Just International

Syrian News on April 16th, 2012

Military Source: Dozens of Violations by Terrorist Groups since Halting Military Operations

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- A military source on Sunday declared the authorities will prevent the armed terrorist groups from continuing their criminal aggressions against the army and law enforcement forces and citizens which hysterically escalated since announcing the halt of military operations last Thursday morning.

The source said since the announcement of halting the military operations, the attacks of the armed terrorist groups have escalated against the civilians, the military, the law enforcement forces checkpoints and the private and public properties.

It affirmed that there have been dozens of violations by the armed groups that have caused big losses in terms of lives and properties.

“In conjunction with the UN Security Council resolution to send international observers to monitor the implementation of the initiative of the UN envoy Kofi Annan, the armed terrorist groups have hysterically escalated their aggressions on the army, the law enforcement forces and the civilians,” said the military source.

Its stressed that “out of their duty to protect the security of the homeland and citizens, the authorities will prevent these armed terrorist groups from continuing their criminal aggressions and acts of killings and sabotage against the citizens and their properties.”

Law-enforcement Member Martyred in Idleb, 3 Citizens Killed in Hama and Daraa

PROVINCES, (SANA) – A law-enforcement member was martyred and three others were injured on Sunday in an armed terrorist group attack in Harem City in Idleb governorate.

SANA correspondent said that the terrorist group opened fire on the law-enforcement personnel, causing the martyrdom of Yousef Dawood Qawarid and the injury of three members.

In the same context, a car loaded with explosives blew up in Idleb city in an attempt to kill law-enforcement personnel, but no injuries were reported.

SANA correspondent said that the car exploded after three terrorists parked the car and fled away.

Oil Tanker Set to Fire on Ariha-Aleppo Road

Another armed terrorist group targeted an oil tanker loaded with around 30 thousand liters of fuel on Ariha – Aleppo road, near Mseibeen town and set it on fire.

Two Citizens Killed in Terrorists’ Gunfire on Their Car in Hama

Two citizens were killed when an armed terrorist group opened fire at their care near Qatrat al-Rihan Bridge in Hama province.

The two martyrs are Malek Mahmoud Sleiteen and Riyad Nawras Hassa.

Meanwhile, an explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group exploded in al-Ta’awouniyeh neighborhood in the city of Hama causing material damages, but no injuries were reported.

Terrorist group abducts citizen Osama Qaddour, kills him in al-Rastan

An armed terrorist group today abducted citizen Osama Nawaf Qaddour, 28, from Hama, and after 3 hours, the group contacted his family, informing them that he was killed at a deserted house in al-Rastan.

SANA reporter learned that when Qaddour Family went to al-Rastan to see the abducted, they found his body  mutilated at a deserted house.

Al-A’edein Camp in Hama, the authorities found the body of female citizen Abeer Hassan Ibrahim, who was kidnapped by an armed group yesterday from her house in al-Qusur,  killed by a bullet in the head.

Another terrorist group kidnapped Chief warrant officer Ali al-Turk from the Camp, taking his to unknown place.

Charity Association Guard Killed by Terrorists in Daraa, Dead Body of Kidnapped Warrant Officer Found

In the countryside of Daraa province, an armed terrorist group opened fire on the 60-year- old guard of the charity association in Saida town, Ismael Talal al-Homsi, causing his immediate death.

In the meantime, the authorities found the dead body of Chief Warrant Officer Adnan Nabulsi from the law enforcement forces near western al-Gharia crossroad in Daraa, who had been kidnapped by an armed terrorist group from his house in al-Naimeh town.

Car’s Driver Injured in Explosive Device Blast in al-Tadamun Neighborhood in Damascus

An explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group under a car exploded on Sunday in al-Tadamun neighborhood in Damascus, injuring the car’s driver.

SANA reporter quoted a Police source in the province as saying the explosive device went off when Mohammad Abdul-Aal , a member of the Palestinian al-Sa’iqa (thunderbolt) Organization was getting on the car along with his driver.

The source added that the explosion caused injury to the driver as the explosive device was planted on his side.

Authorities Uncover Workshops for Manufacturing Explosives in Hama and Daraa

With the help of locals, the authorities uncovered a workshop for manufacturing explosive devices in Abi al-Fidaa neighborhood in Hama, which contained chemicals and contains used for making explosives.

