Just International

November 11 Is Armistice Day: Veterans Demand Ceasefire in Gaza

By Gerry Condon

November 11, declared Armistice Day at the end of World War I, is celebrated in the U.S. as Veterans Day. Understanding why requires us to recall World War I and its aftermath.

World War I was an international conflict, 1914-18, that embroiled most of the nations of Europe, along with Russia, the United States, the Middle East, and other regions.  The war pitted the “Central Powers” – mainly Germany Austria-Hungary and Turkey – against the “Allies” – mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy and (from 1917) the United States. The war was unprecedented in the slaughter, carnage, and destruction it caused. Over 15 million people were killed – both soldiers and civilians, and over 25 million were wounded.

The First World War ended in November 1918 when an armistice was declared at the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month,” marking a moment of hope and the promise of peace. It was also a moment of great sadness and a sense of great tragedy. Many people prayed this would be “the war to end all wars,” and that Armistice Day would serve as an eternal warning never to repeat the past.  But then came World War II.

After the end of World War II and the Korean War ceasefire, in 1954 veterans’ organizations pushed the Congress to switch the holiday’s name to Veterans Day, a day to honor those who fight in war. Could it be that – having emerged from World War II unscathed and more powerful than ever, the United States was not ready to abandon militarism? Whatever the intention, the holiday’s meaning was turned on its head – a day for war instead of a day for peace.

The national organization Veterans For Peace has been working to Reclaim Armistice Day as  a day that is dedicated to ending war once and for all. Veterans lead Armistice Day activities around the country, many incorporating the ringing of bells at the “11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.” Now the veterans group is also calling for Peace in the Middle East.

The looming threats of climate catastrophe and nuclear annihilation have been overshadowed this year by Israel’s horrific ongoing genocide of Palestinian civilians in Gaza – up to 50,000 killed, 70% of whom are women and children.For thirteen months straight, unspeakable atrocities have filled our screens and haunted our consciences. We can see clearly that the US government is complicit in Israel’s merciless ethnic cleansing. The bombs that Israel drops on Palestinian children are made in the USA and delivered by the US government. US-backed Israeli wars have now expanded to the Palestine’s West Bank, to Lebanon and to Iran, risking a wider war, possibly even a global war that could “go nuclear.”

According to Wikipedia: “Scholars trying to understand the cause of World War I “look at political, territorial and economic competition; militarism, a complex web of alliances and alignments; imperialism, the growth of nationalism; and the power vacuum created by the decline of the Ottoman Empire.” One hundred and six years after the end of World War I, another such deadly concoction is brewing. War is permanent. Genocide is on TV.  A desperate empire is pushing human civilization toward a tragic end.


This year, Veterans For Peace is calling for an Armistice – a permanent Ceasefire in Palestine, Lebanon and throughout the Middle East, and for an end to US arms shipments to Israel.

 “When US bombs stop dropping on Palestinian children, the genocide will end” said VFP Vice President Joshua Shurley.

The 39-year-old veterans’ organization, with chapters in over 100 US cities, recently issued a statement in support of Israeli and US soldiers who refuse to take part genocide, illegal wars and war crimes.

Gerry Condon is Vietnam-era veteran and war resister who is a past president and a current Board member of Veterans For Peace.

10 November 2024

Source: countercurrents.org

Lessons Learned from an Ongoing Genocide in Gaza

By Ida Audeh

Addressing the UN in September, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held up a map of historic Palestine, in which the West Bank and Gaza Strip were not delineated; the whole territory, from the river to the sea, was labeled Israel. Other maps of Israel are even more ambitious and include parts of Lebanon and Syria as well. Israel sees the war with the Palestinians, and now with Lebanon, as an opportunity to change the map of the Arab world to make it more hospitable to Israeli expansionism and domination. The United States had the same impulse after September 2001, seizing the moment to embark on a global program of regime change, to make the world more amenable to U.S. hegemony.

As the genocidal war against Palestinians enters its second year, some things are very clear.

Israel’s wars in Palestine and now Lebanon are joint U.S.-Israeli wars. The U.S. could stop the carnage if it chose to, but it chooses instead to offer full military, tactical, financial and political support to Israel. European countries with colonial and genocidal histories assist Israel to the extent they can. The result is that the most industrial “advanced” countries in the world are supporting the destruction of the Gaza Strip, besieged for the past 17 years, and Lebanon, a country that has teetered on collapse for the past several years. Their goal is to demonstrate that resistance to U.S.-Israeli hegemony is futile. This single fact transforms the war into one with global implications.

Israelis and Palestinians are engaged in an existential battle throughout historic Palestine. If Palestinians lose, they most likely will be ethnically cleansed from the soil of Palestine in a repeat of the 1948 Nakba. (In fact, that process has already begun in the West Bank and in the northern Gaza Strip.) Israeli leaders have threatened this very explicitly, using the word “Nakba” to leave no doubt about their intentions. They have long lamented that the 1948 Nakba had not been more thorough. After Oct. 7, 2023, they saw an opportunity and seized it.

If Israel loses, its colonial experiment—as a Jewish ethnostate representing Western aims in the region and destabilizing the Arab world—comes to an end. Jews who live in Palestine will have to live like everyone else in a non-Zionist state yet to be created. Already tens of thousands of Israelis have decided that the country has no future, and they’ve used their second passports to emigrate.

Both parties know what is at stake. This understanding fuels the savagery of the Israeli army, fully supported by the Israeli people and the Biden administration, and the tenacious resistance of the Palestinian fighters. One year of carpet bombing and bloodletting, and Israel hasn’t managed to accomplish a single one of its stated military aims in Gaza. In fact, one of those goals—securing the release of the Israelis held in Gaza—no longer seems to factor into military considerations at all. It is waging a war of terror on civilians to prepare them for Israel’s Final Solution.

A high civilian death toll is precisely the point for the colonizer. In Gaza, the figure of 42,000 dead used by the health ministry includes only documented deaths; it is clear to everyone that in the massive mounds of rubble throughout the Gaza Strip, decomposing bodies are buried. Lebanon is getting similar treatment, with bombing of residential areas in which entire families are snuffed out.

The U.S. has denounced calls for a ceasefire as unacceptable. It prefers to give Israel time and space to kill civilians, in the hopes of improving Israel’s negotiating position and enabling it to dictate the terms of an end to hostilities. What Israel, the U.S. and other colonial backers have not yet figured out is that atrocities don’t cow people into accepting subjugation. Burying lots of children shot in the head has the uncanny effect of stiffening the backbone and fueling rage, which in turn produces fighters who understand that they cannot negotiate with a savage enemy bent on their destruction. When you’ve lived through the worst you can imagine—loved ones dismembered, relatives shuttled from place to place like sacks of potatoes and bombed anyway, the dead fed to roaming dogs, starvation—what is left for you to fear?

Israel has no red lines. Since its creation, Israel has been supported, armed and politically protected by Western countries. The result is the creation of a powerful, savage Frankenstein that ends Palestinian bloodlines; shoots children in the head; runs torture centers where Palestinian noncombatants are beaten, electrocuted, starved and gang raped; deliberately destroys hospitals and schools; targets U.N. agencies and personnel and makes geographies uninhabitable. The consequences of Western indulgence of Israel are explored in the recent Al Jazeera investigative study, (see p. x) which assembles social media postings from Israeli soldiers. The seeming unawareness by Israeli soldiers that their trophy moments are evidence of war crimes is deeply disturbing to the viewer. They actually believe that no human law applies to them.

Israel’s sabotaging of pagers and walkie-talkies delivered to Lebanon in September is a clear case of state-sponsored terrorism because the devices were remotely detonated as their users were in public spaces. At least 12 were killed and thousands injured; many were blinded. This is on a par with targeting hospitals and medical staff and turning commandeered hospitals into mass graves.

Israel’s assassination of political leaders demonstrates a need to deliver some red meat to the Israeli public in the absence of securing the release of Israelis from Gaza. Its assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in July in Tehran, followed less than two months later by its assassination of Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah in Beirut, were grievous blows to both organizations, but not the knock-out punches that Israel and the U.S. might have hoped. Israel has a long and sordid history of assassinating Palestinian political figures. The Palestinian encyclopedia (<palquest.org>) lists 37 actual and attempted assassinations of Palestinian figures from 1970 to 2019. The resistance movement fighters know that they are marked men, and their organizations have found ways to continue functioning after they are gone. They are honored for their sacrifices.

U.S. officials who support Israel are becoming more freakish and disturbing with each passing month. What can be made of revelations that U.S. Secretary State Antony Blinken signed off on Israeli attacks on humanitarian convoys and buried internal reports concluding that Israel was blocking aid into Gaza. Or plastic-faced State Department spokesman Matthew Miller claiming that Israel is taking steps to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza even as a mountain of evidence shows that famine is widespread, a fact that World Food Program Executive Director Cindy McCain acknowledged?

