Just International

Syrian News on March 20th, 2012

Presidential Decree on Extending Nomination Period for People’s Assembly Elections for a Week

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad on Monday issued decree No. 120 for 2012 stipulating for extending the nomination period for the People’s Assembly Elections for the first legislative round for 2012 for a week.

The period starts from  Thursday 22/3/ 2012 to Wednesday 28/3/ 2012.

Earlier, President al-Assad issued decree No. 113 for 2012 stipulating for setting May 7,2012 a date for People’s Assembly elections for the first legislative round for 2012.

The decree set Monday 7/5/2012 as the date for electing People’s Assembly members, with the number of members representing workers, farmers and the rest of societies in each electoral constituency being distributed as follows:

Electoral Constituency

No. of Members

Farmers & Workers

Other Sectors





Damascus Countryside




Aleppo City




Aleppo Areas




























Deir Ezzor

























Martyrs of Aleppo Terrorist Blast Laid to Rest

Aleppo, (SANA)-Families of Aleppo on Monday escorted bodies of the martyrs of the terrorist blast which hit al-Suleimanya neighborhood in Aleppo on Sunday to their final resting place , with participation of popular, religious and social figures.

Families of martyrs Arxi Badrousian, Hassan al-Yassin and Basel al-Qishani denounced criminal acts that seek destabilization of Syria , bloodshed of its citizens, underlining commitment to the unity of Syria.

They reiterated that those who perpetrated the terrorist attacks  have no relation to humanity.

Twenty Army, Law Enforcement and Civilian Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place

The bodies of twenty army and law enforcement members and civilians on Monday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus and Sweida National Hospital to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Damascus and its Countryside, Idleb, Deir-Ezzour and Homs.

The martyrs are:

­           Lieutenant Colonel Imad Ahmad Horani from Homs.

­           Major Alayham Ali Hamad from Tartous.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Ahmad tayseer Rankousi from Damascus Countryside.

­           Chief Warrant Somar Salloum from Lattakia. – Sergeant Hazem Adnan Issa from Hama.

­           Sergeant Ibrahim Adul-Rahman Daass from Quneitra.

­           Sergeant Bassel Hamad Azqoul from Sweida.

­           Sergeant Assem Fawzat Morshed from Sweida.

­           Sergeant Ayham Iyad Iscandar from Homs.

­           Private Ali Farhat Ali from Tartous.

­           Conscript Riyad Ahmad Aweida from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Mohammad Maysour Qabbani from Idleb.

­           Conscript Ahmad Abdullatif Hijazi from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Ajwad Riyad al-Neimat from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Mahmoud Omar al-Turk from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Zakaria Ajjan from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Mahmoud Adnan Alloush from Aleppo.

­           Policeman Ali Mohammad Ibrahim from Homs.

­           Bashar Shahrour Qassem from Lattakia, a civilian.

­           Marwan Ismael Radwan rfom Sweida, a civilian.

The martyrs’ families, stressed adherence to national unity and determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against Syria, condemning the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups.

They hailed the role of the Syrian Arab Army in maintaining the security and stability of the homeland, expressing confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through their unity and rallying around their leadership.

Foreign Ministry: Foreign Support to Terrorism is Flagrant Violation of UN Security Council Resolutions on Combating International Terrorism

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign and Expatriates Ministry sent on Monday a message concerning the criminal terrorist acts witnessed in Damascus and Aleppo during the last two days to the Chairman of the UN Security Council, the UN Secretary-General, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Chairman of the Human Rights Council and the Higher Commissioner for Human Rights.

The Ministry said in its message that terrorism targeted the secure and safe houses and stable suburbs in Damascus Saturday morning March 17, 2012 leading to 27 martyrs, including corpses and 140 wounded people, the condition of some of them is critical.

The Ministry added that the bombing in Aleppo city came to complete the terrorist blood-shedding scheme carried out by terrorists and those who back them with money and weaponry.

It stressed that terrorism which is backed by regional and international sides has led to dozens of Syrian martyrs and wounded people, adding that this support by those sides which provide  the armed terrorist groups with money and weapons is considered a flagrant violation of the UN Security Council resolutions on combating international terrorism and a violation of the international law and the international humanitarian law.

