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Syrian News on Mar 13th, 2012

Lavrov: Syria is Confronting Armed Gangs, al-Qaeda Members that Commited Horrible Crimes

NEW YORK, (SANA) – The United Nations Security Council held on Monday a session to discuss the situation in the Middle East in the framework of the attempts of some Arab states backed by the west to internationalize the crisis in Syria and ignore what is happening in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, stressed in a speech at the UNSC that the Syrian Government is confronting armed gangs and al-Qaeda members who committed horrible crimes in Syria, adding that violence should stop and humanitarian aid should be offered to civilians.

He reiterated that the calls for military intervention in Syria jeopardizes the whole region and risks an outbreak of conflicts.

Lavrov underlined the necessity of establishing an independent Palestinian state that meets the aspirations of the Palestinian people.

He added that the role of the international community is to guarantee that the current changes in the Arab world would lead to positive effects and to guarantee freedoms, human rights and the minorities’ rights.

Lavrov noted that the Syrian Government shoulders the responsibility for the current events, but “We have to take into consideration that the Syrian Government is fighting armed gangs and al-Qaeda members who committed horrible crimes.”

He called for finding an immediate solution to the crisis in Syria without violence, launching a comprehensive political process in Syria and implementing reforms, pointing out to the five points which were agreed on by the Arab League and Russia in this regard, including stopping violence by all sides, a monitoring mechanism, no foreign interference and supporting the mission of Kofi Annan to launch dialogue between the Government and Syrian opposition.

He stressed that Russia is ready to approve a UNSC resolution based on these five points.

For his part, China’s permanent representative to the UN Li Baodong stressed the importance that international community respect Syria’s sovereignty and independence and not interfere in its affairs, adding that China is ready to shoulder responsibility and establish talks with all sides to push for a peaceful settlement to the crisis.

He urged the international community to help the ME countries economically, emphasizing need to respect the demands of people in these countries without meddling in their internal affairs.

Baodong also called for commitment to the UN Charter and respecting the sovereignty, stability and safety of the region’s countries, voicing China’s rejection of foreign interference to achieve change under the pretext of humanitarian aid, indicating that economic sanctions don’t bring about change.

He stressed that China will remain committed to the just Arab causes and supporting the legitimate demands of Arab peoples, adding that it supports the two-state solution to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict. ”The situation in the Middle East has reached an impasse as we saw an escalation of tension in Gaza last week, ” Baodong said.

He expressed China’s support for the five-year agreement between Russia and the Arab League to solve the Syrian crisis, emphasizing that the parties concerned and the international community must provide the necessary circumstances for dialogue between all Syrian sides to start.

”The Syrian crisis is highly complicated and mediation won’t succeed overnight, but through synchronized and sustained efforts”, said Baodong, welcoming Annan’s mission to reach a political solution to the crisis in Syria.

He said China does not support one side over the other and respects the Syrians’ choices and sovereignty, adding that China backs the role of the UN in delivering aid to some Syrian cities and will offer USD 2 million in humanitarian aid.

For his part, the Indian foreign minister said India’s vision is based on the principle of giving peoples an opportunity to solve their own problems through internal and comprehensive political process. The Indian minister reiterated his country’s call for respecting the sovereignty and independence of countries, affirming that meeting the peoples’ aspirations cannot be achieved through foreign intervention.

Lavrov Expresses Support to Annan’s Mission in Syria

In a phone call with the UN special envoy to Syria Kofi Annan on Sunday, the Russian Foreign Minister expressed support to Annan’s mission in light of Russia’s vision which aims at halting violence from all sides and starting dialogue between the government and the opposition without preempting the results.

Sources in the Russian Foreign Ministry said that Annan informed Minister Lavrov about the start of his mission in Damascus in terms of enhancing what has been agreed upon in the 10th March meeting, stressing the inclination to cooperate with Russia in regards to achieving a peaceful settlement in Syria.

Syria’s Representative at HRC: Report of HRC Politicized, Serves Aggressive purposes

GENEVA, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative at the Human Rights Council (HRC), Fayssal Al-Hamwi, on Monday said that the report of the Human Rights Commission on Syria is politicized and serves aggressive purposes of some western and regional countries against Syria.

In his speech before the Council, al-Hamwi added that the foreign intervention under ‘humanitarian pretext’ aims at dividing Syria to achieve Israel’s interests.

He stressed that ” The crisis in Syria isn’t peaceful demonstrations…It is a political scheme carried out by external sides,” adding that it’s shameful to use the HRC as a tool to exert political pressure on a sovereign country.

Al-Hamwi underlined that the national dialogue that brings together all Syrian people could pave the way for reforms away from any violence to tackle the problems of victims, but reconciliation wouldn’t be achieved through the impact of foreign powers.

“The determination of the Committee to politicize its work and offer results based on illegal, non- objective and untrue criterion made it lack moral and legal duty… and this pushes the Syrian government to reject the report,” al-Hamwi said.

He added that the crisis in Syria is not peaceful demonstrations, but it is a political plot carried out by some foreign sides that aim to strike Syria through waging misleading media campaign and imposing unilateral economic sanctions against the Syrian people.

“Syria repeatedly stresses  its determination to end the current situation, conduct a comprehensive national dialogue, go on in the reform process and respect the human rights,” the Syrian Envoy said.

He added that the latest step towards reform was voting yes for the new constitution by the two thirds of the Syrian people, this constitution that guarantees democracy, political pluralism and public rights and basic freedoms.

Al-Hamwi concluded by saying that Syria welcomes any true effort to help it come out of the current crisis as it will cooperate with all honest who  present constructive political solutions.

Minister of Information: Terrorist Groups Committed Atrocious Massacre in Karm al-Zaytoun to Elicit International Stances against Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Minister of Information Dr. Adnan Mahmoud said that armed terrorist groups committed a most atrocious massacre against women, children and elderly citizens in Karm al-Zaytoun neighborhood and mutilated their bodies in order to put pressure to elicit international stances against Syria.

In a statement on Monday, the Minister said that some countries which support the terrorist groups such as Qatar Saudi Arabia and provide them with weapons and money are accomplices in the terrorism targeting all the Syrian people, and that these countries are responsible for the shedding of Syrian blood.

“We’ve grown accustomed to the bloody escalation of these terrorist groups in committing massacres, murdering citizens and attacking public and private establishments which proceeds international meetings,” he said.

Dr. Mahmoud said that the terrorist channales such as al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya are accomplices in these heinous crimes, and that those which these channels proclaim to be correspondents in Homs and other areas are gunmen and terrorists who participate in these crimes and record them, then these channels broadcast false allegations and twist facts.

He said that the massacre committed by an armed terrorist group in Karm al-Zaytoun neighborhood, claiming the lives of entire families, is but one of the massacres committed by these groups and represents an escalation in their crimes.

A terrorist armed group perpetrated an appalling massacre in Homs in Karm al-Zaytoun neighborhood prior to convening the Security Council meeting to elicit hostile stances against Syria with the participation of bloodshed media channels.

Images broadcast in the Syrian TV showed the horrible crimes committed against families, as the brutality of the perpetrators have not saved the children, women or the elderly to satisfy their bloodlust.

The so-called al-Farouq Battalion documented its responsibility of the bloodbath by writing: ” al-Farouq Battalion passed here,” where all members of a family fell victim to the terrorism perpetrated by this militia.

A citizen said that the family targeted by the terrorists was simple and poor people including a 75-year-old man, as another neighbor clarified that the family members were killed for not responding to the gunmen’s dictations.

Local residents said that the terrorists were using a deserted under-construction building to commit crimes of killing and mutilating against kidnapped innocent citizens and then they filmed them and send the videos to Gulf-backed sedition channels, particularly in Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

A woman from the neighborhood said that militants rape, kill, throw bodies in the streets and then film them and send the clips to Aljazeera and al-Arabia TV channels.

Earlier, a media source asserted that the footage of the corpses presented by some Satellite TV stations belong to the civilians, who were kidnapped by the terrorist armed groups.

The media source added that the crimes perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups and aired by al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya, who have among the terrorists operating in Syria special correspondents, coincide with today’s UN Security Council session , as to call for foreign interference in Syria.

The source also refuted the news circulated by some satellite TVs about the closure of al-Salihya and al-Midan Quarters in Damascus as groundless and fabricated  in line with the hysterical campaign unleashed by anti-Syria media  channels.

Family members of the kidnapped stated to Syrian TV that the corpses of their relatives were shown by al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya Satellite TV, which are but participants with the armed terrorist groups in perpetrating massacres.

Ahmad Shihab, a citizen from Bab al-Sibaa Quarter, Homs, said that he recognized two corpses for his relatives who were kidnapped more than a month ago.

Khalid al-Najar, from al-Naziheen Quarter, Homs, said also that two of the corpses were for two persons of his quarter.

Fou’ad Suleiman, a citizen from al-Nizha Quarter, Homs, said that one of the corpses belong to his cousin, Jihad, who was kidnapped more than 90 days ago.

Abukhald al-Abdullah, from al-Naziheen Quarter, Homs, said that the attacks by the armed terrorist groups, have turned their life into hell under house arrest, using their houses as prisons, kidnapping and killing the citizens casting their corpses at al-Siteen Street, Homs.

Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights: Homs Massacre Committed by Criminal Groups

The Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights considered that the killing and terrorism against innocent civilians which happened in Homs last night was perpetrated by criminal groups as part of a bloody scheme under external intelligence and media guidance and cover.

In a statement on Monday, the Center said that murdering kidnapped citizens is committed prior to the United Nations Security Council sessions to use as a pretext for blatant interference allegedly for protecting human rights.

The statement added that these armed groups embrace ”journalists” who entered illegally through routes that the gunmen opened to guarantee logistical help from outside.

The Center called upon the international community and human rights’ bodies to use their influence to pressure the regimes involved in the bloodshed to stop dispatching terrorist elements and the flow of weapons to Syria.

Armed Terrorist Group Blows up Diesel Transfer Pipeline in Homs that Feeds Hama Province

DAMASCUS, SANA_ An armed terrorist group on Monday targeted with an explosive device a diesel transport pipeline extended from Homs to Hama in al-Holeh area, east of Tal Daw, causing an explosion and fire to erupt in the pipeline.

An official source at the Ministry of Petroleum told SANA reporter that the 20-Inch diameter pipeline, which is affiliated to the Syrian Company for Fuel, provides Hama Province with diesel.

The reporter pointed out that the pumping into the targeted pipeline was immediately halted after the explosion and the fire was extinguished so that for the authorities to start repairing works to resume pumping in the pipeline.

Earlier last month, the armed terrorist groups targeted with an explosive device a diesel transport pipeline which extends from Homs Refinery to the oil warehouses in Adra at Damascus Countryside between al-Sultaniyeh and Baba Amr in Homs setting ablaze the site of the explosion.

Armed terrorist groups have targeted oil and gas transfer pipelines with explosive devices several times with the aim of sabotaging these pipelines and depriving the Syrian people of the energy supplies.

Lattakia Governor Denies News on Explosions in Lattakia Province

Lattakia Governor Abdul-Qader al-Sheikh denied as “completely baseless” the news circulated by some misleading satellite TV channels about explosions at Lattakia Province.

Al-Sheikh told SANA reporter on Monday that the life in Lattakia Province is normal, calm and secure.

The Governor said “These news come in the framework of the heinous media campaign hatched against Syria in an attempt to undermine Syria’s security, stability and the tranquility prevailing in Lattakia Province.”

For his part, Lattakia Police Chief Brigadier General Jamal Bitar told SANA reporter that the life across the Province is normal, calm and secure, denying as “baseless” the news broadcast by some satellite TV channels.

Authorities in Daraa discover hideouts of the armed terrorist groups

The competent authorities in Daraa countryside discovered hideouts of the armed terrorist groups,  7 explosives inside a stolen public car on a farm-road.

Five of the explosives weigh 50 KG and 2 40 KG, medical, emergency and some wears were also found.

Competent Authorities Confiscate Weapons in Aleppo Countryside

The Competent authorities in Aleppo countryside confiscated amounts of weapons hidden in a taxi that was parked in one of Manbej neighborhoods.

An Interior Ministry source said that the confiscated weapons include 22 rifles, RPG launchers, 203 bullets and 7 magazines.

Armed terrorist group burns four houses at Sankol town in Idleb

An armed terrorist group burned four houses at Sankol town in Idleb.

An official source told SANA reporter that the terrorists burned those houses because their owners rejected to join them in the acts of sabotage.

In Maarat al-Numan, the authorities found the body of the killed citizen Hassan Mahmoud al-Sultan inside the mosque of Saad bin Muaz, with signs of mutilation on it.

In Homs, the competent authorities arrested a number of the wanted persons who were engaged in dangerous crimes in a number of Homs regions.

Fire breaks out in a store of cotton to the East of Idleb

A fire broke out today in a store of cotton affiliated to Idleb old spinning factory, to the East of Idleb.

An official source in Idleb told SANA reporter that the fires swallowed up the contents of the store, while firefighters are doing their best to extinguish the fires.

The source added that armed terrorist groups are shooting fire to prevent the fire engines from reaching the place of fire.

Fifteen Army and Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS (SANA) – The bodies of 15 army and law-enforcement martyrs on Monday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus and the Police Hospital in Harasta to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Damascus and its Countryside and Homs.

The martyrs are:

­           Colonel Mohammed Ali Halloum, from Tartous.

­           Warrant Officer Soumar Sharif Ali, from Lattakia.

­           Sergeant Major Alaa Youssef Hassan,from Hama.

­           Sergeant Abdul-Baset Ahmad Haj Hassan, from Aleppo.

­           Corporal Khalid Kamal Ismael, from Idleb.

­           Corporal Maizar Ibrahim Marae, from Raqaa.

­           Conscript Alaa Haji Shawakh, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Mohammed Ibrahim Toumeh, from Quneitra.

­           Conscript Hassan Naseif Jamal-Eddin, from Idleb.

­           Conscript Khalid Mohsen al-Dairi al-Ahmad, from Aleppo.

­           Policeman Alaa Rajab, from Homs.

­           Policeman Bayan al-Rashid, from Sweida.

­           Policeman Alaa Nisafi, from Lattakia.

­           Policeman Mazen al-Sayek, from Damascus.

–           Policeman Ibrahim Hammoud, from Idleb.

The martyrs’ families denounced the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups, stressing adherence to the national unity and determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against Syria.

They stressed that the terrorism and attempts to sow sedition among the Syrian people will not dissuade them from defending their homeland, hailing the sacrifices of the Syrian army in protecting Syria’s security and stability.

China Reiterates Support to International Community Constructive Efforts to Solve Syrian Crisis

BEIJIN, (SANA) – China reiterated support to the international community’s constructive and positive efforts to reach a political settlement to the crisis in Syria.

In a press conference on Monday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin expressed his country’s hope that the all sides will continue efforts to reach a just, peaceful and appropriate solution to the Syrian crisis.

He said that China welcomes the international community’s efforts to enhance communication and coordination on the crisis in Syria, adding that “We believe that the five-point plan reached between Russia and the Arabs is of realistic and positive significance to the political solution to the Syrian crisis.”

He added that China is open to all proposals that could contribute to enhancing political solution to the problem in Syria and ready to work with the international community ,including the Arab League (AL), to promote a just, peaceful and proper solution to the Syrian crisis.

Liu said China supports Annan’s constructive efforts in promoting the political solution and hopes all sides would cooperate with Annan’s mediation efforts.

He added that Beijing participated in the consultations on the new draft resolution and proposed some amendments based on the six Chinese proposals on solving the Syrian issue politically.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that some of what has been issued at the meeting of the Arab foreign ministers on March, 10th demonstrated the readiness of the Arab countries and the AL to solve the Syrian crisis through political means, especially the decision which calls upon the Syrian government and opposition to positively cooperate with the UN- Arab League’s envoy Kofi Annan.

“The decision has a positive impact on easing the current tensions in Syria as well as expanding consensus among all parties concerned,” he added.

He stressed China’s support to the peace process in the Middle East which is based on protecting peace and stability in the region and its commitment to reach political settlement to the issue of the Middle East and continue efforts to achieve this purpose.

Iran Reiterates Full Support to Syria

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir- Abdollahian on Monday reiterated Iran’s full support to Syria’s people and government.

Amir- Abdollahian was quoted as saying “We are confident that the Syrian people support the reform process led by President Bashar al-Assad and will stand up against any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.”

He added that Iran considers the political solution and support to the Syrian people’s demands, which were given the attention of the Syrian leadership, the best way out of the crisis.

Amir- Abdollahian held the countries which threaten Syria’s security and stability responsible for escalating the crisis, calling upon some regional and international parties which have undertaken rash procedures and provided the opposition with weapons to stop.

Mikdad Briefs Delegation of Unionist Democratic Union Party of Tunisia on Developments in Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Dr. Fayssal Mikdad, briefed on Monday  the delegation of the Unionist Democratic Union Party of Tunisia on the developments in Syria in various fields, particularly concerning Syria’s resolve to continuing the reform process represented in the new constitution and the efforts exerted to launch  national dialogue with the participation of all Syrian national factions.

Mikdad stressed that Syria will not abandon its belief in the Arab issues and the importance of deepening relations between the sons of the nation regardless of some Arab states’ stances which have become a part of the conspiracy against the present and the future of the nation.

He hoped that the Arab Nation will overcome all schemes and plots drawn by western Zionist circles to liquidate the Arab causes in favor of Israel.

The Tunisian delegation, which is currently visiting Syria headed by its Secretary-General, Ahmad al-Ainobli,expressed solidarity with Syria which is the last line of defense for the Arab Nation in face of media and political campaigns aimed at ending Syria’s resistant role.

Syrian Arab Red Crescent Receives 80 Tons of Relief and Food Supplies from Russia

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) on Monday received 80 tons of relief and food supplies sent by Russia to support the organization’s humanitarian efforts.

Director of SARC Marwan Abdullah thanked the Russian people for this humanitarian contribution, saying that the organization will distribute these supplies to the needy via their branches across Syria.

The supplies were transported to Damascus Airports by two planes which were received by Russia’s Ambassador in Damascus Azmatullah Kulmohammadov and a representative of the Syrian Foreign Ministry.

Syria Youth Table Tennis Team Wins West Asian Championship

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian female table tennis team for youths on Monday won the gold medal of the West Asian Table Tennis Championship held in Beirut with the participation of 5 countries.

Syria’s team qualified for the Asian qualifiers set to be held in Beijing in August.

Secretary-General of the Game Union, Hadi Issa, told SANA that the team won the title of the Arab Leagues Championship in UAE, adding that the team also won the last Arab Cup in Jordan.

