Just International

The March Towards The Abyss

It is not a matter of being optimistic or pessimistic, knowing or not knowing elementary things, of being responsible or not for events. Those who would like to be thought of as politicians should be thrown onto the trash heap of history when, as the norm goes, they have no idea about everything or almost everything related to it in that activity.

Of course I am not speaking about those who throughout the various millennia turned public affairs into instruments of power and wealth for the privileged classes, an activity where the real records of cruelty have been imposed during the last eight or ten thousand years about those we have certain traces of the social behaviour of our species, whose existence as thinking beings, according to scientists, barely covers 180,000 years.

It is not my purpose to get involved in such topics that would surely bore almost one hundred percent of the people continuously being bombarded with news across the media, going from the written word to three-dimensional images that are starting to be shown in expensive cinemas. The day is not far away when they shall also predominate in the already fabulous television images per se. It is no accident that the so-called leisure industry has its headquarters in the heart of the empire that tyrannizes everybody.

What I would like to do is to rest on the current starting point of our species to speak of the march towards the abyss. I might even speak of an “inexorable” march and I would certainly be closer to reality. The idea of a Last Judgement is implicit in the most practiced religious doctrines among the inhabitants of this planet, without anyone classifying them for that as being pessimistic. On the contrary, I think it is a basic duty of all serious and sane persons, who number in the millions, to fight to postpone and perhaps to prevent that dramatic and imminent event in today’s world.

Numerous dangers threaten us, but two of them, nuclear war and climate change, are decisive and both are ever farther away from coming close to a solution.

Verbose demagoguery, the statements and speeches of the tyranny imposed upon the world by the United States and its powerful and unconditional allies, on both topics, do not admit the slightest doubt in that respect.

January 1st of 2012, the western and Christian New Year, coincides with the anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution in Cuba and the year celebrating the 50th anniversary of the October Crisis of 1962 that put the world on the brink of a nuclear world war and this forces me to write these lines.

My words would be lacking in meaning if they had the objective of blaming on the American people, or on any other country which is an ally of the United States in the unusual adventure; they, like all the other peoples of the world, would be the inevitable victims of the tragedy. Recent events happening in Europe and elsewhere show massive indignation by those who are led to protest by the unemployment, shortages, reductions in their incomes, debts, discrimination, lies and politicking and lead to brutal repressions by the guardians of established law and order.

With growing frequency one speaks of military technologies that affect the entire planet, the only satellite known to be inhabitable hundreds of light years away from any other that may perhaps be suitable if we were to move at the speed of light, three hundred thousand kilometres per second.

We should not ignore that if our marvellous thinking species should disappear, many millions of years would go by before another one capable of thinking would arise, by virtue of the natural principles that rule as a consequence of the evolution of the species, discovered by Darwin in 1859 and which today is acknowledged by all serious scientists, whether they are religious or not.

No other era in the history of mankind has known the dangers that today humanity faces. Persons like me, at 85 years old, had reached our 18th birthdays with high school graduation degrees before the first atomic bomb had been put together.

Today artefacts of this type, ready to be used – incomparably more powerful than those that produced the heat of the sun over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki─ add up to thousands.

Weapons of this kind that are kept in storage, added to those already deployed by virtue of agreements, reach figures that surpass twenty thousand nuclear missiles.

The use of just one hundred or so of those weapons would be enough to create nuclear winter that would cause a horrible death in a short time for all the human beings living on the planet, as the American scientist and Rutgers University professor Alan Robock has brilliantly explained along with computerized data.

Those used to reading news and serious international analyses know how the risks of the outbreak of war with the use of nuclear weapons increase as the tension grows in the Middle East, where in the hands of the Israeli government hundreds of combat-ready nuclear weapons are accumulated, and whose nature as a strong nuclear power is neither admitted or denied. Likewise, tension grows around Russia, a country with unquestionable capacity for response, threatened by a presumed European nuclear shield.

The Yankee statement that the European nuclear shield is there to also protect Russia from Iran and North Korea is laughable. The Yankee position is so feeble in this delicate matter that its ally Israel does not even bother to guarantee prior consultations on measures that might unleash war.

Humanity, in contrast, does not enjoy any guarantee. Cosmic space, in the vicinity of our planet, is overcrowed by US satellites destined to spy on what is going on even on the roofs of houses in any nation of the world. The lives and customs of any person or family became objects of espionage; listenning to hundreds of millions of cell phones and subjects of conversations by any user anywhere in the world stops being a private matter and becomes information material for the US secret services.

That is the right that is being left to the citizens of our world by virtue of the acts of a government whose constitution, approved by the Philadelphia Congress in 1776, established that men were born free and equal and the Creator has given them all those rights, which they now no longer have, not the Americans themselves or any citizen of the world, not even to communicate by phone with relatives and friends about their most private feelings.

Of course war is a tragedy that can happen and it is very probable that it will happen; however, if humanity were capable of delaying it for an indefinite length of time, another equally dramatic event is happening at an increasing pace: climate change. I shall restrict myself to point out what eminent scientists and world-class exhibiters have explained through documents and films that are questioned by nobody.

It is well-known that the US government was opposed to the Kyoto agreements on the environment, a line of conduct that didn’t even agree with its closest allies whose territories would suffer tremendously and some of which, such as Holland, would practically disappear.

The planet goes on today without a policy to solve this serious problem, while the levels of oceans rise, the enormous ice caps covering Antarctica and Greenland, where more than 90% of the world’s fresh water is accumulated, are melting at a growing pace, and now humanity, on November 30, 2011, officially reached the figure of 7 billion inhabitants which, in the poorest areas of the world grows in a sustained and inevitable manner. Could it be that those who have dedicated themselves to bombing countries and killing millions of persons in the last 50 years could be concerned about the fate of all the other peoples?

The United States today is not just the promoter of those wars, but it is also the greatest manufacturer and exporter of weapons in the world.

As it is well-known, that powerful country has signed a covenant to supply 60 billion dollars in the next few years to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where the transnationals of the US and its allies extract on a daily basis 10 million barrels of light oil, in other words, a billion dollars in fuel. What will happen to that country and the region when those energy reserves should run dry? It is not possible that our globalized world will accept without a murmur the colossal wasting of energy resources that nature took hundreds of millions of years to create, and whose dilapidation increases essential costs. It would in no way be worthy of the intelligent nature attributed to our species.

In the last 12 months, that situation has worsened considerably because of new technological advances which, far from alleviating the tragedy coming from the squandering of fossil fuels, considerably make things worse.

World class scientists and researchers have been pointing out the dramatic consequences of climate change.

In an excellent documentary film by French director Yann Arthus-Bertrand, entitled Home, and filmed in collaboration with prestigious and well-informed international celebrities, published in mid-2009, he warns the world with irrefutable data about what is happening. Using solid arguments, he shows the deadly consequences of consuming, in less than two centuries, the energy resources created by nature in hundreds of millions of years; but the worst of it is not the colossal squandering, but the suicidal consequences for the human species. Referring to the very existence of life, he admonishes the human species: “…You benefit from a fabulous legacy of 4,000 million years supplied by the Earth. You are only 200,000 years old but you have changed the face of the world.”

He didn’t blame nor could he blame anyone up to that time, he was simply pointing out an objective reality. However, today we have to blame ourselves for what we know and we are doing nothing to try to fix it.

In their images and concepts, the authors of that work include memories, data and ideas that we have the duty to know and take into account.

In recent months, another fabulous film was Oceans, made by two French film-makers, considered to be the best film of the year in Cuba; perhaps, in my opinion, the best film of this era.

This is amazing material because of the precision and beauty of the images never before filmed by any camera: 8 years and 50 million Euros were invested in the making of it. Humanity must thank that proof for the way in which the principles of nature adulterated by man express themselves. The actors are not human beings: they are the inhabitants of the world’s oceans. An Oscar for them!

What inspired me with the duty to write these lines did not arise from the events referred to up till now, which in one way or another I have commented on previously, but others that, managed by the interests of the transnationals, have been coming to light sparingly in the last few months and in my opinion serve as definitive proof of the confusion and political chaos rife in the world.

Just a few months ago I read for the first time some news about the existence of shale gas. It was stated that the US had reserves to supply their needs for this fuel for 100 years. Since I now have time to do research on political, economic and scientific topics that could be really useful for our peoples, I discretely got in touch with several people living in Cuba or abroad. Oddly, none of them had heard a word about the matter. Of course, this wasn’t the first time that happened. One is amazed about important facts that are hidden in a veritable sea of information, mixed in with hundreds or thousands of news items that circulate the planet.

Nevertheless, I persisted in my interest on the subject. Only a few months have gone by and shale gas is no longer news. Just before the new year enough information was known to clearly see the world’s inexorable march towards the abyss, threatened by risks of such great seriousness as nuclear war and climate change. I have already spoken of the first of these; about the second one, in the interest of brevity, I shall restrict myself to reveal known data and some to be known, that no political cadre or sensible person should ignore.

I don’t hesitate saying that I am observing both facts with the serenity imparted by the years I have lived, in this spectacular phase of human history, that have contributed to the education of our brave and heroic people.

The gas is measured in TCF, which can be referred to in cubic feet or cubic metres – it is not always explained whether they are dealing with one or the other – it depends on the system of measurement that is used in certain countries. On the other hand, when they speak of billions they tend to refer to the Spanish billion that means a million millions; that figure in English is called a trillion, and we must keep that in mind when analyzing the references to the gas which tend to be copious. I shall try to point that out when necessary.

The American analyst Daniel Yergin, author of a voluminous classic on the history of oil stated, according to the IPS news agency, that now a third of all the gas produced in the US is shale gas.

“…exploitation of a platform with six wells can consume 170,000 cubic metres of water and even create harmful effects such as influencing seismic movements, polluting surface and groundwaters and affecting the landscape.”

The British BP group informs us that “proven reserves of conventional or traditional gas on the planet add up to 6,608 billion ―million millions― of cubic feet, some 187 billion cubic metres, […] and the largest deposits are in Russia (1,580 TCF), Iran (1,045), Qatar (894), and Saudi Arabia and Turkmenistan with 283 TCF each”. We are dealing with gas that is being produced and marketed.

“An EIA study ―a US government energy agency ― published in April of 2011 found practically the same volume (6,620 TCF or 187.4 billion cubic metres) of recoverable shale gas in just 32 countries, and the giants are: China (1,275 TCF), United States (862), Argentina (774), Mexico (681), South Africa (485) and Australia (396 TCF)”. Shale gas is gas de esquisto. Take note that according to what is known, Argentina and Mexico have almost as much as the United States. China, with larger deposits, has reserves that equal almost the double of those and 40% more than the United States.

“…countries secularly dependent on foreign suppliers shall count on an enormous base of resources in relation to their consumption, such as France and Poland which import 98 and 64 percent respectively of the gas they consume, and in shale or lutite rocks they would have reserves greater than 180 TCF each”.

“To extract it from the lutite ― IPS points out― they resort to a method called ‘fracking’ (hydraulic fracturing), with the injection of great amounts of water plus sand and chemical additives. Carbon traces (proportion of carbon dioxide that is released into the atmosphere) are much greater than those generated in the production of conventional gas.

“Since we are dealing with bombarding layers of earth crust with water and other substances, the risk of damaging the subsoil, soil, surface and groundwater tables, the landscape and communication channels is greater if the facilities for extracting and transporting the new wealth presents handling defects or errors.”

Suffice it to point out that among the numerous chemical substances that are injected with the water to extract this gas we have benzene and toluene, substances that are terribly carcinogenic.

Lourdes Melgar, expert from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores of Monterrey, has the opinion that:

“‘It is a technology generating much debate and they are resources located in zones where there is no water…”.

“Gas-bearing lutites ― IPS states― are unconventional hydrocarbon quarries, encrusted in rock that protects them, therefore fracking is used to release them on a grand scale.”

“Generation of shale gas involves high volumes of water and the excavation and fracking generates great amounts of liquid waste that may contain dissolved chemicals and other pollutants that require treatment before they are disposed.”

“Production of shale leaped from 11,037 million cubic metres in 2000 to 135,840 million in 2010. In the event of expansion following this pace, in 2035 it will cover 45 percent of the demand of general gas, according to EIA.

“Recent scientific research has warned on the negative environmental profile of lutite gas.

“Professors Robert Howarth, Renee Santoro and Anthony Ingraffea from Cornell University in the US have concluded that this hydrocarbon is a greater pollutant than oil and gas, according to the study ‘Methane and the traces of greenhouse effect gases from natural gas coming from shale formations’ published in April last year in the Climatic Change review.

“‘Carbon trace is greater than that from conventional gas or oil, seen on any time horizon, but particularly within the lapse of 20 years. Compared to carbon, it is at least 20 percent greater and perhaps more than double in 20 years’, the report underlined.”

“Methane is one of the most polluting greenhouse effect gases, responsible for the rise in the planet’s temperature.”

“‘In active extraction areas (one or more Wells in one kilometre) average and maximum concentrations of methane in wells of drinking water increased with proximity to the closest gas well and were a danger for potential explosion’, states the text written by Stephen Osborn, Avner Vengosh, Nathaniel Warner and Robert Jackson, from Duke State University.

“These indicators put into question the industry argument that shale could replace carbon in generating electricity and, therefore be a resource for mitigating climate change.

“‘It is an adventure that is far too premature and risky’.”

“In April of 2010, the US State Department started up the Shale Gas Global Initiative to help countries seeking to use that resource in order to identify and develop it, with the eventual economic benefit for US transnationals.”

I have been inevitably extensive, I had no other option. I write these lines for the Cubadebate website and for Telesur, one of the most serious and honest channels in our long-suffering world.

In order to deal with the subject, I let the holidays of the old and the New Year slip by.

Fidel Castro Ruz

January 4, 2012.

9:15 p.m.

Fidel Castro Ruz is a Cuban revolutionary and politician, having held the position of Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976, and then President from 1976 to 2008. He also served as the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba from the party’s foundation in 1961 until 2011.


The Kairos Palestine Document

A moment of truth: A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of Palestinian suffering


We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God’s divine providence for all the inhabitants of this land. Inspired by the mystery of God’s love for all, the mystery of God’s divine presence in the history of all peoples and, in a particular way, in the history of our country, we proclaim our word based on our Christian faith and our sense of Palestinian belonging – a word of faith, hope and love.

Why now? Because today we have reached a dead end in the tragedy of the Palestinian people. The decision-makers content themselves with managing the crisis rather than committing themselves to the serious task of finding a way to resolve it. The hearts of the faithful are filled with pain and with questioning: What is the international community doing? What are the political leaders in Palestine, in Israel and in the Arab world doing? What is the Church doing? The problem is not just a political one. It is a policy in which human beings are destroyed, and this must be of concern to the Church.

We address ourselves to our brothers and sisters, members of our Churches in this land. We call out as Christians and as Palestinians to our religious and political leaders, to our Palestinian society and to the Israeli society, to the international community, and to our Christian brothers and sisters in the Churches around the world.

1. The reality on the ground

1.1 “They say: ‘Peace, peace’ when there is no peace” (Jer. 6:14). These days, everyone is speaking about peace in the Middle East and the peace process. So far, however, these are simply words; the reality is one of Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, deprivation of our freedom and all that results from this situation:

1.1.1 The separation wall erected on Palestinian territory, a large part of which has been confiscated for this purpose, has turned our towns and villages into prisons, separating them from one another, making them dispersed and divided cantons. Gaza, especially after the cruel war Israel launched against it during December 2008 and January 2009, continues to live in inhuman conditions, under permanent blockade and cut off from the other Palestinian territories.

1.1.2 Israeli settlements ravage our land in the name of God and in the name of force, controlling our natural resources, including water and agricultural land, thus depriving hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, and constituting an obstacle to any political solution.

1.1.3 Reality is the daily humiliation to which we are subjected at the military checkpoints, as we make our way to jobs, schools or hospitals.

1.1.4 Reality is the separation between members of the same family, making family life impossible for thousands of Palestinians, especially where one of the spouses does not have an Israeli identity card.

1.1.5 Religious liberty is severely restricted; the freedom of access to the holy places is denied under the pretext of security. Jerusalem and its holy places are out of bounds for many Christians and Muslims from the West Bank and the Gaza strip. Even Jerusalemites face restrictions during the religious feasts. Some of our Arab clergy are regularly barred from entering Jerusalem.

1.1.6 Refugees are also part of our reality. Most of them are still living in camps under difficult circumstances. They have been waiting for their right of return, generation after generation. What will be their fate?

1.1.7 And the prisoners? The thousands of prisoners languishing in Israeli prisons are part of our reality. The Israelis move heaven and earth to gain the release of one prisoner, and those thousands of Palestinian prisoners, when will they have their freedom?

1.1.8 Jerusalem is the heart of our reality. It is, at the same time, symbol of peace and sign of conflict. While the separation wall divides Palestinian neighbourhoods, Jerusalem continues to be emptied of its Palestinian citizens, Christians and Muslims. Their identity cards are confiscated, which means the loss of their right to reside in Jerusalem. Their homes are demolished or expropriated. Jerusalem, city of reconciliation, has become a city of discrimination and exclusion, a source of struggle rather than peace.

1.2 Also part of this reality is the Israeli disregard of international law and international resolutions, as well as the paralysis of the Arab world and the international community in the face of this contempt. Human rights are violated and despite the various reports of local and international human rights’ organizations, the injustice continues.

1.2.1 Palestinians within the State of Israel, who have also suffered a historical injustice, although they are citizens and have the rights and obligations of citizenship, still suffer from discriminatory policies. They too are waiting to enjoy full rights and equality like all other citizens in the state.