Even people who don’t care about foreign policy have to be dismayed by the sight of a charlatan like Netanyahu being invited to address Congress and receiving no fewer than 58 standing ovations as he spewed lie after lie about the Israeli army’s conduct in Gaza. What good can come from legislators with such questionable morals and no self-respect, who see fit to give a gracious audience to a foreign war criminal?

This blind support for Israel even as it commits genocide explains at least some of the unease Americans feel when contemplating Gaza. Palestinians are being killed wholesale, but Americans feel threatened, too. U.S. institutions and state agencies have come down harshly on protesters on university campuses. White nationalists who shoot social justice protesters while the police stand by are not very different from Israeli settlers who shoot Palestinians while the army stands by to offer backup support. Whether in Palestine or the United States, dissent is crushed in ways designed to serve as a deterrence for others. State power is absolute and cannot be questioned. Can we live in such a world?

The Israeli army is an effective demolition battalion and mass killer of noncombatants, but it is psychologically defeated. It has destroyed every university in Gaza and most of the hospitals and killed noncombatants without restraint. But when Israeli soldiers come under fire, Palestinian fighters hear them curse their leaders, the same leaders who show no interest in securing the release of Israelis. When Palestinian fighters prepare for an ambush, they regard it as an honor and pay tribute to other brigades and to their fallen leaders—Haniyeh, Nasrallah and those who died years ago, whose names are given to the guns they use. They have a cause they believe in, and they are part of a history and tradition that they understand and honor and believe can liberate Palestine from the river to the sea. They fight for the future; the Israeli cause, incubated in the 19th century, seems increasingly preposterous, a racist setup long rejected by normal people.

The Palestinian resistance is aided by resistance movements in the Arab world. The current war demonstrates that Palestine is an Arab, not exclusively Palestinian, cause. Hezbollah knows that unless Israel is defanged, it will always pose a threat to Lebanon and to the Lebanese people, who are being wiped out like Gazans, entire families at one go. Groups in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, countries that have been ravaged by Western colonial actors, are coming to the aid of the Palestinians because they understand the need to end Western domination of the region.

That domination began more than a century ago, with the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916, with which the French and British divided the Levant into states and spheres of influence that suited their wishes, indifferent to the histories and wishes of the people. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 generously promised the support of the British government for the creation of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine. The Bush administration (2001-2009) took upon itself the foolhardy mission of implementing regime change in countries it thought should be more malleable to U.S. (and Israeli) wishes, and its wish list included Iraq, Libya and Syria; these countries are now in shambles. Everywhere the U.S. and Israel impose their will, they leave wastelands behind.

The battle waged for the liberation of Palestine calls to mind the battles waged in the epic trilogy Lord of the Rings, where warriors band together to fight against the seemingly crushing evil forces of Sauron. The odds are against them, and they know they won’t all live to see the scourge expunged from the realm, but they must at least try, because to do less would be ignoble.

Palestinians and their allies too, understand what is at stake. As of this writing, Israel is expelling Palestinians from the northern Gaza Strip in the first stages of what it thinks of as a final solution for the matter of the Palestinians. It is laying claim to territories in southern Lebanon to afford itself more living space. The combined Israel-U.S.-Western forces against them are merciless, and they must not be allowed to prevail.

What Israel and the U.S. are doing in Palestine, and now Lebanon, will set precedents for future lawless regimes. Unless the international community sets some red lines and backs them with deterring force, no one will be safe anywhere in the world.

Ida Audeh is senior editor of the Washington Report. This article was first published on the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs website on October 16, 2024

10 November 2024

Source: countercurrents.org

Challenge of Islamophobia: A Call for Inclusive Interpretations

By V.A. Mohamad Ashrof

This article examines how puritanical, literalist, and intolerant interpretations of the Quran have contributed to Islamophobia and explores the scholarly arguments advocating for more contextual, pluralist, and human rights-based readings of Islamic texts. Scholars such as Abdolkarim Soroush, Mohammed Arkoun, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, Fazlur Rahman, and Mohammad Abed al-Jabri argue that rigid interpretations can perpetuate stereotypes, fostering misunderstanding and hostility toward Islam. These scholars advocate for a dynamic approach that respects historical contexts, embraces diversity, and promotes rational and inclusive perspectives. This paper seeks to articulate these scholars’ contributions to reframing Islamic thought in ways that challenge Islamophobia.

The issue of Islamophobia—an irrational fear, hostility, or prejudice against Islam and its followers—has escalated in recent decades, exacerbated by political, social, and cultural misunderstandings. A significant contributing factor to this phenomenon is the existence of rigid, literal, and exclusivist interpretations of Islamic texts. Prominent Islamic scholars have argued that such interpretations can fuel misrepresentations and even contribute to global Islamophobia. This article examines the perspectives of five notable scholars—Abdolkarim Soroush, Mohammed Arkoun, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, Fazlur Rahman, and Mohammad Abed Al-Jabri—who critique puritanical readings of the Quran and advocate for a more contextualized, inclusive, and human-centered approach to Islamic thought. Their insights show that a shift in Islamic interpretative methodologies can help counter the spread of Islamophobia by promoting a more compassionate, pluralistic, and human rights-oriented image of Islam.

The Problem of Literalist Interpretations in Islamic Thought

Literalist interpretations of the Quran are often “set in stone,” adhering strictly to the surface of the text without considering the historical, cultural, and social layers beneath it. Such interpretations have been compared to “blinders” that restrict a broader understanding, turning the Quran’s flexible and adaptable principles into “narrow paths” that leave little room for the winds of change. Abdolkarim Soroush, an Iranian philosopher, argues that a rigid, dogmatic understanding of Islamic texts contributes to hostility and misunderstanding, thereby fuelling Islamophobia. According to Soroush, “When religion is taken literally and reduced to a rigid doctrine, it becomes an instrument for division and hostility rather than unity and peace.” (Soroush, p. 65).

Similarly, Mohammed Arkoun, an Algerian philosopher, critiques traditionalist readings of the Quran as reductionist, often ignoring the Quran’s diverse interpretive history and potential for adaptation to modern contexts. Arkoun proposes a pluralistic approach that values critical inquiry and embraces multiple interpretations, arguing that such an approach not only counters intolerance within Muslim societies but also mitigates Islamophobic perceptions from outside. He argues that “an inclusive and pluralistic approach to Islamic thought allows for a deeper understanding and the dismantling of the myths that have historically divided people of different faiths.” (Arkoun, p.47).

By moving away from rigid literalism, Arkoun believes Islamic scholarship can present a more inclusive, compassionate, and humane face of Islam, one that can serve as a “bridge across troubled waters,” helping to dispel prejudice and mistrust.

Advocating for Contextual Understanding

Fazlur Rahman, a Pakistani-American scholar, has been one of the most vocal proponents of understanding the Quran within its historical and social contexts. Rahman argues that many Quranic verses addressed the immediate needs and circumstances of 7th-century Arabian society and thus cannot be meaningfully interpreted without acknowledging this historical context. He states, “Understanding the Quran in its historical context is not a way of abandoning tradition, but rather a means of renewing it for each new generation.” (Rahman, p.147) For Rahman, contextualization is like breathing new life into ancient wisdom, keeping the spirit of the Quran alive while avoiding what he calls the “trap of rigidity.”

By advocating for a contextual understanding, Rahman counters the dangers of a static, decontextualized interpretation that risks turning Islamic teachings into a “stumbling block” for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. His approach encourages Muslims to embrace a dynamic, evolving interpretation of the Quran that respects the principles of justice, equity, and mercy in line with modern ethical standards. A contextual approach helps challenge Islamophobic narratives by portraying Islam as a faith capable of adapting to diverse cultural and social realities without compromising its core values.

Promoting Pluralism and Diversity in Islamic Thought

Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, a Sudanese-American scholar, emphasizes the importance of pluralism in Islamic jurisprudence and interpretation. An-Na’im argues that literalist readings of Islamic law often contribute to Islamophobia by reinforcing stereotypes of Islam as a monolithic, intolerant faith. His work underscores the potential for an inclusive, human rights-centered approach to Islamic law that respects cultural diversity and supports coexistence.

An-Na’im’s scholarship encourages Muslims to recognize and celebrate the diversity of Islamic traditions, interpretations, and practices that have historically coexisted within Muslim societies. “Variety is the spice of life,” and this idea of pluralism, at its heart, acts as a balm against the negative narratives often spun about Islam. By painting Islam as an “open tapestry” that weaves together diverse strands of belief and practice, An-Na’im’s approach can challenge Islamophobic narratives, demonstrating that Islam, like other major religions, accommodates a variety of cultural and intellectual perspectives.