The Ministry pointed out that the terrorist acts took place after millions of the Syrian people took to the streets on March 15,2012 to affirm their support to the reforms carried out in Syria since the beginning of the events a year ago, and they took place after the UN envoy, Kofi Annan, started diplomatic efforts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis, far from foreign interference, and after Syria accepted the mission of Annan while the opposition rejected it.

It stressed that the suicide bombings are a violation of the Human Rights principles, pointing out that combating terrorism necessitates that all states should refrain from funding it.

Military Source denies reports about the arrival of Russian Warships in Syrian shores

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-A military source on Monday denied reports by some media about the arrival of Russian warships carrying military staffs to combat terrorism in the Syrian shores, describing those reports as categorically baseless and untrue.

“Those news come in the framework of the lie campaigns against Syria by some opposition sides and the countries that support them in order to cover the calls for the foreign intervention in the Syrian affairs,” the source told SANA in a statement.

Russian Defense Ministry denies news on Russian Presence of Warships near Syrian shores

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Defense Ministry on Monday denied reports by some media about the arrival of Russian warships in the Syrian shores.

The Russian news agencies quoted a source at the Ministry’s Media Department as saying that it was astonished at the reports circulated by some media about the presence of Russian warships near the Syrian coasts.

The source added that there is not any warships for the Russian navy near the Syrian shores.

Russia, China Stronlgy Condemn Terrorist Attacks in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia firmly condemns the terrorist attack in Aleppo yesterday which resulted in the martyrdom of three persons and the injury of 25 others, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday.

The statement added that after the two terrorist attacks which carried out by two booby-trapped cars in Damascus, a similar terrorist attack hit Aleppo, the second city in Syria. The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that “Russia condemns this new crime and its plotters and perpetrators as their aim is clear in destabilizing the situation in Syria’s two largest cities and launching terrorist campaign against authorities and safe people in the country.

The statement warned that solving the crisis in Syria by force would have disastrous consequences on it and the whole region, indicating that this was proved by the events took place recently as the terrorists are ready to sacrifice the lives of innocents to achieve their goals in this regard.

The Russian Foreign Ministry add that “Confronting all terrorist aspects, we realize the necessity to guarantee an effective move towards a peaceful settlement with the contribution of the mission of the UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

In the same context, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and head of the International Committee of the Red Cross Jakob Kellenberger discussed continuing joint efforts that could be exerted to solve the crisis in Syria.

China strongly condemns twin terrorist blasts that hit Damascus on Saturday

BEIJING, (SANA)- China today strongly condemned the twin terrorist blasts that hit Damascus on Saturday, rejecting all forms of terror and acts of killing.

Xinhua News Agency quoted Spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Hong Li as saying at a press conference that China rejects any form of terror and acts of killing that target the civilians.

Hong underlined that the situation in Syria now necessitates  a solution through political channels as soon as possible, calling on the sides concerned to exert joint efforts to settle the crisis.

He said that his country always calls for respecting  the states’ sovereignty, independence  and territorial integrity, underlining that China respects the peoples’ right in selecting their political regime and the way of development.

Lavrov and Kellenberger calls for offering humanitarian aid to the needed in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA)-The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and President of the International Red Cross Committee Jakop Kellenberger were confident that the priority now in Syria is to offer humanitarian aid to all Syrians.


The Ministry added that the two sides called on the Syrian government and all armed groups to immediately accept a daily humanitarian cease fire to allow the International Committee and the Syrian Red Crescent Organization reach the wounded and all Syrians in need, evacuate and provide protection to the medical staff.

The Russian side stressed the necessity of guaranteeing the reach of the International Committee to the arrested people in Syria who shared in acts of protest.

Russia: Shift Towards more Realism in Western Countries’ Perception Regarding Syria

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that there is a shift in the perception of the western countries toward Syria’s situation.

In a statement, the ministry added that the shift leans towards more realism, but it is still not enough to solve the current crisis.

The statement highlighted that Russia will continue work to settle the crisis in Syria politically through an immediate cessation of violence, insuring the delivery of humanitarian aid and diplomatic efforts.