Locals reported an explosion in the area followed by suspicious movement by strangers.

In Daraa’s northern countryside, the locals also helped the authorities uncover a workshop which contained explosive devices, equipment and materials for manufacturing them, automatic rifles, ammo and motorbikes.

One of the confiscated explosive devices had a yield of 9 kilograms and contend white phosphorus, which is an internationally prohibited explosive substance.

Al-Moallem visits China to discuss Annan’s Mission, Bilateral Relations

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Upon an invitation by Foreign Minister of China Yang Jiechi, Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem will hold a 2-day official visit to the Popular Republic of China.

During the visit, al-Moallem will discuss means of enhancing bilateral relations and the mission of the UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

Five Army, Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, LATTAKIA, (SANA) – The bodies of five army and civilian martyrs were escorted on Sunday from Tishreen and Zahi Azraq Military Hospitals in Damascus and Lattakia to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Damascus Countryside and Idleb.

The martyrs are:

­           Retired Brigadier General Akl Hussein Mahmoud from Tartous.

­           Sergeant Major Samer Dirgham from Hama.

­           Conscript Ghazi Ahmad Barazi from Hama.

­           Civilian Hussam Abu Hamdan from Sweida.

­           Civilian Mansour Hamad al-Ali from Sweida.

Families of the martyrs stressed confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through their unity, condemning the criminal acts committed by the armed terrorist groups against the army, law-enforcement forces and innocent citizens.

They expressed readiness to sacrifice their lives to defend the homeland and protect its people.

Easter Celebrations in Syria Limited to Prayers and Requiems

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Easter celebrations of Christian denominations in Syria were limited to prayers at churches and places of worshiping marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the messenger of peace and amity.

A mass religious celebration was held at Mar Jirjis’s Cathedral for Syriac Orthodox, headed by Patriarch Mar Ignatius Zakka I Iwas of Antioch an All the East for the Syriac Orthodox, Supreme Head of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church, assisted by bishops, priests and the patriarchal Mar Ephrem choir in Damascus.

In his sermon, Patriarch Iwas explained the sublime meaning of this occasion and the sacrifice of the Jesus Christ to save the humanity and achieve happiness through faith.

He added that Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus, which makes us full of hope and determination despite all circumstances.

Patriarch Iwas prayed to God to preserve Syria’s people and President Bashar al-Assad, to bless the martyrs and heal the injured.

Chairing a requiem at Mar Jirjis Church for Roman Orthodox in Damascus, Greek Orthodox Patriarchal Assistant, Bishop Luca al- Khouri said that Zionism and those who follow it are behind the events taking place in the Middle East with the aim of stoking seditions and shedding the Syrian blood to force Syria give up its stances in support of the Arab issues.

He stressed that the Syrian people are committed to their national unity for the sake of their freedom and independence, calling upon all Syrians to pray to God to protect Syria’s people, president and Army, whose members have sacrificed their lives to defend the homeland.

Prayers and requiems were performed at churches and worshiping places throughout the Syrian governorates.

The sermons hailed the national unity of the Syrian people which constitutes the main pillar for Syria’s strength and steadfastness against challenges.

Syrian and Arab Tribes Forum Stresses Popular National Reconciliation

TARTOUS, (SANA) – The activities of the 11th session of Syrian and Arab Tribes and Clans Forum kicked off on Sunday with the participation of 700 Syrian figures and delegations from Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan.

The participants stressed that the national unity of the Syrian people has foiled the enemies’ bet to undermine Syria and the resistance.

They underlined the Syrian people’s rejection of any foreign interference in their affairs, stressing that they will remain united to defend the homeland’s independence and sovereignty.

They called for dialogue to overcome the current circumstances, adding that the Syrian tribes and clans stand by Syria’s people, army and leadership to defend their dignity.

Founder of the Syrian and Arab Tribes and Clans Forum, Sheikh Saleh al-Deli al-Nu’eimi, said the forum is “a national and popular initiative per excellence” that came under the title “Popular National Reconciliation”, adding that the tribes came to Tartous and will also meet in Lattakia to express gratitude to the national awareness and unity of their people.

The 3-day forum included Arab delegations that support reforms in Syria under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad, adding that Syria will remain the country of resistance and steadfastness.

