Just International

Syrian News on March 9, 2012

Huge Crowds of Syrians Gather in Damascus and Hasaka in Support of Reforms

DAMASCUS/ HASAKA, (SANA) – Huge crowds of Syrians gathered at Saba Bahrat Square in Damascus and the President Square in Hasaka to stress support to the reform process in Syria.

The masses rejected all attempts of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, expressing determination to foil the conspiracy.

The participants in Damascus expressed deep appreciation for the sacrifices of the Syrian army in confronting armed terrorist groups.

Political and media figures from Tunisia and Lebanon joined the Syrians in these gathering where Secretary General of the Tunisian Unionist Democratic Union Party, Ahmed Al-Inoubli, said that what is taking place in Syria is a hopeless attempt by the West to undermine an important defender of the Arab rights.

He expressed confidence that Syria will remain the main support for the Resistance, adding that its steadfastness signals the emergence of new international order that eliminates the US-Zionist domination.

Political analyst Akram Mkanna said that Syria will come out stronger of the crisis and the Syrian people are determined to continue reform process and combat terrorism, underlining that restoring security and stability are important to achieve reforms.

In al-Hasaka, a youth group organized a national event at the President Square in the province to express appreciation to the role of the Syrian army in defending the homeland.

The participants chanted national songs, raising flags and banners that stress their rejection of foreign interference in their internal affairs and all schemes which aim at undermining Syria’s stability and dignity.

Sheikh Fayez al-Names called for adhering to the national unity against the conspirators whose plots failed to undermine the Syrians.

The participants condemned stances of some countries which called for arming the terrorist groups which kill and mutilate the Syrian people serving the Zionist dream in preserving the Israeli entity.

Terrorists Caught in Hama, Weapons Seized in Raqqa, child martyred in Homs

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)_The competent authorities clashed with armed terrorist groups on the farms surrounding Taibet al-Imam in Hama, killing few terrorists and confiscated their arms, some of which Israeli-made.

The competent authorities also seized leaflets and documents stolen from state institutions.

Weapons Seized in Raqqa

The competent authorities on Thursday seized weapons smuggled from Turkey in Tal Abyad area on the Syrian-Turkish borders in Raqqa countryside.

SANA correspondent quoted an official source as saying that the seized weapons included 105 pump-action shotguns and 26 Magnum rifles, indicating that the smugglers were caught.

Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb Countryside Members of military engineering units dismantled 4 explosive devices planted by the armed terrorist groups at the crossroad of Trembeh village in Sarakeb in Idleb countryside.

A source in the province told SANA correspondent that the authorities arrested 4 of the terrorists while they were planting the explosive devices.

Armed Terrorist Group Rob Public properties in Idleb Countryside

A terrorist armed group robbed a feed center in Sinjar, near to Maaret al-Numan in Idleb countryside and stole big amounts of barely.

SANA correspondent was informed that a terrorist armed group broke into the center, destroyed its contents and stole barely.

The correspondent pointed out that the terrorist armed groups sabotaged plant nursery affiliated to the afforestation project in Sinjar area.

An armed group also blew up a private bakery in the eastern neighborhood in Idleb. No human losses were reported.

Child Mailk al-Aktaa, 11, was martyred today by the bullets of armed terrorist group while accompanying his father on their car in Homs going to their farm at Tadmor road.

“While driving my car out of our neighborhood, we came under fire of a sniper at the Mreije alley, my child was hit in his chest and hand… I immediately took him to the Hospital of al-Nahda, but he died,” Father of the child Basam al-Aktaa told the Syrian TV in an interview.

Gatilov: Russia will not Allow Passing any draft resolution on Syria which might hint to Using Force

MOSCOW, (SANA)-Russia underlined rejection of passing any draft resolution at the UN Security Council which includes any gaps that allow using force against Syria.

“Russia will not agree any draft resolution which includes points that refer to using force against Syria… it is not permissible for the resolution to bear different readings… difficult consultations are underway in New York regarding this issue,” Russia Today TV quoted Gennady Gatilov, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister as saying on his website.

He added that the target is to remain as it is, represented in preparing a context that include equal demands for the two sides.

Earlier, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations in the Russian Duma, Leonid Kalashnikov underlined that the Russian stance, which rejects any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, is firm.