1.3 Emigration is another element in our reality. The absence of any vision or spark of hope for peace and freedom pushes young people, both Muslim and Christian, to emigrate. Thus the land is deprived of its most important and richest resource – educated youth. The shrinking number of Christians, particularly in Palestine, is one of the dangerous consequences, both of this conflict, and of the local and international paralysis and failure to find a comprehensive solution to the problem.

1.4 In the face of this reality, Israel justifies its actions as self-defence, including occupation, collective punishment and all other forms of reprisals against the Palestinians. In our opinion, this vision is a reversal of reality. Yes, there is Palestinian resistance to the occupation. However, if there were no occupation, there would be no resistance, no fear and no insecurity. This is our understanding of the situation. Therefore, we call on the Israelis to end the occupation. Then they will see a new world in which there is no fear, no threat but rather security, justice and peace.

1.5 The Palestinian response to this reality was diverse. Some responded through negotiations: that was the official position of the Palestinian Authority, but it did not advance the peace process. Some political parties followed the way of armed resistance. Israel used this as a pretext to accuse the Palestinians of being terrorists and was able to distort the real nature of the conflict, presenting it as an Israeli war against terror, rather than an Israeli occupation faced by Palestinian legal resistance aiming at ending it.

1.5.1 The tragedy worsened with the internal conflict among Palestinians themselves, and with the separation of Gaza from the rest of the Palestinian territory. It is noteworthy that, even though the division is among Palestinians themselves, the international community bears an important responsibility for it since it refused to deal positively with the will of the Palestinian people expressed in the outcome of democratic and legal elections in 2006.

Again, we repeat and proclaim that our Christian word in the midst of all this, in the midst of our catastrophe, is a word of faith, hope and love.

2. A word of faith

We believe in one God, a good and just God

2.1 We believe in God, one God, Creator of the universe and of humanity. We believe in a good and just God, who loves each one of his creatures. We believe that every human being is created in God’s image and likeness and that every one’s dignity is derived from the dignity of the Almighty One. We believe that this dignity is one and the same in each and all of us. This means for us, here and now, in this land in particular, that God created us not so that we might engage in strife and conflict but rather that we might come and know and love one another, and together build up the land in love and mutual respect.

2.1.1 We also believe in God’s eternal Word, His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, whom God sent as the Saviour of the world.

2.1.2 We believe in the Holy Spirit, who accompanies the Church and all humanity on its journey. It is the Spirit that helps us to understand Holy Scripture, both Old and New Testaments, showing their unity, here and now. The Spirit makes manifest the revelation of God to humanity, past, present and future.

How do we understand the word of God?

2.2 We believe that God has spoken to humanity, here in our country: “Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways by the prophets, but in these last days God has spoken to us by a Son, whom God appointed heir of all things, through whom he also created the worlds” (Heb. 1:1-2)

2.2.1 We, Christian Palestinians, believe, like all Christians throughout the world, that Jesus Christ came in order to fulfil the Law and the Prophets. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and in his light and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we read the Holy Scriptures. We meditate upon and interpret Scripture just as Jesus Christ did with the two disciples on their way to Emmaus. As it is written in the Gospel according to Saint Luke: “Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures” (Lk 24:27)

2.2.2 Our Lord Jesus Christ came, proclaiming that the Kingdom of God was near. He provoked a revolution in the life and faith of all humanity. He came with “a new teaching” (Mk 1:27), casting a new light on the Old Testament, on the themes that relate to our Christian faith and our daily lives, themes such as the promises, the election, the people of God and the land. We believe that the Word of God is a living Word, casting a particular light on each period of history, manifesting to Christian believers what God is saying to us here and now. For this reason, it is unacceptable to transform the Word of God into letters of stone that pervert the love of God and His providence in the life of both peoples and individuals. This is precisely the error in fundamentalist Biblical interpretation that brings us death and destruction when the word of God is petrified and transmitted from generation to generation as a dead letter. This dead letter is used as a weapon in our present history in order to deprive us of our rights in our own land.

Our land has a universal mission

2.3 We believe that our land has a universal mission. In this universality, the meaning of the promises, of the land, of the election, of the people of God open up to include all of humanity, starting from all the peoples of this land. In light of the teachings of the Holy Bible, the promise of the land has never been a political programme, but rather the prelude to complete universal salvation. It was the initiation of the fulfilment of the Kingdom of God on earth.

2.3.1 God sent the patriarchs, the prophets and the apostles to this land so that they might carry forth a universal mission to the world. Today we constitute three religions in this land, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Our land is God’s land, as is the case with all countries in the world. It is holy inasmuch as God is present in it, for God alone is holy and sanctifier. It is the duty of those of us who live here, to respect the will of God for this land. It is our duty to liberate it from the evil of injustice and war. It is God’s land and therefore it must be a land of reconciliation, peace and love. This is indeed possible. God has put us here as two peoples, and God gives us the capacity, if we have the will, to live together and establish in it justice and peace, making it in reality God’s land: “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it” (Ps. 24:1).

2.3.2 Our presence in this land, as Christian and Muslim Palestinians, is not accidental but rather deeply rooted in the history and geography of this land, resonant with the connectedness of any other people to the land it lives in. It was an injustice when we were driven out. The West sought to make amends for what Jews had endured in the countries of Europe, but it made amends on our account and in our land. They tried to correct an injustice and the result was a new injustice.

2.3.3 Furthermore, we know that certain theologians in the West try to attach a biblical and theological legitimacy to the infringement of our rights. Thus, the promises, according to their interpretation, have become a menace to our very existence. The “good news” in the Gospel itself has become “a harbinger of death” for us. We call on these theologians to deepen their reflection on the Word of God and to rectify their interpretations so that they might see in the Word of God a source of life for all peoples.

2.3.4 Our connectedness to this land is a natural right. It is not an ideological or a theological question only. It is a matter of life and death. There are those who do not agree with us, even defining us as enemies only because we declare that we want to live as free people in our land. We suffer from the occupation of our land because we are Palestinians. And as Christian Palestinians we suffer from the wrong interpretation of some theologians. Faced with this, our task is to safeguard the Word of God as a source of life and not of death, so that “the good news” remains what it is, “good news” for us and for all. In face of those who use the Bible to threaten our existence as Christian and Muslim Palestinians, we renew our faith in God because we know that the word of God can not be the source of our destruction.

2.4 Therefore, we declare that any use of the Bible to legitimize or support political options and positions that are based upon injustice, imposed by one person on another, or by one people on another, transform religion into human ideology and strip the Word of God of its holiness, its universality and truth.

2.5 We also declare that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land is a sin against God and humanity because it deprives the Palestinians of their basic human rights, bestowed by God. It distorts the image of God in the Israeli who has become an occupier just as it distorts this image in the Palestinian living under occupation. We declare that any theology, seemingly based on the Bible or on faith or on history, that legitimizes the occupation, is far from Christian teachings, because it calls for violence and holy war in the name of God Almighty, subordinating God to temporary human interests, and distorting the divine image in the human beings living under both political and theological injustice.

3. Hope

3.1 Despite the lack of even a glimmer of positive expectation, our hope remains strong. The present situation does not promise any quick solution or the end of the occupation that is imposed on us. Yes, the initiatives, the conferences, visits and negotiations have multiplied, but they have not been followed up by any change in our situation and suffering. Even the new US position that has been announced by President Obama, with a manifest desire to put an end to the tragedy, has not been able to make a change in our reality. The clear Israeli response, refusing any solution, leaves no room for positive expectation. Despite this, our hope remains strong, because it is from God. God alone is good, almighty and loving and His goodness will one day be victorious over the evil in which we find ourselves. As Saint Paul said: “If God is for us, who is against us? (…) Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all day long” (…) For I am convinced that (nothing) in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God” (Rom. 8:31, 35, 36, 39).

What is the meaning of hope?

3.2 Hope within us means first and foremost our faith in God and secondly our expectation, despite everything, for a better future. Thirdly, it means not chasing after illusions – we realize that release is not close at hand. Hope is the capacity to see God in the midst of trouble, and to be co-workers with the Holy Spirit who is dwelling in us. From this vision derives the strength to be steadfast, remain firm and work to change the reality in which we find ourselves. Hope means not giving in to evil but rather standing up to it and continuing to resist it. We see nothing in the present or future except ruin and destruction. We see the upper hand of the strong, the growing orientation towards racist separation and the imposition of laws that deny our existence and our dignity. We see confusion and division in the Palestinian position. If, despite all this, we do resist this reality today and work hard, perhaps the destruction that looms on the horizon may not come upon us.

Signs of hope

3.3 The Church in our land, her leaders and her faithful, despite her weakness and her divisions, does show certain signs of hope. Our parish communities are vibrant and most of our young people are active apostles for justice and peace. In addition to the individual commitment, our various Church institutions make our faith active and present in service, love and prayer.

3.3.1 Among the signs of hope are the local centres of theology, with a religious and social character. They are numerous in our different Churches. The ecumenical spirit, even if still hesitant, shows itself more and more in the meetings of our different Church families.

3.3.2 We can add to this the numerous meetings for inter-religious dialogue, Christian–Muslim dialogue, which includes the religious leaders and a part of the people. Admittedly, dialogue is a long process and is perfected through a daily effort as we undergo the same sufferings and have the same expectations. There is also dialogue among the three religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, as well as different dialogue meetings on the academic or social level. They all try to breach the walls imposed by the occupation and oppose the distorted perception of human beings in the heart of their brothers or sisters.

3.3.3 One of the most important signs of hope is the steadfastness of the generations, the belief in the justice of their cause and the continuity of memory, which does not forget the “Nakba” (catastrophe) and its significance. Likewise significant is the developing awareness among many Churches throughout the world and their desire to know the truth about what is going on here.

3.3.4 In addition to that, we see a determination among many to overcome the resentments of the past and to be ready for reconciliation once justice has been restored. Public awareness of the need to restore political rights to the Palestinians is increasing, and Jewish and Israeli voices, advocating peace and justice, are raised in support of this with the approval of the international community. True, these forces for justice and reconciliation have not yet been able to transform the situation of injustice, but they have their influence and may shorten the time of suffering and hasten the time of reconciliation.

The mission of the Church

3.4 Our Church is a Church of people who pray and serve. This prayer and service is prophetic, bearing the voice of God in the present and future. Everything that happens in our land, everyone who lives there, all the pains and hopes, all the injustice and all the efforts to stop this injustice, are part and parcel of the prayer of our Church and the service of all her institutions. Thanks be to God that our Church raises her voice against injustice despite the fact that some desire her to remain silent, closed in her religious devotions.

3.4.1 The mission of the Church is prophetic, to speak the Word of God courageously, honestly and lovingly in the local context and in the midst of daily events. If she does take sides, it is with the oppressed, to stand alongside them, just as Christ our Lord stood by the side of each poor person and each sinner, calling them to repentance, life, and the restoration of the dignity bestowed on them by God and that no one has the right to strip away.

3.4.2 The mission of the Church is to proclaim the Kingdom of God, a kingdom of justice, peace and dignity. Our vocation as a living Church is to bear witness to the goodness of God and the dignity of human beings. We are called to pray and to make our voice heard when we announce a new society where human beings believe in their own dignity and the dignity of their adversaries.

3.4.3 Our Church points to the Kingdom, which cannot be tied to any earthly kingdom. Jesus said before Pilate that he was indeed a king but “my kingdom is not from this world” (Jn 18:36). Saint Paul says: “The Kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom.14:17). Therefore, religion cannot favour or support any unjust political regime, but must rather promote justice, truth and human dignity. It must exert every effort to purify regimes where human beings suffer injustice and human dignity is violated. The Kingdom of God on earth is not dependent on any political orientation, for it is greater and more inclusive than any particular political system.

3.4.4 Jesus Christ said: “The Kingdom of God is among you” (Luke 17:21). This Kingdom that is present among us and in us is the extension of the mystery of salvation. It is the presence of God among us and our sense of that presence in everything we do and say. It is in this divine presence that we shall do what we can until justice is achieved in this land.

3.4.5 The cruel circumstances in which the Palestinian Church has lived and continues to live have required the Church to clarify her faith and to identify her vocation better. We have studied our vocation and have come to know it better in the midst of suffering and pain: today, we bear the strength of love rather than that of revenge, a culture of life rather than a culture of death. This is a source of hope for us, for the Church and for the world.

3.5 The Resurrection is the source of our hope .Just as Christ rose in victory over death and evil, so too we are able, as each inhabitant of this land is able, to vanquish the evil of war. We will remain a witnessing, steadfast and active Church in the land of the Resurrection.

4. Love

The commandment of love

4.1 Christ our Lord said: “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (Jn 13:34). He has already showed us how to love and how to treat our enemies. He said: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous (…) Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt. 5:45-47).

Saint Paul also said: “Do not repay anyone evil for evil” (Rom. 12:17). And Saint Peter said: “Do not repay evil for evil or abuse for abuse; but on the contrary, repay with a blessing. It is for this that you were called” (1 Pet. 3:9).


4.2 This word is clear. Love is the commandment of Christ our Lord to us and it includes both friends and enemies. This must be clear when we find ourselves in circumstances where we must resist evil of whatever kind.

4.2.1 Love is seeing the face of God in every human being. Every person is my brother or my sister. However, seeing the face of God in everyone does not mean accepting evil or aggression on their part. Rather, this love seeks to correct the evil and stop the aggression.

The injustice against the Palestinian people which is the Israeli occupation, is an evil that must be resisted. It is an evil and a sin that must be resisted and removed. Primary responsibility for this rests with the Palestinians themselves suffering occupation. Christian love invites us to resist it. However, love puts an end to evil by walking in the ways of justice. Responsibility lies also with the international community, because international law regulates relations between peoples today. Finally responsibility lies with the perpetrators of the injustice; they must liberate themselves from the evil that is in them and the injustice they have imposed on others.

4.2.2 When we review the history of the nations, we see many wars and much resistance to war by war, to violence by violence. The Palestinian people has gone the way of the peoples, particularly in the first stages of its struggle with the Israeli occupation. However, it also engaged in peaceful struggle, especially during the first Intifada. We recognize that all peoples must find a new way in their relations with each other and the resolution of their conflicts. The ways of force must give way to the ways of justice. This applies above all to the peoples that are militarily strong, mighty enough to impose their injustice on the weaker.

4.2.3 We say that our option as Christians in the face of the Israeli occupation is to resist. Resistance is a right and a duty for the Christian. But it is resistance with love as its logic. It is thus a creative resistance for it must find human ways that engage the humanity of the enemy. Seeing the image of God in the face of the enemy means taking up positions in the light of this vision of active resistance to stop the injustice and oblige the perpetrator to end his aggression and thus achieve the desired goal, which is getting back the land, freedom, dignity and independence.

4.2.4 Christ our Lord has left us an example we must imitate. We must resist evil but he taught us that we cannot resist evil with evil. This is a difficult commandment, particularly when the enemy is determined to impose himself and deny our right to remain here in our land. It is a difficult commandment yet it alone can stand firm in the face of the clear declarations of the occupation authorities that refuse our existence and the many excuses these authorities use to continue imposing occupation upon us.

4.2.5 Resistance to the evil of occupation is integrated, then, within this Christian love that refuses evil and corrects it. It resists evil in all its forms with methods that enter into the logic of love and draw on all energies to make peace. We can resist through civil disobedience. We do not resist with death but rather through respect of life. We respect and have a high esteem for all those who have given their life for our nation. And we affirm that every citizen must be ready to defend his or her life, freedom and land.

4.2.6 Palestinian civil organizations, as well as international organizations, NGOs and certain religious institutions call on individuals, companies and states to engage in divestment and in an economic and commercial boycott of everything produced by the occupation. We understand this to integrate the logic of peaceful resistance. These advocacy campaigns must be carried out with courage, openly sincerely proclaiming that their object is not revenge but rather to put an end to the existing evil, liberating both the perpetrators and the victims of injustice. The aim is to free both peoples from extremist positions of the different Israeli governments, bringing both to justice and reconciliation. In this spirit and with this dedication we will eventually reach the longed-for resolution to our problems, as indeed happened in South Africa and with many other liberation movements in the world.

4.3 Through our love, we will overcome injustices and establish foundations for a new society both for us and for our opponents. Our future and their future are one. Either the cycle of violence that destroys both of us or peace that will benefit both. We call on Israel to give up its injustice towards us, not to twist the truth of reality of the occupation by pretending that it is a battle against terrorism. The roots of “terrorism” are in the human injustice committed and in the evil of the occupation. These must be removed if there be a sincere intention to remove “terrorism”. We call on the people of Israel to be our partners in peace and not in the cycle of interminable violence. Let us resist evil together, the evil of occupation and the infernal cycle of violence.

5. Our word to our brothers and sisters

5.1 We all face, today, a way that is blocked and a future that promises only woe. Our word to all our Christian brothers and sisters is a word of hope, patience, steadfastness and new action for a better future. Our word is that we, as Christians we carry a message, and we will continue to carry it despite the thorns, despite blood and daily difficulties. We place our hope in God, who will grant us relief in His own time. At the same time, we continue to act in concord with God and God’s will, building, resisting evil and bringing closer the day of justice and peace.

