Just International

This letter was written by Dr. Chandra to the daughter of the late Prof. Firdaus.

Dear Associate Professor Dr Amira Sariyati Firdaus, Jabatan Pengajian Media & Komunikasi, FASS, UM

Assalamualaikum sister,

This letter of condolence is on behalf of the International Movement for a Just World(JUST). I am sorry it is a little late.

As you may know, your dear father was a member of JUST. He attended our meetings and shared his ideas on international politics with us. He was also for a short period a member of the JUST Election Sub-Committee.

I first came into contact with Dr Firdaus in the late seventies or early eighties when he was teaching at the University of Malaya and I was attached to Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in Penang. We had common interests — university autonomy; Malaysian politics; and the struggle of the Global South to establish its own identity and to enhance its independence. We were on the same page on issues such as the importance of strengthening the role of Bahasa Malaysia in the life of the nation.

For a short while from 1997 to 1999 we were also colleagues in UM — he was Deputy Vice-Chancellor and I was head of the then newly established Centre for Civilisational Dialogue. Unfortunately, we found ourselves on opposite sides of the divide when I lost my job at the university and Firdaus as DVC had to confront a huge assembly of students protesting against the non-renewal of my university contract. I must say your father handled the situation with such diplomatic tact that our friendship remained intact while he carried out his duties as a senior official of the university.

Because of the above episode and for many other reasons, I have always regarded Allahyarham as a man of integrity who sought to uphold noble values in his professional career.

May ALLAH grant his soul a place among the righteous in the Hereafter. May we who are still part of this transient life cherish his good deeds till the end of our days. Ameen.

In sadness,
Chandra Muzaffar


Prof. Firdaus Passed away on the 11th of April 2024.

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