An-Na’im emphasizes the importance of a secular state in fostering an authentic Islamic expression based on individual choice, rather than state-imposed mandates. He argues, “Forcing Islamic principles on the public does a disservice to those principles” and that Islam should “play a positive public role unfettered by state control,” thereby supporting a humanistic approach that respects freedom of belief and rejects compulsion in religion. (An-Na’im, pp. 5-7)

Emphasizing Critical Rationalism and Openness to Knowledge

In their critiques of literalist interpretations, scholars like Mohammad Abed Al-Jabri and Mohammed Arkoun advocate for a rational and critical approach to Islamic thought. Al-Jabri, a Moroccan philosopher, emphasizes the need for a rational framework within Islamic philosophy that promotes openness, flexibility, and intellectual rigor. Al-Jabri argues that critical rationalism is essential to “clearing away the cobwebs” of outdated assumptions and prejudices, thereby dispelling myths and misconceptions about Islam, both within Muslim societies and in the broader global community. In Arab-Islamic Philosophy, Al-Jabri advocates for a critical reinterpretation of religious thought, suggesting that an inclusive and pluralistic understanding of Islamic philosophy is essential for the intellectual revival of the Arab-Islamic world. He posits that “religious thought must evolve in dialogue with human rights and modernity,” reinforcing a liberal and tolerant perspective that values intellectual openness. (Al-Jabri, pp.12-14).

Arkoun similarly promotes a critical and rationalist approach to Islamic scholarship that questions dogmatic assumptions and engages with modern knowledge and scientific advancements. His vision encourages Muslims to “think outside the box” when interpreting Islamic teachings, in ways that resonate with contemporary values of equality, democracy, and human rights. This perspective provides a counter-narrative to Islamophobia by portraying Islam as a faith grounded in reason, compassion, and intellectual openness, a faith with “roots in the past but eyes on the future.”

An-Na’im’s human rights-based approach argues that the Quran’s core values align with universal principles of justice, compassion, and equality, making it compatible with modern human rights frameworks. By framing Islamic law and ethics in a manner consistent with human rights, An-Na’im demonstrates that Islam’s teachings can complement, rather than conflict with, contemporary human rights ideals. His approach is akin to “building bridges” between Islamic principles and universal human rights, showing that Islam, far from being at odds with human dignity and justice, actually upholds these values at its heart.

Breaking the Mould of Exclusivism

The collective insights of Abdolkarim Soroush, Mohammed Arkoun, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, Fazlur Rahman and Mohammad Abed al-Jabri underscore the imperative of nuanced, contextualized and inclusive interpretations of Islamic texts to effectively counter Islamophobia. Their scholarly contributions emphasize transitioning from rigid literalism to a dynamic, pluralistic and human-centered understanding of Islam, thereby dismantling exclusivist narratives. By embracing these principles, Islamic thought can project an authentic, compassionate image to the global community, reversing Islamophobic misconceptions and cultivating cross-cultural and interfaith understanding, respect and solidarity.


Al-Jabri, M. A, Arab-Islamic Philosophy: A Critique of Religious Thought, London: I.B. Tauris, 1999

An-Na’im, A. A. Islam and the Secular State, New York: Harvard University Press, 2008

Arkoun, M. Rethinking Islam, Boulder: Westview Press, 1994

Rahman, Fazlur, Islam and Modernity, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982

Soroush, A. Reason, Freedom and Democracy in Islam, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000

V.A. Mohamad Ashrof is a renowned Indian scholar of Islamic humanism, regularly contributing insightful articles to Counter Currents.

9 November 2024

Source: countercurrents.org

Trump an Orgy in White Maleness

By Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler

So much will be said about the Presidential elections of 2024. Democrats will reflect and inquire where they went wrong, and the various political pundits will claim that it was the economy, the southern border, immigration, and the economy. And credible arguments will be made to sustain their hypothesis. The Democrats will be accused of misplaced emphasis where too much was placed on a women’s right to choose, and protection from abortion bans. Some will argue that not enough emphasis was placed on bread-and-butter issues of the working class. Where was the talk about jobs, opening and keeping manufacturing booming in the US, and making wages grow to support a family and make feasible the American Dream. The Harris campaign expected a huge turnout of women voters who would resonate with issues of Choice, a national abortion ban, democracy, more civility in public discourse, and protecting the country from fascism. But it appears that was a gross miscalculation. We discover according to a Washington Post exit poll that 45% of women broke for Trump with 53% of white women going that way. White women and Hispanic men voted for Trump despite the sexism and racism of the campaign. The numbers among Black men had not changed from 2020 where 8 in 10 Black men supported the Democratic presidential nominee.

Trump’s campaign was a celebration of maleness. We heard about women being protected whether they wanted it or not. He talked about the size of Arnold Palmer’s penis. Even after the attempt on Trump’s life in Butler, Pennsylvania he pops back up with his fist in the air chanting “fight, fight, fight”. This was the Cowboy, the John Wayne, tougher than Ronald Reagan that white maleness and women were waiting for. Despite all the trials, convictions, adjudication for sexual assault, and the infamous tape where he is heard saying that you can “grab them by the pussy”, and his posturing with some of the world’s “strong men” helped to define him as a man’s man. His white male supporters, and more than a majority of white women dismissed all the Trump rhetoric, its rancor, racism, and the sexism as a celebration of testosterone that reestablished the “strong” white man.

As a man growing up in this US culture, I understand the sexist misogynistic attitudes that are afoot in the psyche of men. Though as a Black man I was raised with strong Black women, yet I did not escape the socialization that defines maleness and separates us from women. Though I have faithfully worked to reeducate myself from this socialization I am still struggling with my own failures. The culture has served as the academy of sexism and misogyny. As men we have all been educated in the universities of the locker room where we take sideway glances to see whose package is bigger, and to affirm the miracle of men. We have been socialized to believe that men should lead, are stronger, and that men are the pragmatist and therefore wiser than women. White women have largely been accepting of these roles as evidenced by 53% going with a macho white male instead of an accomplished Black/South Asian woman. Not only is this sexist but racist. Men have a strong identification with the macho sexism of Donald Trump, and feel that he spoke to their sense of failure as men in the home, community, and world. Trump has presented a beacon that draws white men to it in hopes that by supporting him it will mean that white men can take their rightful place – again. This movement is not just the Make America Great – Again movement, but it is also The Make Men Great – Again movement that resonated with significant portions of the white male and female population that led to the defeat of another woman vying for President of the US. In this case it was also a nonwhite woman who was perceived as posing a threat to maleness and endangering the belief that this is a country for, by, and of white males.

Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler, Senior Advisor-Fellowship of Reconciliation, USA,  & Director and Chief Visionary-Faith Strategies, LLC

9 November 2024

Source: countercurrents.org

NATO states denounce “anti-Semitism” after Israeli football hooligans riot in Amsterdam

By Alex Lantier

On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, Israeli football hooligans ran riot in Amsterdam, tearing down Palestinian flags, assaulting Arabs, and chanting anti-Gaza slogans. Some clashed with residents of Amsterdam, where a protest was planned against holding a game between the Maccabi Tel Aviv and Ajax Amsterdam football clubs during the Gaza genocide. Five people were taken to hospital, and yesterday the Israeli Foreign Ministry said all Maccabi fans were accounted for.

But Washington and European governments reacted with a deafening propaganda campaign, denouncing those who clashed with the hooligans as “anti-Semitic.” While no one was killed, far-right Dutch government strongman Geert Wilders is demanding a police crackdown, supposedly to stop a deadly “pogrom” against Jews. As of yesterday, at least 62 people had been detained in a wave of arrests across the city.

This propaganda campaign is a pack of lies, spun by governments complicit in genocide by their support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza. While they are outraged that five Israeli football hooligans were taken to hospital with light injuries, they support the mass murder of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

US President Joe Biden tweeted: “The Antisemitic attacks on Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam are despicable and echo dark moments in history when Jews were persecuted. We’ve been in touch with Israeli and Dutch officials and appreciate Dutch authorities’ commitment to holding the perpetrators accountable. We must relentlessly fight anti-Semitism, wherever it emerges.”

European governments made similar comments. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz denounced the clashes as “intolerable” because they “attack us all,” and Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof called them a “terrible anti-Semitic attack.” Equating the clashes with the Holocaust, French President Emmanuel Macron “firmly condemned” violence that he claimed recalls “the most horrific hours of history.” Within the Netherlands, the press campaign is largely directed by Wilders himself.