5.2 We say to our Christian brothers and sisters: This is a time for repentance. Repentance brings us back into the communion of love with everyone who suffers, the prisoners, the wounded, those afflicted with temporary or permanent handicaps, the children who cannot live their childhood and each one who mourns a dear one. The communion of love says to every believer in spirit and in truth: if my brother is a prisoner I am a prisoner; if his home is destroyed, my home is destroyed; when my brother is killed, then I too am killed. We face the same challenges and share in all that has happened and will happen. Perhaps, as individuals or as heads of Churches, we were silent when we should have raised our voices to condemn the injustice and share in the suffering. This is a time of repentance for our silence, indifference, lack of communion, either because we did not persevere in our mission in this land and abandoned it, or because we did not think and do enough to reach a new and integrated vision and remained divided, contradicting our witness and weakening our word. Repentance for our concern with our institutions, sometimes at the expense of our mission, thus silencing the prophetic voice given by the Spirit to the Churches.

5.3 We call on Christians to remain steadfast in this time of trial, just as we have throughout the centuries, through the changing succession of states and governments. Be patient, steadfast and full of hope so that you might fill the heart of every one of your brothers or sisters who shares in this same trial with hope. “Always be ready to make your defence to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you” (1 Pet. 3:15). Be active and, provided this conforms to love, participate in any sacrifice that resistance asks of you to overcome our present travail..

5.4 Our numbers are few but our message is great and important. Our land is in urgent need of love. Our love is a message to the Muslim and to the Jew, as well as to the world.

5.4.1Our message to the Muslims is a message of love and of living together and a call to reject fanaticism and extremism. It is also a message to the world that Muslims are neither to be stereotyped as the enemy nor caricatured as terrorists but rather to be lived with in peace and engaged with in dialogue.

5.4.2 Our message to the Jews tells them: Even though we have fought one another in the recent past and still struggle today, we are able to love and live together. We can organize our political life, with all its complexity, according to the logic of this love and its power, after ending the occupation and establishing justice.

5.4.3 The word of faith says to anyone engaged in political activity: human beings were not made for hatred. It is not permitted to hate, neither is it permitted to kill or to be killed. The culture of love is the culture of accepting the other. Through it we perfect ourselves and the foundations of society are established.

6. Our word to the Churches of the world

6.1 Our word to the Churches of the world is firstly a word of gratitude for the solidarity you have shown toward us in word, deed and presence among us. It is a word of praise for the many Churches and Christians who support the right of the Palestinian people for self determination. It is a message of solidarity with those Christians and Churches who have suffered because of their advocacy for law and justice.

However, it is also a call to repentance; to revisit fundamentalist theological positions that support certain unjust political options with regard to the Palestinian people. It is a call to stand alongside the oppressed and preserve the word of God as good news for all rather than to turn it into a weapon with which to slay the oppressed. The word of God is a word of love for all His creation. God is not the ally of one against the other, nor the opponent of one in the face of the other. God is the Lord of all and loves all, demanding justice from all and issuing to all of us the same commandments. We ask our sister Churches not to offer a theological cover-up for the injustice we suffer, for the sin of the occupation imposed upon us. Our question to our brothers and sisters in the Churches today is: Are you able to help us get our freedom back, for this is the only way you can help the two peoples attain justice, peace, security and love?

6.2 In order to understand our reality, we say to the Churches: Come and see. We will fulfil our role to make known to you the truth of our reality, receiving you as pilgrims coming to us to pray, carrying a message of peace, love and reconciliation. You will know the facts and the people of this land, Palestinians and Israelis alike.

6.3 We condemn all forms of racism, whether religious or ethnic, including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, and we call on you to condemn it and oppose it in all its manifestations. At the same time we call on you to say a word of truth and to take a position of truth with regard to Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land. As we have already said, we see boycott and disinvestment as tools of non violence for justice, peace and security for all.

7. Our word to the international community

7. Our word to the international community is to stop the principle of “double standards” and insist on the international resolutions regarding the Palestinian problem with regard to all parties. Selective application of international law threatens to leave us vulnerable to a law of the jungle. It legitimizes the claims by certain armed groups and states that the international community only understands the logic of force. Therefore, we call for a response to what the civil and religious institutions have proposed, as mentioned earlier: the beginning of a system of economic sanctions and boycott to be applied against Israel. We repeat once again that this is not revenge but rather a serious action in order to reach a just and definitive peace that will put an end to Israeli occupation of Palestinian and other Arab territories and will guarantee security and peace for all.

8. Jewish and Muslim religious leaders

8. Finally, we address an appeal to the religious and spiritual leaders, Jewish and Muslim, with whom we share the same vision that every human being is created by God and has been given equal dignity. Hence the obligation for each of us to defend the oppressed and the dignity God has bestowed on them. Let us together try to rise up above the political positions that have failed so far and continue to lead us on the path of failure and suffering.

9. A call to our Palestinian people and to the Israelis

9.1 This is a call to see the face of God in each one of God’s creatures and overcome the barriers of fear or race in order to establish a constructive dialogue and not remain within the cycle of never-ending manoeuvres that aim to keep the situation as it is. Our appeal is to reach a common vision, built on equality and sharing, not on superiority, negation of the other or aggression, using the pretext of fear and security. We say that love is possible and mutual trust is possible. Thus, peace is possible and definitive reconciliation also. Thus, justice and security will be attained for all.

9.2 Education is important. Educational programs must help us to get to know the other as he or she is rather than through the prism of conflict, hostility or religious fanaticism. The educational programs in place today are infected with this hostility. The time has come to begin a new education that allows one to see the face of God in the other and declares that we are capable of loving each other and building our future together in peace and security.

9.3 Trying to make the state a religious state, Jewish or Islamic, suffocates the state, confines it within narrow limits, and transforms it into a state that practices discrimination and exclusion, preferring one citizen over another. We appeal to both religious Jews and Muslims: let the state be a state for all its citizens, with a vision constructed on respect for religion but also equality, justice, liberty and respect for pluralism and not on domination by a religion or a numerical majority.

9.4 To the leaders of Palestine we say that current divisions weaken all of us and cause more sufferings. Nothing can justify these divisions. For the good of the people, which must outweigh that of the political parties, an end must be put to division. We appeal to the international community to lend its support towards this union and to respect the will of the Palestinian people as expressed freely.

9.5 Jerusalem is the foundation of our vision and our entire life. She is the city to which God gave a particular importance in the history of humanity. She is the city towards which all people are in movement – and where they will meet in friendship and love in the presence of the One Unique God, according to the vision of the prophet Isaiah: “In days to come the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; all the nations shall stream to it (…) He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Is. 2: 2-5). Today, the city is inhabited by two peoples of three religions; and it is on this prophetic vision and on the international resolutions concerning the totality of Jerusalem that any political solution must be based. This is the first issue that should be negotiated because the recognition of Jerusalem’s sanctity and its message will be a source of inspiration towards finding a solution to the entire problem, which is largely a problem of mutual trust and ability to set in place a new land in this land of God.

10. Hope and faith in God

10. In the absence of all hope, we cry out our cry of hope. We believe in God, good and just. We believe that God’s goodness will finally triumph over the evil of hate and of death that still persist in our land. We will see here “a new land” and “a new human being”, capable of rising up in the spirit to love each one of his or her brothers and sisters.

The Cooperative Spirit and its Many Manifestations

The United Nations General Assembly in Resolution A/RES/64/136 has designated 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives in order to highlight the large role that cooperatives can play in ecologically-sound development and poverty reduction.  As Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said “Cooperatives are a reminder to the international community that it is possible to pursue both economic viability and social responsibility.”  The cooperative movement plays a large role in both the production and the distribution of goods and services worldwide.  Although less visible than privately-owned trans-national corporations (which have large advertising budgets so their products become household names) cooperatives are an important part of the world economy and merit the attention that the UN Year may provide (1)

However, behind production and distribution cooperatives, there is first a “Cooperative Spirit”, and it manifests itself in a multitude of ways, all of which are based on cooperation but not all are called “cooperatives”. The Cooperative Spirit stresses renewal, cooperation, mutual help, and community as the ‘order of the day’ at the local, national, and world levels.  Cooperation is an absolute necessity for the next steps in human evolution.

The Cooperative Spirit takes many forms. People throughout the world are increasingly realizing that each of us is interconnected with every other person through the air we breath and the systems of water, soils and life in all its forms.  The more we can empower one another to flourish without harming others, the more we create a cooperative world society. Therefore every action taken by an individual — or not taken — can have far-reaching consequences both for all the people of the world and upon the environment on which we all depend.

This Cooperative Spirit manifests itself in the growing concerns with a Green — ecologically-sound — Economy.  Europe has encouraged commercial and cooperative development of carbon-reducing technologies with a mix of government investment, tax facilities, loans and laws.  There is a recognized need to protect the environment, to invest in clean energy and to create lasting jobs, but much more needs to be done worldwide.

Throughout the world, we are all entering a period of change for which there is no blueprint.  Therefore it is essential that we learn to work together cooperatively.  Cooperative action takes its forms due to historical circumstances, local culture, and ecological conditions.  However, there is a common concern with the cooperative use of resources, goods and services.  Cooperative action is at the heart of an economic and political shift toward a worldwide development of livelihoods and greater quality of life.

There are many traditional forms of cooperation, of mutual help in times of need. 2012 should serve as an opportunity to look at the many ways in which the Cooperative Spirit manifests itself in the world. Thus 2012 can be our focus to strengthen the impact of the Cooperative Spirit.

 Rene Wadlow

(1)   See the UN website for the Year: http://social.un.org/coopyear

Rene Wadlow, President and Representative to the United Nations, Geneva, Association of World Citizens

The Churchill you didn’t know

Thousands voted him the greatest Briton – but did they know about his views on Gandhi, gassing and Jews… 

I will not pretend that, if I had to choose between communism and nazism, I would choose communism.

Speaking in the House of Commons, autumn 1937

I do not understand the squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poisonous gas against uncivilised tribes.

Writing as president of the Air Council, 1919

It is alarming and nauseating to see Mr Gandhi, a seditious Middle Temple lawyer, now posing as a fakir of a type well known in the east, striding half naked up the steps of the viceregal palace, while he is still organising and conducting a campaign of civil disobedience, to parlay on equal terms with the representative of the Emperor-King.

Commenting on Gandhi’s meeting with the Viceroy of India, 1931

(India is) a godless land of snobs and bores.

In a letter to his mother, 1896

I do not admit… that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America, or the black people of Australia… by the fact that a stronger race, a higher grade race… has come in and taken its place.

Churchill to Palestine Royal Commission, 1937

(We must rally against) a poisoned Russia, an infected Russia of armed hordes not only smiting with bayonet and cannon, but accompanied and preceded by swarms of typhus-bearing vermin.

Quoted in the Boston Review, April/May 2001 

“The choice was clearly open: crush them with vain and unstinted force, or try to give them what they want. These were the only alternatives and most people were unprepared for either. Here indeed was the Irish spectre – horrid and inexorcisable.

Writing in The World Crisis and the Aftermath, 1923-31

The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the feeble-minded and insane classes, coupled as it is with a steady restriction among all the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks, constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to exaggerate… I feel that the source from which the stream of madness is fed should be cut off and sealed up before another year has passed.

Churchill to Asquith, 1910

One may dislike Hitler’s system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country were defeated, I hope we should find a champion as admirable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations.”

From his Great Contemporaries, 1937

You are callous people who want to wreck Europe – you do not care about the future of Europe, you have only your own miserable interests in mind.

Addressing the London Polish government at a British Embassy meeting, October 1944

So far as Britain and Russia were concerned, how would it do for you to have 90% of Romania, for us to have 90% of the say in Greece, and go 50/50 about Yugoslavia?

Addressing Stalin in Moscow, October 1944

This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States)… this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”

28 November 2002

@ The Guardian

Writing on ‘Zionism versus Bolshevism’ in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 1920

Research by Amy Iggulden


Syrian News on Jan30, 2012

Official Source: Syria Is Surprised and Regrets al-Arabi’s Decision to Suspend Arab Monitoring Mission

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- An official source on Saturday stated that the Syrian Arab Republic is surprised and regrets the decision of the Arab League (AL) Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi to suspend the Arab monitoring mission after having agreed to extend it for another month upon the AL General Secretariat’s request in light of the report submitted by the mission’s head General Mohammed Mustafa al-Dabi to the AL Ministerial Council.

“It was clear that the Arab monitors’ report didn’t please some countries at the League because of what it included regarding acknowledging and documenting the presence of armed groups that have been targeting the civilians, the military and law enforcement forces and the public and private institutions as well as the gas and oil pipelines,” the source said.

“Nabil al-Arabi’s decision,” the source added, “came in preparation for the Security Council meeting scheduled next Tuesday upon the request of Qatar and the AL General Secretariat with the aim of exerting negative impact and pressures in the discussions with a view to calling for foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs and encouraging more violence against the citizens by the armed groups.”

The source continued that the AL Secretary General’s decision goes in line with that of the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council to withdraw their monitors, “which came as a reaction to the Arab monitoring mission’s report and not because of what the Secretary General claimed on the continued use of violence and exchange of shelling and fire.”

The source stressed that the Syrian Arab Republic is still committed to making the Arab monitoring mission a success and providing protection to the monitors according to the items of the protocol signed with the Arab League and to the Arab Work Plan which provides that the Syrian government is committed to end violence whatever its source.

Arab League Secretary General Suspends AL Monitoring Mission in Syria

CAIRO, (SANA)_Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi decided to immediately ssuspend the AL observer mission to Syria, pending presentation of the issue to the Arab League’s Council, in an escalation against Syria that reflects the persistence of some member countries in supporting armed terrorist groups.

Al-Arabi has asked the head of the mission to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the mission’s members.

The Secretary-general said in a statement that he held talks with a number of Arab foreign ministers and decided to halt the work of the mission, due to the ”critical deterioration of the situation in Syria and the continued use of violence.”

Al-Arabi considered that the Syrian government has resorted to ”escalation in the security option”, disregarding the crimes perpetrated by the armed groups which the observers’ report has documented.

Six Martyred, Six Others Injured by Explosive Device Targeting Bus Carrying Military Personnel near Sahnaya, Agricultural Engineer Assassinated in Homs

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)_ An armed terrorist group on Sunday targeted a bus carrying army personnel near Sahnaya, one of Damascus’ suburbs, killing six persons, including two officers, and injuring six others.

A military source informed SANA correspondent that the bus was targeted by an explosive device planted by an armed terrorist group and remotely detonated.

The martyrs are:

First Lieutenant Mahdi Mohammad al-Ahmad.

First Lieutenant Ahmad Abdullah Ali al-Mohammad.

Sergeants: Yousef Ibrahim, Jihad Ibrahim, Shadi Idris and Najeeb Hassan.

Sergeant Major Fares al-Omar, one of the officers injured in the explosion, told the Syrian TV that he and his colleagues got on the bus at 7 AM to go to their regiment, and on the way the bus suddenly flew into the air and landed on the ground, causing it to catch fire and shattering all windows.

“Afterwards, we came under heavy gunfire, martyring a number of our colleagues and wounding others,” he said.

In turn, Sergeant Major Samir Mohammad said they were in the bus and heading to work when an explosive device went off around 100 meters before reaching the regiment, with the explosion hurling him out of the bus.

Brigadier General, Law-enforcement Member Injured by Explosive Devices in Idleb Countryside

A Brigadier General and a law-enforcement member were injured when two explosive devices planted by terrorist groups went off on Balyon-Kamsafra road in Idleb countryside.

An informed source told SANA that Brigadier General Sharif Kheirbek and Conscript Monzer Jom’a Abdul-Rahman were injured in the terrorist bombing which targeted their car. They were rushed to Lattakia Military Hospital.

The source added that an armed terrorist group broke into the Telecommunications’ Establishment in Idleb and stole 17 state cars from the garage.

Agricultural Engineer Assassinated in Homs

An armed terrorist group assassinated on Sunday Amal Issa, an agricultural engineer who works at Homs Agriculture Directorate.

An official source told SANA correspondent in Homs that the armed group targeted the engineer when she was in her car with three of her colleagues near Khaled Bin al-Walid Mosque. Issa was martyred by a shot in the head while her three colleagues escaped unscathed.

Lavrov: Some Security Council Members Exploit Syrian Situation for Geopolitical Interests

MOSCOW, (SANA) _ Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that some Security Council members are trying to dissuade the Syrian opposition from engaging in a dialogue with the Syrian authorities.

Lavrov considered this conduct by some UN Security Council as an instigation intended for using the situation in Syria to serve geopolitical interests.

In an interview with the Japanese NHK TV, Lavrov said that this position reflects an archaic psychology that should be ”done away with”.

Lavrov said that Russia proposed a draft resolution on Syria to the UN Security Council consisting of three points; stopping violence by all sides, rejecting foreign interference in the ongoing operations in Syria and launching an internal national dialogue without preconditions.

He added that Russia will try to convince representatives of the Syrian opposition of the importance of dialogue with the Syrian authorities.

Lavrov: statements issued by Western countries on the futility of AL observer mission in Syria “fruitless”

Lavrov considered the statements issued by Western countries on the futility of the Arab League (AL) observer mission in Syria and the impossibility of holding dialogue with the Syrian regime as “fruitless”.

In a statement to the press in Brunei on Sunday, Lavrov described these statements as “irresponsible”, saying the western countries are trying to waste the opportunity to ease the situation in Syria, “which should not be allowed at all.”

The Russian Minister wondered at the decision of some Arab countries on not participating in the observer mission in Syria, referring to the Gulf states that first agreed on the decision to extend the mission, but they abstained from participating and withdrew their representatives in it.

“This raises certain questions,” said Lavrov, considering that the mission should on the contrary be enhanced and the number of observers be increased.