He said that the forum is a call for people to reconcile and for those who took up arms to turn themselves in to authorities.

For his part, Mufti of Tartous, Sheikh Mohammad Ismael said the Forum stresses the Syrians’ national unity and gives a good example for Syria’s united fabric with all its spectrums in response to the instigative satellite channels which try to fragment this fabric.

Bishop of Tartous, Elias Suleiman said Syria is the homeland of all Syrians who have to build it on the basis of mutual respect and dialogue.

Representatives of tribes in the Syrian provinces who attended the meeting stressed that Syria will remain unified under the leadership of President al-Assad who has been approved by all Syrians to be the guarantor of their unity.

They reiterated commitment to national unity and the leadership’s national and pan-Arab stances against all the Zionist and imperialist conspiracies, stressing support to current reforms which will end up in supporting efforts to liberate the occupied territories, restore rights and achieve security and stability in Syria.

The tribes’ representatives in Syria called upon the armed terrorist groups to hand in their weapons and come to dialogue, calling also on those who were forced to leave their houses to return, stressing that the Syrian army will always safeguard the homeland.

“Syria is not for the Syrians only, but for all the honest people in the Arab and Islamic nation,” said Head of the National Center in South Lebanon Kamal al-Kheir, stressing that Lebanon will not be a basis to target and sabotage Syria.

For his part, head of the Iraqi delegation Fayez al-Saad greeted the Syrian people, stressing the firm stance of the Iraqi government towards Syria in terms of supporting Syria’s territorial integrity and rejection of foreign interference in its internal affairs.

Delegation of Syrian Communities in France and Belgium Light Candles in Honor of Army and Civilian Martyrs

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The delegation of the Syrian communities in France and Belgium on Sunday visited the site of the terrorist attack which hit the zone linking Baghdad Street and al-Qasaa Quarter last month.

The participants chanted the Syrian national anthem, after which they observed a minute of silence and lit candles in honor of the army and civilian martyrs.

They condemned the conspiracy hatched against Syria, hailing the sacrifices of Syrian Army in defending the homeland’s stability and confronting the armed terrorist groups.

In a statement to SANA, expatriate Nasrallah Nassrallah, who has been in France for more than 24 years, said “this visit is a personal initiative to express love to Syria and stress rejection of the conspiracy,” describing the terrorist attack at al-Qasaa neighborhood as “immoral” as it aims to undermine the Syrian people’s strength and steadfastness.

Another delegation member Dayana Jadaan said that they are here today to express solidarity to the homeland and stand by its people in the face of all challenges.

She stressed support the reform process led by President Bashar al-Assad, expressing confidence that Syria will overcome the conspiracy.

For his part, Omran al-Khateeb who, has lived in France form 20 years, said the visit aimed at revealing the misleading and instigative role of some media.

He said that the Western countries seek to spread chaos and destruction in Syria in the name of freedom, democracy and human rights while such concepts are absent in such countries as veiled women are prevented from entering public hospitals or schools in France and nobody is allowed to criticize the Israeli daily violations against the Palestinian people.

The delegation includes 80 people of Syrian descent who live in France and Belgium, in addition to French citizens of Arab origins.

The delegation of the Syrian communities in France and Belgium also visited Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to show solidarity with the wounded soldiers of the Army who were targeted by the armed terrorist groups while they were performing their sacred duty in protecting the citizens.

Members of the delegation assured the health of the wounded, underlining support to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

They presented symbolic gifts to the injured soldiers in honor of their sacrifices.

The participants in the delegation also visited the monument of the Unknown Soldier in Qasioun Mount in Damascus.

They stood a minute of silence, recited verses of the holy Quran for the souls of civilians and Army soldiers who were targeted by the armed terrorist groups,  chanted the Syrian national anthem and put a wreath on the monument.

UN Security Council Unanimously Passes Resolution to Send Unarmed Monitors to Syria

NEW YORK, (SANA)_The UN Security Council unanimously passed a resolution to send unarmed military observers to Syria.

The resolution authorizes the first 30 unarmed observers to establish contact and cooperation with the Syrian sides and delegates them to submit reports to ensure that all sides commit to ending armed violence until a UN mission is deployed.

The resolution calls upon the Syrian government and other sides to ensure appropriate conditions for the group of monitors to carry out their mission, without restricting their free movement and access to cities.

