Just International

You’re Next, MAGA Seniors!!

By Philip A Farruggio

Now that Trump has ‘ Muskrat’ using his chainsaw on this and then that within the federal government, beware MAGA seniors. This writer sat in a coffee shop right before the election, next to seven elderly MAGA men. How did I know? Easy, by the Trump 2024 baseball caps they all wore. I’m a baby boomer and these old guys ( I refuse to say ‘ Fools’ in hopes of reaching them and their fellow MAGAs) were definitely near or above 80 years old. Before they ended their morning breakfast with hand holding prayers ( with one guy doing the ‘ Speaking in tongues’ bit) their consensus was for Trump to ‘ Deport those drug carrying lazy illegals on DAY ONE’. My better half was outraged at this rhetoric, and came close to confronting these guys. She didn’t and thank goodness they were finished with their little circus and left.

I would have liked to give those old MAGA lemmings the story of my late parents, when they were ready for assisted living, followed by a nursing home. We had to get them to apply for Medicaid by ‘ Spending down’ their money ( which was very meager). Thank goodness they then were able to be placed in a nursing home nearby. This was 25 years ago, when Uncle Sam subsidized Florida Medicaid BDS ( Before DeSantis). I wanted to go into the parking lot of that coffee shop and shake a few of those old baseball cap wearing men. Most of them looked like how my parents looked in 2000, going by their attire. These guys had to be retired working stiffs. ” What’s going to happen to you when you get frail and need to go into a nursing home dude? Do you have the $10k to $20k a month to stay there? Trump and his ‘ Muskrat’, along with Captain Ron DeSantis want to cut federal aid for Medicaid, and your lovely Red States are going to cut it down locally. Keep praying guys.”

Philip A Farruggio is a free lance columnist, host of a radio interview show and lifelong Anti War Activist.

28 February 2025

Source: countercurrents.org

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