He expressed his country’s desire to see the report of the AL observer mission about Syria before discussing the plan submitted by the AL to the UN Security Council.

Lavrov recalled Russia’s stance on the necessity of calling on all Syrian sides to end violence, start dialogue and prevent foreign interference, stressing that the opposition is using force against the Syria police and forces.

He pointed out that the armed groups in Syria have increased in number and are being increasingly armed, affirming that weapons smuggling into Syria is continuing.

For his part, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said the Arab League’s decision to suspend the monitoring mission in Syria raises additional concern in Russia.

Lukashevich is accompanying Lavrov on his tour of a number of countries in Asia and the Pacific region.

Iranian Foreign Minister Warns that Foreign Pressures on Syria might have Bad Repercussions on the Whole Region

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi stressed the necessity of peaceful settlement to the situation in Syria within the framework of an internal plan and away from foreign interference.

In a statement upon his arrival in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa to participate in the African Summit, Salehi warned of the consequences of foreign pressures exerted on Syria which might have bad repercussions on the whole region.

He underlined that Syria is able to solve its problems on its own, adding that the Syrian leadership started to implement the announced reforms and that means that it met the demands of its people, which shows no compelling justifications for exerting such western and Arab media pressures against Syria.

23 Army, Law-Enforcement Forces Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of 23 army and law-enforcement forces martyrs on Sunday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs military hospitals and Sweida National Hospital to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed at the hands of the armed terrorist groups while on duty in Homs, Daraa and Damascus Countryside.

Solemn funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs, as they were carried on shoulders while the music of the “Martyr” and “Farewell” was playing.

The martyrs are:

– First Lieutenant Moemin Fayez Talaie, from Sweida.

– First Lieutenant Hamzeh Hassan Ghassa, from Lattakia.

– Second Lieutenant Yasser Mohammad Kaso, from Lattakia.

– Chief Warrant Officer Hamzeh Suleiman Deeb, from Lattakia.

– Chief Warrant Officer Bashir Abdo al-Saadi, from Daraa.

– Chief Warrant Officer Akram Subhi al-Said, from Deir Ezzor.

– Chief Warrant Officer Ziad Dawood Kreen, from Deir Ezzor.

– Sergeant Major Samir Saleh Khaddour, from Hama.

– Sergeant Major Raed Sami Najmeh, from Tartous.

– Sergeant Major Mohammad Sakher Baha Eddin Dawood al-Takreiti from Damascus.

– Sergeant Major Ali Mahmoud Ibrahim, from Hama.

– Sergeant William Ali Olbeh, from Sweida.

– Sergeant Ayham Fahim Hamad, from Quneitra.

– Sergeant Rami Salim Joehra, from Lattakia.

– Sergeant Hassan Mahmoud Ali from Lattakia.

– Corporal Ali Hatm al-Qadi, from Hama.

– Corporal Imad Yousef al-Hamdan, from Daraa.

– Soldier Ghadir Jamal Eddin Khdeira , from Idleb.

– Conscript Ahmad Hamad Mustafa, from Aleppo.

– Conscript Jasem Mohammad al-Khattab, from Deir Ezzor.

– Conscript Basel Mahmoud Khalaf, from Aleppo.

– Conscript Mustafa Mohammad al-Assaf, from Aleppo.

– Conscript Alaa Mohammad Nasser Mustafa, from Aleppo.

Families of the martyrs expressed confidence that the blood of the martyrs will help Syria overcome the crisis and head to a better future, stressing that the crimes of armed terrorist groups will not weaken the Syrians’ determination to confront the conspiracy targeting their country.

They stressed that the Syrian people’s unity and their rallying around their leadership will foil the conspiracy and other schemes aiming at undermining their homeland.

Gulf States and Turkey Hold Meeting in Istanbul to Continue Conspiring against Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Days after intelligence reports revealed that intelligence crews from some Gulf states, Turkey, the US, France and Israel have been supervising camps for gathering, recruiting and training mercenaries and terrorists inside the Turkish territories, Turkey and Gulf states on Saturday held a meeting in Istanbul to discuss activities of their terrorist groups operating in Syria.

The first results of this Gulf-Turkish meeting came with announcing a new escalatory step against Syria represented in the decision of the Arab League (AL) Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi to suspend the monitoring mission in Syria, ignoring the AL Council’s decision last week to extend the mission for another month.

The decision to suspend the monitoring mission came to confirm that Arab countries, on top being the Gulf states, are continuing their support to the acts of the armed terrorist groups in Syria.

Today’s Istanbul meeting came as a new episode in the series of conspiring between the Gulf states and the Turkish government against Syria, which was proved through the simultaneous imposition of sanctions allegedly aimed against the Syrian government, while experts and analysts as well as a number of Arabs and Turks consider that the bad impacts of these sanctions affect the Syrian people and also reach the people of Arab countries and Turkey.

Observers see that the Gulf-Turkish conspiring against Syria appeared evident through the attendance of senior Turkish diplomat at the Arab Foreign Ministers Council meetings at which all decisions against Syria were made.

These decisions started with freezing Syria’s membership at the Arab League and continued through working to internationalize the Syrian crisis in implementation of foreign agendas exposed by the statements of the U.S. diplomat Jennifer Rasamimanana who described the League’s decisions as having positive impact on the U.S. efforts to take the Syrian crisis file to the UN Security Council and pressure Russia to change its stance.

Information and data indicate that Istanbul meeting held today came to discuss the ways to continue the exposed Gulf-Turkish conspiring against Syria after Russia stressed its objection at the Security Council to the Arab Ministerial Council’s plan led by Qatar and Saudi Arabia and ordered by the US and Israel.

Two days ago, the Israeli War Minister Ehud Barak stated that the Arab League’s latest decisions against Syria are consistent with the Israeli vision and that the League and the Arab leaders are working in line with the Israeli approach against Syria.

Analysts and observers place Istanbul meeting in the framework of a new campaign to pressure Syria led by Gulf and foreign countries and Turkey that are now distributing roles among themselves after the doors were closed before them from inside by the Syrian people and were beleaguered by the Russian stance at the Security Council.

Parties’ Affairs Committee Verifies documents of new parties

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Parties’ Affairs Committee on Sunday decided to refer documents of the new parties “Syria Free” and “Syria Homeland” to be published on two daily newspapers for one week.

The committee, headed by Interior Minister Mohammad al-Shaar, held a meeting to discuss and verify the documents of newly-formed parties, showing some notes on the papers of other parties.

During the meeting, the Minister said that the parties that were given licenses till now according the new Parties’ Law reached at four; they are “the Solidarity”, “Syrian Democracy”, “al-Ansar” and “The Democratic Front”.

He added that other two parties will be given licenses in the current week if their founders submit the final document of forming the party.

The Parties’ Affairs Committee publishes the documents of any new party in the gazette, showing to the public its principles and goals. The Committee accepts objections according to the law during 10 days.

Syrian Human Rights Network: Arab Monitoring Mission Was Suspended because It Was Objective and Neutral

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Human Rights Network on Saturday said the Arab monitoring mission was suspended and was labeled as lacking experience only because it showed objectivity and neutrality, although it was agreed upon in the first place.

In a statement of which SANA got a copy, the Network called for taking the human rights considerations and the Arab monitoring mission’s report into account at any negotiating table regarding Syria, saying that the main guarantee to find a solution for the Syrian crisis is the guarantee that is stemmed from the Syrian inside.

The Network condemned the attacks carried out against the Syrian delegations in Cairo and recently against the Syrian embassy in the Egyptian capital by the tools of ‘Istanbul opposition’, noting that this confirms this opposition’s cooperation with terrorists and the US and Israel to achieve its ambitions in seizing power.

The statement called upon the opposition abroad to stop talking in the name of the Syrian people as it isn’t authorized to do so by any Syrian.

The Network demanded that the United Nations Commission shoulder its legal and moral responsibilities towards what is happening in the Arab countries, particularly Syria, after having made certain of the distorted reporting of facts practiced by some hired human rights organizations, and to make sure that the Security Council won’t take any measure that might be based on false information.

Syrian News on Jan 27, 2012

Support Rallies to Comprehensive Reforms Led and Masterminded by President Bashar al-Assad

PROVINCES, (SANA) Hundreds of thousands of Syrians of all governorates headed since the early morning Thursday to central and main squares in rallies of support to the ongoing process of comprehensive reform led and masterminded by President Bashar al-Assad.

Expressing their awareness of their responsibilities to face the conspiracy targeting their beloved homeland, masses of citizens streamed into Saba Bahrat Square in Damascus, Saadallah al-Jaberi Square in Aleppo, the Governorate’s Square in Lattakia, the President Square in Hasaka, as well as in the squares of Deir Ezzor and along the corniche in Tartous to stress adherence to Syria’s sovereignty and independent national decision.

The jubilant Syrians, chanting pro-Assad songs, embracing President al-Assad’s pictures, waving national banners and Syrian Flags, took to the streets in rejection of the recent decisions by Arab League Council which are but flagrant violation of the Syrian independence and sovereignty.

Thousands of angry Syrians have been frequenting Syria’s main squares and streets in condemnation of the ongoing aggressive campaigns led by some Arab sides within the frame of the conspiratorial scheme hatched against Syria.

Today’s huge rallies, an embodiment of the Syrians’ national unity and cohesion, are considered a sharp cry and strong condemnation of the armed terrorist groups’ attacks against their security, stability and unity.

In Damascus, the participants stressed that the tougher the circumstances, the stronger the resolve of the Syrian people, vowing to remain united under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

They also expressed utter rejection of the killings and vandalism perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups, hailing the great role of the Syrian army in protecting the homeland.

Muhammad Sweidan, a participant, expressed rejection of all forms of foreign interference in the Syrian internal affairs, indicating that the mass rally underlines that the Syrian people are firm in the face of the conspiracy.

Hayyan al-Dali, also one of the participants, said that the AL decisions seek to undermine Syria’s stances and steadfastness against the Zionist enemy and prove the involvement of many sides in plotting against the Syrian people.

In Aleppo, Saadallah al-Jabiri Square bustled with thousands of people who came to express support to the comprehensive reform program and readiness to offer sacrifices for preserving Syria’s stability and national role.

Ahmad Yassouf, a participant, said that the reform decisions and laws are able to transform Syria into an advanced country.

Amin Osman, an engineer, urged the Syrian people not to be deluded by attempts for inciting sedition and fear, stressing that no one can subjugate the Syrians.

In spite of heavy rains in the governorate, huge crowds of Syrian citizens gathered al al-Muhafaza Square in the coastal city of Lattakia holding national flags and banners that stress the Syrian people’s commitment to the national unity and strong will to defend Syria’s resistant position in the face of Zionist-US schemes.

The gathering people considered the AL decisions against Syria a flagrant infringement on its national sovereignty and serious precedent in terms of joint Arab action.

They criticized the AL role as it turned into a tool to implement the West’s plots to fragment the Arab region, stressing that internationalizing the Syrian issue and calling for foreign interference will be foiled.

The participants condemned terrorist acts committed by armed groups throughout the Syrian cities, calling for eliminating these groups which kill civilians, army and law-enforcement members and sabotage public and private properties.

Addressing the Turkish Prime Minister, some citizens who came from Qamishli and participated in the gathering, called him to not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, particularly in Syria. The gathering people stressed that Syria will come out victorious under the leadership of President al-Assad thanks to the sacrifices of the martyrs who offered their souls for the sake of the homeland.

In Deir Ezzor, people of the governorate crowded at Saba Bahrat Square in support of the reform program and Syria’s independent national decision.

The crowds stressed adherence to the national sovereignty and the wise leadership of President al-Assad , expressing gratitude for the friendly countries which supported Syria.

Citizens of Tartous governorate held a rally on the Coastal Corniche of the City in appreciation of the Syrian army’s sacrifices, stressing that Syria will not bow down to the AL decisions and pressures which aim at undermining its pan-Arab and national stances.

The participants called upon the Arab and international public opinion to respect the Syrian people’s will in support of the national reform program.

The gathering citizens condemned misleading media campaigns launched against Syria to spread chaos and destabilize the safety and security of the Syrian people.

In Raqqa, the Syrians gathered at the late president Hafez al-Assad Square in rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs, condemning the AL decisions and the instigative media campaigns. The participants stressed support to the comprehensive reform program led by President al-Assad and the national sovereignty. They affirmed that the Syrian people are united in the face of all plots and conspiracies aimed at undermining Syria’s stability.

In Homs, people from Sheen town and the neighboring towns and villages gathered at the town’s main square to stress support to the reform program and national unity, calling for combating terrorism and extremism.

The citizens condemned the killing and sabotage acts committed by the armed terrorist groups against innocent citizens and military members who defend the country.

They also denounced the AL decisions which implement foreign agendas, adding that the current crisis won’t weaken the Syrians’ determination to remain united under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

Two Officers and Law-Enforcement Member Martyred in Homs and Daraa, Four persons killed in Homs by armed groups

HOMS/ DARAA / ALEPPO, (SANA) – Colonel Loai Mohammed al-Nuqari was martyred on Thursday after he was targeted by an armed terrorist group near his house at al-Awa’ar Neighborhood in Homs.

SANA Correspondent was informed that an armed terrorist group opened fire from its machineguns on Col. al-Nuqari near his house as he was immediately martyred.

A law-enforcement member was also martyred by the gunfire of an armed terrorist group near Homs City.

A well-informed source told SANA correspondent that the armed terrorist group opened fire on the car of the law-enforcement forces while crossing Shinshar bridge near Homs City which caused the martyrdom of member Zakariya Mohammad Kurdieh.

A terrorist group in Homs kills four persons, among them 2 women with RPGs

An armed terrorist group in Homs today killed four persons, among them 2 women, injuring 20 others among them children.

SANA reporter in Homs learned that the armed group shelled al-Naziheen, Wadi al-Dhab and al-Zahra neighborhoods with RPGs, leading to the martyrdom of four citizens and wounding twenty others.

Another armed group shelled the Palestinian Camp neighborhood the city with mortars.

In the morning, another terrorist group kidnapped Shawkat al-Ali, a teacher at the Training  Secondary School, while on his way to the school at Tadmour Street in the City.

On the other hand, First Lieutenant Engineer, Suleiman Ali Jura’a from the Engineering Units was martyred while he was dismantling a bomb which was planted by an armed terrorist group near Khirbet Ghazaleh Bridge in Daraa Countryside.

A source told SANA Correspondent that Engineer Jura’a was martyred while he was dismantling the bomb , pointing out that the armed terrorist group denoted the bomb through a remote control, while the engineer was dismantling it.

The source added that two members of the armed group, which denoted the bomb, were arrested along with their weapons.

Armed Terrorist Group Assassinates an Industrialist in Aleppo

An armed terrorist group on Thursday assassinated the industrialist Haitham Khankan as it opened fire on him while entering his factory “The Golden Penguin” at Sheikh Najjar Industrial City in Aleppo.

SANA correspondent in the governorate said that four armed terrorists in a Double Cab Jeep Car fired on the car of Khankan which caused his immediate death.

He added that the security cameras installed at the entrance of the factory filmed the terrorists who assassinated Khankan, indicating that the authorities are studying and analyzing information to hunt the killers to arrest them.

Competent Authorities Seize Weapons, Ammunition in Harasta, Douma and Hama

Competent authorities seized amounts of arms and ammunition, some Israeli-made, in Douma and Harasta in Damascus countryside and Hama city.

The seized weapons in Damascus countryside included a machine gun and Israeli-made bombs, automatic rifles, explosive devices, night vision binoculars, military saddlebags and outfit, detonators, fake plates and medical equipment, in addition to outfit similar to that used by the Arab observers.

The authorities also discovered a deserted house that the armed groups used to torture kidnapped citizens.

A team from the AL observers documented the seized weapons and the torture room in Douma.

In Hama, the competent authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group in al-Qusour neighborhood and arrested a number of them and killed many others. They also seized a big quantity of weapons including explosive devices, detonatorss, RPG launchers and Energa launchers, in addition to automatic rifles and two sniper rifles.

Wireless communication and remote detonation devices, and huge quantities of ammunitions and medical stuff were also seized.

Military Engineering units dismantle 18 explosives in Idleb

Military Engineering units today dismantled 18 explosive devices planted by armed terrorist groups on the roads leading to Idleb governorate.

An official source told SANA that the units defused 10 explosives of 20-30 KG on Idleb-Ariha highway, 8 others of 30-40 KG on Iblen-Bilion road in Jabal al-Zawyea.

Twenty One Army, Law-Enforcement and Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES,(SANA)- Twenty one army, law-enforcement and civilian martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals, Sweida National Hospital and Police Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed at the hands of the armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Homs, Hama, Damascus Countryside and Idleb.

Solemn funeral ceremony was held for the martyrs as they were covered with flowers and laurel carried upon on their colleagues shoulders while the Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell.”

The martyrs are:

-Chief Warrant Officer, Nawras Majed Nassir from Hama.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Hassan Salman Ahmad from Lattakia.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Rajeh Suleiman Issa from Tartous.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Munjed Nassir al-Hussein from Hama.

-Warrant Officer, Ahmad Taha Nusseirat from Daraa.

-Warrant Officer, Jihad Mohammad Juma’a from Hama.

-Sergeant, Naji Hussein Assaf from Hama.

-Sergeant, Malek Samir al-Ahmad from Hama.

-Sergeant, Hassan Hosni Alloush from Hama.

-Sergeant, Hussein Abdul-Karim Assani from Aleppo.