Al-Jaafari: Annan’s Mission Can Only Succeed with Syria’s Support… Sides Affiliated with Armed Groups Must Commit in Words and Actions

In a speech during the Security Council session, Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Jaafari, said that Syria took serious steps towards fulfilling its obligations as per the plan of UN Envoy Kofi Annan, and that it actually upheld its commitment to ceasing the missions of the armed forces on March 12th.

He affirmed that since the beginning, Syria welcomed Anna’s mission and dealt with its positively, sparing no effort to ensure its success, noting that Syria is providing Annan with regular written updates on the steps taken to implement his plan.

Al-Jaafari said that Syria agreed on the principle of UN observation which respects Syrian sovereignty, and that talks are underway with Annan and his team to formulate a protocol on deploying the observers.

He pointed out that Syria’s openness and commitment to Annan’s mission was met by an escalation of terrorism, which included the forced displacement of citizen to premade camps in neighboring countries in order to manufacture a refugee crisis which would be exploited politically to create so-called buffer zones and summon military intervention.

Al-Jaafari  said that Syria is concerned over the ill intents of some Security Council member countries in terms of deliberately not holding armed groups accountable for their crimes, adding that Syria provided Annan with documented data on the violations committed by armed groups since the ceasefire came into effect, and that these violations number over 50.

He drew attention to the fact that those who claim to care for human rights continue to ignore the information provided by many international sides other than the Syrian government regarding the grave violations of human rights committed by armed groups in Syria, which include abduction, holding hostages, demanding ransom, torture, execution, recruiting children in combat, and using civilians as human shields.

Al-Jaafari pointed out to an article published in Germany’s Der Spiegel which contained an interview with two criminals hiding in Lebanon who confessed to the reporter that they slit the throats of 150 people in Syria on orders from their leaders in the armed groups.

He went on to say that Syria hopes that Annan will handle the crisis in an inclusive manner, stressing the need for Annan to make the necessary communication with the Arab, regional and international sides affiliated with the armed groups to guarantee their commitment to ending violence.

“Annan’s mission can’t be successful with only the Syrian governmental support… those countries must commit in words and actions to stopping the funding, arming and training of armed groups, refraining from encouraging them in continuing their terrorist acts, and providing safe havens to their members, as well as ceasing to prompt the Syrian opposition to reject any initiative for comprehensive national dialogue aiming to reach a political, peaceful solution to the crisis in Syria,” al-Jaafari said.

He noted that while Annan’s was holding dialogue in Syria, some were holding conferences in Istanbul in a clear attempt to circumvent his mission and the UN role and undermine his plan, adding that these conferences devised mechanism allowing Arab Gulf countries to finance armed groups by providing them with salaries, in addition to pledging USD 100 million to exasperate the crisis, in addition to the calls which were issued at the Security Council – particularly from Qatar’s Foreign Minister – for military intervention in Syria and establishing so-called safe zones, along with the Saudi Foreign Minister’s statement that arming the Syrian opposition is a “duty.”

Al-Jaafari asked how some countries can claim to support Annan’s plan while at the same time they take steps to fund armed terrorist groups, impose sanctions on the Syrian people, and call for direct military intervention, all of which contradicts the goal and logic of Annan’s plan.

He affirmed that continuing to support armed groups is a true threat to Annan’s plan, and that those responsible for this are responsible for the shedding of Syrian blood and the spread of terrorism in Syria, adding that countries who imposed the unjust economic sanctions on the Syrian people are accomplices in the crisis and thus are not allowed to bemoan the difficulties that Syrians are facing in their daily lives as they are largely responsible for them.

Al-Jaafari pointed out to the external manipulation of the Syrian Pound exchange rate and the steps taken to prevent Syrian expatriates from sending money to their families at home, in addition to damaging the Syrian energy sector, wondering if such actions ensure the Syrians’ welfare and demands for reforms.

He pointed out that the crisis in Syria is a geopolitics conflict over regional roles and a settlement of old and new scores, adding that some sides have a deep desire to bury the Palestinian cause in favor of other issues.

Al-Jaafari noted that in an earlier meeting, he relayed the news of the assassination of Saria Hassoun, the son of Syria’s Grand Mufti, at the hands of armed terrorist groups, and during this session he reported that the Syrian authorities apprehended the killers of Saria, adding that the two terrorists confessed that they committed the assassination in exchange for USD 800 each.