“A pogrom in the streets of Amsterdam,” Wilders claimed in one tweet, adding: “Muslims with Palestinian flags hunting down Jews. I will NOT accept that. NEVER. The authorities will be held accountable for their failure to protect the Israeli citizens. Never again.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, wanted on charges of crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court, said he views the “incident with the utmost gravity.” He demanded “vigorous and swift action” by Dutch authorities.

These hysterical, unsubstantiated claims that the football clashes were anti-Semitic acts, or even deadly pogroms, aim to justify a mass police crackdown. No one was killed, nor have Dutch authorities provided evidence that the hooligans who were punched, or in one case thrown into a river, were targeted because they were Jewish. Rather, there is massive video evidence, backed up by statements of Amsterdam police, that Maccabi hooligans’ assaults on people and property in Amsterdam, together with their pro-genocide chants, provoked an eruption of anger.

There is reason to believe, moreover, that this was a deliberate provocation arranged between Israeli authorities and the far-right Dutch government. In the days before the Maccabi-Ajax game, Dutch newspapers De Telegraaf and Voetbalzone reported that agents of Israel’s Mossad foreign intelligence agency would be traveling among the Maccabi fans, supposedly to protect them from Dutch protesters.

At the stadium, just before the game, the Maccabi fans refused to honor the minute of silence for the thousands of victims of the Valencia floods in Spain, apparently because Madrid has called to recognize a Palestinian state. However, tensions exploded after the game, which Maccabi lost 5-0.

Maccabi hooligans “began attacking houses of people in Amsterdam with Palestinian flags, so that’s actually where the violence started,” Amsterdam city councilman Jazie Veldhuyzen told Al Jazeera yesterday. “As a reaction, Amsterdammers mobilised themselves and countered the attacks that started on Wednesday by the Maccabi hooligans.”


Maccabi hooligans rampaged across the city, tearing up Palestinian flags, hitting taxis driven by Arabic drivers with crowbars, and chanting pro-genocide slogans. These included “There are no schools in Gaza because there are no children left,” “F*ck Palestine,” “IDF [Israel Defense Forces] f*ck the Arabs,” and “Death to Arabs! We will win.”


Amsterdam police chief Peter Holla confirmed reports of attacks that night by Maccabi fans. He told France24 news: “Violence had begun Wednesday night between fans. During the night, there were incidents on both sides. The Maccabi fans took down a flag from a façade of the Rokin [canal] in Amsterdam and destroyed a taxi. One Palestinian flag was burned.”

Comparisons by Biden, Macron, and others between clashes with Maccabi football hooligans and the Holocaust are politically obscene lies. During World War II, three-quarters of the Netherlands’ 140,000 Jews were deported and murdered on an industrial scale in Nazi death camps. When the working class opposed these deportations, as in the February 1941 Amsterdam general strike, Nazi authorities and members of Anton Mussert’s pro-Nazi, Dutch National Socialist Movement (NSB) gunned down dozens of workers, both Jewish and non-Jewish.

The force who is carrying out a genocide today is not the working class of Amsterdam, but the Zionist regime, backed by NATO governments. These include Wilders’ pathologically anti-Muslim Party for Freedom (PVV), which is driving the current police crackdown in Amsterdam, and whose party flag is inscribed with the gull that was the symbol of Mussert’s NSB.

Moreover, the Zionist regime is working with the European imperialist powers to create conditions for further provocations like the one this week in Amsterdam. Yesterday, Netanyahu announced he had asked Mossad to deploy its operatives to other international sporting events involving Israeli athletes: “I instructed the head of Mossad and other officials to prepare action plans, alert systems and our organization amid this new situation.”

This order is all the more explosive in that Mossad is infamous for its brutal methods, including targeted assassinations overseas, and that a controversial France-Israel League of Nations football match is currently set to go forward on November 14.

The Macron government, deeply unpopular and relying on the parliamentary support of far-right forces like the far-right National Rally, is desperately seeking to strangle working class opposition to the Gaza genocide. This week, far-right French Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau threatened the Paris Saint Germain football club with investigations and prosecution, after its fans displayed a large “Free Palestine” flag at a game.

Yesterday, Retailleau rejected calls to move the France-Israel football match scheduled for November 14 out of the Stade de France, located in the largely Muslim north suburbs of Paris. Retailleau claimed moving the League of Nations match would “mean abdicating to threats of violence and to anti-Semitism.” This threatens to trigger new clashes between workers, this time in France, and Israeli football hooligans backed by Mossad and French police.

9 November 2024

Source: countercurrents.org

India: Stop charade and let the people of Kashmir decide

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai


World Forum for Peace & justice

November 7, 2024

81st session of the UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) is taking place in Geneva under the chairmanship of Dr. Claude Heller of Mexico. CAT is composed of 10 internationally known independent experts. It began on October 28 and will continue until November 22, 2024. CAT defines its objective in these words, “In order to ensure adequate protection for all persons against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, over the years the United Nations has adopted universally applicable standards. These standards were ultimately embodied in international declarations and conventions. In developing this valuable instrument, the United Nations did not merely put in writing in a series of articles a body of principles and pious hopes, the implementation and observance of which would not be guaranteed by anything or anyone. It set up also a monitoring body, the Committee against Torture, whose main function is to ensure that the Convention is observed and implemented.”

Torture, inhuman and degrading punishment in my judgement, deserve special abhorrence and deterrents.  They should all be made international crimes with no immunity for any government official implicated in the villainies.

It is undisputable that fundamental human rights are universal.  That is the tacit assumption of all the declarations, conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They know no religious, national, or political boundaries. Everyone stands on the same plane when human rights are at issue. There is no denying that international declarations and conventions need strengthening. Unfortunately, these noble declarations and conventions were never applied when the world powers saw the bleeding body that of Kashmir.

Dr. Nigel S. Rodley of Great Britain and former U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture reported that the security forces systematically practice torture against persons in Jammu and Kashmir in order to coerce them to confess to militant activity, to reveal information about suspected militants, or to inflict punishment for suspected support or sympathy with militants…[M]ethods of torture included beating, rape, crushing the leg muscles with a wooden roller, burning with heated objects, and electric shocks…The U.N. Rapporteurs on Torture and Extrajudicial Killings renewed their requests to visit during the year, but the Government did not permit them to do so.”

Earlier, UN Human Rights Committee issued a statement on July 24, 2024, that, “The Committee was concerned that some provisions of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Acts and counter-terrorism legislation are not in compliance with the Covenant. The Committee also voiced its concern over the application of counter-terrorism legislation for decades in “disturbed areas”, such as districts in Manipur, Jammu and Kashmir and Assam, has led to widespread and grave human rights violations, including excessive use of force leading to unlawful killings, prolonged arbitrary detention, sexual violence, forced displacement and torture. It also asked India to establish a mechanism to initiate a process to acknowledge responsibility and ascertain the truth regarding human rights violations in disturbed areas.”

 UN human rights experts, including Mary Lawlor, Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders urged the Indian authorities to stop targeting Kashmiri human rights defender Khurram Parvez. “We call on the Indian authorities to immediately release him and ensure his rights to liberty and security,” they added.  “We regret that the Government continues to use the UAPA as a means of coercion to restrict civil society’s, the media’s and human rights defenders’ fundamental freedoms in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir as well as in the rest of the country. We therefore once again urge the Government to bring this legislation in line with India’s international legal obligations under human rights law,” the experts said.

What is the crime of Khurram Parvez, one may ask? Khurram Parvez documented a 549-page report entitled, “Torture: Indian State’s Instrument of Control in Indian Administered Jammu and Kashmir.’ He wrote, “You cannot understand human rights if you don’t understand the context. Human rights abuses are taking place all around the world, in many places, including in India. But the difference is these are happening because of aberrations, deficiencies in governance, and because people transgress the law. What is happening in Kashmir is not an aberration, it is part of an institutionalized policy of the Indian government.”

Mr. Parvez pleaded for the international community, whose assistance to date had been ‘dismal’ and all the organizations working for Kashmir to bring pressure to lobby for a United Nations ‘probe’ on the situation in Kashmir. Without such intervention, he said, ‘we cannot proceed forward. We are now at a stage where it is a complete dead end. We have done everything; we have met everyone in the government, but nothing has changed.

The prologue to this report was written by Professor Juan E. Mendez, former UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. Professor Mendez writes, “I am convinced that a report, when it is as rigorous, evidence based and persuasive as this one is, constitutes a building block towards public awareness of the tragedy of torture.” However, the dreams of Professor Mendez were shattered when the world powers turned a blind eye to his expectation that “It (the report) can also spearhead democratic debate about measures of public policy needed to re-establish the rule of law in this extremely sensitive area (Kashmir).”

