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Syrian News on April 5th, 2012

Sixteen Army, Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, ALEPPO (SANA) – Bodies of 16 army and law enforcement martyrs on Wednesday were escorted from Tishreen and Aleppo Military Hospitals in Damascus and Aleppo to their final resting place.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while on duty in Aleppo, Idleb, Damascus Countryside, Daraa, Homs and Hama.

The martyrs are:

-Colonel Mohammad Ahmad Suleiman for Tartous.

-Lieutenant Colonel Hammoud Mohammad Kamal Eddin from Damascus Countryside.

-Chief Warrant Officer Sameer Ahmad Ismael from Tartous

-Sergeant Major Alaa Abdullah from Lattakia

-Sergeant Iyhab Aziz Haydar from Tartous

-Sergeant Radwan Ali al-Hussein from Hama

-Sergeant Anas Ahmad al-Deeb from Daraa

-Sergeant Zuhair Ali Sultan from Lattakia

-Sergeant Ali Mohammad Ali from Hama

-Sergeant Motaz Shukri al-Rihyji from Lattakia

-Conscript Qasim Hassan Kaka from Aleppo

-Conscript Hameed Mustafa Tama from Aleppo

-Conscript Khalid Ibrahim al-Salih from Deir Ezzor

-Conscript Mohammad Ahmad al- Hussein from Deir Ezzor

-Conscript Ahmad Dahir al-Hussein from Deir Ezzor

-Conscript Mohammad Kanjo al-Shami from Idleb

Families of the martyrs stressed adherence to national unity and determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against the homeland, expressing confidence in the Syrian people’s ability to overcome the crisis through their steadfastness and the sacrifices of the Syrian army.

BASP: Commitment to Reforms and Active Participation in Democratic Practices

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ The Regional Leadership of the Baath Arab Socialist Party (BASP) reiterated commitment to the implementations of the ongoing reforms in Syria and to active participation in the coming democratic practices, on top of which the parliamentary elections next May the 7th.

In a statement on the 65th anniversary of the BASP Foundation Day, the Leadership asserted that it would take active part in deepening the concept of democracy, freedom, and voting in contribution to the building of Syria and strengthening the process of the Reforms and development led by President Bashar al-Assad.

The BASP leadership called on the Party members to redouble efforts to keep pace with the events and explain the priorities, exposing the conspiracy hatched against Syria and exposing its tools and those who support the conspiracy with weapons and money.

The BASP lauded in the statement the strong National Unity of Syria and the great sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army Martyrs and members who have contributed to the immunity and defense of the sovereignty of Syria against the conspiracy.

Mikdad: ICRC has to ask countries that Support Terrorism to stop financing it

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Fayssal Mikdad discussed with President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Jakob Kellenberger bilateral relations between Syria and the international organization and the detailed sides of this cooperation.

During the meeting Wednesday, Dr. Mikdad underlined that confidence has been the core of cooperation between Syria and ICRC during the latest years which gave fruits for important achievements in the human field.

“Within its mission in Syria, ICRC has to ask the countries that support and fund terrorism to halt operations of arming and financing in order to stop the Syrian bloodshed,” Mikdad said.

He added that Syria completely cooperates with ICRC and it is committed to offer all possible facilitations to make its mission a success.

For his part, Kellenberger hailed the confidence given to him by the Syrian government which facilitated his mission, hoping that cooperation between the two sides will boost the committee’s work in offering more humanitarian and logistic services.

Explosive Devices Go off as Terrorists were Preparing them, Kill Seven in Damascus Countryside

DAMASCUS, SANA_ Explosive devices went off while terrorists were preparing them in the basement of a building in Beit Sehem in Damascus countryside, causing the building to collapse and damaging a nearby building.

Damascus Countryside Police Commander Abdul Razzak al-Mutlak told SANA correspondent that 7 bodies were pulled from underneath the rubble, among them the bodies of a mother and her two children, in addition to unidentified human remains.

Armed Terrorist Group Sets Fire to Red Cerscent Warehouse in Homs

An armed terrorist group on Wednesday set fire to a warehouse owned by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, Homs branch, in al-Qarabiss neighborhood.

SANA correspondent was informed that Civil Defense members extinguished the fire in the warehouse which contained food and medicine, pointing out that only material damage was caused and no human losses or injuries were reported.

Authorities storm a farm at Barza orchards, seizing different weapons

Following pursuit and investigations, the authorities stormed a farm at Barza orchards in Damascus for terrorist Tammam Saab, seizing different weapons, ammunitions and communication sets.

An official source told SANA reporter that the weapons confiscated were explosives, rifles, snipers, made-hand bombs and night goggles.

Grand Mufti of Syria: Conspiracy against Syria Aims at Undermining its National Stances

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Grand Mufti of the Republic Dr. Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun on Wednesday stressed that Syria is targeted for its national stances and keenness on supporting resistance.

Meeting members of the delegation of the Syrian community in Sweden visiting Syria, Dr. Hassoun stressed the role of expatriates in conveying the reality of what is taking place in Syria in light of the misleading Arab-Western media campaign which aims at undermining Syria.

For their part, the delegation members stressed support to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad, expressing readiness to defend Syria through continuing organizing events and activities to expose the conspiracy targeting their country.

Head of the delegation Sabri Ayyoub expressed confidence that the conspiracy is doomed to failure thanks to the awareness of the Syrian people.

Father Gabriel Dawood from the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate underlined the role of the expatriates in defending the homeland and conveying the reality of what is taking place.

Turkish Republican Popular Party rejects Erdogan’s hostile policy towards Syria

ANKARA, (SANA)-Turkish opposition Republican Popular Party reiterated rejection of Erdogan’s government hostile policy towards Syria and its intervention in the Syrian internal affairs as well as hosting armed terrorist groups in Turkey.

“The republican popular Party along with the majority of the Turkish people oppose the military intervention through Turkey into Syria… the Turkish people don’t want war with Syria, particularly with the Syrian friends,” Osman Faruk Logoglu, Deputy Chairman of the Party said.

He considered that hosting armed terrorist groups by Erdogan government on the Turkish lands undermines security and stability in Syria.

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