-Corporal, Abdul-Aziz Mansi al-Lafi from Hasaka.

-Corporal, Ahmad Mohammad Jaroud from Idleb.

-Corporal, Hussein Yusef al-Do’aboul from Sweida.

-Conscript, Omaran Mansour al-Balbalisi from Daraa.

-Conscript, Omar Sanad al-Halh from Sweida.

-Conscript, Hamza Imad Mahal from Damascus Countryside.

– Conscript, Ahmad Eid Imad al-Homsi from Damascus.

-Conscript, Ahmad Hassan al-Hussein from Deir Ezzour.

– Conscript, Manfi Mohammad al-Ahmad from Damascus Countryside.

-Civil Servant Abdul-Rahman Kayyali from Idleb.

-Civil Servant, Monzer Ibrahim Mustafa from Tartous.

Relatives of the martyrs affirmed that the systematic terrorism perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups can’t dissuade the Syrians from their adherence to their national and pan-Arab stances.

They called for confronting the criminal terrorists who don’t know the meaning of humanity, freedom and democracy.

Arab Monitors Continue tours in Syrian provinces

DAMASCUS Countryside, DARAA, (SANA)-A team of the Arab League Monitors visited Thursday Damascus Countryside and Daraa, inspecting the situation in the two Syrian provinces.

In Damascus Countryside, Arab observers visited the Governorate HQs, meeting Governor Hussein Makhlouf.

In Daraa, the Arab observers visited the National Hospital, examining the body of martyr Suleiman Ali Joraa who passed away while dismantling an explosive planted by an armed terrorist group.

They also went to the place where the explosive was put at Jisr Kherbat Ghzaleh in Daraa.

The tem met Governor Mohammad Khaled al-Hanous and Police chief Mohammad Adib al-Asaad.

Russian Foreign Ministry :Necessity of Solving Crisis in Syria Politically, Imposing Sanctions on It Rejected

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed support to continuing the efforts of the Arab League (AL) which aim at finding means to overcome the crisis in Syria.

During a phone call with AL Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi on Wednesday, Lavrov underlined the importance of the AL decision on extending the mandate of the Arab observers who play a helpful role in achieving stability.

In a statement issued on Thursday, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that during the phone call, the two sides underlined the importance of quickly launching an internal dialogue between the Syrian authorities and the opposition on all the issues listed on the national agenda to guarantee performing effective political reforms and to ensure a peaceful democratic development in the country.

The statement added that al-Arabi stressed that the AL leadership shares Russia’s viewpoint on the necessity of finding a peaceful settlement in Syria based on stopping all forms of violence, speeding up holding a dialogue among all the Syrians and rejecting the foreign military interference in it.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: Russia Won’t Support New Western Draft Resolution Calling for Imposing Sanctions against Syria

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that Russia won’t support any new Western draft resolution at the UN Security Council that calls for imposing sanctions against Syria.

“We know that the French prepared a draft resolution in New York to the Security Council on the Syrian issue, and we still have red lines which we can’t ignore when discussing any draft resolution regarding Syria which are represented in rejecting all forms related to imposing sanctions and to the calls upon all the countries to take unilateral measures against Syria,” Gatilov added.

” We cannot support any proposal or draft resolution which aims at documenting unilateral sanctions that have been already taken against Syria without consultations with Russia or other Security Council member states,” said Gatilov.

He stressed that the Russian draft resolution is still on table and that Russia is ready to consult with the Security Council member states with regard to all the sides of the situation in Syria.

Gatilov reiterated his country’s insistence on that the draft resolution should include an important provision about rejecting the military intervention in Syria’s affairs and a call upon the foreign players to contribute to achieving a peaceful political settlement to the situation in Syria.

He added that the French proposals included some positive sides particularly those which are related to the support and the continuity of the AL observer mission and the call upon all the sides to halt violence and to launch a national dialogue, in addition to the call upon the other countries to work with the Syrian opposition to convince it to start the reconciliation process.

“We are ready to continue the consultations and to forge a united stance, and we hope that our colleagues will take our stances into consideration to be able through the joint efforts to set a draft resolution that could form a realistic basis to achieve a political solution in Syria,” Gatilov said.

Ukashević: Western Media Wrongly Interpreted Margelov’ Statements about Syria

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Ukashević said the Western mass media have wrongly interpreted the statements of the Russian President’s Special Representative for Africa Mikhail Margelov on Syria.

In a statement on Thursday, Ukashević said that the Russian attitude towards Syria had not changed and that the task of diplomacy is to work to resolve crises and not to aggravate them.

” Peaceful political means to resolve the Syrian crisis had not been exhausted yet.” Ukashević said.

President Ahmadinejad: Israel would not be away from danger if Syria came under Aggression

TEHRAN, (SANA)-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran on Thursday underlined that Israel would not be away from danger if Syria came under any foreign aggression.

“The US seeks to strike Syria as it is an obstructer to the Zionist, US project in the region, but the peoples of the region are aware, and Israel would not be apart from danger if Syria was subjected to any aggression,” President Ahmadinejad said in a speech in Kerman Province.

He added that the US administration is spreading false and fabricated propaganda in order to archive its goals in the region.

President of French National Front: Western Media broadcast false allegations against Syria

PARIS, (SANA)-Near the Elysee Palace in the heart of Paris, the Honorary President of the French National Front Jean-Marie Le Pen stood, and in a loud voice, he announced rejection of the allegations broadcast by the western media against Syria, saying “the Syrian Leadership is doing its best to avoid the country the dangers of going into any form of civil war.”

“The image relayed by the western media on the events in Syria is not present except in this media… it is the only media which talks about massacres, but the truth is not like this,” Le Pen told Public-Senat TV Channel in an interview.

Although the statements of Le Pen are not the first of their kind among the western journalists, but they are the most important because they come from the capital of freedom revolution to respond to the French official voice.

On his viewpoint about what is happening in the region, Le Pen warned the French Revolution sons against the West, who has called for democracy and freedom, to bring the Islamists to the authority in the region.

Since the outbreak of events in Syria, Le Pen had an objective view regarding what is taking place in the country. He repeatedly condemned the performance of the French media of their fabricated propaganda and ignorance of the huge mass marches in Support of President Bashar al-Assad.

Matuzov: President al-Assad’s Reform Solution for Crisis

MOSCOW, (SANA)_ The solution for crisis in Syria is through the political reform and free elections as announced and outlined by President Bashar al-Assad, underscored Viacheslav Matuzov, the Russian well-known writer and political analyst. Matuzov, in a talk with the Syrian TV Wednesday evening, reiterated Russia’s firm stance in rejection to any foreign interference in Syria and to any resolution to impose sanctions against Syria.

Matuzov, a veteran Middle East affairs Expert, pointed out that the countries of League of Arab States have become ‘bankrupt’ because of the ‘concessions offered to the US pressures in the region, in particular Qatar, which has been changed into ‘one of the US policy tools’ in the region as member of the anti-Arab interests camp.

The Russian Expert added that the extremist groups use of arms against the Syrian citizens and the government should cancel their participation in any dialogue.

Russia, under heavy pressures by the US and Western countries to change its stand on Syria, would never accept EU proposals as to amend the presented Russian initiative in the UN Security Council, underlined Matuzov, blasting the US New Conservatives’ sought ‘new middle east’ with its bloody maps as drawn by Ralph Peters – a US warmonger-.


Syrian News on Jan 26, 2012

Arabic Committee for Human Right Disavows the Conduct of Anwar Malek

PARIS, (SANA) – The Arabic Committee for Human Right (ACHR) on Wednesday voiced regret over the statements of Anwar Malek whom the Committee nominated to be a part of the Arab League observer mission to Syria, expressing surprise over Qatar receiving him and promoting his statements.

In a statement, Chairperson of the ACHR Dr. Violette Daguerre said that Malek’s conduct deviates from the observers’ mission and decency towards those who gave him his task and assumed moral responsibility for his presence in the mission.

Daguerre pointed out that Malek isn’t a member of the ACHR nor is he a member of any juristic organization, and that he had no prior experience as a member of a juristic mission, affirming that the ACHR disavows the conduct and behavior he pursued and regrets the media fanfare surrounding his statements which coincided with his withdrawal from the mission before the end of the timeframe which was agreed upon with the Arab League.

She also voiced surprise that the country which received Malek and promoted his statements is currently the head of the Arab ministerial council.

Daguerre said that there are external elements and personal factors that led to Malek’s deviation from professionalism and objectivity, transforming the observer mission to a matter of media slander by going to Doha rather than Cairo where the Arab League headquarters is based or Paris where he lives.

She pointed out that Malek appointed himself judge over the other members of the mission who possess experience and credibility, transforming into a mouthpiece for the enemies of the Arab work plans and the proponents of internationalization.

Daguerre concluded by pointing out that after only two days of arriving in Syria, Dagher sent a letter to the ACHR promoting his observations and evaluation of the mission’s role, with his writing contradicting his statements, and asked the ACHR’s opinion regarding the possibility of discontinuing his work as an observer in the mission.

Fourteen Army, Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/HOMS (SANA) – Fourteen army and law-enforcement martyrs on Wednesday were escorted from Tishreen, Lattakia and Homs Military Hospitals to their final resting places.

The martyrs were targeted by the armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Homs, Idleb, Damascus Countryside, Hama and Daraa.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs as they were covered with flowers and laurel while the Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell”.

The martyrs are :

-Major, Zafer Karam Issa from Damascus Countryside.

-First Lieutenant, Ayham Hussein Omran from Tartous.

-Lieutenant, Nawwar Sadek Kan’an from Tartous.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Salman Ibrahim Abbas from Tartous.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Ali Yusef Junaid from Homs.

-Chief Warrant Officer, Samir Ibrahim Barakat from Homs.

-Chief Warrant Officer Wisam Mahmoud Ammoun from Lattakia.

-Sergeant, Ibrahim Khudir Shallab from Homs.

-Corporal, Hussein Yusef al-Doubul from Sweida.

-Corporal, Khaild al-Jad’an from Deir Ezzour.

-Conscript, Khalid Mahmoud Hasan from Aleppo.

– Conscript, Hussein Ahmed Qbeuieh from Aleppo.

– Conscript, Thaer Sabri al-Omar from Homs.

-Conscript, Mohammad Khudier Qa’ajeih from Homs.

Relatives of the martyrs affirmed that the systematic terrorism perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups can’t dissuade the Syrians from their adherence to their national and pan-Arab stances. They called for confronting the criminal terrorists who don’t know the meaning of humanity, freedom and democracy.

President Ahmadinejad Delegates Authorities to Put Law on Free Trade between Syria and Iran in Place

TEHRAN, (SANA)_President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran delegated on Wednesday the authorities concerned to put the law on free trade between Syria and Iran in place, whereby a free trade zone between the two countries is set up for five extendable years.

The Iranian News Agency (IRNA) said that the law on free trade between Iran and Syria was ratified by the Iranian Shura Council and the Guardian Council.

Five Law Enforcement Personnel Martyred, Terrorists Assassinate Head of Red Crescent Idleb Branch, Murder Aged Man and Wife

IDLEB/ HAMA / HOMS, (SANA) – Head of Red Crescent Branch in Idleb Dr. Abdel Razaq Jbeiro on Wednesday was assassinated at the hand of an armed terrorist group in northern Khan Sheikhoun City.

An informed official source told SANA correspondent that an armed terrorist group opened fire on Dr. Jbeiro and killed him with a shot to the head after which he was transported to Maaret al-Numan Hospital where he passed away.

Five Law Enforcement Personnel Martyred by Gunfire of Armed Terrorist Group in Apamea Town

Five law enforcement personnel were martyred and six were wounded, some of them in critical condition, in the town of Apamea in Hama during a confrontation with an armed terrorist group that attempted to break into a police station in the town.

An official source said that armed groups attacked the department in waves, using machineguns, grenades and explosives, but the personnel in the department were able to withstand the attack and preventing them from entering, killing a number of gunmen in the process while the others fled.

The source said that the injured personnel and the martyrs’ bodies were transported to al-Sukailibiyeh National Hospital and then to Masyaf National Hospital.

The martyred policeman are Ahmad al-Hussein, Ahmad Nseirat, Ahmad Juma’a, Rajeh Issa and Mansi al-Ahmad.

Three Law-Enforcement Members Injured, Priest Basilious Nassar Assassinated by Armed Terrorist Groups in Hama

Meanwhile, three law-enforcement members were injured by the gunfire of an armed terrorist group near Dawwar al-Sejen in Hama.

An official source told SANA correspondent in the governorate that the armed terrorist group fired on the car of the law-enforcement members while it was passing by Dawwar al-Sejen in the City.

The injured members were admitted to Hama National Hospital to receive medial treatment, the source added.

Another Armed terrorist group assassinated Father Basilious Nassar, Priest of Hama Church for Rome Orhtodox, Kfar Bahm, while giving first aid to a wounded man at al-Jarajmeh neighborhood in Hama.

An official source in Hama told SANA reporter that the armed group perpetrated its heinous crime against Father Nassar while he was recuing an injured man at al-Jarajma neighborhood.

Armed group kills Man Aged  96 and his wife in Homs

An armed terrorist group killed today aged man, Mustafa Ahmad Kousa, 96, and his wife in Homs.

The armed group abducted Kousa and his wife yesterday from their house at Jib al-Jandaly neighborhood in Homs.

Terrorist group burglarizes a warehouse for Retail Establishment in Hama

An armed terrorist group today burglarized a warehouse for the General Retail Establishment at al-Hamiydea in Hama.

An official source told SANA that the armed group assaulted the Establishment’s guard, breaking off the doors and looting sections filled with nutritional and appliance materials.

Terrorist Members Caught, Weapons Seized in Hama The competent authorities caught big numbers of terrorists after raiding their hideouts in Bab Qibli and al-Jarajmeh neighborhoods in Hama on Wednesday.

SANA correspondent said that quantities of weapons were also seized, including a BKC machinegun, 2 RPG launchers, 15 RPGs, 15 firearms, grenades, explosive devices, oxygen cylinders and ammunition.

The concerned authorities also seized a number of stolen state and private cars in al-Jarajmeh, Bab Qibli and Nazlet al-Jizdan neighborhoods that that the armed terrorist groups used in their terrorist attacks, in addition to heavy machinery that the terrorist groups used in setting up earthen ramparts to block entryways to neighborhoods.

The authorities also dismantled a number of explosive devices varying in size from 10-50 kg.

A number of explosive devices planted by the armed groups in some neighborhoods were detonated, and earthen ramparts were removed.

Lavrov: Russia Will Not Pass any UNSC Resolution against Syria, Will Not Allow any Military Intervention in It

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday stressed that Russia will not pass any UNSC resolution to impose unilateral sanctions against Syria.

He reiterated that his country will not allow any military intervention in Syria, expressing readiness to consider all positive proposals about its UNSC draft resolution regarding Syria.

Lavrov said “We can’t approve proposals on the UN Security Council imposing unilateral sanctions against Syria without holding deliberations with Russia, China and the BRICS countries, stressing that such a move would be “unfair and counterproductive.”

He stressed that any UN resolution on Syria should be clear and couldn’t be interpreted to justify foreign interference in it , indicating to Russia’s readiness to dialogue with the UNSC members on the resolution content.

The Russian Foreign Minister said that the draft Russian resolution remains on table, adding that Russia is open for constructive proposals that match with the submitted paper which called for ceasing violence and to fulfill its aim in having impact on all those who carry arms in Syria.

Lavrov said that Russia is ready to host negotiations among all Syrian political sides without preconditions, adding that Moscow welcomes any option that suits all parties to conduct a political dialogue.

He urged all Syrians to sit at negotiations table and stay away from armed groups, underlining the Arab League’s calls upon these groups to stop violence.

Regarding the AL recent demand towards Syria, Lavrov stressed the need for launching an internal dialogue among all Syrian sides without preconditions, adding that “We start from the point that all the participants in this dialogue will undertake the task to reach accord and shoulder their responsibility towards their country and people.”

Russia and Turkey Call for Halting Violence in Syria regardless of its Source

The Russian Foreign Minister said that Russia and Turkey call on all the Syrian sides to halt violence and they consider that any foreign interference in Syria must not be allowed.

In a joint press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Lavrov said “It seems to me that Russia and Turkey have principled stances and it seemed that they are identical as we call for stopping violence in Syria regardless of its source and for a peaceful settlement to the Syrian crisis.”

Lavrov added “We also call upon foreign powers to participate in this and we stand against any foreign military intervention in Syria”, asserting that the situation in Syria is not simple and there are no easy solutions, and that We will continue the dialogue and the work with all the Syrian sides.

Russia and Algeria Ready to help Settle Crisis in Syria

Russia and Algeria on Wednesday announced readiness to contribute to resolving the crisis in Syria, based on the internal dialogue among the Syrians themselves.

Russian foreign Ministry said in a statement that the Special Representative of the Russian President, Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Bogdanov discussed with the Algerian Ambassador in Moscow the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, particularly the latest developments in Syria.

The statement underlined that both sides showed willingness to effectively help settle the crisis in Syria through a Syrian national dialogue.

Russia is still a Guaranteed Partner and It fully Implements all of its Commitments with Syria

On the other hand, Director General of the Russian Technologies State Corporation, Sergei Chemezov considered that Russia must completely implement its commitments in the domain of military and technical cooperation with Syria in order not to lose the armament market in the Middle East and North Africa.

In a press statement on Wednesday, Chemezov said “Russia is still a guaranteed partner and it fully implements all of its commitments according to the signed contracts and it is ready to hold deliberations about signing new contracts.”