Kalashnikov told SANA correspondent in Moscow on Thursday ,” the Duma Council adopted an official statement on the events in Syria, and we stressed that Russia has vetoed in a completely right way , a UN Security Council resolution on Syria to foil a decision aiming to repeat the Libyan scenario, a decision which is completely rejected by Russian and China.”

The Russian official underlined that there is no basis for what some Arab and Western countries are trying to promote with regard to a change in the Russian and Chinese stance, pointing out that the situation is heading towards calmness and there should be efforts for a political and diplomatic solution to the crisis.

Kalashnikov said that the Arab League sent its observers to Syria, as they set their report but the Western states and some of AL countries concealed it and prevented distributing it to Security Council’s members because it included objective facts on the reality of events in Syria.

Moscow Reminds International Community of its Responsibility over exporting terror into Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Russian Envoy to the UN Vitaly Churkin put the international community once again in front of its alleged responsibility in combating terrorism through presenting a new evidence on the infiltration of terrorist trained members into Syria.

Churkin, confirming a lot of western media reports, reminded the UN Security council members of the existence of al-Qaeda in Syria before unveiling information that say the Libyan government has set up a special center for training terrorists to be later sent to launch attacks on official and governmental institutions and carry out criminal acts.

The Russian Envoy sought to remind the international community of its duty regarding the export of armed men and weapons into Syria that will undermine stability in the Middle East.

To Prove that, AFP quoted a journalist who spent a week in Homs as saying that he saw terrorists and Arab extremists that fight the Syrian government as Iraqi Premier Nouri al-Maliki has underlined that al-Qaeda members infiltrate from Iraq into Syria.

Terrorists Ayman and Fahd Erbinieh Confess to attacking a Church, School in Erbin, kidnapping and killing citizens

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Terrorists Ayman and Fahd Abdul-Kareem Erbinieh confessed to perpetrating crimes in Erbin, Damascus Countryside including attacks on Erbin Church, Religious Kweider School, setting up barricades, kidnapping citizens and killing them.

“While driving my car in Erbin, I saw some persons setting up barricades, one of them called Basel intercepted me and called on me to participate with them in this act, first I rejected.. but on the second day he saw me and insisted to join them, then he handed me a rifle,” Ayman told the Syrian TV in confessions broadcast Thursday.

He added “Later, we began stopping the cars at the barricades where I met a person named Zaher Qweider who took me with him to the barricades.. I asked the group about this man, they told me that he was in Iraq and had relation with al-Qaeda and participated in an attack on the Syrian TV and Radio in Damascus.”

He went on to say that, one day, I saw Zaher who was also known as Houshan near the mosque, he was carrying an RPG… he ordered me to shell the church, first I told him not, but later I fired the church, but it hit the veranda of a building next to the church because I wasn’t skill in the shooting.

For his part, other terrorist Fahd confessed that he got acquainted with Zaher when he was setting up a roadblock in Erbin along with five persons where he joined them.

“Houshan gave us the rifles, ordered us to set up barricades.. once, we were standing at a barricade near Madeara when a military vehicle came, its driver was a warrant officer.. we asked him to get down, we put him aside, later a taxi crossed.. we order its driver to get down to take his identity card… then we took the two men to a farm in Hamourea,” Fahd told the Syrian TV.

He added that after two days terrorist Houshan asked them to set up a barricade at Erbin cemetery where we intercepted a Kia-Rio white car, kidnapped two persons, killed them and threw them near a sewage.

Brazilian Foreign Ministry Stresses Rejection of Foreign Interference in Syria’s Affairs

BRAZILIA, (SANA) – Secretary-General of the Ministry of External Relations of Brazil Ruy Nunes Pinto Nogueira on Thursday stressed his country’s rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

He underlined the necessity of enhancing dialogue among the Syrians to come out of the current crisis.

Meeting the Syrian Ambassador to Brazil Mohammad Khaddour, Nogueira said that Brazil recognizes the scope of the ferocious campaign Syria is facing and clearly understands the ambitions of some parties which seek to exploit the curent scenario taking place on the ground.

“Brazil stressed that halting acts of violence is urgent and necessary, ” said Nogueira, adding that the package of reforms achieved in Syria gives the Syrian people the opportunity for political dialogue to restore stability and security to the country and enhance political pluralism and the freedom of expression.

