Just International


On the 27th June 2015, the International Movement for a Just World (JUST) held a forum entitled The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). The speaker of the forum was Syed Salim Agha, who gave an extensive overview on what the TPP is, its global ramifications on trade and social welfare, as well as how it would directly affect Malaysia and its people.

There were a total of 10 participants who attended the forum and shared their views and insights on the TPPA.

In the forum, Syed Salim Agha addressed the various key points on the contents of the TPPA which are known to the public, the ramifications of the trade agreement and how its pro-corporation stance will only adversely affect social welfare, and what it means for the economic sustainability of nations involved, especially Malaysia.

Most notably however, the involvement of the United States was also a factor of concern which was highlighted in the forum, especially considering how many corporations favouring the TPPA are attempting to “fast-track” the agreement.

The most controversial aspect of the TPPA would be its secretive nature, as many details of the discussions and agreements are made behind closed doors, excluding the public. The lack of transparency and participation from the public on a trade agreement which may very well have serious ramifications on society lives further reinforces the notion that this agreement is made for the benefit of the corporations and nation-states who wish to secure and expand their own positions of power and further their own hegemonic agendas.

Many questions still remain on what an ordinary citizen can do in the face of this formidable challenge. For now most importantly it was agreed upon by those in the forum, that spreading awareness and promoting interest in this issue is the most crucial step in addressing it.

Hassanal Noor Rashid
JUST Project Coordinator