He indicated that the Russian- Syrian military and technical cooperation is done according to the international principles and rules as there are no sanctions against Syria at the UN Security Council, wondering why Russia should stop its cooperation with Syria, asserting that this issue is related to trade at the end of the day.

Russian Writers’ Union gives its annual award for this year to President al-Assad in support and solidarity with Syria

In the same context, Vice Chairman of the Russian Writers’ Union, Sergey Kotkalo reaffirmed that the Union decided to give its annual award for this year to President Bashar al-Assad in support and solidarity with Syria, blasting the acts of violence in Syria backed by the West and some Arab countries.

In a statement to SANA Reporter, Kotkalo said that the Russian writers and intellectuals wanted to express support to the Syrian people, therefore, they unanimously decided to give their annual high-level award to President al-Assad.

He expressed regret and astonishment regarding the attitudes of the officials of some Arab countries against Syria, particularly the leaders of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, asserting that these wrong acts contradict with the goals of Arab unity.

He stressed that Syria decides how to build its life by itself, indicating that the Syrian leadership adopts a balanced policy to maintain Syria’s independence and sovereignty and to confront all forms of attacks launched against the country. He said that the leaders of Qatar and Saudi Arabia should stop shedding the blood of the Libyans and should stop their attempts to repeat these crimes in Syria.

He hoped that the Syrian people will preserve their national unity and their deep-rooted civilization, and they will overcome the current crisis.

Al-Maollem Meets al-Dabi, Stresses Syria’s Complete Commitment to Cooperation with Observer Mission

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Walid al-Moallem, on Wednesday stressed Syria’s commitment to complete cooperation with the observer mission and offering all facilitations to carry out its work as it was commissioned in spite of the obstacles being put in the way by sides which do not want to show the reality of the situation in Syria in implementation of foreign agendas.

Minister al-Moallem met Head of the Arab League Observer Mission,  Let-Gen. Muhammad Ahmad Mustafa al-Dabi, as they discussed the completion of the observer mission in light of the Syrian Arab Republic’s approval of extending the work of the mission for another month.

Let. Gen. al-Dabi briefed al-Moallem on the report he submitted to the Arab foreign ministers earlier this week and the vision of the AL observer mission on the situation in Syria, stressing the mission’s resolve to be committed to neutrality and objectivity to implement the protocol signed between Syria and the Arab League.

For his part, Minister al-Moallem highlighted the responsibility of the Syrian Government to protect its citizens and put an end to the armed terrorist groups and the sabotage acts against civilians, security members and private and public establishments.

Red Cross and Red Crescent Denounce Assassination of Head of Red Crescent Branch in Idleb

DAMASCUS/GENEVA, (SANA) – The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) denounced the assassination of head of Red Crescent Branch in Idleb Dr. Abdel Razaq Jbeiro, who was gunned down by armed terrorist group on Wednesday in Khan Shekhoun.

A statement issued by the three organizations said that the news of Dr. Jbeiro’s death was a great shock, pointing out that Jbeiro was on his way back to work after the conclusion of meetings held in Damascus, and that he was in a car clearly carrying the distinct logo and symbol of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent.

The three organizations called parties involved in violence to facilitate the passage of Red Crescent volunteers, staff and vehicles and not attacking them while carrying out their humanitarian work of providing assistance to people without prejudice and with neutrality.

Chairman of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) Dr. Abdel Rahman al-Attar said that the organization presented an official request to the Syrian authorities to open an official investigation regarding the death of Dr. Jbeiro.

Participants in the 14th Conference of Muftis and Endowment Directors Condemn Calls for Western or Arab Military Intervention in Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Participants in the 14th Conference of Muftis and Endowment Directors held at the Ministry of Endowments in Damascus stressed rejection of calls for Western or Arab military intervention in Syria.

The participants considered these calls as interference in the Syrian affair and a great treason which will drag the country into endless chaos. In their concluding statement, the participants condemned the AL decisions against Syria as they constitute a flagrant interference in its internal affairs and infringe on the national sovereignty which the Syrian people completely reject.

The statement stressed commitment to the comprehensive reform program announced by President Bashar al-Assad with the conferees highly evaluating the constructive reform steps taken and the systematic plan drawn up for the next stage to enhance reforms.

The statement denounced extremism, fanaticism and terrorism, adding that it is the duty of clergymen to raise the awareness of people regarding the conspiracy against Syria.

The participants called upon the clergymen in the Arab Nation to strengthen amity and communication among the people of Islamic countries to face the attack targeting Islam and Muslims.

The statement refuted allegations and lies broadcast by instigative satellite channels which falsify facts and mislead the public opinion, calling for being professional, credible and realistic, in addition to avoiding what divides the people of the Islamic Nation.

The statement added that Syria will never give up its dignity and that it needs all of its people regardless of their political affiliations, indicating to the general amnesty issued by President al-Assad which announced a new start and aimed to enhance confidence among all spectrums of the Syrian society.

Minister of Awqaf (Religious Endowments) Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al-Sayyed, attending the opening ceremony, said that Syria will remain steadfast and the martyrs sacrificed their souls to restore stability and security to the homeland.

He added that the fatwas permitting the killing of the Syrian people which issued by those who claimed to be clergymen are void and they all aimed at undermining Syria and satisfying Israel and the US Administration.

Al-Sayyed added that there is only one way for reform which is not that of killing and corruption, adding that Syria achieved remarkable progress in the reform process.

For his part, Grand Mufti of the Republic Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun said that it is a radical stage for Syria and the Arab and Islamic nations, calling upon clergymen to perform their role in the face of the conspiracy and injustice.

He called upon the Syrians to hold dialogue, stressing that their stance should be based on their love for their homeland rather than implementation of foreign dictations.

Syrian News on Jan 19, 2012

avrov: Russia Will Reject Deploying any Troops in Syria, Won’t Pass any UNSC Resolution for Using Force against

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia stressed on Wednesday rejection of deploying any troops in Syria or imposing any sanctions on it, reiterating its insistence along with china on non-interference by the UN in the internal affairs of Syria and on not using force against it.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in a press conference reviewing the outcomes of Russia’s foreign policy in 2011 that his country will not pass any resolution at the UN Security Council that paves the way for interference in Syria, affirming that any country seeking military intervention in Syria will not receive any authorization through the UNSC.

He reiterated his country’s call for reaching a political solution through launching an internal national dialogue after violence, regardless of its source, is to be immediately halted.

He also stressed his country’s support to the Arab League efforts, adding that Russia rejects any one-sided sanctions as they undermine the reputation and influence of the Security Council.

“For us the red line is clear. We won’t back any sanctions or deployment of troops in Syria,” Lavrov told the press conference, adding that his country will not allow the Security Council to take any illegal decisions that are in the interests of peoples.

He said that the Russian draft resolution currently proposed for discussion at the Security Council and has the support of China and the BRICS Group countries is aimed at reaching a political solution through internal national dialogue and preventing the United Nations from interfering in the internal affairs of Syria.

He continued that Russia and China continue to insist that the draft resolution include terms on non-interference by the UN in the Syrian affairs as well as on not allowing this document to be interpreted as a pretext to use force against Syria.

The Russian Foreign Minister commented on the stances of some foreign countries towards the Russian draft resolution and their description of it as “not strict”, saying not strict”, saying their comments are an attempt to evade the main question related to the reasons behind silence on what the armed extremist opposition is perpetrating in Syria against the government headquarters, hospitals and schools and on the terrorist acts committed inside Syria. He added that the West has adopted a one-sided stance towards this issue.

Lavrov reiterated his country’s criticism and rejection of the operations of arms smuggling into Syria to support the armed gangs and the attempts to create the impression of a humanitarian crisis in it, describing these attempts as “rejected and unfruitful”.

“There is an undeniable fact that arms are being smuggled to the gunmen and extremists in Syria who have been trying to exploit the protest movement in order to achieve their goals to usurp power,” he said, lashing out at the so-called “aid convoys to Syria” with the aim of creating the impression of humanitarian catastrophe.

Lavrov considered the so-called aid convoys proposals to Syria which as completely rejected and fruitless because they lead but to intensifying the cycle of violence.

On the statements made by the officials of some foreign countries on denying desire for military intervention against Syria, Lavrov expressed hope that honest intentions were behind these statements and that they reflect the actual stance of these countries.

He noted that Russia has information indicating that there are countries in the West that do not consider seriously the issue of imposing a no-fly zone similar to what happened Libya, stressing that the Libyan scenario cannot be applied in Syria.

“I heard calls for sending Arab troops to Syria. If some intend to use force at any price, they should do this on their own initiative…This will be in their conscience, but they will never get any authorization for this from the Security Council,” said Lavrov.

He called upon the countries that have an influence on the opposition in Syria to use their effect to stop violence and work on warding off its use against civilians, adding at the same time that the countries that have dialogue with the Syrian government should insist on it not to use force.

The Russian Minister expressed his country’s readiness to host representatives of all Syrian sides to hold a meeting as soon as possible to agree on launching national dialogue.

On the other hand, Lavrov said that Russia is exporting weapons to Syria in a legitimate way, adding that Russia does not need to justify this issue as it does not violate any international agreements or the UNSC resolutions, in response to what the U.S. Representative at the Security Council Susan E. Rice stated on what she considered a concern about sending Russian arms to Syria.

Chinese Premier Calls for Political Solution in Syria

DOHA, (SANA)_Premier Wen Jiabao of China called for a political solution to the crisis in Syria, indicating that China is constantly monitoring the Syrian crisis.

In a press conference in Doha on Wednesday, Jiabao underlined the necessity of respecting the demands of the Syrian people who aspire for reform and change, as well as activating the role of the Arab League as to reach a political solution through dialogue.

He added that China aims to see a solution to the crisis as soon as possible and seeks an improvement in the living conditions of the Syrians, meeting the people’s needs and helping Syria realize stability and development.

China: Security Council Debates on Syria Should Help Ease Tension and Boost Dialogue

China on Wednesday underlined that the UN Security Council’s discussions on the situation in Syria have to help ease tension and boost the political dialogue in order to solve differences and preserve pace and stability in the Middle East.

“China appreciates Russia’s commitment and the efforts exerted to solve the crisis… we are ready to continue consultations regarding the Russian draft resolution,” Liu Weimin, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson said at a press conference.

He added that China calls on all sides concerned in Syria to cooperate with the efforts exerted by the Arab League to apply an immediate halt to the violence, undertake a comprehensive political process as soon as possible and accelerate reforms in order to defuse the crisis’ primer.

He indicated that China supports resolving the crisis in the framework of the Arab League and backs the constructive efforts exerted it exerted.

Weimin hoped the Arab monitors continue performing their duty in Syria and create the suitable conditions to reach a resolution to the crisis.

Chavez and Putin Affirm Need to Defend Syria from Interference by Colonialist Countries

CARACAS, (SANA) – President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez and Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Wednesday affirmed the need to defend the indepdence and sovreigty of Syria and Iran from the siege and interference in their internal affairs carried out by colonialist countries.

This came in a statement issued by the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry, which said that Chavez and Putin discussed this matter during a phone call in which the two discussed issues related to the strategic cooperation between Russia and Venezuela which covers various fields of commercial, financial, economic, industrial and military cooperation.

Press Delegation Inspects Damage Wrought by Terrorist Groups

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_A press delegation representing world, Arab and local media institutions inspected on Wednesday the damage wrought by armed terrorist groups, especially that which hit the electricity sector amid the current events unfolding in Syria.

In a press conference, Minister of Electricity Imad Khamis gave a thorough review of the electricity sector in Syria and the material damage inflicted upon it due to the attacks of armed terrorist groups on the distribution networks , maintenance workshops and emergency.

The minister said that the direct material damage inflicted upon the networks is valued at nearly SYP 713 million whereas the value of indirect economic damage which hit the national economy reached around SYP 23 billion.

The minister noted the efforts exerted by the ministry in coordination with the authorities concerned to control energy demand in light of the current circumstances.

The minister added that the conspiracy against Syria is backed by foreign powers which were daunted by the steadfastness of the Syrian people and their commitment to national unity, which prompted them to target the national economy, especially the electricity sector being a pillar in the economic and social development process.

Press Team from Russia Today TV Inspects Sites Hit by Terrorist Groups

A press team from Russia Today Channel inspected on Wednesday the sites hit by armed groups in Daraa province, especially the Justice Palace, the TV and Radio Center and the Revolution Youth Union Center.

The team met Mohammad Khaled al-Hanous, Daraa governor, who gave a thorough review of the governorate and the sabotage acts committed by the armed terrorist groups, affirming that the misleading channels have played a considerable role in compounding the situation in Syria and supporting gunmen.

He added that the conspiracy targeting Syria is aimed primarily at breaking the unity of its people and diverting it from national and pan-Arab stances.

Judge Tayseer Smadi said that the saboteurs torched the basic center of the Justice Palace in Daraa and the criminal courts in an attempt to obliterate evidence and papers incriminating felons, which proves that the perpetrators are previously convicted criminals.

Civilian Engineer Martyred in Hama, a Law Enforcement Member Killed in Daraa, Officer Martyred in Idleb

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)- Engineer Fatima Khalifeh, worker at the Electricity Generation Plant in Mehardeh in Hama Province, on Wednesday succumbed to her wounds after being shot in her head by an armed terrorist group on Tuesday.

In the framework of targeting the technical cadres and the national expertise, an armed terrorist group opened fire at a microbus carrying 25 employees who work at the Electricity Energy Generation Company in Mehardeh area near Khirbet Damis Crossroads.

Engineer Khalifeh was taken to Massyaf National Hospital after being shot in the head.

Body of Veterinarian Nabil Makroj Found at al-Bayyada Neighborhood in Homs

The body of Veterinarian Nabil Makroj , who was kidnapped by an armed terrorist group few days ago, was found at al-Bayyada Neighborhood in Homs.

An informed source told SANA Correspondent that  Makroj was kidnapped on January 14th while he was performing his duty in guaranteeing the required vaccines for the livestock in Deir Ba’alba Neighborhood.

Forensic examiners  said that after examining the body, traces of torture and mutilation were found on it, adding that Makroj was strangled at the hands of the terrorists who kidnapped him.

Law-enforcement Member Martyred, Another Wounded in Daraa

A Law-enforcement member was martyred on Wednesday and another was wounded as well as a woman after an armed terrorist gang fired at them in the city of Tafas in Daraa province.

A police source said the armed terrorist group fired at the two law-enforcement members while they were in the line of duty leading to the martyrdom of Bassam Mustafa and wounding Amer Saleh in addition to a woman who happened to be passing by the area.

Military Engineering Units in Daraa dismantle two explosives

Military Engineering Units today in Daraa dismantled two explosive devices, prepared to be bombed in places crowded with civilians.

An official source in Daraa stated that the first explosive weighs 40 KG put in a plastic vessel to the west of al-Sabel garden, adding that the second explosive weighs 8 kg put near al-Hussein Mosque.

Officer Martyred and Five Law-Enforcement Members Wounded in Idleb

First Lieutenant Hussein Ali Abbas was martyred and five members of law-enforcement forces were injured in an attack by armed terrorists in the town of Hantoutin in al-Maara area in Idleb governorate.

On a relevant note, an explosive device planted by terrorists on the railway tracks between the towns of Abu al-Zuhour and Sinjar in Maaret al-Nu’uman area exploded, causing damage to the tracks’ supports.

Fifteen Army, Law-enforcement Members and Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA)- Fifteen army, law-enforcement members and civilian martyrs on Wednesday were escorted from Tishreen and Homs Military Hospitals and the Police Hospital in Damascus and Mysiaf National Hospital to their final resting place, after they were targeted by armed terrorist groups in Damascus Countryside, Idleb, Hama and Daraa.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were carried on shoulders covered with the national flag, while the Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell”.

The martyrs are:

-Colonel Assem Eid al-Rifaie from Quneitra

-First Lieutenant Amer Imad Taiba from Homs

-Sergeant Major Issa Hamoud al-Hanaya from Aleppo countryside

– Sergeant Major Obaida Ibrahim al-Taroudi from Sweida

-Sergeant Tawfiq Ali al-Dweiri from Hasaka

-Corporal Abdul-Rahman Mohammad Deeb from Hama

-Conscript Bahri Issa al-Ghajar from Aleppo

-Conscript Abdul-Aziz Mohammad al-Mahmoud from Homs

-Conscript Naji Fajr al-Ibrahim from Homs

-Conscript Maher Khaled al-Omar from Damascus Countryside

-Conscript Taher Diab Diab from Damascus Countryside

-Conscript Mazen Khaled al-Rheil from Quneitera

-Policeman Moussa Mohammad al-Bashir from Daraa

-Policeman Amer Abdul-Latif Faris from Lattakia

-Civilian engineer Fatima Khalifeh from Hama

Families of the martyrs expressed confidence that the blood of the martyrs will help Syria overcome the crisis and head to a better future, stressing that the crimes of armed terrorist groups will not weaken the Syrians’ determination to confront the conspiracy targeting their country.

They stressed that the Syrian people’s unity and their solidarity with their leadership will foil the conspiracy and other schemes aiming at undermining their homeland.

Arab League Monitors continue tours in Syrian cities

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) Arab League observer mission teams continued Wednesday their tours in a number of Syrian cities.

In Damascus, the Arab monitors visited the Governorate building, listening to testimonies of several citizens, artists, volunteers, economic and youth activities.

The Arab team in Tartous went to al-Basel Hospital, meeting citizens and families of the martyrs who passed away at the hands of armed terrorist groups.