The Syrian female table tennis team for youths is ranked 17th in Asia.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

Syrian News on March 5th, 2012

Sixteen Army, Law-Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES,(SANA)- Sixteen army and law-enforcement martyrs on Sunday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus, Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia and the National Hospital in Sweida to their final resting place.

The martyrs were targeted by the armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Quneitra, Idleb, Homs and Daraa.

Solemn funeral ceremony was held for the martyrs as they were covered with flower and laurel wreaths to the Military Band playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell.”

The martyrs are :

•           First Lieutenant, Mukhles Issa Shahla from Lattakia.

•           First Lieutenant, Hazem Moneer Salloum from Hama.

•           Sergeant Major, Rami Sa’adou al-Halabi from Sweida.

•           Sergeant, Mohanad Rashid al-Mala from Deir Ezzour.

•           Sergeant, Mohammad Tamer Najla from Homs.

•           Corporal, Issa Abdul-Haji from Raqqa.

•           Corporal, Mustafa Fayyad Hilal from Aleppo.

•           Corporal, Salim Mohammad Khaddour from Hama.

•           Corporal, Mohammad Abdul-Ghafour al-Hassan al-Khudeir from Aleppo.

•           Conscript, Elias Jres Shamma from Damascus Countryside.

•           Conscript, Bilal Fares Da’aboul from Aleppo.

•           Conscript, Ali Mohammad Radwan from Raqqa.

•           Conscript, Ghassan Matar al-Hassouneh from Hasaka.

•           Conscript, Naji Awad al-Mutlak from Sweida.

•           Policeman, Naji Hamesheh from Lattakia.

•           Policeman, Mohammad Ali Fayyad from Lattakia.

The martyrs’ relatives affirmed that their sons’ blood will make Syria stronger and more capable of facing challenges, and that Syria proved its ability to confront difficult conditions concocted by malicious hands.

They denounced the crimes of the armed terrorist groups, warning people not to believe the lies of the misleading satellite channels which are accomplices in the shedding of Syrian blood.

Authorities Start Removing Debris Left by Terrorists in Homs

HOMS, (SANA) – The authorities on Sunday started removing the destruction and debris left by the armed terrorist groups in al-Insha’at and Baba Amro neighborhoods in Homs city.

The repair and maintenance teams started rehabilitating roads and service institutions and removed the roadblocks set by the terrorists in the area.

In Baba Amro neighborhood, the authorities discovered other caches and dens which the armed terrorist groups resorted to in their operations against the civilian residents.

A field hospital was also discovered in the neighborhood in addition to explosive-manufacturing facility.

For its part, the Syrian Petroleum Company started repairing the petroleum pipeline in al-Sultaniyah area, the pipeline was sabotaged by armed terrorist groups.

Information Minister: Syria Adapted Political Solution and Reforms Since the Beginning of the Crisis

DAMASCUS, (SANA) –Minister of Information Adnan Mahmoud on Sunday stressed that since the beginning of the crisis, Syria has adapted the political solution and started implementing the reform program within a set timetable.

In a meeting with an Ukrainian delegation comprising parliamentary and media figures, Dr. Mahmoud stressed the importance of the visit to inspect the reality of Syria’s events.

The Information Minister pointed out to Syria’s keenness on bolstering cooperation with Ukraine in all domains and expanding media cooperation in order to convey the reality of events.

Dr. Mahmoud underlined that the unjust economic sanctions imposed by the USA and some western countries in addition to some Arab states harmed the interests of the Syrian people.

He lauded the stances of Ukraine regarding its rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs and the crimes committed by armed terrorist groups against its public and private properties.

For her part, Head of the Parliamentary Committee of Friendship Relation with Syria and head of the delegation, MP Alla Aleksandrovska, called for enhancing cooperation with Syria, particularly in the media sector.

“Ukraine stresses its support to Syria and rejection of foreign interference in its affairs. Ukraine also stresses support to dialogue among all the Syrian sides,” she added.

Later, the Ukrainian delegation met Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East Ignatius IV Hazim, who affirmed to them that the crisis affected all Syrians yet it failed to undermine their unity, warning against calls for foreign interference in Syria’s affairs.

During the meeting, members of the delegation stressed the strength of the relations between Ukraine and Syria, voicing readiness to relay the reality of the events taking place in Syria.

One of the journalists, Lydia Denisenko, said that she spoke to people in the streets after the meeting with Patriarch Hazim, and that these people were clear in their adherence to the reform program.

She said that as a journalist, she must be objective, affirming that what is being broadcast by some media outlets contradicts reality completely.

Child Martyred, Five Injured in Explosive Device Blast in Aleppo

ALEPPO/IDLEB, (SANA) – A child was martyred and five persons from the same family got injured Sunday in a blast of an explosive device planted by a terrorist group in the northern province of Aleppo.

An official source in the province told SANA correspondent that the explosive device was planted in park in Bustan al-Basha area in Aleppo, martyring an eleven-year-old boy, Mahmoud Batayhi and injuring other four teenagers from the same family, in addition to an elderly man.

The injured are Mustafa Batayhi (11 years old), Hasan Mohammad Batayhi (14 years old), Ahmad Batayhi (9 years old), Hasan Mustafa Batayhi (17 years old) and Khalaf al-Juma’a (55 years old).

A doctor at al-Razi Hospital said that one of the patents sustained a severe injury to the left thigh, shattering the femur, in addition to injuries to the tissue and bones of the left hand which may necessitate amputation at the wrist.

Hasan Mustafa Batayhi said that explosion happened when he went out to call his cousins – who were playing in the park – to come home.

One of the injured children said he saw a man wrapping the bomb – which he believed to be trash – in papers and placing it by the wall. He called the attention of his cousin Hasan to the man, which is when the bomb exploded.

Three Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb

Meanwhile in the northern province of Idleb, the military engineering units dismantled three explosive devices planted by an armed terrorist group on Ariha-Saraqeb road at Tarnabeh crossroad.

A source in the province told SANA correspondent that the explosive devices weigh 80 kg each and were ready to explode by remote control to target citizens and law enforcement personnel.

Flat with Various Sorts of Torture Tools Used by Armed Terrorist Groups uncovered in Homs

Competent authorities seized on Sunday a flat with various torture tools inside used by armed terrorist groups to mutilate citizens in Jawbar farms in Homs province.

SANA reporter said that the armed terrorist groups named this flat as “Investigation Division”.

Ammoura: Reform Steps Did Not Please the Countries Calling for Arming the Opposition to Kill the Syrians

DAMASCUS, (SNA)- Assistant Foreign and Expatriates Minister Abdel Fattah Ammoura on Sunday stressed the Arab and regional-backed conspiracy against Syria is aimed at undermining it national stances, stability and geostrategic position in the region.

Meeting a Ukrainian parliamentary and media delegation, Ammoura said that Syria will come out of the crisis stronger thanks to the awareness of it people and the support of the friendly countries.

Ammoura briefed the Ukrainian delegation on the process of comprehensive reforms in Syria and the laws and legislative decrees issued such as the laws of parties, elections, media, local administration and the latest of which is the new constitution.

He indicated that these reform steps did not please the Western and Arab countries which stand behind the conspiracy against Syria, especially Qatar and Saudi Arabia that started to publically call for arming the opposition to kill the Syrian people.

Heading the Ukrainian delegation, MP Alla Aleksandrovska of the Communist Party said that what is taking place in Syria is not a crisis, rather it comes within the framework of the US so-called ‘creative chaos’ policy which might affect the neighboring countries and the whole region including Ukraine.

Aleksandrovska, who is the head of the parliamentary committee of friendship relations with Syria, highlighted the strong human, social and economic relations binding Ukraine and Syria, referring to the thousands of Syrians who have studied in Ukraine.

Patriarch al-Rahi: Syria is Closest to Democracy in Arab World, Needs the Reforms Announced by President al-Assad

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi affirmed that Syria is the closest to democracy in the Arab world, and that much like all countries, it needs reforms which President Bashar al-Assad announced since March 2011.

In an interview with Reuters, Patriarch al-Rahi stressed that reforms cannot be achieved through force of arms, noting that the religion of the state in Syria is Islam, but Syria is unique among Arab countries in that it doesn’t proclaim itself to be an Islamic country, rather it simply states that the President’s religion is Islam, therefore it’s the closest country to democracy in the region.

He regretted the violence and destruction taking place in Syria, saying that there are destructive plans in world politics and that the people don’t want the extremists who are receiving financial, military and political support from certain countries.

“How can the Arab Spring be a spring when people are killed every day? They talk about Iraq and democracy while a million Christians out of one and a half million were forced to leave Iraq… where is democracy in Iraq?” he asked, saying that this so-called spring is closer to a winter of war, destruction and killing.

“What good is democracy if it wants to kill people and throw away stability?” Patriarch al-Rahi wondered.

Iranian Media Delegation: Daraa is Normal and Stable despite Terrorists’ Attempts to Stoke Crisis

DARAA, (SANA) – The Iranian media delegation visiting Daraa City condemned the conspiracy against Syria which aims to undermine its role in the region, wondering at the extent of media exaggeration and the instigative campaign launched against the Syrian people by some Arab channels.

Heading the delegation, Director of Foreign Press at the Iranian Information Ministry, Mohsen Emami, said that the enemies of Syria tried to exploit the situation and exaggerate the events, indicating to the atrocity of terrorism and destruction they witnessed in Daraa.

He added that despite the loss of souls, properties and infrastructures, it is an important experience for the Syrian people to be sure that there are hostile parties that exert continuous efforts to fragment their country due to Syria’s resistant role and its support to the Resistance.

Head of the delegation stressed that life in Daraa is normal and the situation is stable in spite of the terrorists’ attempts to stoke the crisis in Syria and give the iamge that there is division between the people and the government, adding that touring Daraa governorate gave an image contradictory to that promoted by some media which is that the government and the people desire to overcome the current situation.

Editor-in-Chief of the semi-official Mehr news agency Hassan Hani Zadeh said that he expected the situation in Daraa to be unstable as the instigative Arab media continued to broadcast false news about terrorism prevailed in this governorate, but the reality was different as he walked down in its streets.

He added that life is normal and people were everywhere at streets and shops, indicating to the government’s serious attempts to rehabilitate the building and institutions damaged by the armed terrorist groups, hailing the popular support to the government to overcome the situation.

The Iranian delegation also met the Governor of Daraa Mohammad Khaled al-Hannous, in addition to touring some of sabotaged and burnt state institutions such as the Justice Palace and the TV and Radio Center in the governorate.

The delegation included a number of correspondents from several Iranian newspapers, websites, TV channels and Mehr News Agency.

Mauritanian Political Parties Announce Establishing Popular Movement to Support Syria, Iran and the Resistance

NAWAKSHOT, (SANA) – A number of Mauritanian political parties have announced the establishment of popular movement to support Syria, Iran and the Resistance in the face of plots which target the Arab and Islamic Resistance.

In its founding statement, the movement stressed determination to organize protests in front of the embassies of countries involved in the conspiracy to convey a message to their people and regimes that the Mauritanian people voice full support to Syria, its resistant leadership and President Bashar al-Assad, in addition to their rejection of all forms of political or economic siege and foreign interference in Iran.

The statement warned that what Syria is facing comes in the framework of the conspiracy targeting the Arab and Islamic nations with the help of reactionary Arab forces which financed the arming of armed groups in the Syrian cities in line with the wide western mobilization to isolate Syria’s leadership and weaken its role as a supporter for the Resistance.

The movement condemned hosting the meeting of those conspiring parties in Tunisia to voice hostility to Syria while at the same time the holy and sacred places in Palestine were being desecrated and copies of Quran were being burnt in Afghanistan.

The statement said that the movement will organize a number of political, cultural and intellectual activities to expose the conspiracy against Syria and the dangers of exploiting the so-called “Arab Spring” to practice systematic killing by Takfiri terrorist groups recruited by the Zionism and some regimes in the Gulf to fragment the Arab nation starting of Somalia, the Sudan, Iraq and then Libya.

The statement mocked at the claims of democracy by some leaders in the Gulf, whereas the Peninsula Shield Force are deployed in Bahrain and the tanks of Al Saud in al-Qatif and al-Awamiyah.

The founding members of the popular movement to support Syria, Iran and the Resistance include the Popular Front, Movement for Direct Democracy, the Welfare Party (Hizb al-Rafah), the Social-Democratic Unionist Party and the Arab-Islamic Gathering to Support the Option of Resistance in Mauritania, the Party for Labor and Equality, the Reform Party, the Gathering of Youth Technocrats, the Sustainable Development Organization and Majd Party.

Syrian News on March 6, 2012

President al-Assad Congratulates President Putin on Winning Presidential Elections

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad on Monday sent a cable to Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulating him on winning the presidential elections. 

In his cable, President al-Assad expressed, on behalf of the Syrian people and on his own behalf, heartfelt congratulations to the Russian President on his distinguished winning, wishing him success in his responsibilities.

The President also wished more prosperity and progress to the friendly people of Russia under the leadership of President Putin.

Putin, who was the President of Russia from 2000 to 2008 and is currently the Prime Minister until the date of assuming office on May 7th, won the presidential elections with 64% of votes.

Families of Baba Amro Return Home, Authorities Discover weapons’ factory

HOMS, (SANA)-Many families of Baba Amro on Monday returned home which they fled because of the crimes of the armed terrorist groups after authorities restored stability and security to the neighborhood.

Public workshops also continued maintenance and cleaning works, opening roads, streets and removing the debris left by the terrorists who sabotaged the general and private properties.

Works are underway in Homs to repair the oil pipeline which supplies the refineries and crosses Baba Amro after it was sabotaged by the attacks of the armed terrorist groups.

At Baba Amro, the competent authorities uncovered a factory for weapons used by terrorists to prepare explosives and hand-made rockets to be launched against houses without specifying the target.

The authorities also discovered an Israeli-like reconnaissance plane, cameras, anti-tank grenades, and tunnels and used by the terrorists to smuggle weapons.

Media Source: Syria Welcomes Kofi Annan’s Visit

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – A media source on Monday said that Syria welcomes the visit of Kofi Annan, envoy of the UN Secretary-General, to Syria.

On the other hand, the source said that Syria accepted to receive UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Valerie Amos, who is going to arrive in Damascus on Tuesday after midnight.

Amos will hold talks with Minister of Foreign and Expatriates Affairs, Walid al-Moallem, his deputy and head of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, the source added.

Amos will pay visits to some areas in Syria, according to the media source.

Lavrov: Gunmen, Foreign Fighters Among Syria’s Opposition

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday said that Russia sees the news coming from many sources on arming the Syrian opposition and the presence of foreign fighters among the opposition as not encouraging.

In a press conference with his Jordanian counterpart Naseer Jouda in Moscow, Lavrov said that it’s important to call upon all sides in Syria to an immediate cessation of fighting.

Lavrov expressed worry over Burhan Galion’s statements on arming the Syrian opposition and the establishment of a military bureau in Turkey, adding that these news prove that Galion is working towards escalating the situation rather than putting an end to it.

Lavrov stressed that the basic objective now is to stop violence in Syria regardless of its source, adding that Russia allocated 1 million Swiss Francs to the International Committee of the Red Cross in order to deliver humanitarian aid to Syria.

“The West shouldn’t call upon Moscow to exert pressure on the Syrian government. The situation is far from being dependent on Russia.” He added.

Lavrov stressed that Moscow supports the mission of the former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, pointing out that Annan’s mission will provide the appropriate circumstances to start dialogue between the Syrian government and the opposition groups.

He said that there is no need to submit new initiatives over Syria’s crisis.

Gatilov: US Draft UNSC Resolution on Syria “Unbalanced”

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov, described on Monday the new US-drafted UN Security Council resolution on Syria as “unbalanced”.

Reuters quoted Gatilov as saying on his Twitter account, “the new US draft UN Security Council resolution on Syria is a slightly renewed version of the previous vetoed document. It needs to be significantly balanced.

Earlier, Russia vetoed two UN Security Council draft resolutions on Syria because they were one-sided and unbalanced.

Dolgov: Russia rejects ignorance of armed groups’ acts against civilians

Konstantin Dolgov, Russian Foreign Ministry Commissioner for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law renewed his country’s rejection of the unilateral attempts to attribute the crisis and hold the Syrian government responsible for the acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups.

In a statement today, Dolgov said that those unilateral attempts ignore the acts of terrorists which violate laws, adding “those facts are documented in the latest report of the independent international Committee formed by the UN Human Rights Council.”

He underlined that Moscow calls for continuing finding a Syrian internal reconciliation, without any foreign intervention, through a cease-fire and resolving the human issues.

China Reiterates Stance on Adopting Political Solution to Solve Crisis  in Syria

Beijing, (SANA) – China said on Monday that it will send Li Huaxin, China’s former Ambassador to Syria, as an envoy to the country next week for two days in a bid by Beijing to settle the current crisis.

Reuters quoted China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Liu Weimin, as saying in a press conference held in Beijing “Although conditions are extremely complicated, and the situation remains tense, China still maintains that a political solution offers the fundamental escape from the Syrian crisis.”

“China believes that based on recent developments and changes in Syria, it is necessary for us to further explain our policies and proposals,” the spokesman Liu said of Li’s trip.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Saturday, underlining its rejection of any interference in Syria’s domestic affairs under humanitarian pretexts and stressed its commitment to supporting the independence, sovereignty, unity and integrity of Syria’s territories.

The Ministry called on relevant parties in the international community to seriously respect the right of the Syrians to choose their political system independently and to create a convenient environment and constructive support for political parties in Syria to start a dialogue and respect its outcome.

The Ministry underlined that it does not agree on military interference or pushing towards changing the regime, as it thinks that threatening sanctions does not help solve the crisis in Syria properly.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry is following up closely on the situation in Syria and believes firmly that the crisis in Syria should be solved through political dialogue and with a appropriate and peaceful means, as it is exerting ongoing efforts to achieve that.

Twelve Army Martyrs Laid to Final Rest

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Twelve army martyrs on Monday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place after they were targeted by the armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Homs, Daraa and Damascus Countryside.

Solemn funeral ceremony was held for the martyrs as they were covered with flower and laurel wreaths while the Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell.”

The Martyrs are :

•           Retired Brigadier General, Faisal Ismail Ahmad from Lattakia.

•           Lieutenant Colonel, Ghassan Hassan Fawzi from Lattakia.

•           Sergeant Major, Ali Asaad Suleiman from Homs.

•           Sergeant Major, Nasaat Kamal al-Akil from Sweida.

•           Sergeant, Mohammad Bassel al-Aoutani from Damascus Countryside.

•           Corporal, Bilal Ali Abboud from Hama.