Security Member Martyred, 3 Terrorists Killed while Storming Hideout of Terrorists in Mezzeh

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Authorities on Monday morning stormed a hideout of an armed terrorist group in one of the residential buildings in Mezzeh after evacuating the building.

SANA reporter was informed that the authorities clashed with the terrorists, killed two of them and arrested one, in addition to seizing three machineguns and grenades.

The clash resulted in the martyrdom of a member from the authorities.

Head of the Political Security Branch and Chairman of the Criminal Research Section in Rakka deny reports about their defection

Colonel Mohammad Ammar Sardini, Head of the Political Security Branch in Rakka and Lieutenant Colonel Musaab Abu Rikba, Chairman of the Criminal Research Section denied reports of some bloody channels about their defection, describing those reports as baseless and untrue.

The two officers told the Syrian TV in an interview broadcast Monday that they were astonished at broadcasting a fake announcement by some misleading TV about their defection along with other members, saying that those news are ridiculous are foolish.

Terrorists Shukairi and al-Azizi Confess to Committing Several Crimes and Videotaping them for Misleading Media

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Terrorists Mohammad Walid Shukairi and Yamen Hussain al-Azizi confessed on Monday to committing several crimes, including killing a citizen in Sayda Zeinab suburb in Damascus countryside, and videotaping them to be broadcast on al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya channels to blame the security forces.

In his confessions to be aired by the Syrian TV in the evening news bulletin, Shukairi said that he fired at protesters and the security forces, and he burned several cars in return for money.

Shukairi added that the terrorist who carried out the terrorist suicidal explosion in Kafar Souseh is a man called Raed Mohammad and that he belongs to Abu-Bilal group in al-Hajar al-Aswad suburb, near Damascus.

“I met a terrorist called Khaled Shahin in al-Sayda Zeinab who gave me money, at that meeting, he introduced me to a man called Raed Mohammad from al-Hajar al-Aswad… later I heard about the explosion that hit Kfar Souseh, I contacted Khaled Shahin by phone to inform him about the news… he wasn’t surprised because he knew that Raed Mohammad was the perpetrator of the explosion,” Shukairi said.

He added that during a funeral at al-Sayda Zeinab, their armed group fired at the people and security personnel, hitting a girl in her head, later, they protested at Fayez Mansour street in al-Sayda Zeinab, attacking the owner of al-Sanafer bookshop with knifes and photographing the process in order to send them to al-Arabiya and al-Jazeera TV channels and attributing it to the army.

Chairman of Turkish Republican People’s Party: We Will Confront Erdogan Policies against Syria

ANKARA, (SANA) – The chairman of the Turkish Republican People’s Party, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, strongly criticized the stances of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan against Syria, announcing the Turkish opposition’s determination to confront these serious policies.

Kilicdaroglu stressed the Turks’ rejection of interfering in Syria’s affairs, adding that the West avoids interfering in Syria and pushes Turkey into this dangerous adventure.

He added that the Republican People’s Party which prevented the deployment of the US troops in Turkey after the war on Iraq in March 2003, will confront any Turkish interference in Syria.

Kilicdaroglu indicated that Syria is a neighboring country and the Syrian and Turkish people are brothers, stressing that “We want to live side by side in peace”. He called upon all sides to reconsider the whole developments in the situation in Syria and face the policies which don’t serve the interests of the Turkish people.

Meantime, the Turkish Cumhuriyet newspaper quoted different sources in Turkey as saying that about 3000 Libyan armed men and al-Qaeda members infiltrated the Syrian-Turkish borders to conduct armed operations in the Syrian territories.

13 Civilians Martyred by Terrorists’ Gunfire in Homs, Terrorists Detonate Railway Bridge in Daraa

PROVINCES, (SANA) – An armed terrorist group on Sunday shot 13 civilians dead in the village of Hasiba near al-Qseir in Homs countryside.

SANA reporter said that the 13 civilian bodies include women and children.

Terrorists Detonate Railway Bridge in Daraa

An armed terrorist group on Sunday detonated with explosive devices a railway bridge on Damascus-Daraa highway near Kherbet Ghazaleh village.

