amnesty announced by the government for those who turn in their weapons to the Syria authorities as long as they haven’t committed murder.

In a statement, the party said that the inflammatory US stance reaffirms the US administration’s involvement in the events taking place in Syria.

The statement also underlined the importance of the agreement between the Syrian government and the Arab initiative, saying that this inspired optimism among Syrians since it allows for adopting dialogue a political solution and restoring stability and calm to areas witnessing violence.

The party affirmed that the biggest hurdle before the implementation of the agreement is the stances of the armed group that reject dialogue entirely and the opposition abroad which promotes foreign interference, while Syrian national opposition welcomed the idea of dialogue.

The statement concluded by affirming that the party and the Syrian people support any Arab effort that stops bloodshed and consecrates the principle of national dialogue, affirming that the Syrian people will confront any attempt at foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

By H. Sabbagh

Analysts: Syria Is Strong, Able to Confront Provocations of the West and Any State Trying to Intervene in its Affairs

DAMASCUS, SANA_Chairman of the Russian Association for Friendship and Cooperation with the Arab Countries Vyacheslav Matuzov said Syria is strong and able to fend off all the provocations of the west, the NATO and any other country trying to intervene in its internal affairs.

In a phone call with the Syrian TV on Tuesday Matuzov added that peoples of the Middle East have enough power to withstand and respond to the US and western attempts to interfere in their internal affairs.

“What is happening in the region is a US-Western made with the aim of interfering in its countries’ internal affairs, creating chaos, instability and political and economic collapse to pave the way for the Israeli-US dominance of the region as a whole,” Matuzov said.

“Russia today is with Syria and Iran and all Arab countries which aspire to be independent from the US influence,” he said, clarifying that the confrontation between Russia and the other pole is a political-diplomatic one where Russia adopted a just position towards peoples of the region, although the Jewish lobby in Russia is still working and trying to distort the reality of what is happening in the Middle East.

He affirmed that these attempts are doomed to failure.

For his part, Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab Bar Association Samih Khreis said there are parties seek for international military intervention in Syria and internationalizing the crisis, but the Syrian leadership’s acceptance of the Arab League plan surprises them, because what was raised by the plan regarding the dialogue was proposed by the Syria leadership from the first moment.

In a televised interview with the Syrian TV, Khreis said Syria’s approval of the dialogue is a clear and decisive evidence on the seriousness of the Syrian leadership to conduct reforms, which was represented by enacting several laws and legislations.

Khreis said Syria’s acceptance of the Arab plan has unveiled the real US-Zionist administration’s evil intentions towards the Arab region, so it began to raise doubts about the Syrian decision and incited gunmen not to lay down their weapons.

“This behavior stresses that the US administration supports gunmen and supply them with weapons, ” Khreis said, stressing that the conspiracy is doomed to failure and the truth will be exposed due to the steadfastness of Syria.

Jordanian political analyst Ibrahim Alloush spoke about the document presented by Elliot Abramz, a senior figure at US State Department, to the Council on Foreign Relations about a lengthy plan to overthrow the regime in Syria which included a project to strengthen the armed action in Syria and how the United States to behave in such a situation.

Alloush said this does not come from a normal pressman or a writer, but from a senior decision-maker in America who has the upper hand in what happened in Libya and the ongoing events in Syria.

The Analyst added that the US officially announced position stresses the same strategy of Abramz in enhancing armed acts against Syria and its leadership, and this statement is part of an American strategy has been adopted by the US administration to military inflame the situation in Syria.

By Ghossoun

Interior Minister Calls on Misled Individuals Who Didn’t Commit Murder to Benefit from Deadline to Turn Themselves In and Surrender Weapons

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) – Minister of Interior Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar on Tuesday called on police officers to be at utmost readiness and distribute work according to their expanding duties and responsibilities of protecting security and peace.

During an inspection police commands in Homs, Hama and Lattakia and meetings with heads of police departments, Minister al-Shaaar called for building upon successful experiences and implementing plans and programs to improve police work and prevent any at attempt at tampering with Syria’s security.

He also called for increasing the presence of police patrols, monitoring highways, immediate intervention when calls for help arrive, and perusing criminals and wanted men.

The Minister stressed the need for officers to be an example of integrity and respecting citizens and enforcing the rule of law on everyone without abusing it, urging officers to revaluate their performance and pursue training.