•           Conscript, Hassan Mohammad al-Sayyeid al-Hussein from Idelb.

•           Conscript, Saad Salman al-Ahmad from Tartous.

•           Conscript, Moutasem-Billah Mohammad Mahdi Hatahet from Damascus.

•           Conscript, Fares Khamis Mustafa from Deir Ezzour.

•           Conscript, Sheikh Nafi’a Omari Mousa from Aleppo.

•           Conscript, Alaa Dib Said from Idleb.

The martyrs’ families expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons, asserting that the blood of the martyrs will protect Syria and make it stronger in the face of challenges.

The martyrs’ relatives hailed the role of the Syrian army in maintaining the security and stability of the homeland, expressing confidence of the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through their unity and rallying around their leadership, asserting that Syria will foil all the conspiracies hatched against it.

President of Venezuela Reiterates Solidarity with Syria

HAVANA, (SANA) – President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela reiterated solidarity with Syria’s people and leadership in the face of the conspiracy, condemning the US pressure against Syria.

Speaking from his residence in the Cuban capital of Havana during his recovery after undergoing a surgery, President Chavez stressed that he closely following up on the international developments, especially in Syria, adding that “From here, We express our solidarity with Syria and President Bashar al-Assad.”

The Venezuelan President demanded halting armed aggression, not only the diplomatic, against Syria, calling upon all sides to participate in solving the crisis through dialogue without preconditions.

In 2011, Chavez underwent surgery and four rounds of chemotherapy in Cuba after the discovery of a cancerous tumor in his pelvis.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

Syrian News on March 9, 2012

Huge Crowds of Syrians Gather in Damascus and Hasaka in Support of Reforms

DAMASCUS/ HASAKA, (SANA) – Huge crowds of Syrians gathered at Saba Bahrat Square in Damascus and the President Square in Hasaka to stress support to the reform process in Syria.

The masses rejected all attempts of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, expressing determination to foil the conspiracy.

The participants in Damascus expressed deep appreciation for the sacrifices of the Syrian army in confronting armed terrorist groups.

Political and media figures from Tunisia and Lebanon joined the Syrians in these gathering where Secretary General of the Tunisian Unionist Democratic Union Party, Ahmed Al-Inoubli, said that what is taking place in Syria is a hopeless attempt by the West to undermine an important defender of the Arab rights.

He expressed confidence that Syria will remain the main support for the Resistance, adding that its steadfastness signals the emergence of new international order that eliminates the US-Zionist domination.

Political analyst Akram Mkanna said that Syria will come out stronger of the crisis and the Syrian people are determined to continue reform process and combat terrorism, underlining that restoring security and stability are important to achieve reforms.

In al-Hasaka, a youth group organized a national event at the President Square in the province to express appreciation to the role of the Syrian army in defending the homeland.

The participants chanted national songs, raising flags and banners that stress their rejection of foreign interference in their internal affairs and all schemes which aim at undermining Syria’s stability and dignity.

Sheikh Fayez al-Names called for adhering to the national unity against the conspirators whose plots failed to undermine the Syrians.

The participants condemned stances of some countries which called for arming the terrorist groups which kill and mutilate the Syrian people serving the Zionist dream in preserving the Israeli entity.

Terrorists Caught in Hama, Weapons Seized in Raqqa, child martyred in Homs

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)_The competent authorities clashed with armed terrorist groups on the farms surrounding Taibet al-Imam in Hama, killing few terrorists and confiscated their arms, some of which Israeli-made.

The competent authorities also seized leaflets and documents stolen from state institutions.

Weapons Seized in Raqqa

The competent authorities on Thursday seized weapons smuggled from Turkey in Tal Abyad area on the Syrian-Turkish borders in Raqqa countryside.

SANA correspondent quoted an official source as saying that the seized weapons included 105 pump-action shotguns and 26 Magnum rifles, indicating that the smugglers were caught.

Explosive Devices Dismantled in Idleb Countryside Members of military engineering units dismantled 4 explosive devices planted by the armed terrorist groups at the crossroad of Trembeh village in Sarakeb in Idleb countryside.

A source in the province told SANA correspondent that the authorities arrested 4 of the terrorists while they were planting the explosive devices.

Armed Terrorist Group Rob Public properties in Idleb Countryside

A terrorist armed group robbed a feed center in Sinjar, near to Maaret al-Numan in Idleb countryside and stole big amounts of barely.

SANA correspondent was informed that a terrorist armed group broke into the center, destroyed its contents and stole barely.

The correspondent pointed out that the terrorist armed groups sabotaged plant nursery affiliated to the afforestation project in Sinjar area.

An armed group also blew up a private bakery in the eastern neighborhood in Idleb. No human losses were reported.

Child Mailk al-Aktaa, 11, was martyred today by the bullets of armed terrorist group while accompanying his father on their car in Homs going to their farm at Tadmor road.

“While driving my car out of our neighborhood, we came under fire of a sniper at the Mreije alley, my child was hit in his chest and hand… I immediately took him to the Hospital of al-Nahda, but he died,” Father of the child Basam al-Aktaa told the Syrian TV in an interview.

Gatilov: Russia will not Allow Passing any draft resolution on Syria which might hint to Using Force

MOSCOW, (SANA)-Russia underlined rejection of passing any draft resolution at the UN Security Council which includes any gaps that allow using force against Syria.

“Russia will not agree any draft resolution which includes points that refer to using force against Syria… it is not permissible for the resolution to bear different readings… difficult consultations are underway in New York regarding this issue,” Russia Today TV quoted Gennady Gatilov, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister as saying on his website.

He added that the target is to remain as it is, represented in preparing a context that include equal demands for the two sides.

Earlier, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations in the Russian Duma, Leonid Kalashnikov underlined that the Russian stance, which rejects any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, is firm.

Kalashnikov told SANA correspondent in Moscow on Thursday ,” the Duma Council adopted an official statement on the events in Syria, and we stressed that Russia has vetoed in a completely right way , a UN Security Council resolution on Syria to foil a decision aiming to repeat the Libyan scenario, a decision which is completely rejected by Russian and China.”

The Russian official underlined that there is no basis for what some Arab and Western countries are trying to promote with regard to a change in the Russian and Chinese stance, pointing out that the situation is heading towards calmness and there should be efforts for a political and diplomatic solution to the crisis.

Kalashnikov said that the Arab League sent its observers to Syria, as they set their report but the Western states and some of AL countries concealed it and prevented distributing it to Security Council’s members because it included objective facts on the reality of events in Syria.

Moscow Reminds International Community of its Responsibility over exporting terror into Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Russian Envoy to the UN Vitaly Churkin put the international community once again in front of its alleged responsibility in combating terrorism through presenting a new evidence on the infiltration of terrorist trained members into Syria.

Churkin, confirming a lot of western media reports, reminded the UN Security council members of the existence of al-Qaeda in Syria before unveiling information that say the Libyan government has set up a special center for training terrorists to be later sent to launch attacks on official and governmental institutions and carry out criminal acts.

The Russian Envoy sought to remind the international community of its duty regarding the export of armed men and weapons into Syria that will undermine stability in the Middle East.

To Prove that, AFP quoted a journalist who spent a week in Homs as saying that he saw terrorists and Arab extremists that fight the Syrian government as Iraqi Premier Nouri al-Maliki has underlined that al-Qaeda members infiltrate from Iraq into Syria.

Terrorists Ayman and Fahd Erbinieh Confess to attacking a Church, School in Erbin, kidnapping and killing citizens

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Terrorists Ayman and Fahd Abdul-Kareem Erbinieh confessed to perpetrating crimes in Erbin, Damascus Countryside including attacks on Erbin Church, Religious Kweider School, setting up barricades, kidnapping citizens and killing them.

“While driving my car in Erbin, I saw some persons setting up barricades, one of them called Basel intercepted me and called on me to participate with them in this act, first I rejected.. but on the second day he saw me and insisted to join them, then he handed me a rifle,” Ayman told the Syrian TV in confessions broadcast Thursday.

He added “Later, we began stopping the cars at the barricades where I met a person named Zaher Qweider who took me with him to the barricades.. I asked the group about this man, they told me that he was in Iraq and had relation with al-Qaeda and participated in an attack on the Syrian TV and Radio in Damascus.”

He went on to say that, one day, I saw Zaher who was also known as Houshan near the mosque, he was carrying an RPG… he ordered me to shell the church, first I told him not, but later I fired the church, but it hit the veranda of a building next to the church because I wasn’t skill in the shooting.

For his part, other terrorist Fahd confessed that he got acquainted with Zaher when he was setting up a roadblock in Erbin along with five persons where he joined them.

“Houshan gave us the rifles, ordered us to set up barricades.. once, we were standing at a barricade near Madeara when a military vehicle came, its driver was a warrant officer.. we asked him to get down, we put him aside, later a taxi crossed.. we order its driver to get down to take his identity card… then we took the two men to a farm in Hamourea,” Fahd told the Syrian TV.

He added that after two days terrorist Houshan asked them to set up a barricade at Erbin cemetery where we intercepted a Kia-Rio white car, kidnapped two persons, killed them and threw them near a sewage.

Brazilian Foreign Ministry Stresses Rejection of Foreign Interference in Syria’s Affairs

BRAZILIA, (SANA) – Secretary-General of the Ministry of External Relations of Brazil Ruy Nunes Pinto Nogueira on Thursday stressed his country’s rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

He underlined the necessity of enhancing dialogue among the Syrians to come out of the current crisis.

Meeting the Syrian Ambassador to Brazil Mohammad Khaddour, Nogueira said that Brazil recognizes the scope of the ferocious campaign Syria is facing and clearly understands the ambitions of some parties which seek to exploit the curent scenario taking place on the ground.

“Brazil stressed that halting acts of violence is urgent and necessary, ” said Nogueira, adding that the package of reforms achieved in Syria gives the Syrian people the opportunity for political dialogue to restore stability and security to the country and enhance political pluralism and the freedom of expression.

For his part, Khaddour said that the Syrian government is exerting great efforts in chasing armed terrorist groups which are destabilizing the country and targeting the unity of the Syrian people and their commitment to the independent national decision and their rallying around their leadership.

The two sides reviewed the Syrian-Brazilian relations and the political developments in the Middle East.

The Syrian Ambassador stressed that Syria will come out of the crisis thanks to the sacrifices and awareness of its people and the support of its friends, expressing the pride of the leadership and people of Syria in their friendship relations with Brazil.

In turn, Head of Commission on Foreign Relations and National Defense at the Brazilian Parliament, Manuela D’ Avila , stressed that Brazil is closely following up the developments in the Syrian arena.

D’Avila added that the terrorism , killing and intimidation which have been recently witnessed in Syria are perpetrated from the outside with the aim of undermining its stability to serve villainous schemes.

D’Avila pointed out that she will study with the Brazilian Foreign Ministry all means possible to help Syria overcome its crisis, pointing out to the need for activating the parliamentary relations between the two countries.

Health Minister, Amos Review Challenges to Health Sector in Syria in Light of Economic Sanctions, Terrorist Sabotage Acts

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Minister of Health Wael al-Halqi reviewed with the UN Undersecretary for Humanitarian Affairs, Valerie Amos, the situation of health sector in Syria and the challenges facing it in light of the unjust economic sanctions imposed on Syria.

Minister al-Halqi pointed out to the losses of the health sector during the crisis where 18 workers were martyred and 30 were injured while few others were abducted, in addition to damaging 19 hospitals, 51 health centers and 145 ambulances, 60 of which are out of service.

The Minister added that the health sector was also another victim of the misleading campaign led by instigative satellite channels.

“The Health Ministry on Wednesday started works of rehabilitating the comprehensive health services center in Baba Amro neighborhood in Homs to resume providing health services to citizens after being damaged by the armed terrorist groups,” Dr. al-Halqi said.

The minister stressed that the public and private hospitals in Syria have continued to perform their duties in treating patients regardless of their political thoughts, refuting claims of some misleading channels which aim at damaging the reputation of this humanitarian sector.

He called upon the UN Undersecretary for Humanitarian Affairs to visit any hospital or place to inspect its situation and listen to workers about medical services provided and the pressure they experienced while performing their duty under the most difficult circumstances.

On Wednesday, Amos and the accompanying delegation visited Homs City, toured a number of its neighborhoods, met few citizens and inspected sabotaged public and private properties which were damaged by the armed terrorist groups.

Earlier, Minister of Education Saleh al-Rashed discussed with Amos, and the accompanying delegation the situation of the education process and the efforts exerted to ensure the the safe return of students to schools damaged by the terrorist armed groups.

The Minister underlined Syria’s keenness to apply education democracy for all and children’s right to learn, pointing out to the efforts exerted by the Ministry to rehabilitate damaged schools and make it possible for children to go back to their schools, in addition to compensating the missing lessons for them.

Al-Rashed clarified that the Ministry is working to achieve international standards for schools with regard to providing a secure environment and suitable curricula to guarantee a healthy upbringing.

The Minister handed Amos a booklet containing documented photos of sabotaging education institutions in addition to the harm done to workers in the sector including threats of killing.

He underlined the Ministry’s keenness to cooperate with UN organs to handle the psychological harm of students due to the sabotage operations, and to rehabilitate schools.

Amos, for her part, thanked the Ministry of Education for its high cooperation with the UN and the UNICEF, expressing hope of continuous cooperation between the two sides to serve educational issues.

She stressed the UN’s readiness to provide aid for rehabilitating schools and ensuring the the safe return of students to schools.

Amos visits al-Zahera Center of the Red Crescent

UN Undersecretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos on Thursday visited al-Zahera Center of the Syrian Red Crescent Organization, meeting its chairman Abdul-Rahman al-Attar.

Amos appreciated the work of the Organization’s volunteers, underlining the importance of cooperation between a UN team and the Syrian government to evaluate the humanitarian situation.

“The Syrian Foreign Ministry has underlined that I can visit any place in Syria… yesterday I visited Home and entered Baba Amro, inspecting the situation there as well as the humanitarian state of the citizens whom we seek to help,” Amos said, adding “I had no previous expectations on the situation in Syria.

Amos added that she didn’t see a lot of inhabitants in Baba Amro, saying “what is important now is how we could reach them in order to provide them with  the humanitarian aid.”

Velayati: Syria Front Line of Resistance, Attempts to Isolate Syria Serve Zionist Entity

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Chief Advisor of Iran’s Supreme Leader for foreign policy, Ali Akbar Velayati, said Syria is the front line of resistance in the region.

In a statement on Thursday, Velayati said that attempts of some Arab regimes to isolate the Syrian leadership from the political equation in the region serve the interest of the Zionist entity.

Abdullahian: We are Seeing Stability Return to Syria

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdullahian said that the situation in Syria is headed towards stability, adding ”We are seeing security and stability return to all Syrian cities.”

In an interview with Russia Today TV Channel on Thursday, Abdullahian stressed that the Syrian government and people have confronted foreign interference and terrorist acts over the past few months, noting that national dialogue will proceed with sure steps in the future.

He reiterated his country’s rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian affairs, indicating that foreign interference was invoked by some at the outset of the crisis who later abandoned it having seen the situation on the ground.

Abdullahian said that Western countries, the US and Israel relied on Arab countries for information on the political and field circumstances in Syria, but Syria managed to get over it.

”Iran’s relations with Syria are strategic,” said Abdullahian , adding ”We view Syria as an important country in the axis of resistance, and the Syrian people have a heightened sense of national unity.”

Solidarity Event in Yemen in Support of Reforms

SANAA, (SANA)_Political movements and public organizations organized a solidarity event in the southern Yemeni city of Taizz on Thursday in support of the reform process in Syria against the foreign conspiracy targeting it.

The participants stressed in a statement their solidarity with Syria and rejection of foreign interference in its internal affairs, voicing appreciation of the stances of Russia and China and all the countries which stood by Syria.

The statement denounced the Arab League stance on the crisis in Syria, indicating that it serves the Zionist entity and neocolonialism in the region.

The statement indicated that what is happening in Syria is a conspiracy and a flagrant interference in its internal affairs and violation of the Syrian sovereignty, which seek to create conflicts that serve as alternatives to the Arab-Israel conflict.

Int’l Women’s Day, Continuing Work to Achieve Gender Equality, Release Women’s Potentials

DAMASCUS, SANA_ The world celebrates today the International Women’s Day in light of the significant achievements that have been achieved thanks to the tireless advocacy, practical steps and enlightened policies pursued by the states.

Women’s Day is an opportunity to reconsider women’s situation in the world and review their economic, political and social achievements over the past year and their future goals to be fulfilled.

It is a symbol of women as integral partner-makers of history. It is a denial of all forms of religious gender discrimination considering women less worthy than men.

This Day symbolizes a long struggle of all women on all continents, with different ethnics, religions, cultures and social classes, who have been deprived from the equal right with men.

Women in the Arab countries as well as the Syrian women participate in celebrating this event. Syrian women were able to achieve significant status in society. They worked side by side with men in all walks of life and contributed to the process of sustainable development in their country.

In Syria, all constitutional provisions in their essence are based on a main fact that the Syrian woman enjoys the same rights as man, specially the political ones. The Syrian woman has the right to exercise full political rights and to be a voter and an elected.

These rights yielded the appointment of woman in Syria in the highest positions and sharing her in the People’s Assembly as she has the right of candidature and gaining parliamentary seats.

Woman forms half of the society. She is the mother, sister, daughter, wife and the beloved as she represents the beauty and tenderness by all forms.

International Women’s Day first emerged from the activities of labour movements at the turn of the twentieth century in North America and Europe.

The first National Woman’s Day was observed in the United States in 1909 to honour the 1908 garment workers’ strike in New York, where women protested against poor working conditions.

International Women’s Day was marked for the first time in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, where more than one million women and men attended rallies. In addition to the right to vote and to hold public office, they demanded women’s right to work, to vocational training and to an end to discrimination on the job.

Since those early years, International Women’s Day has grown into a global commemoration of women’s participation in political and economic life, as well as a time to take stock of past progress and future challenges.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

Syrian News on March 12th, 2012

President al-Assad Meeting Annan: Syria Ready to Make Successful any Sincere Effort to Find Solution to Events

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday said Syria is ready to make successful any sincere effort to find a solution to the events taking place in the country, adding that the success of any effort requires first studying what is happening on the ground instead of relying on the virtual space that is promoted by some regional and international countries to distort the facts and give a picture contrary to what Syria is undergoing.

President al-Assad’s remarks came during his meeting with UN Secretary General’s envoy Kofi Annan and the accompanying delegation.

The President was briefed by Annan on his preliminary vision on the situation in Syria, with the UN Secretary General’s envoy stressing his commitment to work fairly, neutrally and independently, as well as his rejection to foreign interference in the Syrian affairs and his belief in a peaceful solution.