He said that some sides questioned his last speech before the Council over the existence of armed groups in Syria, adding “Today, fortunately, we heard many Council members urging those armed groups to discipline and adhere to Annan’s plan.”

Al-Jaafari pointed out that the resolution needs the loyalty of all countries which adopted it and continued supporting the armed groups in Syria, saying that Syria hopes for the countries which commit themselves to this resolution to comply to it practically by not sending lethal or non-lethal aid to the terrorists and armed groups in Syria because these funds and equipment are used to kill the Syrian people, including women, children, and the elderly.

He stressed that the Syrian people need help to live in peace and safety, not incitement, adding that the Syrians also need the unjust sanctions which cost them billions of dollars to be lifted.

Concluding his speech, al-Jaafari commented on France’s Representative Gerad Araud who told the Syrian people that “the time of violence is over” by saying “I agree with him, but I would like to remind him that the time of mandates had also gone and that his speech is inappropriate now as the Syrian people are to celebrate their Independence Day from the French occupation on April 17th.”

Churkin: Syrian Opposition Should Commit to Annan’s Plan

Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin said that the draft resolution approved at the UN Security Council undergone radical amendments influenced by Russia to make it more balanced and reflective of the situation on the ground.

Churkin said ” Russia has cautioned from the very beginning against the use of force by any side, and called for a political solution to the problems in Syria through comprehensive dialogue.”

”Out of respect for Syria’s sovereignty, we’ve cautioned against foreign interference attempts or imposing unsuitable solutions, ” said Churkin, adding ”We also backed the draft resolution today, taking into consideration the need for sending a UN monitoring mission to Syria.”

He clarified that the resolution is not only for the Syrian government, but also for the opposition groups to fully cooperate with the monitors and implement Annan’s 6-point plan.

Churkin stressed that the observers’ mission needs a great deal of professionalism and objectivity, adding that it is necessary that circumstances be favorable, including ensuring the safety of the mission.

He added ”We are at a critical moment…and it is important that all Syrian sides, including the armed opposition, stop violence immediately, respect Annan’s plan and start organizing an extensive dialogue process.”

China’s Representative Stresses Beijing’s Support to Syria’s Unity, Peaceful Solution for the Crisis

China’s Representative to the UN Security Council, Li Baodong, stressed that Beijing supports the stability, independence and unity of Syria, pointing out to the necessity of solving the crisis peacefully through political dialogue and respecting the choices of the Syrian people.

“We encourage all sides, including the government and the opposition, to meet their commitments in stopping violence and creating the appropriate circumstances for a political process led by Syria,” he said in his speech before the Council.

He stressed that supporting Annan’s efforts is the best way to get out of the crisis and settle it peacefully.

Baodong called upon the international community to support Annan’s efforts, adding that “Efforts that may hinder Annan’s plan are unacceptable and should be opposed decisively.”

In turn, the representative of India stressed the need for countries – both those neighboring Syria and those who are farther away – to facilitate reaching a political solution to the crisis in Syria, while Azerbaijan’s representative stressed the need for emphasizing the Security Council’s commitment to the sovereignty, independence and integrity of Syria.

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s representative said that this decision is an important step in achieving a peaceful resolution to the situation in Syria, while the Guatemalan representative said that this decision is a chance to reverse the cycle of violence and take the first step towards a better future for all Syrians.

Portugal’s representative limited his calls for cooperating with Annan to the Syrian government, excluding the opposition, while South Africa’s representative called all sides, including the violations, to maintain a ceasefire and welcomed the Syrian government’s commencement of carrying out its obligations.

Togo’s representative called upon those who have influence on the Syrian government and opposition to support this decision and pave the way for launching a comprehensive political process.

However, the US representative  Susan Rice continued to show bias by neglecting all the reports that prove the opposition’s violations, preferring to pile on accusations against the Syrian government, with the British representative Mark Grant also recounted the lies and fabrications of biased channels and ignored the crimes of armed groups in his attempt to undermine Annan’s plan which have been ongoing since Syria agreed to it.

Similarly, France’s representative Gerard Araud recited a stream of lies and allegations that the French diplomacy have been pushing for months to misdirect public opinion, bringing into mind his country’s colonialist past and tendency to use force and threats in crises.