For his part, Khaddour said that the Syrian government is exerting great efforts in chasing armed terrorist groups which are destabilizing the country and targeting the unity of the Syrian people and their commitment to the independent national decision and their rallying around their leadership.

The two sides reviewed the Syrian-Brazilian relations and the political developments in the Middle East.

The Syrian Ambassador stressed that Syria will come out of the crisis thanks to the sacrifices and awareness of its people and the support of its friends, expressing the pride of the leadership and people of Syria in their friendship relations with Brazil.

In turn, Head of Commission on Foreign Relations and National Defense at the Brazilian Parliament, Manuela D’ Avila , stressed that Brazil is closely following up the developments in the Syrian arena.

D’Avila added that the terrorism , killing and intimidation which have been recently witnessed in Syria are perpetrated from the outside with the aim of undermining its stability to serve villainous schemes.

D’Avila pointed out that she will study with the Brazilian Foreign Ministry all means possible to help Syria overcome its crisis, pointing out to the need for activating the parliamentary relations between the two countries.

Health Minister, Amos Review Challenges to Health Sector in Syria in Light of Economic Sanctions, Terrorist Sabotage Acts

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Minister of Health Wael al-Halqi reviewed with the UN Undersecretary for Humanitarian Affairs, Valerie Amos, the situation of health sector in Syria and the challenges facing it in light of the unjust economic sanctions imposed on Syria.

Minister al-Halqi pointed out to the losses of the health sector during the crisis where 18 workers were martyred and 30 were injured while few others were abducted, in addition to damaging 19 hospitals, 51 health centers and 145 ambulances, 60 of which are out of service.

The Minister added that the health sector was also another victim of the misleading campaign led by instigative satellite channels.

“The Health Ministry on Wednesday started works of rehabilitating the comprehensive health services center in Baba Amro neighborhood in Homs to resume providing health services to citizens after being damaged by the armed terrorist groups,” Dr. al-Halqi said.

The minister stressed that the public and private hospitals in Syria have continued to perform their duties in treating patients regardless of their political thoughts, refuting claims of some misleading channels which aim at damaging the reputation of this humanitarian sector.

He called upon the UN Undersecretary for Humanitarian Affairs to visit any hospital or place to inspect its situation and listen to workers about medical services provided and the pressure they experienced while performing their duty under the most difficult circumstances.

On Wednesday, Amos and the accompanying delegation visited Homs City, toured a number of its neighborhoods, met few citizens and inspected sabotaged public and private properties which were damaged by the armed terrorist groups.

Earlier, Minister of Education Saleh al-Rashed discussed with Amos, and the accompanying delegation the situation of the education process and the efforts exerted to ensure the the safe return of students to schools damaged by the terrorist armed groups.

The Minister underlined Syria’s keenness to apply education democracy for all and children’s right to learn, pointing out to the efforts exerted by the Ministry to rehabilitate damaged schools and make it possible for children to go back to their schools, in addition to compensating the missing lessons for them.

Al-Rashed clarified that the Ministry is working to achieve international standards for schools with regard to providing a secure environment and suitable curricula to guarantee a healthy upbringing.

The Minister handed Amos a booklet containing documented photos of sabotaging education institutions in addition to the harm done to workers in the sector including threats of killing.

He underlined the Ministry’s keenness to cooperate with UN organs to handle the psychological harm of students due to the sabotage operations, and to rehabilitate schools.

Amos, for her part, thanked the Ministry of Education for its high cooperation with the UN and the UNICEF, expressing hope of continuous cooperation between the two sides to serve educational issues.

She stressed the UN’s readiness to provide aid for rehabilitating schools and ensuring the the safe return of students to schools.

Amos visits al-Zahera Center of the Red Crescent

UN Undersecretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos on Thursday visited al-Zahera Center of the Syrian Red Crescent Organization, meeting its chairman Abdul-Rahman al-Attar.

Amos appreciated the work of the Organization’s volunteers, underlining the importance of cooperation between a UN team and the Syrian government to evaluate the humanitarian situation.