Al-Shaar briefed the officers on the events taking place in Syria and the instigation campaigns against it led by external forces, affirming that Syria will go through with the reform program and restore security and stability, emerging from the crisis stronger than ever thanks to the awareness of the Syrian people and their rallying around President Bashar al-Assad.

He stressed that the crimes committed by armed terrorist groups under claims of achieving just demands are not related to reform in any way and removed from the morals and values of the Syrian people, reiterating the call for misled individuals that were manipulated by external  forces to carry out their plots to benefit from the deadline set by the Interior Ministry and turn themselves in and surrender their weapons.

The Ministry’s earlier announcement in this regard promised general amnesty to those who carried, sold, distributed, transported, purchased or funded the purchase of firearms and didn’t commit murder if they turn themselves in and surrender their weapons to the nearest police station by Saturday 12/10/2011.

By H. Sabbagh

Endowments Minister Meets Families of Martyrs in Tartous

TARTOUS, (SANA) – Minister of Endowments (Awkaf) Mohammad Abdelsattar al-Sayyed on Tuesday affirmed that the blood of the martyrs didn’t go to waste; rather they foiled the plot against Syria formed a strong barrier before those who conspired against the country which is emerging from the crisis stronger than before.

During a meeting with 70 families of martyrs in Tartous, al-Sayyed said that this meeting aims at honoring the martyrs who gave their lives to defend Syria, stressing that meeting the martyrs’ families is a great honor.

He also said that this meeting sends a message that Syria will remain a bastion of resilience.

The Minister said that the fatwas issued by al-Qaradawi and others who claim to be religious figures and authorized the bloodshed of Syrians aim at destroying Syria and placating the United States and Israel, affirming that reform cannot be achieved through murder and undermining social integrity.

For their part, the families of the martyrs expressed their appreciation of the meeting which signifies Syria’s national unity, affirming that their relatives’ martyrdom is a great honor and a consecration of the value of martyrdom.

By H. Sabbagh

Gen. Rajiha Visits Injured Army Members and Soldiers on the Occasion of Eid al-Adha

DAMASCUS, SANA_ Deputy General Commander of the Army and the Armed Forces, Defense Minister Gen. Dawood Abdullah Rajiha on Monday visited military hospitals in Damascus,accompanied by senior army commanders and officers.

Rajiha met the injured army members, offered them congratulations on the occasion of Eid, wishing them speedy recovery.

The Minister met the medical staff at the hospitals, inquired about the reality of services, hailing the staff’s efforts and care for the wounded.

He underlined the necessity of sacrifices and unifying efforts for facing the conspiracy hatched against Syria to undermine its dignity, sovereignty and its independent national decision.

By Ghossoun

Al-Jafari: Protecting Civilians in Armed Conflicts shouldn’t Be Selectively Approached

NEW YORK, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jafari, on Wednesday said that the UN considers that the subject of protecting civilians in armed conflicts cannot be approached selectively.

In a statement before the UN Security Council, al-Jafari added that this subject is related only to armed conflicts.

“That is why we consider that the protection of the Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese civilians from the Israeli occupation is a basic part of this subject, especially that the Council has discussed this important matter for a long time in the light of the grave and continuous Israeli violations against the civilian population in the occupied Arab territories,” al-Jafari added.

He indicated that “A cause for concern is that some member states- which we listen to their statements concerning the protection of civilians in armed conflicts- sometimes set their own selective concept of protecting civilians in armed conflicts, a concept that is contrary to the International Human Law (IHL).”

“Jurisprudence considers that the international efforts aiming at protecting civilians in cases of armed conflicts should be exerted in the framework of respecting the principles of the UN Charter, which stress the importance of respecting the sovereignty and independence of the countries and not interfere in their internal affairs. These efforts should also be in compliance with the rules of Geneva Conventions and the IHL.” Al-Jafari said.

He stressed the need for not confusing the subject of protecting civilians in armed conflicts with the threats to the international security and peace, adding that using expressions from outside the UN ethics –such as the responsibility of interference and humanitarian interference- should be avoided because it will harm the creditability and neutrality of the UN and undermine the efforts exerted to protect civilians in armed conflicts.