It is well established that human rights defenders are cornerstones of the UN human rights machinery. Individuals must be energized to pick up the cudgels of enforcement, whether by way of free speech, legal services, political leadership, revelations, or otherwise.  Thus, it seems to me, some special international immunity akin to diplomatic immunity under the Vienna Convention is worth considering for credentialed defenders of human rights.

The repression of Kashmir’s soul has not diminished the pain or the need for India to meet those face to face who have had nothing but a boot to the belly and a cane to the back.  The voice of Kashmir not only remains as vibrant and shrill as in the very beginning, it is yet even stronger. It is time that India showed some honesty and forthrightness in its dealings with Kashmir.

The presence of 900,000 Indian troops plus seventy-seven years of conflict would seem to most observers a clear indication that Kashmir’s differences with India are intractable and irresolvable given the persistent resistance, despite the serious imbalance of power between the two.

It is our hope that the reports of UN Human Rights Committee, CAT and others will mobilize the policy makers of the members states of the UN Human Rights Council to do everything in their constitutional power to stop the torture, inhuman and degrading treatment of the people of Kashmir. It is further our hope that the policy makers of these member countries will look to solving the root cause of the problem – the unfulfilled promise of self-determination as guaranteed by successive United Nations Security Council resolutions.

The world powers should persuade India that it is in India’s interest to end the systematic torture and officially sanctioned inhuman and degrading treatment in Kashmir. It is time to end the charade. It is time to allow the people of Kashmir to sort out their own affairs and determine their own future.

Dr. Fai is also the Secretary general, World Kashmir Awareness Forum.

He can be reached at: WhatsApp: 1-202-607-6435.  Or.  gnfai2003@yahoo.com

Sheikh ul Alam as Kashmir’s own Emancipation Theologian

By Basharat Shameem

Here is an AI-generated podcast based on the article


Sheikh ul Alam, commonly referred to as Sheikh Nooruddin, Nund Reshi, or Shazanand, holds a significant place in the hearts of both Pandits and Muslims, serving as an essential emblem of Kashmiriyat. He is justly celebrated as the patron saint of Kashmir, whose teachings contributed to the deeper articulation of the concept of Kashmiriyat. This October marked the 587th anniversary of his passing. Sheikh ul Alam is acknowledged for founding the Rishi order during the fifteenth century. As a natural ascetic, he devoted himself wholly to meditation, the remembrance of God, prayer, and spiritual discipline. His expressed his thoughts in his verses known as Shruks. Sheikh ul Alam may not have established a formal and systematic theology of emancipation; however, he dedicated himself fervently to the pursuit of socio-economic reform, approaching the issue from a faith oriented standpoint. There existed a fundamental coherence and evolution in the life and philosophy of Sheikh ul Alam, shaped by the influences of Sufi Islam and other faiths native to Kashmir. This coherence and evolution in Sheikh ul Alam’s thought encapsulate the rich and continuous cultural heritage of Kashmir.

Emancipation theology is recognized as a significant intellectual discourse that centers on the concept of emancipation in relation to discrimination, inequality, and societal regression. This movement, often viewed as a radical interpretation of religious doctrines, portrays religious leaders as both redeemers and liberators for marginalized communities. The main aim of emancipation theology is to empower believers to actively pursue socio-economic and political reforms for the benefit of the impoverished and disenfranchised. The theology of emancipation, although a relatively recent development, is rooted in a universal experience. This experience pertains to circumstances characterized by backwardness, enslavement, inequality, dependency, and extreme marginalization, juxtaposed with a foundation of religious faith. In this context, emancipation theologies align broadly with the paradigms or ideal struggles of numerous religious figures.

Emancipation theology encompasses significant practical action and reform, in addition to critical hermeneutic mediation. In the 15th century Kashmir, Sheikh ul Alam undertook the role of critical hermeneutic mediator, employing the same approach for the emancipation of the Kashmiri people in religious, social, and economic dimensions. The historical context significantly influenced the development of Sheikh ul Alam’s religious and theological perspectives. As a result, his theology serves as an autobiography, reflecting both his personal identity and the essence of Kashmiriyat.

Sheikh ul Alam’s social initiatives were grounded in his Sufi humanist perspective of theological belief. The concepts of the Divine and the individual form the foundation of Sheikh ul Alam’s faith, manifesting prominently in his teachings and actions:

Upon feeling the oneness of God
I promptly submitted to His authority
Merging my being in his Omnipresence
I remain in awe of his supreme Divinity

Sheikh ul Alam possessed a strong self-awareness regarding the belief that the Sufi humanist principles of compassion, equality, the pursuit of justice and truth, tolerance, and reconciliation serve as essential elements in addressing political, social, and religious conflicts. He journeyed widely across the Kashmir valley, living in different places while imparting his teachings on simplicity, purity, piety, reverence for God, and love for humanity:

Penitence shall enable you to traverse the vast expanse of this earthly realm
Repentance serves as the boat that carries one across the stream

Sheikh ul Alam, while rooted in the context of early medieval feudal Kashmir, envisioned an emancipated society that transcended local boundaries, advocating for a global and universal approach that encompasses all of humanity and various aspects of life. Central to his universal perspective was the belief in God as the ultimate source and focal point. He offered this vision as a significant counterpoint to the prevailing systems of feudal monarchy, caste discrimination, and exploitative religious practices by the powerful clergy. In alignment with his fundamental Sufi-Rishi principles, Sheikh ul Alam posited that the paths to divine realization lie in the harmonious integration of self, truth and tolerance. He stands as a significant religious leader in Kashmir’s history whose deep faith inspired him to engage actively in the pursuit of social liberation. His life and teachings exemplify the potential for a profound spiritual transformation of society from within, illustrating how the thoughtful application of advanced theological principles can facilitate socio-economic progress.

As a true Sufi humanist, Sheikh ul Alam held the conviction that faith and religion have the potential to promote a common good for humanity when viewed through a strictly humanist lens. He asserted that authentic faith motivates individuals to selflessly assist others. Sheikh ul Alam championed the idea of universal brotherhood, advocating that one’s sense of belonging should not be determined by religion or any other affiliations:

We hold no resentment towards each other
If our love brings together all, both Hindus and Muslims
Then it is certain that God is pleased with us

Sheikh ul Alam’s devotion and spirituality provided purpose and guidance in his life, fostering his conviction in the interconnectedness of existence and his dedication to the path of love. His commitment to serving humanity was integral to his religious principles. As he immersed himself in societal service, his spiritual consciousness expanded. Consequently, he shifted from a self-focused perspective to one centered on the spirit. His aspiration for a fair and equitable social structure was rooted in the belief that personal change and societal change are interconnected. It is something that is a key characteristic of emancipation theologians.

Even after six centuries, Sheikh ul Alam remains a symbol of spirituality and virtue for all Kashmiris. In the vision he aspired to create, there was space for all beliefs, castes, and religions. He did not perceive differences as obstacles; instead, he embraced them as avenues toward the attainment of the ultimate Truth. He understood the interconnectedness of the inner and outer realms, the personal and political spheres, as well as the religious and secular dimensions, recognizing a fundamental relationship between individual and societal transformation. He firmly believed that the renewal and emancipation of his own existence were intrinsically linked to the renewal and emancipation of his community. His life was dedicated to the service of God and humanity. For him, achieving religious and spiritual enlightenment was insufficient for societal transformation unless it was accompanied by tangible reform and active engagement. In his perspective, escapism was never a viable option. It is important to note that ancient Hindu traditions placed significant emphasis on the philosophy of Karma Yoga, which advocates for spiritual realization through social action, had a significant influence on the Kashmiri Rishi order. Likewise, in the Islamic tradition, the concept of “Amal-i-Saaleha” or virtuous actions, serves as the foundation of faith.

In the contemporary times which are sadly characterized by numerous conflicts and divisions, the ethical principles imparted by Sheikh ul Alam are increasingly essential for guiding our efforts towards a better world through faith, peace, and tolerance.

Basharat Shameem is Assistant Professor, Higher Education Department, J&K

4 November 2024

Source: countercurrents.org

Bangladesh: Hindutva becomes more ominous, and fuels Trump campaign too

By Ramakrishnan

Bangladesh Hindus participate in a rally demanding that an interim government withdraw all cases against their leaders and protect them from attacks and harassment, in Chattogram, Bangladesh, Nov. 1, 2024. (Chittagong, famous during India’s freedom struggle, was renamed Chattogram, the old name.) An ultimatum was issued :Settle by Monday (Nov 5), or else…Notably all this is timed with US polls, where Indian-Hindu voters  matter.  