Meanwhile, Columbia’s representative seemed closer to objectivity as he began by saying that the decision to send observers is a step to resolving the crisis in Syria, but he then regressed to promoting fabrications similar to the ones made by the US, France and Britain, matching these countries in ignoring the crimes of terrorist groups.

The speech delivered by Germany’s representative Peter Wittig showed clear bias, ignoring the crimes committed by the armed groups since announcing the ceasefire and even going as far as to commend them for “ceasing combat,” something which these groups only did in the TV  channels of their Gulf and Western accomplices. Wittig also turned a blind idea to the reports run by German media on the crimes of armed groups during his attempt to pass himself off as a defender of human rights.

Iran hopes Annan’s Mission will be successful

TEHRAN, (SANA)- The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Sunday hoped that the mission of the UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan will be successful in prevailing security and stability and preventing the foreign intervention in Syria.

Ramin Mehmanparast, Spokesman of the Ministry, who is on a visit to Belgrade, described in an interview with the Serbian TV Tehran stance towards crisis in Syria as clear and frank.

“Syria is confronting Israel’s crimes and opposes the policies of the US in the region,” Mehmanparast said, adding “64% of the Syrian people have participated in the new constitution referendum, which means that the majority of the citizens back the reforms.”

Ki-moon, Annan Call for Urging Syrian Opposition to Take Step to Ensure Cessation of Violence

GENEVA, (SANA) – UN Security General Ban Ki-moon and UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan on Saturday called upon countries and sides with influence on the Syrian opposition to urge them to take “reciprocal steps” to ensure the cessation of violence in Syria.

Reuters reported that Ki-Moon and Annan issued a statement after their meeting which lauds the Security Council’s decision to send unarmed observers to Syria, saying that they will do their best to deploy the observers as soon as possible.

In this statement, Ki-Moon said that the primary responsibility falls upon the Syrian government in the cessation of violence and the withdrawal of its forces.

The statement said that Annan briefed Ki-moon on his communication with Syrian officials, the opposition, and influential countries, adding that Annan explained the efforts being made to ensure the full implementation of his plan and the initiation of a political process that meets the aspirations of the Syrian people.

Al-Maliki Reiterates Support to Political Solution to Syrian Crisis

BAGHDAD, (SANA)- Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malki on Sunday reiterated his country’s support to finding a political solution to the crisis in Syria and its rejection to interference in the Syrian internal affairs and all that leads to aggravating the violence in terms of arming or instigation.

“The policy of Iraq is against interference in the internal affairs [of Syria] and against violence and all that leads to aggravating it in terms of arming or instigation and so forth,” the AFP quoted al-Maliki as saying in an interview with the Iraqi Awena newspaper.

He stressed Iraq’s support to reaching a political solution to the crisis in Syria so as for Syria and the region to evade more wars.

Al-Maliki said his country” has put in use all its political and diplomatic capabilities towards arriving at a political solution in Syria that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people and helps it and the region avoid more wars and bloodshed.”

“We said before that the language of using force to overthrow the regime [in Syria] won’t overthrow it,” said the Iraqi Prime. “It has been a year now and the regime has not fallen and it won’t fall,” he added wondering, “why would it fall?”

Al-Maliki warned at the Arab Summit held in Baghdad last March that arming the opposition will lead to alternate regional and international wars in Syria, affirming Iraq’s rejection of any act of arming as it will result in an cumulative crisis in the region.

Israeli Occupation Forces Prevent Golan Woman from Visiting Her Relatives in Homeland

QUNEITRA, (SANA) – The Israeli occupation forces on Sunday prevented citizen Wissam al-Sabbagh from visiting her relatives in the homeland.

Mrs. al-Sabbagh is from Damascus and is married to a man from the occupied Syrian town of Majdal Shams.

The Israeli forces have refused dozens of visit applications submitted by al-Sabbagh to the international Red Cross Bureau in the occupied territories.

Al-Sabbagh, who has been under chemotherapy in the Palestinian occupied lands since last September, called upon all human rights associations to exert pressure on the Israeli occupation forces to enable her to visit the homeland and see her relatives and family before she passes away.

Al-Sabbagh said that Israel has been depriving her from visiting her relatives in the homeland since 1998, adding that “I haven’t seen my daughter for 13 year.”

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

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