Annan expressed hope to work with the Syrian government to launch diplomatic dialogue in the framework of a political process to restore stability to Syria and realize the aspirations of the Syrian people.

President al-Assad said that any political dialogue or political process can not succeed as long as there are armed terrorist groups that are working to spread chaos and destabilize the country through targeting citizens, both civilian and military, and vandalizing private and public properties.

A bilateral meeting between President al-Assad and the UN Secretary General’s envoy followed the plenary meeting, which was attended by Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Walid al-Moallem, Presidential Political and Media Advisor, Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Fayssal Mikdad, and Director of International Organizations Department at the Foreign Ministry Tamam Sulaiman.

Twelve Army and Law Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS/ LATTAKIA, (SANA)- The bodies of 12 army and law enforcement members on Sunday were escorted from the Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus and Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Daraa, Idleb and Damascus Countryside.

The martyrs are:

  • Colonel Nidal Kamel Sakr, from Lattakia.
  • Captain Ammar Hussein Mohammad, from Lattakia.
  • Chief Warrant Officer Qais Ibrahim Khalil, from Tartous.
  • Warrant Officer Ayham Mohammad Abdullah, from Homs.
  • Sergeant Major Mohammad Ali Hassan, from Hama.
  • Sergeant Major Yehia Zakariya al-Arrouq, from Aleppo.
  • Sergeant Major Mohannad Mohammad Shahin, from Tartous.
  • Sergeant Rabie Munir Mariam, from Lattakia.
  • Sergeant Mohammad Khalid Shahin, from Damascus Countryside.
  • Corporal Mohammad Ayoub al-Khani, from Idleb.
  • Soldier Qusai Adnan Mohammad, from Homs.
  • Conscript Merie Salman Talab , from Damascus Countryside.

The martyrs’ families and relatives stressed the Syrians’ determination to stand shoulder to shoulder to foil the conspiracy hatched against their homeland.

They said that the systematic terrorism practiced by the armed terrorist groups and funded by the West and some Arab regimes will not make the Syrians abandon their national and pan-Arab stances, calling for confronting the terrorists with an iron fist.

Terrorists Assassinate Boxing Champion in Aleppo, 2 Law-enforcement Members Martyred in Hama

PROVINCES, (SANA) – In the framework of targeting the experts and the national cadres, an armed terrorist group on Sunday assassinated boxing champion, Ghiath Tayfour in Aleppo city.

An informed source told SANA Correspondent that the armed group targeted Boxer Tayfour while he was passing near the courtyard of Aleppo University in his car as they opened fire on him and he was immediately martyred as five bullets entered his head.

Boxer Tayfour was born in Aleppo in 1969 and he came first in the Boxing Championship in Syria from 1984 to 1998 and he also won several gold medals in a number of the local, Arab and international championships.

Terrorist Group Kidnap Member of BASP Branch in Homs and His Driver

In Homs, an armed terrorist group kidnapped a member of the Baath Arab Socialist Party (BASP) branch in Homs Mesbah Ahmad al-Sha’ar and his driver at al-Ghouta area while they were heading for work.

Terrorist Group Target Bridge in al-Ghab Region in Hama

An armed terrorist group targeted with an explosive device the bottom of a bridge connecting al-Rasif and Shateha in al-Ghab region in Hama province, damaging a part of the bridge.

A source in the province told SANA correspondent that the terrorist group planted two explosive devices to the bottom of the bridge, noting however that only one explosive device was detonated.

The source said that parts of the bridge collapsed blocking the road, adding that the bridge is an important traffic point between the villages of al-Ghab region.

Two Law-enforcement Members Martyred in Hama, Terrorists Killed and Injured

Two authorities’ members were martyred during a clash with armed terrorist groups which have been committing criminal acts against citizens and vandalizing private and public properties in the neighborhoods of al-Jarajemeh and al-Sheikh Anbar in Hama.

A source in the province told SANA correspondent that the clash resulted in killing and wounding a number of terrorists, in addition to seizing amounts of machineguns and RPGs launchers.

Authorities Kill Terrorists and Arrests Others in Daraa Countryside

The authorities raided the hideouts of armed terrorist groups in the towns of al-Jiza and Tisia in Daraa countryside, resulting the arrest of a number of terrorist and the death of others.

The authorities confiscated the terrorists’ weapons which include assault rifles, machineguns, handguns, RPG rounds and large amounts of ammo, in addition to advanced communication devices, military uniforms, satchels and medical equipment.

Six stolen private and government-owned cars were also recovered from the terrorists. A PKC machinegun was found in one of the stolen cars.

Also in Daraa, a terrorist group attacked the Foreign Trade General Establishment branch, which supplies medicine to local hospitals and health centers, firing RPG rounds at it and causing considerable damage to the building the destroying a large number of the documents and files kept in it.

Annan Meets Syria’s Mufti and Representatives of Religious Sects in Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan said his mission is aimed at discussing steps that might help in ending the violence, ensuring the access of humanitarian aid and starting political dialogue in Syria.

Meeting Grand Mufti of the Syrian Arab Republic Ahmad Badr EddinHassoun and representatives of the religious sects in Syria, Annan hoped he would help achieve what could contribute to making democratic reforms and enhancing respect of human rights in Syria.

Annan wished for Syria to be secure and to invest the plurality in it to enhance reconciliation and tolerance and circulate them at the mosques and churches and across all the sects.

He said that he spoke with the Security Council’s members, the EU ambassadors and a number of officials and opinion leaders in the world and called on them to cooperate to ensure peace in Syria.

The UN envoy said that he met President Bashar al-Assad and some opposition figures, traders, businessmen and people from all spectrums of the Syrian society yesterday and found that everybody want a solution and a compromise.

Annan stressed that the Syrians alone are able to solve their problems and that his mission is to help them do so.

For his part, Mufti Hassoun called upon those who carry weapons and claim “peacefulness” to resort to dialogue, adding that those who have taken up weapons to sabotage their homeland in service of foreign agendas are not Syrian, because Syria has always been the country of co-existence where there is no difference between a Christian and a Muslim.

In turn, His Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV (Hazim) of Antioch and all the East said that the lies and fabrications propagated by the instigative channels about the situation of Christians in Syria are untrue and mere illusions in the minds of some Europeans.

“In Syria, we, Muslims and Christians, live as brothers and share everything,” His Beatitude added, wishing Annan success in his mission and stressing to work with him to help him achieve this.

Hasaka Clans and Figures Organize Gathering in Support of National Unity and Independent National Decision

HASAKA, (SANA) – The clans of Waldet al-Ghamr in Hasaka organized on Sunday a gathering to show support for national unity and independent national decision, with the participation of clan dignitaries and religious, social and popular figures from the governorate.

Participants said that this gathering symbolizes unity of the governorate’s people and all Syria, affirming that Syria’s clans will stand as one to protect it against conspiracies.

They stressed that Syria will emerge from the crisis stronger than before thanks to the awareness of the Syrians and their rallying around their leadership.

German Government Consultant: Targeting Syria by West Contradicts International Laws and Norms

BERLIN, (SANA) – German Government Consultant for Middle East Affairs, Christoph Horstel, said that targeting Syria by the West contradicts all the international laws and norms and the UN Charter.

” If they talk about a possible military intervention in Syria, they do it under the table and secretly, backed by some corrupt Arab regimes as well as Turkey,” Horstel said in an interview with Russian Today TV Channel.

Horstel warned against any blatant aggression against Syria through supporting the armed terrorist groups and arming them in addition to preparing for a direct military intervention, saying that French, British, Turkish and Saudi spies and scores of soldiers have been arrested in Syria, which is quite bad.

Horstel criticized the conference held by Syria’s enemies in Tunisia, saying,” with ‘such friends’ Syria doesn’t need enemies.”

He also criticized the Western mass media which ignores the number of the victims which have been killed by the terrorist groups.

Regarding the Russian-Chinese stance at the Security Council towards Syria, Horstel expressed support to this stance, affirming that those who support the project of targeting Syria will take decisions that can be only consumed, but at the same time they will guarantee the continuation of violence.

The German consultant described Istanbul Council as a premeditated agenda that has been previously used with regard to Iran in addition to some Arab countries including Libya.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.




Syrian News on March 15, 2012

Lavrov: The Syrians Alone Decide Their Country’s Future

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday stressed the Syrians alone decide their country’s future away from any foreign interference, calling for starting the comprehensive national dialogue without preconditions to find a solution to the crisis in Syria and for an immediate ceasefire by from all the parties under unbiased international supervision, along with the humanitarian aid.

Addressing a Russian Duma session, broadcast by Russia Today TV channel, Lavrov said that Russia is defending the principles of justice and the Syrians’ sovereign right to their democratic option.

By doing so, Lavrov added, Moscow aims at achieving peace in Syria and maintaining its citizens’ lives, preventing conflict and violence in the region and preserving stability and security in the area near Russia’s southern borders.

The Russian Foreign Minister pointed out that Russia will continue work with all the parties, whether the Syrian leadership, the opposition groups, the Arab League, the regional and international players and the Security Council member countries, in order to reach a solution to the crisis.

He called in this context for supporting the mission of the UN Secretary General’s envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan.

“Any international issue demands joint work, and this is what settling the crisis in Syria requires…Everybody should be honest and neutral in that,” said Lavrov.

He underscored that Moscow is in daily contact with the Syrian leadership to ease the situation in the country and draw a unified line to engage all the Syrian parties concerned in settling the crisis, adding that Russia, however, has no power over the armed groups and factions that are fighting the state.

“Unifying our efforts is essential to settle the issues and challenges faced by the international community,” said Lavrov, adding this is why Russia is determined to passing positive international solutions for the preservation of indivisible common security.

He stressed that this principle should be comprehensive in order to build a new security structure in the region.

Lavrov voiced his country’s concern over the developments taking place in the world in terms of the attempts at using force in violation of the international law and the great violations of the Security Council resolutions like what happened in Libya, or through means of force in the cases of Iraq and Afghanistan.

He said that all these experiences indicate that crises in those countries can not be settles by means of force but through adherence to the international law.

He stressed that Russia, based on the UN Charter, will oppose any attempts to blast the main principles of this Charter, that are of non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign countries and the adoption of constructive means to settle international differences and conflicts.

Russia, China Stress Unified Stance towards Syria

Russia and China stressed their unified stance towards the situation in Syria, a statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

It added that the Russian President’s Special Envoy for Middle East Affairs, Deputy Foreign Minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, and China’s Ambassador to Russia, Li Hui, stressed that their countries have identical stances with regard to the essential indications of the Syrian internal settlement through internal national dialogue and supporting the efforts of the UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

The Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that Bogadanov and Hui also discussed the developments in the Middle East and North Africa, with focus placed on the stance towards Syria.

Bogdanov: Resolving Crisis in Syria through political internal dialogue

The Russian President Special representative for the Middle East Affairs, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov today underlined the importance of solving crisis in Syria through internal political dialogue in light of respect for Syria sovereignty.

The Russian foreign Ministry said that Bogdanov, during a meeting with Syria’s Ambassador in Moscow Riad Haddad, referred to Russia’s commitment to the need for halting violence in Syria as soon as possible whatsoever source it was, and for guaranteeing the humanitarian aid for the citizens depending on the UN mechanism.

Syrians to Gather in Squares Across the Country to Show Their Love for Their Homeland

In an initiative by Syrian youths, squares in cities across Syria will witness a universal march on Thursday, uniting all Syrians in affirmation of their loyalty and affiliation to their homeland no matter how much pressure is leveled against them.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Homs and Idleb Countryside, Security Restored to Idleb City

GOVERNORATES, (SANA)-Competent authorities on Wednesday clashed with armed terrorist groups near Jisr al-Daf farms to the west of al-Qseir in Homs countryside, killing a number of terrorists, injuring several others and seizing their weapons.

A source in Homs told SANA reporter that the weapons confiscated were RPGs, machine guns, Russian rifles, snipers, Israeli-made bombs and explosives. The source added that an officer and 5 army members were injured in the clashes.

Authorities Clash with Terrorist in Idleb Countryside, Security Restored to Idleb City

The authorities clashed with remnants of armed terrorist groups in the fields and caves of al-Bara in al-Zawiya mountain, killing a number of terrorists, injuring others and confiscating their weapons.

The authorities also engaged an armed terrorist group in the town of Nsaibin in Ariha area, killing three terrorists and confiscating their weapons and communication devices.

A source in Idleb governorate said that the conflict in Nsaibin resulted in the arrest of a terrorist and the confiscation of two cars loaded with explosive devices of various yields which the terrorists intended to plant on the road between the towns of Ariha and Saraqeb.

In Idleb city, the authorities cleared the city of armed terrorist group, and in the process confiscated weapons including assault rifles, RPG launchers and rounds, an Israeli-made machinegun, ammo clips, military uniforms, computers, advanced communication devices including satellite phones, stolen and fake car license plates, and medical equipment.

In addition, the authorities confiscated dozens of explosive devices of various shapes and sizes and materials used for manufacturing them.

The locals were happy to return to their homes from which they fled in fear of armed terrorist groups, saying that the terrorist spread fear and chaos across the city and prevented citizens from going to work.

Maqdisi: Syria Committed to Make Annan’s Mission a Success, Providing that it Suits Syria’s Specificity

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign and Expatriates Ministry spokesman, Dr. Jihad Maqdisi, on Wednesday said the UN envoy Kofi Annan presented during his recent visit to Syria ‘no-paper’ suggestions to exchange views on them, and the Syrian ‘no-paper’ respond to those suggestions was very objective and of an illustrative character of the way the preliminary suggestions are to be implemented.

“We are committed to make a success of Annan’s mission providing that it goes in line with the Syrian specificity, and that requires the international and regional efforts be brought together, particularly those which are hindering the political solution and instigating and calling for arming the Syrian inside to pour oil on the fire,” said Dr. Maqdisi addressing reporters of a number of news agencies at the Ministry’s headquarters.

He stressed that the proposed solutions to the Syrian crisis cannot be imported, adding that “we encourage Mr. Annan to complete his consultations and we wish him success.”

“We wish that all efforts are mobilized to establish appeasement, which everybody should believe is to be reached through getting engaged in the reform and dialogue,” the Foreign Ministry spokesman added.

He said that those who call for arming are hindering Annan’s mission and the success of his mission requires unifying efforts, adding that what is important is the authorization granted to Annan and the extent to which others cooperate with him.

Maqdisi added “we welcome any initiative that helps political solution.”

He indicated that what is taking place in some areas is a security treatment, not political solution as the army is in a state of self-defense, indicating that the presence of armed groups on the ground was documented in international reports and has become undeniable truth.

Regarding the form of the proposed political solution, Maqdesi said that the political solution means to participate in the homeland and the ballot box will be the decisive criterion for all.

He said that we welcome those who believe in dialogue and reject foreign interference, hoping that those who reject dialogue would be convinced that sitting around the dialogue table and rejecting sabotage are the way out of the crisis, adding that President Bashar al-Assad is the guarantor for dialogue and the dialogists.

On humanitarian aid, Maqdisi said that there is a Syrian humanitarian and political commitment to convey humanitarian aid, indicating that Syria has agreed with the UN, during the visit of the UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs, Valerie Amos, to Syria (Homs and Baba Amr), on a certain mechanism to evaluate and provide help in cooperation with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the International Committee of the Red Cross in coordination with the Syrian government in a way that preserves Syria’s sovereignty.

On a question about Syria’s stance towards the meeting between the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with the Arab Foreign Ministers at the Arab League, he said that there were points of consonance, not an agreement.

He added that we welcome any constructive initiative that contributes to political solution but details are important to ensure well implementation and good intentions.

Regarding the Chinese initiative, he said that Syria received the Chinese envoy and officially welcomed the initiative, adding that “we will welcome and positively cooperate with all constructive efforts or initiatives… What is important for us is to put negative forces aside and focus on positives that help achieve the desired détente.”

A Number of Terrorists Who Committed Karm al-Zaitoun Massacre Arrested

The competent authorities in Homs arrested a number of terrorists who perpetrated the terrifying massacre against the citizens of Karm al-Zaitoun Neighborhood in Homs.

Two Terrorists Confess to Planting Explosive Devices Which Claimed the Lives of Two Children, a Woman and a Policeman

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Terrorists Abdelrahman and Ibrahim al-Sharif confessed to being part of plating explosive devices in Aleppo along with an armed terrorist group, which claimed the lives of several citizens, in addition to committing murder and hijacking a car.

In confessions televised by the Syrian TV, terrorist Abdelrahman, who was born in Aleppo in 1992 and works as a stonecutter, said that his uncle Ibrahim (not the other terrorist) was in prison and upon being released introduced him to a man known as Abu Zakkour and asked him to work with him.

During the first meeting, Aby Zakkour gave him a flash disc containing fatwas, recording of al-Qaeda bombings and instructions to make explosives, along with SYP 10,000 to by a bike.

In their second meeting, Abu Zakkour gave Abdelrahman a 7mm pistol equipped with a silenced and 15 rounds, in addition to two explosive devices which he asked Abdelrahman to keep, and later he instructed him to plant the explosives in al-Fardous neighborhood and detonate them after Friday prayers on the next day.

Abdelrahman, along with his cousin Ibrahim (the other terrorist whose confessions were televised), his brother (also called Ibrahim) and Ahmad Dakhil planted the explosives on Friday morning, and later once people began to gather Dakhil detonated the devices, killing a policeman, a woman and two children and wrecking a police car.

On the next day, Abu Zakkour handed Abdelrahman a pump-action shotgun with seven rounds, an AK-47 rifle with two magazines, and a 9mm pistol and SYP 10,000, telling him that he was to distribute the weapons and the money among his colleagues, which he did.

Later, Abu Zakkour instructed him to abduct the owner of a sawmill, and he went on a Monday along with his aforementioned accomplices, breaking into the sawmill and tying up the watchmen.

The sawmill owner arrived earlier, and the terrorists panicked upon seeing him and tried to flee, but he followed him and so they fired at him, with Abdelrahman’s brother shooting the man dead before they fled.

During this incident, Dakhil’s cell phone fell. They tried to hijack a car a failed, then they succeeded in hijacking another car and later hid it before hiding the weapons with his uncle Hussein Dakhil, except for the two pistols.

In the ensuing meeting with Abu Zakkour, he gave Abdelrahman explosive devices, one of them large and the rest of them small, telling him that he should keep them for a few days and that he would tell him where to plant them later.

However, the police raided Abdelrahman’s home two days later, confiscating the pistols, silencer and explosives.