Another team visited the National Hospital of Sweida in the south, the Industrial city, Ara town, Faculty of Literature in Areka where they met the Dean and a number of students who briefed the team on the stability and calm in al-Sweida city.

In Rakka, another team toured the city’s neighborhoods, meeting several citizens and clan notables.

In the Syrian southern city of Daraa, a new batch of prisoners were released in the presence of Arab monitors who visited Daraa National Hospital.

The observers also visited Lattakia central prison, the court, meeting a number of lawyers.

Al-Khdeir:  the only topic on the agenda of the Arab Ministerial meeting is the comprehensive report of al-Dabi

Assistant Secretary General of the Arab League and Head of the Monitors  Operations’ Room Adnan Issa al-Khdeir underlined that that the only main topic put on the agenda of the Arab Ministerial meeting due next Saturday is the comprehensive report that will be submitted by Chairman of the Mission Mohammad Ahmad al-Dabi.

“Sending Arab forces into Syria is not proposed on the Agenda of the Ministerial meetings,” Ambassador Khdeir said in a statement, adding that the Arab monitors are still working in Syria where 17 teams are still there and the reports reach to the operations’ room from all points where the monitors act.

On the release of prisoners involved in the events, al-Khdeir said “There is a presidential decree in Syria to set them free… this was really done.. I received a phone call from one of the released persons, he is now in Cairo.”

As for the entry of foreign journalists  into Syria, He underlined that they are present in Syria as the monitors report, adding that the Syrian authorities protect them.

“For special conditions, a number of monitors returned to their countries after presenting official apologies… I contacted those who returned to Cairo asking them if they witnessed any annoyance or inspection at Damascus International Airport… they stressed that no one has inspected or annoyed them.”

Women Groups Organize Gathering in Lattakia in Rejection of Foreign Interference and in Support of Independent National Decision

LATTAKIA, (SANA) – The Autism Society in Lattakia and “Syria’s Braids” group on Wednesday organized a women’s gathering in front of the Lattakia Governorate Building to reject foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, denounce the crimes of armed terrorist groups, and show support for independent national decision and the reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

Participants expressed rejection of all forms of foreign interference and condemned the fabrications and lies regarding Syria broadcast by misleading channels, saluting the sacrifices of the army in defense of Syria.

Head of the Autism Society Shahida Salloum said that this gathering is a display of fealty to Syria, calling for instilling the values of amity and tolerance to keep Syria strong in the face of conspiracies and plots.

In turn, representative of Syria’s Braids group Sawsan Ali said that the group is organizing activities in all Syrian governorates to spread awareness and unify masses in to confront the conspiracy targeting Syria. Participants in the gathering stressed the countries are built with amity and tolerance, not with murder and vandalism, saluting the mothers of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the sake of Syria.


They affirmed that they gathered to make their voices heard and to show everyone that the determination of Syrian women will never falter even if disasters, murders and pressure increase.

Weapons Smuggler Confesses to Smugling Firearms, Ammo and Rockets from Lebanon to Armed Terrorist Groups in Homs

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Assem Mohammad Nadim al-Masadi confessed to smuggling weapons from Arsal area in Lebanon to armed terrorist groups located in several neighborhoods in Homs.

In confessions broadcast by the Syrian TV on Wednesday, al-Masadi said he smuggled RPG rifles, anti-armor rockets, automatic rifles, machineguns, handguns and ammunition.

Al-Masadi, an agricultural engineer born in Homs in 1975, said that at the outset of the events he participated in protests which started off peaceful then turned into riots which escalated from throwing stones to using pump-action shotguns, handguns and AK-47 rifles, with gunmen firing at protestors and security forces alike in order to cause more chaos and escalate the situation.

Nidal Haddad, n acquaintance he met during work in supervising farms approached al-Masadi and suggested he join him in smuggling weapons since Haddad has knowledge of firearms and means to procure to distribute them.

The two agreed that Haddad would introduce al-Masadi to sources and buyers while the latter would finance their operations, with the profits split between them.

Haddad introduced al-Masadi to a man from Arsal area in Lebanon called Abu Oueid who sold them 3 AK-47 rifles which they transported in al-Masadi’s car to Baba Amro area in Homs and sold them to a man called Ammar al-Bikaei who commanded a group of 300-400 gunmen.

Al-Bikaei told them that he was ready to buy all the weapons they could bring and that he was receiving money from abroad, al-Masadi said, adding that that their source in Arslan later delivered 18 RPG rounds to them in two shipments, with 8 rounds being sold to al-Bikaei while the remaining ten were sold to a man known as Abu Asaad who headed a terrorist group in al-Beda area and also expressed readiness to buy any weapons they procure.

He went on to say that he bought and smuggled 3 RPG launchers in his car and sold one to each of the aforementioned terrorist and the third to another terrorist group leader called Abdelsalam al-Shabrum.

Al-Masadi also confessed to smuggling two DShK machineguns, three Glock pistols, two cases containing a total of 24 ENERGA grenades  which are fired from launchers attached to rifles,  a FAL rifle with a night-vision scope and 3 Korean LAW anti-tank rocket launchers, adding that these weapons were to al-Bikaei and Abu Asaad.

He noted that they also tested he ENERGA grenades themselves and recorded the test using his mobile phone, explaining that this specific type of grenades is anti-armor and is used against tanks, vehicles and fortifications.

“I know that I hurt my country and harmed it… a man learns from his mistakes and his experiences,” Al-Masadi concluded.

Senior Former Guardian Correspondent: Western Media Coverage of Events in Syria Is Unfair and Biased, Has Turned into a Propaganda Weapon

LONDON, (SANA)- Political commentator Jonathan Steele criticized in an article in the British Guardian newspaper the foreign media coverage of the events taking place in Syria, accusing it of bias and suppressing the facts that “go against the dominant narrative about the Syrian crisis”.

Steele, the Guardian’s former international affairs correspondent, said the western media coverage has turned into “a propaganda weapon” against Syria as all the key issues related to the popularity of President Bashar al-Assad, the Arab League observer mission and the US military involvement have been “distorted in the west’s propaganda war”.

In his article titled ”Most Syrians back President Assad, but you’d never know from western media”, Steele lashed out at this media’s ignoring of information and polls that show the Syrian people’s support to President al-Assad.

He asked “Suppose a respectable opinion poll found that most Syrians are in favour of Bashar al-Assad remaining as president, would that not be major news? Especially as the finding would go against the dominant narrative about the Syrian crisis, and the media considers the unexpected more newsworthy than the obvious.”

Steele answered his own questions saying ” When coverage of an unfolding drama ceases to be fair and turns into a propaganda weapon, inconvenient facts get suppressed.”

He referred to the results of a recent YouGov Siraj poll on Syria commissioned by The Doha Debates, funded by the Qatar Foundation, which revealed that some 55% of Syrians want Assad to stay, saying it is a pity this poll was ignored by almost all media outlets in every western country whose government has called for Assad to go.

Steele said that the biased media coverage has distorted the Arab League’s observer mission in Syria, highlighting the high praise in the west for the League’s endorsement of a no-fly zone in Libya last spring, unlike its decision to mediate in Syria, which was less welcome to western governments, and to high-profile Syrian opposition groups, who increasingly support a military rather than a political solution.

“So,” Steele added “the league’s move was promptly called into doubt by western leaders, and most western media echoed the line.”

The article underscored the attacks that were launched on the credentials of the mission’s Sudanese chairman and how the criticisms of the mission’s performance by one of its 165 members were headlined, preparing for demands that the mission pull out in favour of UN intervention.

“The critics presumably feared that the Arab observers would report that armed violence is no longer confined to the regime’s forces, and the image of peaceful protests brutally suppressed by army and police is false,” said Steele.

He also lashed out at the western media outlets’ ignoring of significant information stated in an article by Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer who now writes for the American Conservative – a magazine that criticizes the American military-industrial complex.

Steele said that Giraldi stated that Turkey, a Nato member, has become Washington’s proxy and that unmarked Nato warplanes have been arriving at Iskenderum, near the Syrian border, delivering Libyan volunteers and weapons seized from the late Muammar Gaddafi’s arsenal.

He quoted Giraldi as saying “French and British special forces trainers are on the ground, assisting the Syrian rebels, while the CIA and US Spec Ops are providing communications equipment and intelligence to assist the rebel cause, enabling the fighters to avoid concentrations of Syrian soldiers.”

Steele expected that the Arab League will face pressures to withdraw its observers from Syria during a forthcoming meeting of the Arab League foreign ministers, stressing that the League should stand its ground against provocations and to keep its observer mission in Syria “that has not yet had enough time or a large enough team to talk to a comprehensive range of Syrian actors and then come up with a clear set of recommendations… to help produce a dialogue between the regime and its critics.”

French Journalist: France’ Accusation of Syria of Killing Journalist Jacquier Is Ridiculous

PARIS, (SANA)- French journalist Allain Jules, of a Cameroonian descent, denounced France’s accusation of Damascus of a certain manipulation concerning the death of the French journalist Gilles Jacquier.

He described this accusation as “ridiculous as much as pathetic” in that it includes an insult and offense by Paris to the seven Syrians who were killed along with Jacquier. pointing out that it is ridiculous.

Jules wrote on his blog that Paris is spreading its allegations with the help of the fake columnists who betrayed the morals of journalism, saying “this is not surprising as it comes from a French government specialized in falsifying the truth.”

He added that whitewashing terrorists through circulating false information is a reprehensible act, pointing out that the French constitution considers any rebellion or any provocation to take up arms in illegal ways as weakening and harmign the basic interests of the state.

He finds it strange how this is allowed to happen in Syria while in France the perpetrator shall be punished in prison, stressing what happened in Syria exceeded that to an aggression on the national security and the security of the armed forces. “All this is condemned and reprehensible in France, but Paris allows it in Syria.”

Jules said France’s deportation of Jacquier’s body is considered in the criminal law an embezzlement of the body, asking “How do we ask the Syrian authorities to uncover the circumstances of the death of journalist Jacquier at the hands of terrorists who call themselves opponents after the withdrawal of the body?”

“This is simply an attempt to distort evidence, as if we are pushing the coroners to say what the French Foreign Ministry and the Elysee want them to say,” he added. He denounced the double standards of the international community as it urges Syria to protect journalists while it doesn’t react when terrorists kill the military in the country.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

Syrian News on Jan 17, 2012

Syrians Continue Activities in Rejection of Foreign Interference and in Support of Independent National Decision

SWEIDA/DEIR EZZOR, (SANA) – In Sweida governorate, masses gathered in the southern entrance of Shahba city to denounce the crimes committed by armed terrorist groups, affirming that Syria will emerge stronger thanks to the awareness of its people and their rallying around the leadership.

Participants carried Syrian flags and banners and chanted slogans saluting the army and calling for striking against those who tamper with Syria’s security and shed Syrian blood.

The participants affirmed that all honest Syrians stand as one in  the face of the conspiracy targeting Syria, stressing that they gathered to voice their rejection of all conspiracies and send a clear message of challenge to those who seek to undermine Syria’s steadfastness.

They also expressed support for the reform program and their commitment to national unity, saluting the Syrian military and civilian martyrs and saying that Syria is worth sacrificing everything for.

The participants called on the Arab League observer mission to relate facts objectively and professionally and relay the true pulse of the Syrian street.

In Deir Ezzor, the “Syria’s Braids” group held a campaign for collecting signatures of mothers and women from the governorate in cooperation with the Women Union branch.

The campaign, titled “The Will of Syria’s Mothers,” aims at collecting signatures to show support for independent national decision and the reform program led by President al-Assad, in addition to expressing rejection of foreign interference.

The campaign’s organizers said that the “will” invites Syrians to preserve amity, security and safety in Syria, and that the activity aims at spreading awareness of the need for mothers to raise their children to love their country and instill in them the culture of dialogue.

Officer, Five Army members martyred by Rocket missiles in Sahnaya, Damascus Countryside

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)-An officer, five soldiers were martyred by rocket missiles fired by an armed terrorist group on a checkpoint near Sahnaya in Damascus countryside.

SANA reporter on Monday learned that seven other army  members were wounded as a result of the terrorist attack.

Armed terrorist group assassinates Brigadier General Mohammed Abdul-Hamid al-Awwad

An armed terrorist group on Monday assassinated Brigadier General Mohammed Abdul-Hamid al-Awwad by shooting him in Ghotta area while he was heading for work.

A source told SANA’s correspondent that a terrorist group opened fire on the car of Brigadier General al-Awwad while he was heading for his work at one of the military units in the Eastern Ghotta which led to his immediate death, while his driver was injured.

The assassinated brigadier general’s driver told the Syrian TV “As we were heading to the Brigadier General’s military unit, we saw a taxi on the right of the road…it overtook us and then blocked our way. Four gunmen started shooting at us. Brigadier al-Awwad was shot in the head and I was also injured.”

The martyr’s brother said that those who claim to be promoting freedom for Syria are behind the martyrdom of his brother, adding that they are not Muslims, but rather terrorists.

Railway Engineer Assassinated in Homs

In Homs city, an armed terrorist group assassinated railway engineer Haidar Abbas Ismail in front of his home in al-Shammas neighborhood.

SANA’s correspondent was informed that the body of Ismail, who worked for the Railways General Establishment, was transported to Homs National Hospital.

Arms-Loaded Car Seized in Deir Ezzor

The competent authorities in Deir Ezzor seized a Toyota Pickup car loaded with weapons after chasing it on al-Shoula road.

SANA correspondent reported that PKC gun, 33 automatic rifles, ammunition, fake passports and 335 drugs were seized inside the car, which carried a fake plate.

Armed Terrorist Groups Attack Paint Factory and a Municipality in Hama Countryside

Armed terrorist groups on Monday opened fire on a Paint Factory, attacked the Municipality of al-Naeimiyeh village in Hama Countryside and stole a car belonging to Health Directorate in the governorate.

An official source at the governorate told SANA correspondent that 10 terrorists in two cars opened fire on the Municipality of al-Naeimiyeh village in al-Salamiyeh area and no injuries were reported.

The source added that another armed terrorist group fired on Dhimesh Paint Factory on Hama a al-Salamiyeh highway, near the crossroads to al-Moubarakat village and also no injuries were reported.

The source said that an armed terrorist group stole a white double cabin pickup Toyota car which belongs to the Health Directorate in the governorate from in front of a Vaccination Center in al-Ba’ath neighborhood in Hama City.

Armed group abducts citizen in Hama

An armed terrorist group today abducted citizen Ahid Khalil, 44, while going to his work in Hama Tires’ Factory.

An official source in Hama told SANA reporter the armed men intercepted Mr. Khlil near his village Kfar al-Ton while going to his work. The terrorists took him to unknown place and stole his Sham-car.

The source added that the competent authorities in Homs found a body for  an unknown citizen, killed by a bullet and beside him the citizen Maher Abdul-Ghani Othman, unconscious with bruises on his body.

Law-Enforcement Member martyred in Homs

A member of the Law-enforcement personnel was martyred today after an armed terrorist group shot fires at him near a checkpoint for the security forces at Dir Balaba neighborhood in Homs.

SANA reporter in Homs learned from an official source in the city that the terrorist group shot fires on the law-enforcement members in Dir Balba, leading to the martyrdom of Saad Younes Afifi.

Citizen Murad Salim, who was abducted by a terrorist group yesterday was martyred today of his wounds at the Labor Hospital in Homs.

AL Observer Teams Continue Tours of Syrian Provinces

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)_The teams of the AL observer mission in Syria continued Monday their tours of Syrian provinces and met the released prisoners according to Decree  No. 10.

In Homs, a team of AL observers visited Homs governorate and another team visited Tadmur city in Homs countryside and met chairmen of water, electricity and irrigation units and chairman of Tadmur Municipality, and inspected the damage wrought by the armed terrorist groups.

In Raqqa, the AL observer mission visited the National Hospital and the Cultural Center in the city and some police departments, whereas another team visited Daraa governorate.

An observer team visited the Old Airport neighborhood and Deir Ezzor market , while another group visited Hasaka province and met clan leaders. One team also visited Tishreen and al-Mujtahed hospitals in Damascus and Damascus countryside governorate building.

Another team met a number of authors, intellectuals and religious figures in Tartus, whereas a third team toured parts of Hama.

A team also visited Shahba city in Sweida province and met the family of a martyr who was killed by an armed terrorist group, while another team visited the Central Prison and Aleppo governorate building.

In Lattakia, an observer team visited the Central Prison in the city while another team met a number of citizens who were affected by the acts of the armed terrorist groups at Rotana Hotel. They also visited al-Slaibeh neighborhood in the city.

Authorities Set Free a new Batch of Prisoners in the presence of Arab Observers

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- A new batch of prisoners, involved in the events since March 15, 2011 who were included in the general amnesty decree No. 10/2012 issued by President Bashar al-Assad were released on Monday in the presence of members of the Arab League monitors.

A number of released persons at Damascus central prison underlined that the pardon decree forms a new start for them to practice their normal life and contribute to building the society.

“The pardon spreads the spirit of amity and tolerance…this is our country and we have to unite hand in hand to build it and promote the position of Syria, Atef said to SANA.

Mohammad Ashaar added “I am very happy to go back to my home and practice my work… I discovered that I was wrong… the amnesty was an opportunity to correct my fault.”

For their part, several families and relatives of the released citizens were satisfied over the pardon which let them back to their houses and sons, adding that the pardon consolidated the values of tolerance and amity in Syria.