“The Syrian Foreign Ministry has underlined that I can visit any place in Syria… yesterday I visited Home and entered Baba Amro, inspecting the situation there as well as the humanitarian state of the citizens whom we seek to help,” Amos said, adding “I had no previous expectations on the situation in Syria.

Amos added that she didn’t see a lot of inhabitants in Baba Amro, saying “what is important now is how we could reach them in order to provide them with  the humanitarian aid.”

Velayati: Syria Front Line of Resistance, Attempts to Isolate Syria Serve Zionist Entity

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Chief Advisor of Iran’s Supreme Leader for foreign policy, Ali Akbar Velayati, said Syria is the front line of resistance in the region.

In a statement on Thursday, Velayati said that attempts of some Arab regimes to isolate the Syrian leadership from the political equation in the region serve the interest of the Zionist entity.

Abdullahian: We are Seeing Stability Return to Syria

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdullahian said that the situation in Syria is headed towards stability, adding ”We are seeing security and stability return to all Syrian cities.”

In an interview with Russia Today TV Channel on Thursday, Abdullahian stressed that the Syrian government and people have confronted foreign interference and terrorist acts over the past few months, noting that national dialogue will proceed with sure steps in the future.

He reiterated his country’s rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian affairs, indicating that foreign interference was invoked by some at the outset of the crisis who later abandoned it having seen the situation on the ground.

Abdullahian said that Western countries, the US and Israel relied on Arab countries for information on the political and field circumstances in Syria, but Syria managed to get over it.

”Iran’s relations with Syria are strategic,” said Abdullahian , adding ”We view Syria as an important country in the axis of resistance, and the Syrian people have a heightened sense of national unity.”

Solidarity Event in Yemen in Support of Reforms

SANAA, (SANA)_Political movements and public organizations organized a solidarity event in the southern Yemeni city of Taizz on Thursday in support of the reform process in Syria against the foreign conspiracy targeting it.

The participants stressed in a statement their solidarity with Syria and rejection of foreign interference in its internal affairs, voicing appreciation of the stances of Russia and China and all the countries which stood by Syria.

The statement denounced the Arab League stance on the crisis in Syria, indicating that it serves the Zionist entity and neocolonialism in the region.

The statement indicated that what is happening in Syria is a conspiracy and a flagrant interference in its internal affairs and violation of the Syrian sovereignty, which seek to create conflicts that serve as alternatives to the Arab-Israel conflict.

Int’l Women’s Day, Continuing Work to Achieve Gender Equality, Release Women’s Potentials

DAMASCUS, SANA_ The world celebrates today the International Women’s Day in light of the significant achievements that have been achieved thanks to the tireless advocacy, practical steps and enlightened policies pursued by the states.

Women’s Day is an opportunity to reconsider women’s situation in the world and review their economic, political and social achievements over the past year and their future goals to be fulfilled.

It is a symbol of women as integral partner-makers of history. It is a denial of all forms of religious gender discrimination considering women less worthy than men.

This Day symbolizes a long struggle of all women on all continents, with different ethnics, religions, cultures and social classes, who have been deprived from the equal right with men.

Women in the Arab countries as well as the Syrian women participate in celebrating this event. Syrian women were able to achieve significant status in society. They worked side by side with men in all walks of life and contributed to the process of sustainable development in their country.

In Syria, all constitutional provisions in their essence are based on a main fact that the Syrian woman enjoys the same rights as man, specially the political ones. The Syrian woman has the right to exercise full political rights and to be a voter and an elected.

These rights yielded the appointment of woman in Syria in the highest positions and sharing her in the People’s Assembly as she has the right of candidature and gaining parliamentary seats.

Woman forms half of the society. She is the mother, sister, daughter, wife and the beloved as she represents the beauty and tenderness by all forms.

International Women’s Day first emerged from the activities of labour movements at the turn of the twentieth century in North America and Europe.

The first National Woman’s Day was observed in the United States in 1909 to honour the 1908 garment workers’ strike in New York, where women protested against poor working conditions.

International Women’s Day was marked for the first time in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, where more than one million women and men attended rallies. In addition to the right to vote and to hold public office, they demanded women’s right to work, to vocational training and to an end to discrimination on the job.

Since those early years, International Women’s Day has grown into a global commemoration of women’s participation in political and economic life, as well as a time to take stock of past progress and future challenges.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

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