This article deals with this subject, instrumentalization of religion for political ends…how the disease extended from India to USA too. In the first part of the article “Bangladesh: Exporting politics of Hindutva and itching for gross interference”  we argued that hindutva is getting more ominous. Indeed it became so, fast and aggressive, as we see in this article.

Prof Ali Riaz, author and political scientist, of Illinois University, commented: Trump’s statement on Diwali day “reveals  instrumentalization of religion for both immediate and long-term political gains…In some measure, this has been a global phenomenon in recent decades, especially by the autocratic leaders. This is the latest example, he wrote on FB. (Times of India, Nov 2). It was in the context of the news being highlighted by VOA… Trump mentioned “Modi my friend”, and made an appeal in the language of Hindutva..In Canada too such signs appeared..

About 30,000 minority Hindus rallied Nov 1 Friday, and demonstrated at a major intersection in the southeastern city of Chattogram, Bangladesh, Associated Press reported, and Voice of America- VOA  carried: They rallied to demand that the interim government in Muslim-majority Bangladesh protect them from an alleged wave of attacks and harassment, and to drop sedition cases against Hindu community leaders. Even as police and soldiers guarded the area, other protests were reported elsewhere in the country.

In fact, Hindutva lobbies in India, through social, and ‘anti-social media’ too, intensified their shrill campaign in India, and linked it to their electoral politics, particularly in Maharashtra now.

We concluded the above article with these words:

“ Both(Congress and BJP ) had supported Hasina, helped her for so many years, also in manipulating the polls there. Both were one in fishing in troubled waters of Bangladesh. Indeed, Vajpayee had hailed PM Indira Gandhi as ‘Durga mata’, supporting India’s military intervention in internal affairs that led to the bifurcation of Pakistan. Both are expansionists, collaborating with imperialists as their junior partners. Both play divisive, caste and communal (hard or soft forms of Hindutva) cards. There is little to choose between them.”


They prove to be quite apt as the issue becomes part of electoral campaigns of both Modi in India and of American leaders in Presidential polls there.

The issue has reached beyond Bangladesh, with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi voicing concern about reports of attacks.

While the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden says it has been monitoring Bangladesh’s Human Rights issues since Hasina’s ouster, U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump exaggerated and hyped the issue.

VoA reported:

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Trump said: “I strongly condemn the barbaric violence against Hindus, Christians and other minorities who are getting attacked and looted by mobs in Bangladesh, which remains in a total state of chaos.”

Trump also promised Hindu Americans that he would “fight for your freedom.”

Trump ended his post with Diwali greetings. “Happy Diwali to All. I hope the Festival of Lights leads to the Victory of Good over Evil!” he wrote.

Trump’s post was quickly welcomed by Bangladeshi Hindus and organisations representing them. An overwhelming majority of the comments that the post evoked were laudatory in nature.

Trump asserted: “It (the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh) would have never happened on my watch. Kamala and Joe have ignored Hindus across the world and in America..”.

Not to be left behind, Biden highlighted Diwali celebrations in the White House, apart from mentioning Bangladesh.

Trump invoked the name of his “friend Modi” too, and linked it with his appeal to Hindu voters: “Under my administration, we will also strengthen our great partnership with India and my good friend, Prime Minister Modi,” he said in his post.

The “immigrant” Hindus should help, but not hurt his MAGA base. So he said:

“Apart from Hindus from around the world, a huge number of white Christians also praised Trump for speaking out boldly against persecution of religious minorities in Bangladesh.”

Hindu activists have been staging protest rallies in the capital, Dhaka, and elsewhere since August. Now they come to press a set of eight demands, including a law to protect minorities, a ministry for minorities and a tribunal to prosecute acts of oppression against minorities. They also seek a five-day holiday for their largest festival, the Durga Puja. (In India itself, in most places, only one day is declared a public holiday)

Protests will go on in coming days and weeks. Notably, Nov 1 Friday’s protest in Chattogram “was hastily organized” after sedition charges were filed Oct 30 Wednesday against 19 Hindu leaders, including prominent priest Chandan Kumar Dhar, over an October 25 rally in that city. Police arrested two of the leaders, angering Hindus.

The charges, and the sedition case, stem from an incident in which a group of rally-goers allegedly placed a saffron flag above the Bangladesh flag on a pillar, which was considered disrespectful to the national flag.

Imagine if an Islamic flag is placed likewise above Indian flag, even in the disturbed state of Kashmir. What a hell of fury and repression would be launched can well be imagined. However, it is a different standard for others like Bangladesh, and ultimatums are issued. The VOA report continues:

“ Hindu community leaders say the cases are politically motivated and demanded Oct 31 Thursday that they be withdrawn within 72 hours. Another Hindu rally has been planned for Saturday in Dhaka.”

And it is increasingly politicised by the parties:

“Separately, supporters of Hasina’s Awami League party and its allied Jatiya Party have said they also have been targeted since Hasina’s ouster. Jatiya’s headquarters was vandalized and set on fire late Thursday, Oct 31. “

On Friday, Jatiya Party Chairman G.M. Quader, heating up the campaign,  said his supporters would continue to hold rallies to demand their rights “despite risking their lives.” For better effect, he adds to the issue and said they would hold a rally Saturday at the party headquarters in Dhaka to protest price hikes of commodities, and what they call false charges against their leaders and activists.

Later Friday, the Dhaka Metropolitan Police announced it was banning any rallies near the Jatiya headquarters. There was no immediate response from the party about whether it would press ahead with its attempts to hold the rally or change the venue.

“Religious political parties in Bangladesh have become active in national politics since Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s ouster,”  VOA’s Sarah Zaman reports from the capital, Dhaka, on their impact:

“Religious groups prepare to test their power in Bangladesh”, October 29, 2024, by Sarah Zaman. See video clip:


It is internationalized too:

UN Human Rights officials and other rights groups have expressed concern about human rights in the country under Yunus.

***                  ***

‘Our task is to tell the truth in transparent, compelling way’

That is how Bangladesh officially reacted, politely refuting  Trump’s claims.

Chief adviser’s Press Secretary Shafiqul Alam stressed that their task in the government is to tell the truth, reported UNB, Dhaka, Sat Nov 2, 2024.

“From the onset, Shafiqul said, Chief Adviser Prof Muhammad Yunus’s strategy was to invite all foreign journalists, researchers, and experts to come and visit Bangladesh.

“Let them discover Bangladesh in their own way, for we are confident of our society, our people, our country,” said the press secretary.

He referred to Netra News as a most respected investigative news outlet on Bangladesh, which according to Shafiqul did an “excellent piece” of journalism.

“It shattered some of the lies propagated by the umbrella minority group, Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council,” Shafiqul said on a Facebook post…the group’s claims played a big part in building the most false narrative on the revolution, especially on the violence targeting minority communities.”

“We don’t deny that some religiously motivated violence didn’t take place. But they were isolated incidents and even then hugely exaggerated. Lies don’t trigger a revolution — you have to give credit to the collective intelligence of the people,” said the press secretary.

“Momentarily, those motivated groups might win. But soon they will realise that their narrative does not have any legs. No amount of social media boosting or banners on New York public transport system and vans can then help their cause,” he said.

Mushfiqul Fazal Ansarey, who was recently appointed as an ambassador of Bangladesh, thanked Donald Trump for acknowledging the importance of protecting minorities wherever they are, regardless of their religion. (His vitriol against immigrants is thereby reminded.)

“However, fact-checking is essential to understand the real situation on the ground,” he said in a reply to Trump through his X handle.

Ansarey also shared a “fact-checking” report of Sweden-based news organisation Netra News that sheds light on what is being circulated by certain vested groups regarding Bangladesh.

For more, visit: https://www.thedailystar.net/news/bangladesh/diplomacy/news/our-task-tell-the-truth-transparent-compelling-way-3742496

“Trump’s statement is not based on facts

We urge everyone to do their due diligence about Bangladesh”

Bangladesh media, as seen in the above caption, also politely refuted the allegations made by Trump, the Big Brother, who may after all win and hence the caution and politeness.

“ However, as a sovereign country, we expect that the elected leader of the US will be well-informed about the reality in Bangladesh, especially as we seek to not only maintain good relations with the US but take it further forward…Trump characterized the incidents as “barbaric violence” against Hindus, Christians, and other minorities in Bangladesh.