“It is an odd paradox that with the development of the international law concepts, the suffering of civilians during conflicts increased as the number of these conflicts themselves increased. The phenomenon of exempting foreign military occupation forces from the repercussions of violating of the international law has aggravated.” Al-Jafari pointed out.

“Is occupying countries which are members in the UN outside the framework of the international legitimacy and killing millions of their civilian population aim at protecting those civilians? Are the calls, which were made in this Council today and in previous occasions, to change regimes in some UN-member countries are within the framework of the noble purpose of protecting civilians in armed conflicts?” He asked.

He went on asking “How can we explain the killing of 130 thousand Libyans under the pretext of protecting Libya’s civilians? How can we explain the statement of the US Department of State’s spokeswoman which stipulated a clear call for the armed groups in Syria to not surrender their weapons in line with the Syrian government general amnesty granted to all persons who surrender their weapons? Doesn’t this statement mean that there is a US involvement in the violence in Syria? Aren’t the US policies, which are support by some European countries, thwarting the work of the Arab League and its initiative?”

“Isn’t avoiding the issue of the Israeli reckless settlement, which threats the peace principle, contradicts the most important right of the Palestinian and Syrian civilians who are under the Israeli occupation?” he asked.

Al-Jafari said, “We don’t know how long the continuous Israeli occupation of the Arab territories- including the occupied Syrian Golan, Jerusalem, Shebaa farms and al- Ghajar village- can be ignored. We don’t know why we don’t see the same enthusiasm in the countries whose representatives went far today in expressing their keenness on protecting civilians in specific parts of the world and used the Security Council, which is specialized in protecting the international peace and security, as a platform to pass curtailed explanation of the subject of protecting civilians in armed conflicts.”

“We didn’t hear any note from the UN figures responsible for this file on the illegitimacy of this interference in the internal affairs of UN-member states according to the second article of the UN Charter,” He added.

Al-Jafari concluded “Representatives of the colonial countries, especially France and Britain, make a mistake when they think that the human memory can’t recall the crimes against humanity they have committed  throughout decades of colonization.”

By M.Nassr/F.Allafi

Al-Moallem: Statement of US Official Source Constitutes Justification for Foreign Interference against Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem expressed the Syrian Arab Republic’s wonder over the statement of a US State Department source that encourages the Arab countries to join the political and economic boycott against Syria which exceeds the limits of the AL Charter and the bases of the joint Arab action.

Al-Moallem clarified in a message to Arab League (AL) Secretary General, Nabil al-Arabi, on Wednesday that the US provocation constitutes a justification for a foreign interference and for economic and political sanctions against Syria with the agreement of some Arab countries, expressing hope that the US call will not be heeded at.

Al-Moallem pointed out to the danger of such statements on the future of the joint Arab action under the patronage of the Arab League.

Foreign and Expatriates Minister added in the message that Syria, which has declared its commitment to the work plan agreed upon with AL, underlines its fulfillment of most of the plan’s items unlike what is being propagated by some misleading TV channels, pointing out that Syria’s permanent representative at the Arab League will brief the AL Ministerial Council on the steps taken in this regard.

Al-Moallem, at the conclusion of the message, expressed hope that the AL Secretary General will respond to the US statements in accordance with the AL Charter and the Arab agreements that maintain the sovereignty as well as relations among Arab countries.

By R. Milhem / al-Ibrahim

Syrian National Opposition Figures Stress Rejection of Foreign Interference, Commitment to AL Work Plan

CAIRO, (SANA) – A number of the Syrian national opposition figures, from the National Coordinating Body and Building the Syrian State Movement, expressed Thursday their rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs and commitment to the Arab League work plan.

After the opposition’s meeting with the Arab League Secretary-General, Nabil al-Arabi, in Cairo, Member of the Coordinating Body for Democratic Change in Syria, Haitham Manna, said, “some people talk about the AL initiative as if it has been buried. Had that been the case, we would not have come to meet the AL Secretary-General today.”

For his part, the coordinating body’s spokesperson, Abdul-Aziz al-Khair, rejected the methodology of the so-called “the Syrian National Council” as “exclusionary”, adding that the Syrian people still have the opportunity to choose figures to represent them.

Luai Hussain,  Syrian State Building Movement member, said, “we reject a no-fly zone in Syria because it leads to military intervention which would destroy the Syrian state and society.”