Health Minister: Syria Allocated financial resources to boost Health Sector

GENEVA, (SANA)-Health Minister Wael al-Halaki said that Syria has allocated a lot of its financial resources to spend them on the health sector, seeking social and medical stability for all citizens in spite of the pressures to which Syria is exposed.

“Syria wants to boost the health sector in spite of the acts of sabotage perpetrated by armed terrorist groups, particularly the attacks on hospitals, health centers, emergency system and the medical cadres,” Minister Halaki, Head of the Syrian delegation to the 130th session of World Health Organization (WHO) said.

The Minister pointed out to the pioneering role of WHO in the health sector on the international level and the progress achieved by it in a number of health domains to guarantee the future of nations.

Syria is a member in the Executive Council of WHO’s General Assembly that includes 34 members states.

Five Army, Law-Enforcement Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The bodies of 5 army and law-enforcement forces martyrs on Monday were escorted from Police and Tishreen Military hospitals to their final resting place.

The martyrs were killed by the armed terrorist groups while performing their national duty in Damascus Countryside and Deir Ezzor.

Solemn funeral ceremonies were held for the martyrs as they were carried on shoulders and covered with the national flag while the Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell”.

The martyrs are:

– Captain Maher Abdel Haqq Saleh, from Lattakia.

– Sergeant Major Moayad Asaad Jaddoue, from Aleppo.

– Corporal Aws Mohammad Nazha, from Lattakia.

– Conscript Sattam Khalil al-Aabo, from Aleppo.

– Policeman Mohammad Mouh al-Ali, from Deir Ezzor.

Families of the martyrs expressed confidence that the blood of the martyrs will help Syria overcome the crisis and head to a better future, stressing that the crimes of armed terrorist groups will not dull the Syrians’ determination to confront the conspiracy targeting their country.

They stressed that the Syrian people’s unity and their rallying around their leadership will foil the conspiracy and other schemes aimed at undermining their country.

President of Belarus Reiterates Support to Syria

MINSK, (SANA) – President Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus on Monday reiterated his country’s firm and complete support to Syria in the face of what it is currently confronting.

The President stressed his conviction that Syria will come out from the crisis and that stability and security will be restored again soon.

The remarks came during the President’s reception of Syria’s Ambassador to Belarus Farouk Taha on the occasion of ending his mission, with President Lukashenko expressing his country’s desire to more enhance friendship relations with Syria.

Russia: General Amnesty Decree by President al-Assad Contributes to Settling Situation without Foreign Interference

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia welcomed the decree on general amnesty issued by President Bashar al-Assad, adding that it contributes to settling the situation in Syria without any foreign interference.

In a statement published by the Russian Foreign Ministry on its website, the Ministry indicated that it is not the first such procedure taken by the Syrian leadership.

The statement added that Moscow found in this amnesty a positive and very important progress regarding the Arab work plan and the protocol signed between Syria and the Arab League General Secretariat.

The Ministry expressed confidence that Syria will fulfill its commitments in accordance with the Arab Work Plan and the Protocol signed.

Russia : Necessity of Respecting Syria’s Sovereignty, settling crisis through Dialogue

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed Monday with the US First Deputy of Secretary of State William Burns the situation in Syria, Iran and the Russian-American relations.

Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Burns also met the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Bugdanov, adding the two sides discussed the latest developments in the Middle East and North Africa including Syria.

“During the two meetings, Russia has stressed the necessity of respecting Syria’s sovereignty and settling the crisis by the Syrians themselves through the halt of violence, and conducing dialogue between the government and opposition without preconditions,” the statement said.

Syrian News on Jan 16, 2012

President al-Assad Issues General Amnesty Decree for Crimes Related to Current Events

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_President Bashar al-Assad issued Legislative Decree No. 10 for the year 2012, whereby a general amnesty is granted for crimes committed in the context of the events taking place since March 15, 2011 till the date of issuing the decree.

The decree includes the crimes related to the laws on peaceful demonstration, carrying or possessing unlicensed weapons and ammunition and draft evasion.

The fugitives cannot benefit from the decree unless they turn themselves in prior to January 31st 2012.

In a statement to SANA, Minister of Justice, Judge Tayseer Qala Awwad said that the decree aims at granting an opportunity for those who committed crimes related to the events which took place since 15/03/2011, adding that the attorney generals and the Public Prosecution were asked to implement the decree immediately.

Judge Awwad indicated that the new decree is qualitative with regard to the crimes covered by its provisions.

Pardoned Individuals: Amnesty Decree a Chance to Not Repeat Mistakes against Country and Citizens

A number of the people released according to the amnesty decreed said that the decree is chance for returning to society and not repeat what they did before, hoping for security and safety to be restored to Syria.

Several of the released people adviced against participating in protests and vandalism and carrying arms, stressing that what is happening in Syria is the result of a foreign conspiracy targeting its stability and the unity of its people.

They also voiced regret for making mistakes against Syria and citizens, saying that their acts were the results of being deceived.

Aleppo Students Take to Streets in Support of national Independent decision

Aleppo, (SANA)-Syrian National Students’ Union in Aleppo on Sunday organized a mass march in support of the national independent decision and the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad.

The Students set off from the Union’s HQ in al-Suleimanya, crossing Baghdad Station into the main square of Saad Allah al-Jabri, raising the Syrian flags and chanting the Syrian National Anthem.

They saluted the sacrifices of the Syrian army in confronting the acts of the armed terrorist groups, rejecting any form of foreign intervention in the country’s domestic affairs.

The participants underlined that they came here to express rejection of the conspiracy to which Syria is exposed, adding “We will never abandon our national unity.”

Arab League Observer Mission Teams Continue Tours of Syrian Governorates, Observer Team in Homs Denies Reports of Coming Under Fire

GOVERNORATES/CAIRO, (SANA) – The Arab League monitor mission teams continued their tours of Syrian governorates and areas.

A team of observers visited Bab Hood neighborhood and al-Mazraa village in Homs and the town of Tadmur in Homs countryside.

In Hama, a team visited the National Hospital and Masyaf countryside, while another team visited Salkhad area and al-Karia village in Sweida and met with families of maryurs.

An observer team also toured the city of Banyas in Tartous and al-Bukamal town in Deir Ezzor, with one other team visiting the Railways General Establishment in Aleppo where they were briefed by its Director George Mukabari on the damages caused to the Establishment’s facilities, vehicles and railways by terrorist attacks.

In Raqqa city, a team of observers witnessed a mass rally in one of the city’s squares in which citizens expressed their unity and devotion to Syria.

Arab Observers Team in Homs Denies Reports of Coming Under Fire

The Arab League observer mission team in Homs on Sunday denied media reports that they came under fire.

A statement by the Arab League said that the team in Homs couldn’t reach a place where a car exploded at Bab Hood, leading to the burning of a number of shops and cars without casualties among civilians, and that the monitors couldn’t reach the place because of the crowds there.

The statement added that the observers tried to reach the scene of explosion later, but they heard random and sporadic shootings, so they didn’t go to the location.

6 Workers Martyred, 16 Injured by Explosive Device in Idleb

GOVERNORATES, (SANA) – 6 workers at Idleb Textile Spinning Factory were martyred and 16 others injured when an explosive device went off in Idleb.

The device was planted by terrorists along the road between Ariha city and al-Mastouma town in the province.

A police source told SANA correspondent that the device exploded as a bus carrying workers at Idleb Spinning Factory was passing, which caused it to overturn, leaving 6 dead and 16 others injured.

Armed Terrorist Group Kidnaps an Official in Idleb

An armed terrorist group kidnapped Major Mohammad Shams Eddin Hassan, Director of Armanaz area in Idleb.

An official source at the governorate told SANA correspondent that the terrorist group blocked the way of Major Hassan’s car as he was heading from his village Nebl in Aleppo Countryside to his work and kidnapped him.

20-kg Explosive Device inside an Ambulance Dismantled in Homs

Members of Military Engineering on Sunday dismantled a 20-kg explosive device inside an ambulance belonging to Homs National Hospital.

A medical source told SANA correspondent that a number of terrorists opened fire on the ambulance while transporting a citizen’s body from al-Qossour neighborhood.

The source added that the driver was injured while the other members of the medical cadre survived, and the terrorists took the ambulance to unknown place and returned it after two hours and they fled away.

The source said the emergency system was informed about the place of the ambulance and it sent a driver to bring it back to the hospital, adding that a 20-kg explosive device was found inside a black bag in the ambulance and the engineering members dismantled and no injuries were reported.

In the same context, 4 citizens injured by the shrapnels of two mortar projectiles fired by an armed terrorist group in Ekrima neighborhood in Homs City.

SANA correspondent said that most of the wounds were in the chest and in the face, adding that a number of cars were also damaged

Two Explosive Devices Dismantled in al-Zawiya Mountain in Idleb

Members of the Engineering Units on Sunday dismantled two explosive devices, weighing 25 kg each, planted by an armed terrorist group near Balyon-Kansafra Road in al-Zawiya Mountain in Idleb.

SANA Correspondent said that the two explosives were planted near each other and connected with a wireless and primed to explode remotely.

Armed Terrorist Group Burglarizes Agricultural Research Center in Homs

An armed terrorist group burglarized on Sunday an agricultural research center in al-Qariyatein area in Homs countryside and held up its contents.

SANA correspondent said that the terrorists broke into the center, tied its guards and stole 4 guns, 260 olive oil bottles, tires. car spare parts and tractors before destroying the center’s furniture.

Customs Police Seizes Car Loaded with 35 Russian Rifles, 26 Magazines

Deir Ezzor Customs Police on Sunday seized a Hyundai car loaded with 35 AK-47 rifles and 26 magazines.

SANA’s correspondent said that members of the customs police confiscated the car and arrested its driver, Jassem Obeid.

Obeid, a Hasaka native, confessed to receiving SYP 50,000 in exchange for transporting the weapons and ammo from a house to al-Azawi area on the behest of a man who claimed that he will assume full responsibility for the operation.

Six Army Martyrs Laid to Rest

HOMS,(SANA) – Six army martyrs were escorted on Sunday from Homs Military Hospital to their final resting place after they were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Homs.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs as they were carried on their comrades’ shoulders covered with the Syrian flag and flower wreaths, while the Military Band played the “Martyr” and “Farewell” music.

The martyrs are:

-Sergeant Mahmoud Mihrez al-Abbas, from Homs.

-Sergeant Muhyei-eddin al-Sheiha, from Homs.

-Conscript Mohammed Mahmoud al-Eitouni, from Damascus.

-Conscript Mohammed Sameer Yahya, from Qamishli.

-Conscript Tamer Loae al-Karki, from Damascus.

-Civilian, Adnan Shhadeh Mhanna, from Homs.

Families of the martyrs expressed confidence that the blood of the martyrs will help Syria overcome the crisis, stressing that the crimes of armed terrorist groups will not weaken the Syrians’ determination to confront the conspiracy targeting their country.

Information Minister: 147 Arab and Foreign Media institutions Approved as of Last December

ahDAMASCUS, (SANA) – Information Minister, Dr. Adnan Mahmoud, stressed on Sunday that the Information Ministry has granted approvals to various media institutions to enter Syria to cover the current events.

In a statement, Dr. Mahmoud added that 147 Arab and foreign media including TV channels and news agencies  were approved into Syria as of last December, pointing out that until now 116 media outlets entered Syria in addition to 90 media outlets already working in Syria through their correspondents.

The Minister clarified that the Ministry is giving licenses to media for a period of 10 days that can be extended, pointing out that the Ministry is organizing field visits and tours in all Syrian provinces for journalists.

He said that several media outlets in Syria have visited the Syrian provinces including Homs, Daraa, Hama, Idleb, Damascus countryside and Aleppo, adding that Arab and foreign media outlets are accompanying the Arab League observers in all provinces.

Minister Mahmoud noted that as the Arab observer mission started and more media entered Syria, the level of incitement and distortion of facts increased in an attempt to misrepresent the situation on the ground and affect the international public opinion.


The Minister said that the terrorist attacks by the armed groups against the Syrian civilians and establishments have also increased, adding that some media in Syria are relaying the events from one point of view to serve political stances against Syria.

He called on all media outlets working in Syria to be objective and authentic.

Turkish Figures: Erdogan’s Government Carrying Out Hostile Policy against Syria to Serve Western Interests

ANKARA, (SNAA) – Deputy Secretary General of Turkey’s Workers’ Party Dursun Karadag on Sunday said that Erdogan’s has become an embarrassment and showed the whole world that Turkey doesn’t have a suitable Prime Minister and that its policy regarding neighboring countries – particularly Syria –  is wrong.

In an interview with the Syrian TV, Karadag said that Erdogan’s government is being used like a took by the west and is making historic mistakes for which it will pay, stressing that Turkey must not remain at the mercy of this government’s mistakes.

In turn, Editor in Chief of the newspaper Aydınlik, Ismet Ozcelik, said that the Justice and Development Party’s policies regarding Syria are wrong and that they were met with considerable anger from the Turkish street since they target a friendly country, adding that this attitude is seen even within the Justice and Development Party where opposition to this policy is being voiced.

Ozcelik said that Erdogan’s government created an environment around Turkey that is hostile towards it, and that their policy towards Syria caused Iran, China, Russia and Iraq t lost trust in Turkey, noting that the Turkish people believe in the need of doubling economic relations with the aforementioned countries, particularly considering the crises taking place across the world.

For his part, historic scholar Bulent Esenoglu said that the Justice and Development Party government’s efforts to carry out US agendas will undermine Turkey’s relations with all its neighbors, not just Syria.

Esenoglu questioned why Turkey is working to achieve US-Israeli interests and causing chaos and instability and Syria, affirming that such acts serve Israel only.

Prime Ministry Agrees on Starting Program for Building 50,000 Housing Units

DAMASCUS,(SANA)- Prime Minister, Dr, Adel Safar on Sunday chaired a meeting to discuss the required mechanisms for implementing the governmental housing program which includes building 50 thousand housing units for all the spectrums of the society in all the provinces.

After reviewing the administrative and technical measures and preparations and in light of the readiness of the lands prepared for housing and after discussing the funding mechanisms and the general conditions for subscription, the Prime Ministry agreed on starting the implementation of the project and on asking the General Housing Establishment to announce the subscription on the housing units according to an accredited mechanism.

Parties’ Affairs Committee Authorizes Establishing Syrian Democratic Party

DAMASCUS,(SANA)- The Parties’ Affairs Committee headed by Minister of Interior Mohammad al-Sha’ar studied on Sunday the applications submitted to it by citizens willing to establish parties according to the Legislative Decree No. 100 for 2011.

Minister al-Sha’ar indicated that the documents submitted by two parties, whose documents were published by the local newspapers, were also studied , adding that other documents related to these parties will be submitted later and they will be studied by the Committee during its next meeting in a step towards giving them a complete authorization.

He said that the documents of the Syrian Youths National Party and its rules of procedures were studied and all of its documents were accepted, and they will be published by the local newspapers for a week, and then the next stage will be the objection and it will be followed by granting it a complete authorization.

Minister al-Sha’ar pointed out that four other parties have submitted their documents and they were referred to the members of the Committee by its chairman to study them.

He added that during its meeting which was held few days ago, the Committee agreed on authorizing the Syrian Democratic Party to become the second licensed party according to the new Parties’ Law after the Solidarity Party which has been recently authorized.

He affirmed that the Committee which holds its meeting every Sunday, is ready to held a meeting in case it receives the applications of citizens willing to establish new parties.

He added that over the past few days, the Committee has intensively studied the applications submitted to it and verified them to refer their documents to the publication and then to agree on establishing them if they meet the conditions set by the Parties’ Law.

Activities of Writing Longest Letter in the World Started

DAMASCUS,(SANA)- Activities of writing the longest letter in the world started on Sunday under the title “Message of Loyalty to the Homeland and its Leader” at ten centers distributed among Damascus and its countryside.

The 10-Kms long letter will tour all the Syrian provinces, and it will be written and signed by all the spectrums of the Syrian people.

The letter is made of Felix paper ,and it is divided into ten parts with a length of 1,000 meters for each part, the ten parts will be tied together to form one letter which carries the Syrian flag at the middle of which.

On the sides of the letter, there will be square-shaped tables including about one million and a half letters.

The campaign of writing the longest letter in the world started simultaneously at Jaramana City in Damascus Countryside, and the squares of Arnous, Bab Touma, al-Hijaz, al-Mouhafaza, al-Qusour, al-Mowasa, and Sabaa Bahrat in Damascus, and at the President Bridge.

Chairman of National Unity Youths Group, Shadi Zouhair al-Malek said that the campaign reflects the unity of the Syrians and their belief in the national unity, indicating that there is no place for extremism among the Syrians as they are civilized  and they are proud of  their dignity and freedom.

Coordinator of  the campaign, Anwar Ibrahim said that the preparations for writing the letter have started from about a month as a special design was chosen for the letter.

She indicated that the campaign has witnessed an unexpected and huge turn out by the citizens who stressed their rejection of the conspiracy hatched against their homeland.

Participant, Hadil Ghunaim said that the plot against Syria, the misleading media and the economic pressures and sanctions have failed thanks to the awareness and steadfastness of the Syrian people.

Teacher, Fadi Jadid said that the armed terrorist groups in Syria and the conspirators who back them thought that they can intimidate the Syrians through their criminal acts, considering that this campaign proves that the Syrians will not be frightened by the terrorism.

Mother of Martyr Sari Saaoud said that Syria will remain steadfast in face of the conspirators and the traitors, adding that when her child was martyred, she became the mother of all the Syrian children.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.