“This portrayal is both unfounded and totally contrary to facts, and we hope the US diplomatic team in Bangladesh will provide Donald Trump and his team with accurate information,said a comment. (Nov 2, 2024) https://www.thedailystar.net/opinion/editorial/news/trumps-statement-not-based-facts-3742781

“ The reality is that, following the removal of former autocratic Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on August 5, Bangladesh has been under a transitional government—one that the Bangladeshi people believe will prioritise democracy and reform. Yes, some instances of unrest have occurred, that also against only one community. But as various media investigations have revealed, they have largely been politically—not communally—motivated. Nevertheless, even those incidents are highly condemnable. However, the number of such incidents were handful and significantly went down once the interim government took office.”

(other reports showed their numbers came down within 5-6 days)

“ These incidents have also been greatly exaggerated by segments of some foreign (read Indian) media and social media. For example, an investigative report by the BBC’s Disinformation Team confirmed that many videos shared online to portray communal violence against Hindus in Bangladesh are misleading—if not entirely false and manipulated.”

“ In fact, prominent leaders from Bangladeshi minority communities themselves have publicly rejected claims of organised violence against minority communities.  They emphasised that recent disturbances had resulted from broader political instability rather than communal tensions.And the chief adviser to the Bangladesh interim government has repeatedly stated that the government is committed to ensuring peace and protection for all citizens—which we strongly support.”

“Bangladesh is committed to restoring democracy and upholding human rights after years of repression. During this critical transition for Bangladesh, we urge all our friends—including the US—to extend us their full support.”

***                        ***

Falsehood exposed by India’s fact-checkers, long ago, is still circulated to serve electoral ends in USA as well as India

The Hindutva campaign, aided by falsehood and distortion, apparently gave some political mileage to Trump, as seen by reactions to his remarks. He is notorious for his conviction in post-truth concept.

“In a post on X that garnered more than 2.2 lakh  ‘likes’, 14,000 comments, and more than half a million re-posts (as of writing this), Trump also promised protection to Hindu Americans “against the anti-religion agenda of the radical left.”. Trump is hailed as “the first world leader to speak out against violence against religious minorities in Islamic Bangladesh.” 

(comment by Right-wing, pro-Modi “MAGAzine”Swarajya,

Nov 01, 2024..It is captioned: Donald Trump Draws Praise By Condemning ‘Barbaric Violence’ Against Hindus And Minorities In Bangladesh.

“The caretaker government in Bangladesh, led by Muhammad Yunus, has tried to underplay the violence and accused the Indian media that highlighted the attacks on Hindus of exaggeration.”  (Swarajya)

“Hindu women abducted and raped by Muslims” mentioned the comment, false and baseless in nature. That Swarajya stooped to tell such blatant lies like an yellow journal, itself merits analysis. So many Indian media outlets, not to mention BBC, in August itself, published fact-checkers exposing lies. The Wire (Aug 9) trashed rumors and reports including those on allegations of rape of Hindu women in the current turmoil in Bangladesh. India Today Aug 13 exposed lies on rapes. It showed incidents where they were not Hindu women, but Muslim supporters of Hasina. Newsmobile.in, Aug19 showed how a video-clip from Hathras stampede of UP was linked with Bangladesh. Factly.in exposed how some old incidents were doctored.

(For the story of Swarajya ..


***                 ***

Jamaat-e-Islami too clarified its policies in the new environment. In a detailed interview with The Daily Star Oct 22, 2024, its ameer (chief )  Shafiqur Rahman said:

“Then again, and this was perhaps the first time in history that with the changeover many people began guarding the places of worship of the minorities. We were among them too. This has never happened before. But I am not willing to accept that either. I believe every citizen has the same right. If my mosque doesn’t need guarding, why should someone’s temple? Or pagoda? That means there is a security concern here. It is unfortunate that our society could not ensure that. We must address this concern…”

“ Religion and party, to each his own. But the state belongs to everyone. Everyone has the same right to security. Everyone must converge on this basic point of agreement. Without exception. Otherwise, it will never be beneficial for any society or state…”

Practice will show all in their real colors.

We have seen 8 demands of Hindutva. Some of them are brazenly reactionary. The demands presented by the leaders include:

  1. Formation of a tribunal to expedite trials for those involved in minority atrocities.
  2. Appropriate compensation and rehabilitation for victims.
  3. Enactment of a minority protection law without delay.
  4. Creation of a ministry of minority affairs.
  5. Construction of places of worship for minorities in every educational institution.
  6. Establishment of prayer rooms in every hostel.
  7. Modernisation of the Sanskrit and Pali Education Board.
  8. A five-day holiday for Durga Puja.

Imagine reaction in India, and among Hindutva lobbies, if similar demands are placed  by minorities .

The bangladesh govt had said, ‘we hear the people’ and announced the enactment of a two-day holiday for Durga Puja, marking the first time this has occurred in the country’s history.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs, instead of appeciating the attitude, condemned it, and saw a “systematic pattern.”

Prof Ali Riaz, author and political scientist, of Illinois University, commented: Trump’s statement on Diwali day “reveals  instrumentalization of religion for both immediate and long-term political gains…In some measure, this has been a global phenomenon in recent decades, especially by the autocratic leaders. This is the latest example, he wrote on FB. (Times of India, Nov 2).

Trump and Modi have close affinity in this. Rabid Hindutva is being promoted on a larger scale, and in alliance with Zionism; we see it in imperialist countries too. We repeat our conclusion to part-1 of this article:

All this calls for organized mass resistance, going beyond media platforms, and necessary ideological-political education and struggles against imperialists, Zionists and their supporters, open or subtle.  

***               ***

Ramakrishnan is a political observer, a regular contributor to countercurrents.org.

See Part-1 of this article:

Bangladesh: Exporting politics of Hindutva and itching for gross interference 


See also his recent related articles:

Five eminent citizens Call from Dhaka, Colombo and Kathmandu for an end to Indian interference (15/08/2024)


Bangladesh: Student leaders on Role of Religion in politics (15/09/2024)


4 November 2024

Source: countercurrents.org

Israel’s War on Journalism

By Chris Hedges

There are some 4,000 foreign reporters accredited in Israel to cover the war. They stay in luxury hotels. They go on dog and pony shows orchestrated by the Israeli military. They can, on rare occasions, be escorted by Israeli soldiers on lightning visits to Gaza, where they are shown alleged weapons caches or tunnels the military says are used by Hamas.

They dutifully attend daily press conferences. They are given off-the-record briefings by senior Israeli officials who feed them information that often turns out to be untrue. They are Israel’s unwitting and sometimes witting propagandists, stenographers for the architects of apartheid and genocide, hotel room warriors.

Bertolt Brecht acidly called them the spokesmen of the spokesmen.

And how many foreign reporters are there in Gaza? None.

The Palestinian reporters in Gaza who fill the void often pay with their lives. They are targeted, along with their families, for assassination.

At least 134 journalists and media workers in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon, have been killed and 69 have been imprisoned, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, marking the deadliest period for journalists since the organization began collecting data in 1992.

Israel bombed a building on Friday in southern Lebanon housing seven media organizations, killing three journalists from Al Mayadeen and Al Manar and injuring 15 others. Since Oct. 7, Israel has killed 11 journalists in Lebanon.

Al Jazeera cameraman Fadi al-Wahidi, who was shot in the neck in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza by an Israeli sniper earlier this month, is in a coma. Israel has refused permission for him to seek medical care outside of Gaza.

Like most of the targeted journalists, including his murdered colleague Shireen Abu Akleh, he was wearing a helmet and flak jacket that identified him as press.


The Israeli military has branded as “terrorists” six Palestinian journalists in Gaza who work for Al Jazeera.

“These 6 Palestinians are among the last journalists surviving Israel’s onslaught in Gaza,” United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, said. “Declaring them ‘terrorists’ sounds like a death sentence.”

[Meanwhile an Israeli journalist has taken direct part in combat while acting as a reporter.]

The scale and savagery of the Israeli assault on the media dwarfs anything I witnessed during my two decades as a war correspondent, including in Sarajevo where Serb snipers regularly took aim at reporters.

Twenty-three journalists were killed in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Yugoslav Wars between 1991 and 1995. Twenty-two were killed when I covered the war in El Salvador. Sixty-eight journalists were killed in World War II and 63 were killed in Vietnam.

But unlike in Gaza, Bosnia and El Salvador, journalists were usually not targeted.


Israel’s assault on press freedom is unlike anything we have experienced since William Howard Russell, the godfather of modern war reporting, sent back dispatches from the Crimean War. Its onslaught against journalists is in a category by itself.

Representative James P. McGovern and 64 House members sent a letter to President Joseph Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken calling for the United States to push for Israel to allow unimpeded access for U.S. and international journalists. In July, over 70 media and civil society organizations signed an open letter calling on Israel to permit foreign reporters into Gaza.

Israel has not budged. Its ban on international journalists in Gaza remains in place. Its genocide grinds forward. Hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed and wounded daily. During October, Israel killed at least 770  Palestinians in northern Gaza.