Abdelrahman also said that his cousin Imad al-Sharif gave SYP 500,000 in counterfeit bills which were smuggled from Lebanon. The counterfeit money came from Abdelrahman’s uncle, Hussein al-Sharif, who is currently in Rumieh Prison in Lebanon.

In turn, Ibrahim al-Sharif, Abdelrahman’s cousin and a student, said that his cousin asked him to help them in the abduction of the sawmill owner, and that he went with him along with his brother and Ahmad Dakhil, recounting the events detailed by Abdelrahman.

Ibrahim said that he and Ahmad were hiding in a room where they had tied up the sawmill’s watchman, and they jumped out the window when they heard shooting and ran away, then they tried to hijack a car but the driver managed to run away, then they stopped another car and forced the driver to exit it at gunpoint.

He noted that he was wearing a mask which he lost when Ahmad Dakhil lost his cell phone.

On a relevant note, Hammoud Hajj Mohammad, the father of the child Fayssal who died in the explosion caused by the two terrorists and their accomplices, said that on that fateful Friday he gave his 13 year-old son money to buy drinks for his brother, and ten minutes later they heard an explosion.

Hammoud rushed to the site of the explosion and he was told that his son was injured and taken to the hospital where he passed away later.

In turn, the father of martyred child Ibrahim Hussein Hammoud said that his son was with his friend Fayssal when they were buying drinks, and that the two were injured in the blast and succumbed to their wounds in the hospital.

For his part, Ghaith al-Mustafa, owner of the car hijacked by the terrorists who teaches at Aleppo University, said that he had dropped off his children and nephews to school and was heading home when he was ambushed by the four terrorists, with one of them drawing an AK-47 on him, then they stole his car.

The stolen car was found in a village in Aleppo governorate by the authorities who were pursuing the terrorist group.

People of al-Nazhin, Karm al-Zaytoun, Ashira and Karm al-Loz Neighborhoods Relate Details of Their Suffering at the Hands of Terrorists

HOMS, (SANA) – The people of al-Nazhin, Karm al-Zaytoun, Ashira and Karm al-Loz neighborhoods of Homs related the horrors of the crimes and massacres committed by armed terrorist groups which wreaked havoc in the city.

A local from al-Nazhin said that the armed groups would open fire from every direction at people, and made holes in walls to move from one house to another, attacking the houses’ actual owners, adding that the terrorists belonged to several nationalities.

He said that these groups ran amok in the neighborhood and vandalized everything, and that they didn’t spare even schools and mosques.

Another man from the same neighborhood said that snipers were stations in the street he lvied in, preventing people from leaving their homes for two months, targeting passersby and cars and anything that moved in the streets, adding that the terrorists also robbed houses, committed massacres, murders and kidnapping.

In turn, a woman said that the terrorists killed her son on the doorstep of their home as he was returning from school.

One of the locals from Karm al-Zaytoun said that the innocent victims of the massacre that took place in the neighborhood were among those who refused to be involved in the crimes of the armed terrorist groups, which killed anyone who objected to what they do.

He said that these groups mostly consist of Libyans, Iraqis and Lebanese, and that they had no inhibitions.

Another local said that gunmen from Iraq, Libya and other countries came to Karm al-Zaytoun and laid siege on it, murdering many people and forcing others to flee, then they dug trenches and holes in houses’ walls and made makeshift barricades from sewage pipes.

In Ashira neighborhood, the locals said that gunmen had been assaulting them and that they didn’t feel safe until the army entered the area.

A woman from the neighborhood said that terrorists of unknown identities showed up and started terrorizing women and children who were too afraid to leave their homes.

In Karm al-Loz where terrorists massacred 15 people, the locals said that the terrorists were shooting at people in the streets and killing them, with some of the locals saying that they were practically besieged by the terrorists until the army freed them and provided them with food, drink and medicine.

13 Army Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of 13 army members on Wednesday were escorted from the Military Hospitals of Tishreen in Damascus, Aleppo and Zahi Azraq in Lattakia to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Aleppo and Idleb.

The martyrs are:

  • Colonel Qais Suleiman, from Lattakia.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Ali Habib, from Lattakia.
  • Sergeant Major Sheneiwi Wajeeh al-Mohammad, from Hama.
  • Conscript Mohammad Ali Yousef, from Hasaka.
  • Conscript Qutaibeh Hamdo al-Sultan, from Deir Ezzor.
  • Conscript Hassan Saeed, from Aleppo.
  • Conscript Kenan Abu el-Fakher, from Damascus.
  • Conscript Farouq Faeq Hijazi, from Aleppo.
  • Conscript Hussein al-Aa’raj, from Aleppo.
  • Conscript Ahmad al-Maghrebi, from Damascus Countryside.
  • Conscript Osama Ibrahim, from Aleppo.
  • Conscript Abdullah al-Ali, from Raqqa.
  • Conscript Mohammad Nidal Said Zhourati, from Damascus.

The martyrs’ families, stressed adherence to the national unity and determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against Syria, condemning the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups.

They hailed the role of the Syrian army in maintaining the security and stability of the homeland, expressing confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through their unity and rallying around their leadership.

Parties Affairs’ Committee Licenses Two New Parties

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Parties Affairs’ Committee on Wednesday licensed two new parties; the Syrian National Youth Party and the National Youth Party for Justice and development.

Minister of Interior Mohammad al-Shaar, Head of the Committee, said in a press statement that the Committee gave license to the two parties after they completed their papers and legal measures accordion to the new Parties’ Law.

The step raises the number of the parties given licenses to eight in addition to the parties of National Progressive.

The new parties are: the Solidarity, National Development, Syrian Democratic, al-Ansar, Democratic al-Taleaa, Arab Democratic Solidarity, the Syrian National Youth Party and the National Youth Party.

Syrian National Committee for Following up Comprehensive Periodical Review Mechanism at the HRC: Some Countries Use Human Rights for Imposing Hegemony

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_The Syrian National Committee for Following up the Comprehensive Periodical Review Mechanism at the Human Rights Council issued a paper on the development of the human rights situation in Syria, with focus placed on Syria’s new approach in this regard in light of the new constitution.

The Syrian National Committee accepted the constructive proposals put forward by Syria which are based on its interest in benefitting from world countries’ experiences in this regard.

The deliberations focused on proposals for launching national dialogue in Syria, stressing that the Syrian leadership has adopted national dialogue as a way out of the crisis, which gunmen have so far rejected.

The paper criticized the countries that are using human rights to impose hegemony on other countries as they blatantly interfere in the internal affairs of independent states while covering Israel’s violations of human rights in Palestine and the occupied Syrian Golan.

The paper also gave a review of the terrorist acts committed by the armed groups and documented detention centers set up by terrorists for incarcerating and torturing people and citizens whom they kidnapped for ransom, not saving the children and elderly.


The National Committee saw that Syria expected the international community to offer help in combating terrorism, not support the armed terrorist groups and provide them with political and media backing.

Venezuelan Parliament Votes by Majority for Decision on Supporting Syria against Conspiracy

CARACAS, (SANA) – Legislative National Assembly of Venezuela (the Parliament) agreed during a session held on Tuesday by a majority of votes on a decision presented by parliamentarians of Syrian origins for solidarity with the country in face of the conspiracy led by the USA to undermine Syria’s stances in support to the resistance and the Arab and libration international movements.

Speaker of the Venezuelan Parliament, Diosdado Cabello, underlined his country’s support to the Syrian people and leadership, pointing out that Syria is encountering an imperialistic conspiracy.

For his part, MP Jull Jabbour, Head of the Syrian-Venezuelan Parliamentary Friendship Committee, who submitted the draft project for supporting the Syrian people and leadership at the Venezuelan parliament, said that the statement presented is not only meant to support Syria but also to unmask the imperialistic schemes which seek to make Syria pay for its national and pan-Arab stances in support of resistance.

Vice Chairman of the Committee of Popular Authority and Media, Julio Chavez, said that what is going on in Syria is similar to what Venezuela suffered from in 2002, when the conspirators used to spread lies about virtual crimes, pointing out that the Syrians’ strong stance will foil the conspiracy.

“Interestingly, some countries which support the conspiracy against Syria do not have parliaments such as Qatar!” The MP said.

The decision, which was unanimously approved by all MPs of the Venezuelan Socialist Party, includes five introductory paragraphs and six acting articles. It stresses support to the Syrian people and leadership in the face of the U.S. imperialistic conspiracy with the aim of destabilizing the situation in the country through arming the terrorist radical groups in an attempt to drag the country into a civil war.

It also hails the reforms launched by the Syrian government including the referendum for a new constitution and urges the international community to reject interference in Syria’s domestic affairs.

China: Beijing is Neutral, Has No Private Interests in the Syrian Issue

BEIJING, (SANA) – China has no private interests in the Syrian issue, and Beijing will stick to neutrality towards all the sides, including the Syrian government, in order for it to issue its own verdict correctly according to the right and wrong principle, Head of the Chinese State Council, Wen Jiabao, said on Wednesday.

Chinese News Agency Xinhua quoted Premier Jiabao as saying in a press conference at the end of the annual parliamentary session that the Arab peoples’ demands for democracy will be respected and honestly met, calling on all the parties in Syria to halt the violence and the killing of citizens.

Premier Jiabao added that China feels great sympathy with the humanitarian suffering of the Syrian people, highlighting that Beijing has contributed in the relevant international humanitarian aid to Syria and will continue to do so.

He stressed that China respects the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people for change and supports the mediation efforts of the joint UN-Arab League special envoy on the Syrian issue.

The Chinese official highlighted that his country has intensively worked with the sides concerned to launch political dialogue in Syria as soon as possible.

Al-Akhbar Newspaper: 33 Armed Groups Spread in Syria

BEIRUT, (SANA) – The Lebanese al-Akhbar newspaper said that thirty three armed groups spread throughout the Syrian governorates of Aleppo, Idleb, Hama, Homs and Daraa, according to the 3rd Security Report issued by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) in the US.

The military analyst Joseph Holliday, who served as an Intelligence officer in the U.S. Army from June 2006 to September 2011, said that these armed groups have a clear structure, yet they lack organization.

In the report, Holliday added that three of Syria’s most effective militias maintain direct ties to the “Free Syrian Army” which center in Homs; the northern of Jebel al-Zawiya mountain in Idleb and the southern Hawran plain in Daraa while other groups have no relations to the so-called “Free Syrian Army”.

He stressed that the majority of armed men are civilians carrying weapons who have to rely on external lines of supply to replenish their arms and ammunition.

“The emergence of al-Qaeda-linked terrorist cells working against the regime poses risks to the United States and a challenge to those calling for material support of the armed opposition,” the report said.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

Syrian News on March 16th, 2012

Syrian News on March 16th, 2012

Millions of Syrians Stress Support to Reform Program, Adherence to Syrian Leadership

PROVINCES, (SANA) – In a national scene conveying a message to the whole world of the Syrian people’s commitment to national unity away from foreign interferences and dictates, millions of Syrians on Thursday streamed into the homeland’s streets and squares throughout the provinces in a global march for Syria.

Waving Syrian flags and banners with national slogans on them, the jubilant participants voiced rejection of foreign interference in the Syrian people’s internal affairs and support to the comprehensive reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad to build the renewed Syria.

The reverberating echoes of pro-Syria and pro-leadership chants were heard all through the Umayyad square in Damascus, and Saba Bahrat Square in Deir Ezzor, Saadallah al-Jaberi Square in Aleppo, al-Mohafazeh Square in Lattakia and al-Raqqa, along the cornice in Tartous, the President Square in Hasaka, al-Baladieh in Misyaf, the main street of Salhab, the Post roundabout in Daraa and the neighborhoods of al-Zahra, al-Nuzha, al-Hadara and al-Sheirat in Homs.

The marchers’ slogans expressed denunciation of the antagonistic campaign and the conspiracy hatched against their homeland and led by some Arab parties, stressing adherence to their leadership and vowing to remain steadfast in defending Syria’s security and stability.

In Damascus, the citizens who filled the Umayyad Square stressed that the Syrian people won’t bow down to pressure and are bent on foiling conspiracies weaved in black rooms against Syria.

Afif Dalleh, a political analyst, said that this monumental day proves that all Syrians support the reform program under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad and that their unwavering national choices are ever focused on national unity.

”This is a declaration of victory by all accounts,” Dalleh added.

Participants voiced trust that Syria will emerge even stronger form the crisis, pledging to protect Syria from traitors and plotters who attempt to undermine its power in service of foreign and Israeli agendas.

”These crowds want to get a vocal message across to the whole world that the Syrian people will remain united as ever in combating terrorism,” said Monzer Mohammad, a participant.

They expressed deep thanks to Russia and China who stood by the Syrian people, indicating that one year after the onset of the crisis, the Syrians’ will remains unbreakable.

”The attempts of Western and Arab countries to alter Syria’s position will come to naught…because the Syrian people will spare no sacrifice to defend their country,” said one of the participants.

The tens of thousands of wavering Syrian flags reflected the Syrians’ awareness in confronting the pressures and foreign dictates that are aimed at undermining their homeland and its resistant and principled national and pan-Arab stances, and their choice of sticking to national unity and discarding all attempts at sowing sedition and the tendentious media misleading campaigns.

While condemning the criminal acts of the armed terrorist groups against the civilians, the security and army forces and the public and private properties, the cheering marchers applauded the Syrian Arab Arm’s sacrifices for the sake of preserving Syria’s stability, security and pride.

The Syrians expressed appreciation of Russia, China and other friendly countries for their stances in support of Syria against the conspiracy, denouncing the irresponsible resolutions of the Arab League, which they said has turned into a tool to implement foreign agendas aimed at fragmenting the region and controlling its resources.

In Aleppo, Saadallah al-Jabiri Square was filled to overflowing with mass crowds to voice support to national unity, independent national decision and reforms, as well as rejection of foreign interference.

Chanting national songs, they hailed the heroism and sacrifices of the Syrian Arab army for protecting the homeland, calling for punishing the armed terrorist groups and their funders.

They stressed that the pressure by the Arab League, EU and the US will not debilitate Syria, affirming that the Syrians reject dictates and foreign interference no matter where they come from.

Ahmad Ibrahim, a Palestinian, said that the Palestinians have become an inseparable part of the Syrian fabric, adding that it is obvious that Syria is coming under pressure due to its support to resistance, denouncing statements by Palestinian leaders which ”do not represent the Palestinian people.”

”This stupendous march proves beyond doubt that the Syrian people oppose foreign interference in their country,” said Haidar Talab, adding ”The comprehensive reform program and dialogue are the sole way out of the crisis.”

Abdul-Rahman al-Nayef, leader of al-Bousalem clan in Aleppo, said that the clans will be up to the challenge in repelling aggression against their country.

In Hasaka, Mr. President Square saw a mass gathering of thousands who began to stream into the square early in the morning to express rejection of foreign meddling and support to the independent national decision and the comprehensive reform program in Syria.

The participants raised national flags and lashed out at the attempts of foreign interference in their country, underling the importance of national unity among the Syrians.

”The horrendous crimes of the armed groups have laid bare their blood-thirsty tactics under the cover of demanding liberty…but the Syrian people were never taken in by these false pretexts,” said Jawhar El-Helo, leader of Adwan clan.

In Homs which has borne the brunt of terrorism, the people there expressed strong denunciation of the acts of terrorism and vandalism, echoing the stances of their fellow citizens across Syria in supporting reform for building a strong Syria.

In Deir Ezzor, people flocked to Saba’ Bahrat Square to send a clear message of commitment to national unity and support to reforms.

The participants pledged to preserve the Syrian soil and the national unity, condemning foreign interference and terrorism. Participants affirmed that Syria will emerge victorious with its head held high, blasting the lies and fabrications spread by some TV channels on the situation in Syria.

Lattakia was no exception. Raising national flags and banners, people gathered in the Governorate Square to support reforms and voice rejection to plots against their country.

Mufti of Lattakia Sheikh Ghazal Ghazal said that Syria is a model for national unity, adding that this nation is the cradle of civilizations and religions where people have always fought adversities and difficulties.

Participants said that the Syrians are giving lessons in democracy and reforms as embodied in these huge gatherings across the country, extending thanks to all friendly countries who stood by Syria.

In Raqqa, the citizens from across the governorate gathered at the Governorate building Square, chanting national slogans and songs.

The participants voiced adherence to national unity and saluted the Syrian Arab army which is defending the homeland, indicating that the current stage entails cohesion and soaring above differences.

The people of Hama assembled in Masyaf and Salhab areas in support of reforms and in rejection of foreign interference in their internal affairs.

The participants stressed that the Syrian people will not allow foreign interference, calling for punishing traitors and mercenaries.

In Tartous, people gathered along the Sea Cornishe, affirming that the Syrian people will remain unbowed and opposed to foreign interference.

The participants said that this global event is a genuine expression of unity against conspiracies, affirming that the Syrians could withstand the crisis thanks to their willpower and determination.

In Daraa, the crowds who gathered at the Post Roundabout Square in the city voiced support to reforms and national unity.

The participants, who chanted national songs and slogans, sought to send a clear message that the Syrians can solve their own problems, hoping that Syria will overcome the crisis.

They also said that the conspiracy is breathing its last, decrying the acts of killing, vandalism and terrorism which are intended to weaken Syria and undermine its stances in support to resistance.

Terrorists killed, others arrested in Homs and Idleb Countryside

Homs, Idleb, (SANA)-The competent authorities on Thursday seized a car loaded with a big quantity of different weapons, some of them of an Israeli-made, on Homs international highway.

SANA reporter in Homs quoted a source as saying that the weapons included four RPGs, five Israeli-made mortars, three anti-tank missiles, snipers and rifles.

The authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group between the villages of Kfar Nobl and Hazazin in Jabal al-Zaweih, Idleb, killing a number of terrorists and arresting several others.

A source in Idleb told SANA reporter that the authorities arrested terrorists Abdul-Majid al-Numan, Mo’taz Ghazi al-Jadou, Ahmad al-Nanaa and Alaa Mohammad Saloum.

Weapons of the terrorists were confiscated that included Russian rifles, RPGs, communication wireless sets and military uniforms.

At Maarat al-Numan, the authorities clashed with another terrorist group that was attacking civilians, killing 3 of the armed men and wounding others.

Security members also restored 14 private and public cars that were stolen by the armed groups.

Foreign Ministry Welcomes visit of Annan’s Technical Team

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on Thursday welcomed the visit of the technical team, formed by the UN Special Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan, to discuss some issues related to his mission in Syria.

The Ministry added the step comes in the framework of the efforts exerted by Syria to make Annan’s mission a success.