A source in Daraa province told SANA correspondent that 30 m in length and 32 m in width were destroyed in the explosion, with the damage covering 900 m2 of the bridge’s total area.

According to explosives experts, the amount of explosives detonated was estimated at 700 to 1000 kg.

Director of Road Transportation Department in Daraa, Mahmoud al-Balkhei, said the targeting of the bridge constitutes a heavy burden on the state and citizens, pointing out that the total cost of the damage was estimated at SYP 30 million, in addition to the time period required to rebuild the bridge.

For his part, Director of Technical Services in Daraa, Kamal Brumo, said that the Directorate is constructing a detour to facilitate the movement of citizens in the damaged area.

Competent Authorities Find Big Amounts of Ammunition and Explosives in North Idleb

Meanwhile, competent authorities found big amounts of ammunition and explosives in northern villages of Idleb at borders with Turkey.

SANA correspondent was informed by an official source in Idleb Governorate that the while competent authorities were chasing terrorist members in the villages of Kherbet al-Jowz and Ain al-Baida lying at the Syrian-Turkish borders, they found the weapons which were used by the gunmen in their terrorist attacks against citizens and law enforcement members.

Terrorist Killed by Another Terrorist Gang during Armed Clash in Hama

A terrorist was killed at the hands of a terrorist gang during an armed conflict which took place between them on Saturday on the way of al-Sayyad –Khan Sheikhoun in Hama Province on the basis of a disagreement.

The terrorist Yousef Ahmad Salloum from al-Latamina village was shot dead by terrorists Hussein Abdullah and his son Saddam.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Deir Ezzor

Authorities clashed with terrorists in Deir Ezzor Province, killing several terrorists and confiscating large amounts of weapons.

Two officers and three personnel were martyred in the process.

SANA correspondent added that the authorities confiscated large amounts of arms, comprising 23 AK-47 rifles, a sniper rifle, 2 PKC machineguns, an RPG launcher and 11 rounds, Israeli anti-armor charges and mines in addition to Molotov cocktails, military uniforms, magazines and ammunition.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Idleb

Authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group which tried to blockade the highway between Areeha and Jisr al-Shughour in Idleb Province.

SANA correspondent said that many terrorists were killed and others were injured.

The authorities also raided a terrorist den in Jisr al-Shughour, killing several terrorists and arresting two most wanted criminals.

Weapons and ammunition were confiscated in addition to 25 explosive charges and detonators.

A camera-equipped balloon was spotted above border towns in Jisr al-Shughour, and the authorities shot it down and confiscated it.

Lebanese Foreign Ministers: Terrorist Bombings in Damascus and Aleppo Will Not Undermine Syrians’ Determination

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour said on Sunday that the bombings that took place in Damascus and Aleppo are distinctly terrorist acts, but they will not undermine the Syria’s determination to achieve security and stability.

In a statement to al-Manar TV before heading to Moscow for a three-day visit, Mansour said that Lebanon has seen such bombings before, and that he doesn’t believe that they will achieve the goals of those who planned it who seek to undermine Syria’s security, unity and stability.

He reiterated Lebanon’s support to Syria’s leadership and people, stressing that these bombings will not dissuade the Syrian leadership from continuing reforms.

Mansour also lauded the Russian stance which calls for resolving the crisis in Syria peacefully and rejects foreign interference in Syria’s affairs, reiterating Lebanon’s rejection of any military of foreign intervention in Syria and its rejection of supporting armed groups.

He said that Lebanon believes that the choice should be left to Syria, and that it must be supported to resolve the crisis rather than oppose it and make the situation more complex.

Mansour also announced that Lebanon will not be participating in the so-called “friends of Syria” conference which will be held in Istanbul next month.

Mansour: Russia’s Stance Towards Situation in Syria is Positive and Balanced

Minister Mansour described the Russian stances towards the situation in Syria as “positive and balanced”.

In an interview with ” Voice of Russia” Radio, Mansour said ” Russia has been a sincere friend to the Arab countries throughout years and it has contributed in solving their crisis.”

He stressed that Lebanon welcomes Russia stance calling for finding solution to the Syrian crisis by the Syrians themselves without foreign interference.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.



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