Israel spins out its lies and fabrications, from Hamas using Palestinians as human shields, to mass rape and beheaded babies, to a captive press that slavishly amplifies them. By the time the lies are exposed, often weeks or months later, the media cycle has moved on and few notice.

Israel’s wholesale censorship and assassination of journalists will have ominous consequences. It further erodes what few protections we once had as war correspondents. It sends an unequivocal message to any government, despot or dictator that seeks to mask its crimes.

It heralds, like the genocide itself, a new world order, where mass murder is normalized, totalitarian censorship is permissible and journalists who try and expose the truth have very short life expectancies.

Israel, with the fulsome support of the U.S. government, is eviscerating the last shreds of freedom of the press.

Those who wage war, any war, seek to shape public opinion. They court the reporters they can domesticate, the ones who prostrate themselves before generals and, although they do not openly admit it, seek to stay as far away from combat as possible.

These are the “good” journalists. They like to “play” at being a soldier. They enthusiastically assist in disseminating propaganda in the guise of reporting. They want to do their part for the war effort, to be part of the club. Sadly, they constitute the majority of the media in the wars I covered.

All CNN journalists reporting on Israel and Palestine must submit their work for review by the network’s Jerusalem bureau prior to publication, a bureau that is required to abide by rules set down by Israeli military censors.

These domesticated journalists and news organizations are, as Robert Fisk pointed out, “prisoners of the language of power.” They dutifully parrot the official lexicon — “terrorists,” “peace process,” “two state solution” and “Israel’s right to defend itself.”

The New York TimesThe Intercept writes,

“instructed journalists covering Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip to restrict the use of the terms ‘genocide’ and ‘ethnic cleansing’ and to ‘avoid’ using the phrase ‘occupied territory’ when describing Palestinian land, according to a copy of an internal memo obtained by The Intercept.”

“The memo also instructs reporters not to use the word Palestine ‘except in very rare cases’ and to steer clear of the term ‘refugee camps’ to describe areas of Gaza historically settled by displaced Palestinians expelled from other parts of Palestine during previous Israeli–Arab wars,” The Intercept notes. “The areas are recognized by the United Nations as refugee camps and house hundreds of thousands of registered refugees.”

“There is no battle between power and the media,” Fisk noted. “Through language, we have become them.”

Retired General David Petraeus, one of the authors of the 2006 U.S. Counterinsurgency Manual used by U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, argues that persuading the public that you are winning — even if, as in Afghanistan, you are trapped in a quagmire — is more important than military superiority. The domesticated media is vital in perpetrating this deception.

Then there are the real journalists. They shine a light into the machinery of power. They tell the truth, for as the poet Seamus Heaney said, “There’s such a thing as truth and it can be told.” They make public the cruelty, mendacity and criminality of the powerful. They expose the collaboration of the domesticated media.

Protester in London on Oct. 29, 2023, holding a sign in memory of Reuters journalist Issam Abdullah killed in southern Lebanon by an IDF missile strike on Oct. 13, 2023. (Alisdare Hickson, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0)

To the powerful, the war makers and the domesticated media, these real journalists are the enemy. This is the reason Julian Assange was mercilessly hounded and persecuted for 14 years. WikiLeaks published a 2,000-page Ministry of Defence document where British government officials equated investigative journalists with terrorists. The animosity is not new. What is new is the scale of Israel’s assault on journalism.

Israel has not defeated Hamas. It has not defeated Hezbollah. It will not defeat Iran. But it must convince its own public, and the rest of the world, it is winning. Censorship and the silencing of journalists who expose Israel’s war crimes and the suffering Israel inflicts on civilians is an Israeli priority.

It would be reassuring to call Israel an outlier, a nation that did not share our values, a nation that we support in spite of its atrocities. But of course, Israel is an extension of ourselves.

As the playwright Harold Pinter said:

“US foreign policy could be best defined as follows: kiss my arse or I’ll kick your head in. It is as simple and as crude as that. What is interesting about it is that it is so incredibly successful. It possesses the structures of disinformation, use of rhetoric, distortion of language, which are very persuasive, but are actually a pack of lies. It is very successful propaganda. They have the money, they have the technology, they have all the means to get away with it, and they do.”

In accepting the Nobel prize for literature, Pinter said:

“The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”

The most important impediment to Israel’s mass hypnosis are the Palestinian journalists in Gaza. This is why the kill rate is so high. It is why U.S. officials say nothing. They, too, hate real journalists. They, too, demand reporters domesticate themselves to scurry like rats from one choreographed press event to the next.

The U.S. government says and does nothing to protect the press because it endorses Israel’s campaign against the media, as it endorses Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

Journalists, along with the Palestinians, are to be extinguished.

Chris Hedges, who graduated from seminary at Harvard Divinity School, worked for nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent for The New York Times, National Public Radio and other news organizations in Latin America, the Middle East and the Balkans.

4 November 2024

Source: countercurrents.org

The international system has shamefully failed to halt Israel’s genocide in Gaza

By Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor

Palestinian Territory – The reluctance of the international system to implement decisive actions against Israel’s mass atrocities in the Gaza Strip, especially in the northern region, exposes a stark disregard for Palestinian lives and dignity, and fuels the continuation of its crime of genocide.

Institutions like the European Union (EU), International Criminal Court (ICC), and International Court of Justice (ICJ), alongside various United Nations (UN) bodies, have deviated from their founding principles of protecting civilians and upholding justice. In over 13 months, these bodies have neglected their fundamental duty to safeguard civilian life and stop Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

This failure reveals a structural flaw in the global security framework meant to prevent atrocious crimes and uphold international law. As evidenced by the ongoing Israeli crimes in the occupied Palestinian territory, particularly in Gaza, this system has faltered in the face of political calculations and the influence of powerful nations complicit in the genocide, fostering a culture of impunity.

Despite the gravity of the atrocities, the international community and justice mechanisms have largely turned a blind eye. At most, some entities have issued weak statements that fail to acknowledge the crimes accurately, emboldening Israel to escalate its offenses with U.S. and European support and armament.

For nearly a month, a full-scale invasion of northern Gaza has been unfolding openly, aiming to eradicate the Palestinian population and forcibly displace residents through terror. In addition to a crippling siege that blocks aid, prevents ambulance services, and shuts down hospitals, the Israeli army has conducted numerous massacres, killing over 1,300 people and injuring around 2,000 more.

On Tuesday, Israeli airstrikes killed 117 Palestinians in the Abu Nasr family home in Beit Lahia, leaving approximately 100 more trapped under the rubble. On Thursday, the Al-Ghandour family home in Jabalia was bombed, entombing about 120 residents with no rescue crews allowed to reach them. On Friday, the Shalayel family’s home was struck, killing around 50, with many others still buried under other homes.

In blatant defiance of the Geneva Conventions, which mandate the protection of medical personnel and emergency response, Israeli forces have blocked ambulance and rescue crews in northern Gaza for ten consecutive days, denying critical services to tens of thousands. Hospitals, including Kamal Adwan in Beit Lahia, have been targeted, with patients and wounded people killed, all without intervention from entities like the International Committee of the Red Cross, which has abdicated its role in this attack.

Despite official denials, Israel is executing the “Generals’ Plan” to empty northern Gaza, dropping leaflets demanding evacuations of residents in Jabalia and Beit Hanoun. Israel has continued its siege, blocking food and aid, forcing Palestinians into confined areas through terror, starvation, and massacres.

This helplessness persists despite urgent warnings that “the entire Palestinian population in northern Gaza is on the brink of death due to disease, hunger, and violence.” UN officials, including those from UNICEF and the World Food Programme, have described the situation as catastrophic, with conditions resembling apocalyptic horrors.

Under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Israel has committed genocide in Gaza since 7 October 2023, with the U.S. and Europe complicit by supplying weapons used to massacre Palestinian civilians and demolish their homes.

Civilians, who do not pose any threat to occupying forces, are protected by international humanitarian law if they remain in their homes or neighbourhoods during conflict. Euro-Med Monitor investigations show that Israel’s actions aim to eradicate the Palestinian people through forced eviction and mass killing, not for military objectives.

The ICC must step in to issue arrest warrants, prosecute those responsible, and fulfill its mandate to protect Palestinian civilians from Israel’s extensive destruction.

Immediate action from the international community and the United Nations is essential to prevent further loss of life in northern Gaza, end Israel’s ongoing genocide across the Strip, impose a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel, hold it accountable for its crimes, and take all necessary measures to protect Palestinian civilians.

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor is a Geneva-based independent organization with regional offices across the MENA region and Europe

4 November 2024

Source: countercurrents.org