Lavrov: Russia Will Continue Support to UN Special Envoy to Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA)– “Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stresses the Russian side’s intention to continue support to the UN special envoy to Syria Kofi Annan,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

In the statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry added that Lavrov reiterated support to the UN envoy’s mission.

The statement said that Annan informed Lavrov about efforts exerted by all sides to write acceptable forms to reach a political settlement in Syria.

For his part, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that Annan presented important proposals and he is carrying out effective communications with all Syrian sides, expressing Russia’s support to his efforts.

Three Army and Law Enforcement Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The bodies of 3 army and law enforcement members on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Idleb, Damascus Countryside and Homs.

The martyrs are:

  • Corporal Mohammad Mute’ Abdulsalam from Aleppo.
  • Conscript Mohammad Adulrahman Nasser from Aleppo.
  • Conscript Adel Mahmoud Sultan from Aleppo.

The martyrs’ families, stressed adherence to the national unity and determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against Syria, condemning the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups.

They hailed the role of the Syrian army in maintaining the security and stability of the homeland, expressing confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through their unity and rallying around their leadership.

Nasrallah: the Only Solution to Crisis in Syria is Political

BEIRUT, (SANA)-Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah said that after one year, the solution to the crisis in Syria is political through throwing weapon and engaging in a clear political solution, adding “those who want to destroy Syria or overthrow the regime have no ability to do so.”

“The latest developments have proved that wager on the fall of the regime, the army defection, sectarian war, foreign military intervention or economic sanctions, didn’t give any outcome… the citizens took to streets today, we saw them in Damascus, ,Aleppo and other Syrian cities to support reforms,” Nasrallah said in a speech during a celebration of graduating al-Nour sessions for learning, broadcast by al-Manar TV on Thursday.

“There are citizens in Syria who want reform, dismiss division or the civil war… since the beginning of the crisis, we have hoped Syria would be able to overcome crisis in the interest of its people… when we talked about fears of division, we weren’t talking about illusions or psychological war, but a reality on the ground.. and Sudan is an evidence,” Hezbollah Chief said.

He reiterated that the solution in Syria is political, and its mechanism is a Syrian issue, wondering about some sides’ dealing in Lebanon with the Syrian file, saying “we, as Lebanese people and a country, have an interest to see stability and calm, security and a political solution in Syria.”

Sheikh Nasrallah condemned the massacres perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups in Homs saying that any one couldn’t accept targeting the civilians.

Syrian Communities in Spain and Belarus Organize Stand in Solidarity with Syria

MADRID / MINSK, (SANA) – Members of the Syrian community and Spanish citizens, who support the anti-imperialist platform, organized a stand in solidarity with Syria in front of the Syrian Embassy in Madrid.

The event came within the framework of the Global March for Syria activities.

The participants stressed support to Syria and the reforms carried out under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad to achieve progress and development.

They reiterated the Syrian people’s commitment to their national unity in the face of all attempts that aim at undermining Syria’s security and stability, hailing the role of the Syrian army in defending the homeland and the citizens.

In the same context, the Syrian community and the Arab residents in Belarus organized a stand in solidarity with Syria, within the framework of, to stress rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s affairs.

The participants voiced support to the reform steps undertaken in Syria, expressing gratitude to the friendly countries, especially Russia and China, for their stances towards Syria and rejection of foreign interference attempts in its affairs.

Madlasi: Algeria’s Stance on Syrian Crisis Based on Non-interference in Other Countries’ Affairs

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Algerian Foreign Minister, Murad Madlasi, said his country’s stance on the Syrian crisis is based on the principle of non-interference in other countries’ affairs and respect of the principles and the international law in this regard.

“Algeria works for respecting the principles and the international law and reserves on any foreign interference in any country,” said Madlasi in an interview with Russia Today TV channel, highlighting Algeria’s and Russia’s identical stances towards the Syrian crisis.

The Algerian Foreign Minister referred to the five points that came out of the Arab Foreign Ministers’ meeting with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, held recently in Cairo, saying this common denominator is the beginning for opening a serious dialogue between the Arab countries and all peace-loving countries and for a political solution to the Syrian crisis and not the military solution.

Madlasi said the Syrian issue is an issue of being acquainted with the situation and making a good analysis of it, adding that the Russian analysis is based on facts and the reality, which confirms that the problem of violence in Syria is a multilateral one and the government is not its main cause.

“The Arab people might be taking from the satellite channels the images which feed desperation, anger and condemnation , but the reality is be revealed on the ground, which is not necessarily the one being shown on some TV screens,” he added.

In the same context, Madlasi underlined that the resolution to the crisis in Syria will be through the Syrians themselves.

Algerian News Agency quoted Madlasi as saying at a press conference with his Italian counterpart Giulio Terzi on Thursday that he hopes a solution to the situation in Syria will be reached through dialogue, regretting the fall of victims in the country.

Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Russia: Russian Leadership Adopts Firm Stances Regarding Situation in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Chairman of the Writers’ Union of Russia Valerie Gainchiev underlined that the Russian leadership adopts firm principled stances with regard to the situation in Syria.

On the sidelines of a painting exhibition, Gainchiev told SANA correspondent in Moscow on Thursday that the Russian public opinion expresses support and solidarity with the friendly people of Syria who are characterized by cultural and religious diversity.

He expressed firm confidence that the Syrian people will win and overcome the temporary crisis and they will confront all foreign attempts to attack.

The writer pointed out that the exhibition embodies a strong friendship between the two peoples, as he expressed pain over the images he saw in media about the crimes committed by the armed terrorist groups throughout a year.

The exhibition was organized by the Syrian Embassy in Moscow, Russian Writers’ Union and the Russian Committee for Solidarity with Syria at the Writers’ Union headquarters.

Syrian News on March 19, 2012

Martyrs of Terrorist Blasts Escorted to Final Resting Place

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – In a solemn official and popular procession, the martyrs of the two terrorist blasts which occurred in Damascus on Saturday were escorted from al-Othman Mosque to their final resting place, while the music of “the Martyr” and the “Farewell” was playing.

After performing prayers, the martyrs, who were wrapped in the national flag, were carried on shoulders, with the citizens chanting slogans that condemn the criminal terrorist acts committed by the armed terrorist groups.

The participants stressed the Syrian people’s adherence to their national unity and their determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against Syria.

Requiem Mass for Repose of Souls of Damascus Terrorist Bombings Martyrs

Huge crowds of Syrian citizens on Sunday participated in the march and the Requiem Mass held for the repose of souls of the martyrs who fell in yesterday’s two terrorist blasts in the customs square and al-Qasaa region in Damascus, praying for God to heal the injured and preserve Syria’s security and stability.

The event was organized by the Orthodox Patriarchate in Damascus at the site of the terrorist attack in al-Qasaa quarter.

The crowds condemned these terrorist acts which are aimed at destabilizing Syria’s security, spreading chaos and stoking the flames of sedition among the Syrian people.

The Patriarchal Assistant Bishop Ishak Barakat told SANA reporter that those who commit such terrorist acts do not belong to any religion and have nothing to do with humanity, calling upon the countries which are supplying the terrorists with money and arms to stop trading with the Syrian blood in service of US and Israel’s interests in eliminating resistance in the region.

“Each blood drop shed in these terrorist acts is the responsibility of those who are sending arms to Syria,” said Sawsan Subh, a participant in the Mass, adding that each and every Syrian mother will give birth to heroes who are able to defend and protect their homeland.

Citizen Elias al-Eneini called upon all the Syrians to be united and preserve their unity as it is the only guarantee to overcome the crisis, live in peace and achieve better future.

“These terrorist acts reveal the failure of the conspiring powers and their supporters to weaken the Syrians’ determination to go ahead with the reform process led by President Bashar al-Assad,” said Georgette Ayyoub, participant in the Mass.

“The more Syria heads forward with its reform program, the more atrocious and repulsive the terrorists’ crimes against the Syrian people become,” said Engille Farah.

The marchers added that the Syrians’ participation in the global march for Syria across the Syrian governorates stresses their commitment to national unity and their standing side by side in the face of those who want to undermine Syria.

They stressed that the Syrian people will not give up their determination to move forward with reforms and combat terrorism, adding that the sacrifices of the Syrian army will safeguard Syria.

Two Terrorist Bombings Hit Damascus, Cause Martyrdom and Injury among Civilians and Law Enforcement Personnel

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_ Two terrorist attacks targeted Damascus Saturday morning claiming the lives of 24 people, along with the remains of three other martyrs, while 140 others were injured, including civilian citizens and law enforcement personnel.

The two terrorist attacks, carried out by two booby-trapped cars, targeted two crowded places in the capital: the Customs Square, and the zone linking Baghdad Street to al-Qasaa’ Quarter.

A statement of the Interior Ministry said that Damascus was hit on Saturday with two booby-trapped car terrorist attacks carried out by two suicide bombers, which caused the martyrdom of 24 people, while the remains of three other martyrs were found and 140 others were injured, including civilian citizens and law enforcement personnel.

The statement explained that the first explosion took place at 07: 20 am at al-Jamarek (customs) roundabout, and a few minutes later the second explosion occurred in al-Tahrir square that links Baghdad Street with al-Qassaa region.

“The two terrorist explosions caused great damage to the adjacent residential buildings and the cars parked nearby,” the statement added, indicating to grave material damages and losses.

The Interior Ministry said that the competent authorities at the Ministry collected evidence, samples, remains and remnants of explosive materials, which were sent to specialized labs to get to identifying the crime’s perpetrators and the type of material used in the bombings.

The Ministry’s statement said these two terrorist bombings are part and parcel of targeting the Syrian people in its security and stability and come in light of the recently witnessed escalation by regional and international parties, which was lately manifested in public calls for sending arms to Syria.

“On the other hand,” the statement added, “the Interior Ministry will not be tolerant while dealing firmly with all those who attempt to strike Syria’s security, stability and unity and terrorize its citizens.”

The Ministry called in its statement on the international community and the international organizations to shoulder their responsibilities and stand by the Syrian people and to work for stopping the attempts at disrupting Syria’s stability and security.

The Ministry also called upon the citizens to continue to cooperate with the authorities to inform any suspicious case or any information about the terrorists’ activities and movement so as to contribute to ending terrorism and preserving the Syrian citizens’ lives.

Damascus was targeted on 23/12/ 2011 by two terrorist explosions carried out by two suicide bombers driving two booby-trapped cars.The explosions targeted a state security headquarters and a security branch, claiming the lives of 44 martyrs and the injury of 166 of security personnel and civilians in addition to huge material damages in the surrounding buildings.

On January 6th, 2012, the terrorist explosion which was carried out by a suicide bomber at a crowded area near Hasan al-Hakim School at al-Midan Neighborhood in Damascus, claimed the lives of 26 and the injured 63 others of the civilians and the law-enforcement personnel.

Aleppo was also targeted on February10th by two terrorist explosions against a military security branch and the headquarters of the law-enforcement forces at al-Arqoub area.The explosions claimed the lives of 28 martyrs and the injury of 235 of the law-enforcement members and civilians.

Two Martyred, 30 Injured in Terrorist Bombing in Residential Area in Aleppo

ALEPPO, (SANA)_ A law enforcement member and a woman were martyred, 30 civilians and law-enforcement members were injured on Sunday when an armed terrorist group detonated a booby-trapped car while the authorities were dragging it out of a residential area in al-Suleimaniyeh neighborhood in Aleppo province.

The explosion took place near the Latin Church and two preliminary and preparatory schools in the abovementioned neighborhood.

A source in the province told SANA correspondent that the explosion resulted in the martyrdom of a law-enforcement member and a woman, while 30 civilians and law-enforcement members were injured, two of them are in a critical condition.

The source said the explosion caused the destruction of a residential building’s facade and huge material damage to the adjacent buildings.

Aleppo Governor Muwaffak Khallouf said the booby-trapped car was a black Geely with a fake license plate, and that it was parked in the middle of the neighborhood and was detonated when the authorities were attempting to remove it from the area.

Father George Abu Khazem, a local, said that the explosion happened after more than 50 children left al-Ram School of the Holy Land Convent, saying that divine intervention saved the children from being massacred.

Harut Donoyan, owner of one of the damaged houses, said that this bombing aims at destabilizing Syria’s social structure, and that those behind it will fail to achieve their goals because the Syrians are aware of the conspiracy.

In turn, Sona Tarrab, whose house was also damaged in the explosion, said that such barbaric crimes target the psychological and social stability to which Syrians have been accustomed for decades.

Ibrahim Hamidi, one of those injured in the explosion, said that such attacks will only make Syrians and more determined to defend their country’s security and stability.

Bernadette Naisi, who was also injured and whose home was damaged, said that those who carry out such crimes are merciless and part of the campaign led by some Arab regimes that are calling for arming those who commit crimes against Syria.

For his part, Mansour Mansour, one of the injured, said that this cowardly act reflects the frustration of terrorists and those who support them.

Director of al-Razi Hospital Dr. Samir Bebi said that the conditions of the wounded are currently stable, and that most of them suffer from broken bones, contusions and various wounds, affirming that cases are being evaluated according to severity and treated accordingly.

13 Civilians Martyred by Terrorists’ Gunfire in Homs, Terrorists Detonate Railway Bridge in Daraa

PROVINCES, (SANA) – An armed terrorist group on Sunday shot 13 civilians dead in the village of Hasiba near al-Qseir in Homs countryside.

SANA reporter said that the 13 civilian bodies include women and children.

Terrorists Detonate Railway Bridge in Daraa

An armed terrorist group on Sunday detonated with explosive devices a railway bridge on Damascus-Daraa highway near Kherbet Ghazaleh village.

A source in Daraa province told SANA correspondent that 30 m in length and 32 m in width were destroyed in the explosion, with the damage covering 900 m2 of the bridge’s total area.

According to explosives experts, the amount of explosives detonated was estimated at 700 to 1000 kg.

Director of Road Transportation Department in Daraa, Mahmoud al-Balkhei, said the targeting of the bridge constitutes a heavy burden on the state and citizens, pointing out that the total cost of the damage was estimated at SYP 30 million, in addition to the time period required to rebuild the bridge.

For his part, Director of Technical Services in Daraa, Kamal Brumo, said that the Directorate is constructing a detour to facilitate the movement of citizens in the damaged area.

Competent Authorities Find Big Amounts of Ammunition and Explosives in North Idleb

Meanwhile, competent authorities found big amounts of ammunition and explosives in northern villages of Idleb at borders with Turkey.

SANA correspondent was informed by an official source in Idleb Governorate that the while competent authorities were chasing terrorist members in the villages of Kherbet al-Jowz and Ain al-Baida lying at the Syrian-Turkish borders, they found the weapons which were used by the gunmen in their terrorist attacks against citizens and law enforcement members.

Terrorist Killed by Another Terrorist Gang during Armed Clash in Hama

A terrorist was killed at the hands of a terrorist gang during an armed conflict which took place between them on Saturday on the way of al-Sayyad –Khan Sheikhoun in Hama Province on the basis of a disagreement.

The terrorist Yousef Ahmad Salloum from al-Latamina village was shot dead by terrorists Hussein Abdullah and his son Saddam.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Deir Ezzor

Authorities clashed with terrorists in Deir Ezzor Province, killing several terrorists and confiscating large amounts of weapons.

Two officers and three personnel were martyred in the process.

SANA correspondent added that the authorities confiscated large amounts of arms, comprising 23 AK-47 rifles, a sniper rifle, 2 PKC machineguns, an RPG launcher and 11 rounds, Israeli anti-armor charges and mines in addition to Molotov cocktails, military uniforms, magazines and ammunition.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Idleb

Authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group which tried to blockade the highway between Areeha and Jisr al-Shughour in Idleb Province.

SANA correspondent said that many terrorists were killed and others were injured.

The authorities also raided a terrorist den in Jisr al-Shughour, killing several terrorists and arresting two most wanted criminals.

Weapons and ammunition were confiscated in addition to 25 explosive charges and detonators.

A camera-equipped balloon was spotted above border towns in Jisr al-Shughour, and the authorities shot it down and confiscated it.

Russia Supports Sending UN Mission in Syria, Describes it as a step in the Right Direction

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia announced on Sunday that it supports sending a UN technical mission to Syria to discuss means of getting out of the crisis.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov, said on his blog that the UN technical mission will visit Syria to start consultations on settling the crisis, emphasizing that the mission is an important step in the right direction.

Five Army Martyrs Escorted to Resting Place

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The bodies of five army members, who were martyred at the hands of the armed terrorist groups in Idleb and Homs, were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital to their final resting place amid official funeral ceremonies.

The martyrs are:

­           Conscript Fayez Faysal al-Omar from Hasaka.

­           Conscript Nour-Eddin Mohammad Ali Mous from Hasaka.

­           Conscript Ghazal Omar al-Taha from Idleb.

­           Conscript Mohammad Turkmani from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Mohammad Hassan Ersali from Damascus Countryside.

The families of martyrs lashed out at the terrorist acts of the armed groups backed by Western powers and some Arab regimes, calling for bringing the perpetrators to account.

Lebanese Foreign Ministers: Terrorist Bombings in Damascus and Aleppo Will Not Undermine Syrians’ Determination

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour said on Sunday that the bombings that took place in Damascus and Aleppo are distinctly terrorist acts, but they will not undermine the Syria’s determination to achieve security and stability.

In a statement to al-Manar TV before heading to Moscow for a three-day visit, Mansour said that Lebanon has seen such bombings before, and that he doesn’t believe that they will achieve the goals of those who planned it who seek to undermine Syria’s security, unity and stability.

He reiterated Lebanon’s support to Syria’s leadership and people, stressing that these bombings will not dissuade the Syrian leadership from continuing reforms.

Mansour also lauded the Russian stance which calls for resolving the crisis in Syria peacefully and rejects foreign interference in Syria’s affairs, reiterating Lebanon’s rejection of any military of foreign intervention in Syria and its rejection of supporting armed groups.

He said that Lebanon believes that the choice should be left to Syria, and that it must be supported to resolve the crisis rather than oppose it and make the situation more complex.

Mansour also announced that Lebanon will not be participating in the so-called “friends of Syria” conference which will be held in Istanbul next month.

President al-Assad Offers Condolences Marshal al-Tantawi over Death of Pope Shenouda

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad sent on Sunday a cable of condolences to Head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces of Egypt,  Field Marshal Mohammad Hussein Tantawi, over the death of Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate.

In the cable, President al-Assad expressed on behalf of the Syrian people and on his own behalf heartfelt condolences to Field Marshal Tantawi and the Egyptian people over the death of Pope Shenouda.

President al-Assad considered Pope Shenouda as an example of religious men who were distinguished for their openness and wisdom.

