Just International

India On Palestine: The Choice Is Clear

By Feroze Mithiborwala

On Palestine, the choice is very clear for India.

The choice for the Modi Government is to either choose to be part of the emerging powers led by the BRICS nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). Or then by standing with a pariah Israel, be reduced to a lackey of the Anglo-Zionist cabal, which is clearly receding as its global hegemony wanes.

Israel, increasingly isolated in Europe, even as within America, powerful lobbies continue to counter and neutralise the waning power of the Zionist lobbies.

From American Jewry, to the Evangelical Churches – Israel is fast losing support. Netanyahu’s genocidal racist policies and wars have led to a situation, whereby the Judeo-Zionist narrative is no longer viable and cannot be sold, even as the tide of public opinion is now clearly turning its support for the cause of Palestine.

Netanyahu is clearly against any peaceful solution to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. His continued siege of Gaza, the growing Settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the attacks on the Al Aqsa Mosque, the recent war on Gaza where we witnessed the targeted killings of children, as well as the fact that Netanyahu has called for a Ethno-Jewish State of Israel, have all added to Israel’s international isolation.

This has led to major European nations such as Britain, France, Spain, Sweden and many others to have passed resolutions in their parliaments calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jersualem as the capital.

Thus any tectonic shift from the Nehruvian roots of our foreign policy by the present Modi Government will lead to dire consequences for India’s global stature and will only lead to our isolation in Asia and across a fast emerging multi-polar world.

These were the two remarkable clauses (38, 39) agreed to an signed at the recent BRICS Summit 2014, held at Fortozella, Brazil and clearly India cannot renege on this international commitment, as well as its position to numerous UN resolutions.

(38) We reaffirm our commitment to contribute to a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict on the basis of the universally recognized international legal framework, including the relevant UN resolutions, the Madrid Principles and the Arab Peace Initiative. We believe that the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a fundamental component for building a sustainable peace in the Middle East. We call upon Israel and Palestine to resume negotiations leading to a two-State solution with a contiguous and economically viable Palestinian State existing side by side in peace with Israel, within mutually agreed and internationally recognized borders based on the 4 June 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital. We oppose the continuous construction and expansion of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories by the Israeli Government, which violates international law, gravely undermines peace efforts and threatens the viability of the two-State solution. We welcome recent efforts to achieve intra-Palestinian unity, including the formation of a national unity government and steps towards conducting general elections, which is key element to consolidate a democratic and sustainable Palestinian State, and call on the parties to fully commit to the obligations assumed by Palestine. We call on the UN Security Council to fully exercise its functions under the UN Charter with regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We recall with satisfaction the decision of the UN General Assembly to proclaim 2014 the International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, welcome the efforts of UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in providing assistance and protection for Palestine refugees and encourage the international community to continue to support the activities of the agency.

(39) We express our support for the convening, at the earliest possible date, of the Conference on the establishment of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction. We call upon all states of the region to attend the Conference and to engage constructively and in a pragmatic manner with a view to advancing that goal.

Thus the choice for India is very clear, either we stand with a Judeo-Nazi Israel, or then we are part of the BRICS and various international fora. The world is inexorably hurtling towards a multi-polar international architecture, where at the end of the decade, the US-Nato powers will have been curtailed and Eurasia will emerge at the centre of global power.

The question is indeed simple and so is the answer.

Feroze Mithiborwala is International Correspondent, MedhajNews.com

27 December, 2014