By F.Allafi

Two Children, Two Guards Martyred, Explosive Device Blasts When Patrol Passes in Idleb

IDLEB, (SANA) – Two children from al-Moallaqa village in the northern province of Idleb were martyred on Thursday after explosives hidden by a terrorist armed group in an abandoned house blasted in the village.

A source at Idleb Police Command told SANA correspondent that the two brothers Ahmad and Munir Olwan went accidentally to the house to set fire when the explosives blew up, killing them at once.

The source pointed out that the explosives were used by the terrorists to make mines and explosive devices in order to attack state centers and check points and to sabotage public properties.

The village residents rushed to the place only to find the dead bodies of the two brothers in the place, the source added.

“Even innocent children could not escape the heinous crimes of the terrorists,” uncle of the two boys, Mohammad Olwan, told SANA correspondent, pointing out that his nephews are only eight and ten years old.

Meantime, Conscript Makhlad al-Awad and civil guard Mohammad Abdo al-Fattah al-Omar were martyred, as two other army members were injured by a terrorist armed group in al-Kfair village in Jisr al-Shughour.

A police source in the Province clarified that the armed gang attacked the guard members who belong to the popular army while they were guarding the railway in the area. The gunmen stole the members’ weapons, the source added.

In a similar context, an explosive device, planted on Khan Shaikhoun- Maart al-Noman Main Street, blasted, injuring three law enforcement members.

The police source said that the explosive device was planted on the road, as the terrorists blew it when the patrol passed by trying to guarantee the safety of the road and prevent blocking the road.

Three Law-Enforcement Personnel Injured in Terrorist Attack in Douma

Three law enforcement personnel on Thursday were injured after their post was attacked by an armed terrorist group in Douma city in Damascus Countryside.

Three law enforcement personnel on Thursday were injured after their post was attacked by an armed terrorist group in Douma city in Damascus Countryside.

A police source said that the assault caused damages to the building, adding that authorities are in pursuit of the fleeing terrorists.

Policeman Mohammad Ghourra said that “At 1.00 am, more than four cars opened fire on the post, they had RPG launchers and machineguns, I was injured in the attack.”

By M. Nassr/ R. Milhem / al-Ibrahim

Patriarch Laham: Foreign Interference in Syria is Clear

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Patriarch Gregory III Laham of Antioch and all the East stressed on Thursday that foreign interference in Syria is clear, adding, “what we see day after day proves the truth of what President Bashar al-Assad said about foreign interference.”

In an interview with the Syrian TV, His Beatitude said, “This interference became so clear during the current events in Syria as we felt the US and other European countries’ interference”, stressing that the success of Syria and President al-Assad in challenging those who confront him is a success for the Arab and Islamic worlds.

Patriarch Laham pointed out that when Syria accepted the Arab League’s initiative, the US immediately called on gunmen in Syria not to surrender themselves to authorities in spite of the general amnesty issued recently.

By F.Allafi

Terrorist al-Taleb Confesses to Killing Protestors to Accuse Army

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Terrorist Khaled Ibrahim al-Taleb on Thursday confessed to committing several crimes along with an armed terrorist group in Homs including killing protestors in order to accuse the army soldiers of doing so.

In televised confessions broadcast on the Syrian TV, terrorist al-Taleb confessed to attacking military checkpoints and abducting citizens to terrify them.

He said that “we distributed about 300 AK-47 rifles and pump-action shotguns. After a month, we received and distributed 8 RPG launchers.”

“Leaders of the group, Mohannad al-Omar and Ammar al-Bika’ai, told us to kill as many as we can to put pressure on the Arab League to take decisions such as a no-fly zone or freeze Syria’s membership in the League,” he added.

“We were attacking army checkpoints from a distance. When a checkpoint was firmly stationed, we were targeting it with an RPG round before attacking it with rifles.” He confessed.

He indicated that Mohannad al-Omar, Ammar al-Bika’ai, Nadir Abu al-Dahab and Khaled Abu Shahoud possessed rocket launchers, rifles-including m16 rifles-, snipers, pistols and hand grenades, adding that the weapons were coming from outside Syria through Talkalakh and al-Qseer area.

He concluded that “Al-Omar ordered us to attack al-Mazra’a village to ignite a sectarian sedition, later, they went to the village and fired RPG launcher before targeting the town with their rifles.”

By M. Nassr/ F.Allafi

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.



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