Pope Shenouda,89, died yesterday, and he was known for his firm stances on the Palestinian Cause which rejected normalization with the Zionist entity and judization of Jerusalem.

Lavrov: Russia Supports any Agreement in Framework of Comprehensive Political Dialogue between Government and Opposition

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the Syrians should decide the fate of their country by themselves.

” Russia supports any agreement will be reached in the framework of a comprehensive political dialogue between the Syrian government and all spectrums of opposition,” Lavrov said in statements published by Russia Today website on Saturday.

The Minister expressed Moscow’s full support to the mission of UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

“I confirm again that we strongly support the mission of the UN envoy to Syria as we believe that the Syrian government should support the means proposed by Annan to tackle the crisis quickly. We look forward that the political and armed opposition in Syria will adopt the same stance,” Lavrov said.

He went on to say that Russia supports the necessity of starting the political settlement which necessitates stopping violence immediately, asserting his country’s continued efforts in this regard

UN Chief Condemns Terrorist Explosions Hit Damascus

NEW YORK/ UN, (SANA)- UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has condemned Damascus two terrorist explosions and called for an immediate end to all violence.

The Secretary-General, in a statement, vehemently condemned the bomb attacks which killed and injured scores of people.

The statement added that Ki-Moon extends his sympathy and condolences to the bereaved families of the victims and the Syrian people.

At least 24 people were killed and around 140 others injured, including civilians and law-enforcement personnel, when two suicide bombings rocked Damascus on Saturday morning. The two terrorist explosions targeted Dawar al-Jamarek area and al-Tahrir Square in al-Qasaa district.

The explosions caused huge damages in the buildings and the cars barked at the sites of the explosions and huge materials losses.

Strong International Condemnations of Damascus Terrorist Bombings

CAPITALS, (SANA)- Russia firmly condemned the terrorists’ new acts in Damascus, stressing its full confidence in the failure of these acts’ plotters and perpetrators.

A statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry on Saturday said that Syrian government bodies’ headquarters have once again become targets for the terrorists whose crimes claim the lives of civilian citizens and representatives of army forces and law-enforcement apparatus.

“We firmly condemn the terrorists’ new crimes,” the statement added, expressing Moscow’s deepest condolences to the victims’ families and relatives and sympathy with the injured and the affected.

“We are confident that the intentions of those who perpetrated today’s crimes are doomed to failure,” the statement stressed.

The Russian Foreign Ministry continued that “what arouses caution is that the terrorists’ bloody acts that are being carried out in al-Qaeda style coincide with the increased effectiveness of the international efforts aimed at overcoming the Syrian internal crisis, namely the mission of UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan, which has Russia’s support, especially that Annan has just announced ending experts to Damascus to discuss the suggestions aimed to find a political solution to the Syrian crisis.”

The statement stressed that it is not allowed for the terrorists to block out the prospects of a peaceful settlement being the only way out of the crisis in Syria.

France Strongly Condemns Damascus Attacks

France expressed its strong condemnation of the two bloody attacks which took place in Damascus on Saturday.

“I strongly condemn the two attacks which happened in Damascus on Saturday,” French Foreign Minister, Alain Juppe, was quoted by the AFP as saying in a statement, adding that France condemns all unjustifiable terrorist acts.

He expressed his country’s deepest condolences to the victims’ families and relatives and sympathy with the injured.

Iran: The Two Terrorist Bombings Are Revenge against the Syrian People

The Iranian Islamic Republic strongly condemned the two terrorist bombings which hit Damascus, stressing that such practices lead to disrupting the region’s security and stability.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, expressed his country’s rejection of these terrorist practices, saying Iran considered that the two new terrorist explosions in Damascus came in the framework of taking revenge against the Syrian people because of the strength they showed and their support to their leadership and because of the stability Syria enjoys.

Mehmanparast voiced Iran’s sympathy with Syria, government and people, placing the responsibility for these acts on those who listed on their agenda providing arms to and instigating the armed groups. “The intentions behind these practices aim to strike the process of crystallizing the reforms, a dialogue that is charged with sovereign national understanding and the return of stability and security to Syria,” the Iranian official said.

Egypt Condemns Damascus Terrorist Blasts

Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammed Amr condemned the terrorists bombings which rocked Damascus on Saturday morning.

According to the Middle East News Agency (MENA) Amr offered condolences to the Syrian people and families of the victims, recalling Egypt’s firm position which rejects all types of terrorism whatever its motives.

Local, Arab and International Condemnations of Terrorist Bombings Continue

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions (ICATU) on Sunday strongly condemned the two terrorist attacks which hit Damascus yesterday morning, stressing that they are part of targeting the Syrian people and their security, stability and national unity.

In a statement of which SANA got a copy, the Union added that the two terrorist attacks would not have happened without the foreign, Western, Arab and Gulf support.

The statement stressed that “targeting civilians, the Syrian state institutions and the stable neighborhoods is a serious terrorist escalation.”

The ICATU said that one of the two terrorist attacks took place near the ICATU headquarters in al-Qasaa and greatly damaged its building, calling upon all international organizations and unions to condemn these terrorist attacks.

The statement indicated that this serious escalation goes in line with Syria’s determination to move forwards with reforms, adding that this escalation cannot be confronted without the Syrian unity and the keenness on dialogue as the only way out of the crisis in Syria without foreign interference.

National Union of Syrian Students, General Union of Arab Students, al-Ahd National Party Condemn Damascus Terrorist Blasts

National Union of Syrian Students and the General Union of Arab Students strongly condemned Damascus terrorist blasts, in which 27 people including civilians and law enforcement members were martyred and dozens injured.

Both unions underlined that the terrorist attacks will make the Syrians more determined and adherent to their principled stances.

Al-Ahd National Party condemned the blasts, stressing that the black terrorism is a manifestation of a destructive scheme that serves the interests of colonial powers and their allies.

The party said in a statement that the bombings have represented the real image of the terrorists’ culture and co-supporters which spread death and devastation, underlining the party’s adherence to and belief in the national unity.

Secretary-General of Egyptian Libration Party Condemns Damascus Blasts

Secretary-General of Egyptian Libration Party, Mahomud Jaber condemned Damascus blasts, underlining that they are part of the conspiracy launched by the Gulf countries and the USA against Syria.

Jeber expressed the party’s solidarity with the Syrian people and leadership, pointing out that the conspirators are resorting to terrorism, which is similar to what is happening in Iraq and reflects their hopeless attempts to pass their dubious schemes to the Arab nation.

Regional Leadership of al-Baath Party in Yemen: The Blasts Are Part of U.S.-Zionist Agenda

The Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party in Yemen issued a statement denouncing the two terrorist blasts which took place in Damascus on Saturday, saying they are part of implementing a U.S.-Zionist agenda against Syria.

The statement added that these acts came to take revenge against the millions of Syrians who went out into the streets to support the reform program led by President Bashar al-Assad, stressing the failure of these Zionist powers.

General Union of Arab Farmers, Arab Youth Union and Union of Palestinian Communities and Institutions in Diaspora/Europe Express Condemnation of Damascus Terrorist Blasts

In separate statements, the General Union of Arab Farmers, the Arab Youth Union and Union of the Palestinian Communities and Institutions in Diaspora/Europe condemned Damascus terrorist explosions, which they said will not weaken the Syrians steadfastness, national unity or principled national and pan-Arab stances.

The organizations considered that the two terrorist blasts comes in the framework of the organized terrorism supported by the US, Israel and the reactionary Arab countries, particularly Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

They called for stopping all forms of support to the opposition abroad, adding that the armed terrorist groups’ acts, which are backed by the Zionist powers and some Arab regimes aim at destabilizing Syria and undermining the resistant forces in the region.

Syrian Human Rights Network Condemns Terrorist Blasts in Damascus

Syrian Human Rights Network condemned the two terrorist blasts targeted Damascus Saturday morning, considering them as a form of the foreign-backed opposition’s failure and international conspiracy which ultimately supports terrorism and violates all human rights principles, the international law and relevant international pacts.

In a statement, the Network called on human rights organizations which adopt a one-sided view and have involved in politicization to stop their allegations and pretend to representing the social promoter of human rights principles after they tainted with the Syrian blood and terrorism in the country.

It affirmed that all those army members broadcast by channels as being defectors, have initially been kidnapped by the armed terrorist groups and they were reading the pre-written defection statements under threats, clarifying that it has documented several cases by name, date and number.

The Network appealed to the international community with its institutions and the Human Rights Council in Geneva, saying that what is taking place in Syria constitutes a violation of human rights principles and the international law , as it is a terrorism similar to the terrorist attack took place in the USA on September 11 2001, which was condemned by the international community.

Busalama and Anza Clans in Syria and Iraq Condemn Two Terrorist Explosions Hit Damascus

Al-Sada al-Ashraf Busalama and Anza clans in Syria and Iraq condemned the two terrorist explosions hit Damascus on Saturday, asserting that these crimes target the security and safety of the Syrian people.

In a statement on Saturday SANA received a copy of, the clans said “Those two criminal acts, which target Syria’s dignity, will increase the Syrian people commitment to the national principles and rallying around the comprehensive reform program led by the Syrian leadership.”

Bani Sakhr Clan Denounces the Terrorist Attacks

The Bani Sakhr Clan (al-Khirshan) in Syria and the Arab countries also condemned the two terrorist attacks committed in Damascus, stressing that Syria will remain immune to plots and conspirators.

In a statement, the clan pointed out that the enemies of Syria and the Islamic nation are trying to undermine Syria and its people.

People of the Occupied Syrian Golan Denounce Damascus Terrorist Attacks

During their participation in the Global March for Syria on Saturday, the people of the occupied Syrian Golan denounced the two terrorist attacks.

During the march, participants said that the explosions are part of the plots targeting Syria, affirming their commitment to Syria and national unity and their rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

They also said that Syria will be victorious under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad thanks to the strength and unity of its people and the valiance of its army.

The participants then headed to the memorial of the Greater Syrian Revolution Martyrs where they lit candles for the souls of Syria’s martyrs.

Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism, Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights Condemn Damascus Twin Blasts

The Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism and the Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights condemned in the strongest of terms the twin blasts which rocked Damascus Saturday.

The Syrian Observatory for Victims of Violence and Terrorism held the so-called ”The International Union of Muslim Scholars” responsible for the bloodshed and increasing tension which goes as far as giving orders for carrying out terrorist operations and giving the green light to Isranbul Council and its terrorist groups to kill innocent civilians.

The Observatory denounced the international silence over the terrorism hitting Syria which does not spare civilians, and the silence of the Human Rights Council and the humanitarian organizations, considering it as complicity in the bloodletting in Syria.


For its part, the Syrian Consultative Center for Studies and Human Rights said that it has become obvious that the what is happening in Syria is a new chapter of the conspiracy that adopts the choice of violence and killing.

The Center indicated that this heinous crime which goes against human ethics and values coincides with a suspicious closure of embassies 48 hours before the attacks.

Journalists Union, National Media Council Condemn Damascus Terrorists Bombings

Journalists Union in Syria condemned the two terrorist attacks targeted Damascus on Saturday morning claiming 24 lives and injuring 140 others, mostly civilians.

The Union said in a statement that the two blasts come in a time while inflammatory campaigns against Syria are increasing and some foreign sides announcing the implementation of sabotage acts through calling on citizens not to leave their homes to foment fear among them.

The statement stressed that the perpetrators of these bombings are linked immediately to the states which call for arming saboteurs and work to hinder the international efforts to find political solutions to the crisis in Syria.

The Union urged international community to take its full role in exposing the lies led by international governments and mass media which continue implementing their scheme targeting the Syrian society as a unique model at the world level.

The statement concluded by praying for God’s mercy on the martyrs’ souls and wished speedy recovery to the wounded, calling on the Syrian people to show more coherence in the face of this plot.

In a similar statement the National Media Council said that Arab and foreign media, which are still instigating and misleading people, contrary to the simplest rules of professional work and media charter of honor, are partners of those terrorists in their crimes against Syria.

The statement offered condolences to the families of the martyrs and wished quick recovery to the injured.

Arab Socialist Union Party of Syria: This Terrorism Aims at Hitting the Syrians’ Will

The Arab Socialist Union Party of Syria expressed denunciation of the terrorist attacks, saying that the terrorism hitting Damascus is aimed at hitting the Syrian people’s will to subjugate it and break its ability to confront the conspiracy.

Syrian Communist Party (Unified) Condemns The Terrorist Attacks in Damascus

The Syrian Communist Party (Unified) strongly condemned the two terrorist attacks committed in Damascus on Saturday.

In a statement, the party added that this criminal act aims at undermining the situation in Syria as a preface to spread chaos before calling for foreign intervention.

The party stressed that the terrorists won’t succeed in undermining the national unity in Syria with their crimes.

Syria’s Scholars Statement ‘Strongly’ Condemns Damascus Explosions

A statement issued by Syria’s Scholars ‘strongly’ condemned the two terrorist explosions which hit Damascus stressing that the provocative scholars shoulder the responsibility for the terrorist acts.

Heads of Syrian Clans Condemn the Terrorist Explosions

Sheikh Abdul-Aziz al-Barak of al-Jabour clan condemned the terrorist explosions which hit Damascus, stressing that these explosions and other terrorist acts will not weaken the will of the Syrian people.

Al-Boumajed clan,  Al-Marramera clan and al-Khazaelah clan also condemned the explosions stressing that the Syrian people will remain united and continue rallying around their leadership against all conspiracies.

Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party Condemns  the two Terrorist Explosions, Stress Syrian People’s Will to Overcome Terrorism

The Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party condemned the two terrorist explosions which hit the Syrian people and their secure institutions and houses.

In a statement, the Regional Leadership considered the explosions as indicative of terrorism backed from the outside through offering money and ammunition.

People’s Assembly Condemn Damascus Terrorist Explosions

The People’s Assembly condemned the terrorist explosions which hit Damascus early in the morning, stressing that such acts are aimed at undermining the security and stability of the Syrian people.

In a statement, the People’s Assembly stressed that such criminal acts will boost the steadfastness of the Syrian people against all forms of terrorism.

Damascus Chamber of Commerce, Arab Writers Union, General Sport Union and National Initiative of Syrian Kurds Condemn the Bombings

Condemnations of the terrorist explosions were also expressed in statements issued by Damascus Chamber of Commerce, the Arab Writers Union, the General Sport Union and the National Initiative of Syrian Kurds.

The statements firmly condiment the two explosions highlighted the continued war against Syria and its national and pan-Arab stances waged by the US, Zionism and the Arab reactionary forces, stressing that building homelands cannot be achieved by means of destruction and sabotage.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: The Same Killers Committing Massacres from Gaza to Damascus

For its part, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the General Leadership, condemned the two terrorist bombings, saying it is the same hands of the killers that are committing massacres stretched from Gaza to Damascus, whose aim is to assassin the spirit and culture of the Resistance.


A statement by the Front said this crime shows the failure of the conspiracy against Syria, stressing that “the flames of hatred will backfire on the killers in Washington, Saudi Arabia and Qatar and all those following their plots against our nation.”

Syrian Community in Jordan Denounces Damascus Terrorist Attacks

The Syrian community in Jordan organized a protest rally outside the Syrian embassy in Amman to condemn the twin terrorist blasts in Damascus.

A joint statement by the Syrian community and the gathering of Jordan national powers denounced the terrorist attacks and their mastermind, stressing that Syria will not bow down.

Syrian Community in Lebanon Denounces the Terrorist Bombings in Damascus

Members of the Syrian community in Lebanon strongly condemned the two terrorist bombings that took place in Damascus, reiterating their support for reforms and rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs.

Participants in a march to support Syria gathered in front of the Russian Embassy in Beirut, saluting Russia and China for their support for Syria, rejecting all the attempts for supporting and arming the terrorist groups, and denouncing the channels of misdirection that fabricate lies and allegations and support terrorism.

Syrians in Austria, Slovakia Lebanon Denounce Damascus Terrorist Attacks

Members of the Syrian community in Austria and Vienna strongly denounced the two terrorism attacks that took place in Damascus, condemning this cowardly act that shows the frustration of the terrorism and their masters.

During a march in Vienna as part of the Global March for Syria, Syrians decried the terrorist attacks affirmed their support for their homeland and reforms and their pride in Syria’s national unity.

They also denounced the instigation campaigns and the support provided to terrorists by some Arab countries, thanking Russia, China and the friendly countries which stood by Syria in the face of the conspiracy.

Syrian Community in Algeria, Algerians and Tunisian Journalists Denounce Damascus Terrorist Attacks

Members of the Syrian community in Algeria and Algerians participated in the Global March for Syria, condemning the terrorist attacks which took place in Damascus.

Participants gathered in front of the Syrian Embassy in Algeria to affirm commitment to reforms, stressing that terrorism will not intimidate the Syrian people and dissuade them from supporting reforms.

They also rejected calls for arming terrorists, eliciting the support of foreign armies and exploiting human rights to interfere in Syria’s affairs.

In turn, Tunisian journalists Kheri al-Nouri and Eskandar Alwani and political analyst Najib al-Dreizi denounced the two attacks, affirming that they’re parts of the plots targeting Syria for its resistant stances, calling on Syrians to rally behind its leadership and Arab youths to support Syria.

Syrian Community in Italy Condemn Damascus Terrorist Attacks

Hundreds of Syrians in Italy participated in the Global March for Syria, marching in the streets of Rome and observing a moment of silence for the victims of the two terrorist bombing that took place in Damascus.

The participants, who were joined by Archbishop of Jerusalem in Exile Hilarion Capucci, representatives of peace organizations, and Italian journalists, expresses sorrow for the deaths  caused by terrorist mercenaries carrying out suspect foreign agendas.


They voiced rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s affairs, stressing that Syria will be victorious over the conspiracy.

Palestinian Liberation Army Staff  Condemns Two Damascus Explosions

The Palestinian Liberation Army’s General Staff condemned the two explosions which hit Damascus and stressed that the explosions are a criminal step that uncovers the conspiracy plotted by some Arab sides and western powers against Syria.

In Beirut, Maronite General Council Head, former Minister Wadih Khazen denounced terrorists bombings, affirming that the hands, which tamper with the security and stability of Syria, are seeking to push things towards the external military intervention in its affairs.

” What happened of explosions in the heart of Damascus, is a blatant defiance of the reforms approach launched by President Bashar al-Assad and a mixing of papers to lead the situation in Syria into a state which is similar to what happened in Libya, ” al-Khazen said.

He pointed out that these sabotage acts which target the civil peace in Syria represent a crazy state to create an out-of-control sedition.

In Moscow, a number of Russian and Syrian citizens, during a stand in front of the Russian Foreign Ministry in solidarity with Syria, strongly condemned Damascus terrorists bombings causing many deaths and injuries.

They stressed that Syria, due to the wisdom of its leadership and people’s awareness, will emerge from this crisis stronger.

A number of Palestinian factions, parties and bodies vehemently condemned Damascus terrorist bombings, expressing solidarity with Syria in the face of the plot to which it is exposed with the aim of deterring it from its resistant national stances.

The factions, in statements, said the blasts indicate the state of failure and despair reached by the armed opposition in Baba Amr, Idleb and in other areas, stressing that the Syrian people’s high interest lies in the emphasis on stopping violence, preventing outside interference, supporting comprehensive reform process and in adhering to the national unity and resisting the Zionist occupation.

The terrorists bombings also were condemned by several parties, unions, organizations and clans.

General Union of Farmers Condemns the Terrorist Attacks

The General Union of Farmers also denounced the two terrorist attacks, stressing that such crimes will not undermine Syria’s national and pan-Arab stances under the leadership of President Bashar al-Assad.

In a statement, the Union pointed out that this crime is a cover for Israel’s crimes in Jerusalem and Gaza Strip amid Arab silence and submission.

The Union added that the purpose of this crime is to exaggerate the events in Syria in order to pave the way for intervention under fake pretexts as ‘defending human rights’ and ‘insuring humanitarian passages’.

Arab Workers Union Denounces the Terrorist Attacks

Rajab Matouk, General-Secretary of the Arab Workers Union condemned the attacks, considering them as terrorist acts funded and supported by external sides.

In an interview with the Syrian TV, Matouk added that the attacks prove that the conspiracy against Syria is in its last stage.

He stressed that the millions of the Syrians who took to streets on Thursday prove that the Syrians are determined to confront all terrorist acts and achieve security and stability.

Syrian Community in Russia Condemns the Terrorist Attacks

The Syrian Community in Russia also denounced the terrorist attacks, holding external sides, especially Qatar and KSA, responsible for them.

In a statement released Sunday, the community stressed its support to Syria, highlighted that ” These crimes will not dissuade us from uniting in the face of plots or from continuing the reform program announced by President Bashar al-Assad.”

For its part, the National Union of Syrian Students in Russia condemned the terrorist attacks.

The union added that these crimes were perpetrated by terrorists supported and backed by the oil princes and countries.

Syrian Community in Brazil Condemns the Terrorist attacks

The Syrian Community in Brazil condemned the terrorist attacks, reiterating its support to all procedures taken by the Syrian leadership to restore stability and security to the country.

During a mass march in Brasilia Downtown, they expressed their adherence to the leadership of President al-Assad, expressing appreciation for the sacrifices made by the Syrian army.

The participants raised banners and placards in which they expressed their rejection of foreign interference attempts in Syria’s affairs.

Two Terrorists Killed in Booby-trapped Car Blast in Yarmouk Camp

DAMASCUS COUNTRYSIDE, (SANA)_Two terrorists were killed on Saturday when a booby-trapped car they were driving exploded in Thalatheen Street in Yarmouk Camp, shattering the glass of nearby buildings and causing damage to parked cars.


Syrian News on March 20th, 2012

Presidential Decree on Extending Nomination Period for People’s Assembly Elections for a Week

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad on Monday issued decree No. 120 for 2012 stipulating for extending the nomination period for the People’s Assembly Elections for the first legislative round for 2012 for a week.

The period starts from  Thursday 22/3/ 2012 to Wednesday 28/3/ 2012.

Earlier, President al-Assad issued decree No. 113 for 2012 stipulating for setting May 7,2012 a date for People’s Assembly elections for the first legislative round for 2012.

The decree set Monday 7/5/2012 as the date for electing People’s Assembly members, with the number of members representing workers, farmers and the rest of societies in each electoral constituency being distributed as follows:

Electoral Constituency

No. of Members

Farmers & Workers

Other Sectors





Damascus Countryside




Aleppo City




Aleppo Areas




























Deir Ezzor

























Martyrs of Aleppo Terrorist Blast Laid to Rest

Aleppo, (SANA)-Families of Aleppo on Monday escorted bodies of the martyrs of the terrorist blast which hit al-Suleimanya neighborhood in Aleppo on Sunday to their final resting place , with participation of popular, religious and social figures.

Families of martyrs Arxi Badrousian, Hassan al-Yassin and Basel al-Qishani denounced criminal acts that seek destabilization of Syria , bloodshed of its citizens, underlining commitment to the unity of Syria.

They reiterated that those who perpetrated the terrorist attacks  have no relation to humanity.

Twenty Army, Law Enforcement and Civilian Martyrs Escorted to Final Resting Place

The bodies of twenty army and law enforcement members and civilians on Monday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus and Sweida National Hospital to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Damascus and its Countryside, Idleb, Deir-Ezzour and Homs.

The martyrs are:

­           Lieutenant Colonel Imad Ahmad Horani from Homs.

­           Major Alayham Ali Hamad from Tartous.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Ahmad tayseer Rankousi from Damascus Countryside.

­           Chief Warrant Somar Salloum from Lattakia. – Sergeant Hazem Adnan Issa from Hama.

­           Sergeant Ibrahim Adul-Rahman Daass from Quneitra.

­           Sergeant Bassel Hamad Azqoul from Sweida.

­           Sergeant Assem Fawzat Morshed from Sweida.

­           Sergeant Ayham Iyad Iscandar from Homs.

­           Private Ali Farhat Ali from Tartous.

­           Conscript Riyad Ahmad Aweida from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Mohammad Maysour Qabbani from Idleb.

­           Conscript Ahmad Abdullatif Hijazi from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Ajwad Riyad al-Neimat from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Mahmoud Omar al-Turk from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Zakaria Ajjan from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Mahmoud Adnan Alloush from Aleppo.

­           Policeman Ali Mohammad Ibrahim from Homs.

­           Bashar Shahrour Qassem from Lattakia, a civilian.

­           Marwan Ismael Radwan rfom Sweida, a civilian.

The martyrs’ families, stressed adherence to national unity and determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against Syria, condemning the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups.

They hailed the role of the Syrian Arab Army in maintaining the security and stability of the homeland, expressing confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through their unity and rallying around their leadership.

Foreign Ministry: Foreign Support to Terrorism is Flagrant Violation of UN Security Council Resolutions on Combating International Terrorism

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign and Expatriates Ministry sent on Monday a message concerning the criminal terrorist acts witnessed in Damascus and Aleppo during the last two days to the Chairman of the UN Security Council, the UN Secretary-General, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Chairman of the Human Rights Council and the Higher Commissioner for Human Rights.

The Ministry said in its message that terrorism targeted the secure and safe houses and stable suburbs in Damascus Saturday morning March 17, 2012 leading to 27 martyrs, including corpses and 140 wounded people, the condition of some of them is critical.

The Ministry added that the bombing in Aleppo city came to complete the terrorist blood-shedding scheme carried out by terrorists and those who back them with money and weaponry.

It stressed that terrorism which is backed by regional and international sides has led to dozens of Syrian martyrs and wounded people, adding that this support by those sides which provide  the armed terrorist groups with money and weapons is considered a flagrant violation of the UN Security Council resolutions on combating international terrorism and a violation of the international law and the international humanitarian law.

The Ministry pointed out that the terrorist acts took place after millions of the Syrian people took to the streets on March 15,2012 to affirm their support to the reforms carried out in Syria since the beginning of the events a year ago, and they took place after the UN envoy, Kofi Annan, started diplomatic efforts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis, far from foreign interference, and after Syria accepted the mission of Annan while the opposition rejected it.

It stressed that the suicide bombings are a violation of the Human Rights principles, pointing out that combating terrorism necessitates that all states should refrain from funding it.

Military Source denies reports about the arrival of Russian Warships in Syrian shores

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-A military source on Monday denied reports by some media about the arrival of Russian warships carrying military staffs to combat terrorism in the Syrian shores, describing those reports as categorically baseless and untrue.

“Those news come in the framework of the lie campaigns against Syria by some opposition sides and the countries that support them in order to cover the calls for the foreign intervention in the Syrian affairs,” the source told SANA in a statement.

Russian Defense Ministry denies news on Russian Presence of Warships near Syrian shores

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Defense Ministry on Monday denied reports by some media about the arrival of Russian warships in the Syrian shores.

The Russian news agencies quoted a source at the Ministry’s Media Department as saying that it was astonished at the reports circulated by some media about the presence of Russian warships near the Syrian coasts.

The source added that there is not any warships for the Russian navy near the Syrian shores.

Russia, China Stronlgy Condemn Terrorist Attacks in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russia firmly condemns the terrorist attack in Aleppo yesterday which resulted in the martyrdom of three persons and the injury of 25 others, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Monday.

The statement added that after the two terrorist attacks which carried out by two booby-trapped cars in Damascus, a similar terrorist attack hit Aleppo, the second city in Syria. The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that “Russia condemns this new crime and its plotters and perpetrators as their aim is clear in destabilizing the situation in Syria’s two largest cities and launching terrorist campaign against authorities and safe people in the country.

The statement warned that solving the crisis in Syria by force would have disastrous consequences on it and the whole region, indicating that this was proved by the events took place recently as the terrorists are ready to sacrifice the lives of innocents to achieve their goals in this regard.

The Russian Foreign Ministry add that “Confronting all terrorist aspects, we realize the necessity to guarantee an effective move towards a peaceful settlement with the contribution of the mission of the UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

In the same context, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and head of the International Committee of the Red Cross Jakob Kellenberger discussed continuing joint efforts that could be exerted to solve the crisis in Syria.

China strongly condemns twin terrorist blasts that hit Damascus on Saturday

BEIJING, (SANA)- China today strongly condemned the twin terrorist blasts that hit Damascus on Saturday, rejecting all forms of terror and acts of killing.

Xinhua News Agency quoted Spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Hong Li as saying at a press conference that China rejects any form of terror and acts of killing that target the civilians.

Hong underlined that the situation in Syria now necessitates  a solution through political channels as soon as possible, calling on the sides concerned to exert joint efforts to settle the crisis.

He said that his country always calls for respecting  the states’ sovereignty, independence  and territorial integrity, underlining that China respects the peoples’ right in selecting their political regime and the way of development.

Lavrov and Kellenberger calls for offering humanitarian aid to the needed in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA)-The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and President of the International Red Cross Committee Jakop Kellenberger were confident that the priority now in Syria is to offer humanitarian aid to all Syrians.


The Ministry added that the two sides called on the Syrian government and all armed groups to immediately accept a daily humanitarian cease fire to allow the International Committee and the Syrian Red Crescent Organization reach the wounded and all Syrians in need, evacuate and provide protection to the medical staff.

The Russian side stressed the necessity of guaranteeing the reach of the International Committee to the arrested people in Syria who shared in acts of protest.

Russia: Shift Towards more Realism in Western Countries’ Perception Regarding Syria

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that there is a shift in the perception of the western countries toward Syria’s situation.

In a statement, the ministry added that the shift leans towards more realism, but it is still not enough to solve the current crisis.

The statement highlighted that Russia will continue work to settle the crisis in Syria politically through an immediate cessation of violence, insuring the delivery of humanitarian aid and diplomatic efforts.

Security Member Martyred, 3 Terrorists Killed while Storming Hideout of Terrorists in Mezzeh

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Authorities on Monday morning stormed a hideout of an armed terrorist group in one of the residential buildings in Mezzeh after evacuating the building.

SANA reporter was informed that the authorities clashed with the terrorists, killed two of them and arrested one, in addition to seizing three machineguns and grenades.

The clash resulted in the martyrdom of a member from the authorities.

Head of the Political Security Branch and Chairman of the Criminal Research Section in Rakka deny reports about their defection

Colonel Mohammad Ammar Sardini, Head of the Political Security Branch in Rakka and Lieutenant Colonel Musaab Abu Rikba, Chairman of the Criminal Research Section denied reports of some bloody channels about their defection, describing those reports as baseless and untrue.

The two officers told the Syrian TV in an interview broadcast Monday that they were astonished at broadcasting a fake announcement by some misleading TV about their defection along with other members, saying that those news are ridiculous are foolish.

Terrorists Shukairi and al-Azizi Confess to Committing Several Crimes and Videotaping them for Misleading Media

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Terrorists Mohammad Walid Shukairi and Yamen Hussain al-Azizi confessed on Monday to committing several crimes, including killing a citizen in Sayda Zeinab suburb in Damascus countryside, and videotaping them to be broadcast on al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya channels to blame the security forces.

In his confessions to be aired by the Syrian TV in the evening news bulletin, Shukairi said that he fired at protesters and the security forces, and he burned several cars in return for money.

Shukairi added that the terrorist who carried out the terrorist suicidal explosion in Kafar Souseh is a man called Raed Mohammad and that he belongs to Abu-Bilal group in al-Hajar al-Aswad suburb, near Damascus.

“I met a terrorist called Khaled Shahin in al-Sayda Zeinab who gave me money, at that meeting, he introduced me to a man called Raed Mohammad from al-Hajar al-Aswad… later I heard about the explosion that hit Kfar Souseh, I contacted Khaled Shahin by phone to inform him about the news… he wasn’t surprised because he knew that Raed Mohammad was the perpetrator of the explosion,” Shukairi said.

He added that during a funeral at al-Sayda Zeinab, their armed group fired at the people and security personnel, hitting a girl in her head, later, they protested at Fayez Mansour street in al-Sayda Zeinab, attacking the owner of al-Sanafer bookshop with knifes and photographing the process in order to send them to al-Arabiya and al-Jazeera TV channels and attributing it to the army.

Chairman of Turkish Republican People’s Party: We Will Confront Erdogan Policies against Syria

ANKARA, (SANA) – The chairman of the Turkish Republican People’s Party, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, strongly criticized the stances of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan against Syria, announcing the Turkish opposition’s determination to confront these serious policies.

Kilicdaroglu stressed the Turks’ rejection of interfering in Syria’s affairs, adding that the West avoids interfering in Syria and pushes Turkey into this dangerous adventure.

He added that the Republican People’s Party which prevented the deployment of the US troops in Turkey after the war on Iraq in March 2003, will confront any Turkish interference in Syria.

Kilicdaroglu indicated that Syria is a neighboring country and the Syrian and Turkish people are brothers, stressing that “We want to live side by side in peace”. He called upon all sides to reconsider the whole developments in the situation in Syria and face the policies which don’t serve the interests of the Turkish people.

Meantime, the Turkish Cumhuriyet newspaper quoted different sources in Turkey as saying that about 3000 Libyan armed men and al-Qaeda members infiltrated the Syrian-Turkish borders to conduct armed operations in the Syrian territories.

13 Civilians Martyred by Terrorists’ Gunfire in Homs, Terrorists Detonate Railway Bridge in Daraa

PROVINCES, (SANA) – An armed terrorist group on Sunday shot 13 civilians dead in the village of Hasiba near al-Qseir in Homs countryside.

SANA reporter said that the 13 civilian bodies include women and children.

Terrorists Detonate Railway Bridge in Daraa

An armed terrorist group on Sunday detonated with explosive devices a railway bridge on Damascus-Daraa highway near Kherbet Ghazaleh village.

A source in Daraa province told SANA correspondent that 30 m in length and 32 m in width were destroyed in the explosion, with the damage covering 900 m2 of the bridge’s total area.

According to explosives experts, the amount of explosives detonated was estimated at 700 to 1000 kg.

Director of Road Transportation Department in Daraa, Mahmoud al-Balkhei, said the targeting of the bridge constitutes a heavy burden on the state and citizens, pointing out that the total cost of the damage was estimated at SYP 30 million, in addition to the time period required to rebuild the bridge.

For his part, Director of Technical Services in Daraa, Kamal Brumo, said that the Directorate is constructing a detour to facilitate the movement of citizens in the damaged area.

Competent Authorities Find Big Amounts of Ammunition and Explosives in North Idleb

Meanwhile, competent authorities found big amounts of ammunition and explosives in northern villages of Idleb at borders with Turkey.

SANA correspondent was informed by an official source in Idleb Governorate that the while competent authorities were chasing terrorist members in the villages of Kherbet al-Jowz and Ain al-Baida lying at the Syrian-Turkish borders, they found the weapons which were used by the gunmen in their terrorist attacks against citizens and law enforcement members.

Terrorist Killed by Another Terrorist Gang during Armed Clash in Hama

A terrorist was killed at the hands of a terrorist gang during an armed conflict which took place between them on Saturday on the way of al-Sayyad –Khan Sheikhoun in Hama Province on the basis of a disagreement.

The terrorist Yousef Ahmad Salloum from al-Latamina village was shot dead by terrorists Hussein Abdullah and his son Saddam.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Deir Ezzor

Authorities clashed with terrorists in Deir Ezzor Province, killing several terrorists and confiscating large amounts of weapons.

Two officers and three personnel were martyred in the process.

SANA correspondent added that the authorities confiscated large amounts of arms, comprising 23 AK-47 rifles, a sniper rifle, 2 PKC machineguns, an RPG launcher and 11 rounds, Israeli anti-armor charges and mines in addition to Molotov cocktails, military uniforms, magazines and ammunition.

Authorities Clash with Terrorists in Idleb

Authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group which tried to blockade the highway between Areeha and Jisr al-Shughour in Idleb Province.

SANA correspondent said that many terrorists were killed and others were injured.

The authorities also raided a terrorist den in Jisr al-Shughour, killing several terrorists and arresting two most wanted criminals.

Weapons and ammunition were confiscated in addition to 25 explosive charges and detonators.

A camera-equipped balloon was spotted above border towns in Jisr al-Shughour, and the authorities shot it down and confiscated it.

Lebanese Foreign Ministers: Terrorist Bombings in Damascus and Aleppo Will Not Undermine Syrians’ Determination

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour said on Sunday that the bombings that took place in Damascus and Aleppo are distinctly terrorist acts, but they will not undermine the Syria’s determination to achieve security and stability.

In a statement to al-Manar TV before heading to Moscow for a three-day visit, Mansour said that Lebanon has seen such bombings before, and that he doesn’t believe that they will achieve the goals of those who planned it who seek to undermine Syria’s security, unity and stability.

He reiterated Lebanon’s support to Syria’s leadership and people, stressing that these bombings will not dissuade the Syrian leadership from continuing reforms.

Mansour also lauded the Russian stance which calls for resolving the crisis in Syria peacefully and rejects foreign interference in Syria’s affairs, reiterating Lebanon’s rejection of any military of foreign intervention in Syria and its rejection of supporting armed groups.

He said that Lebanon believes that the choice should be left to Syria, and that it must be supported to resolve the crisis rather than oppose it and make the situation more complex.

Mansour also announced that Lebanon will not be participating in the so-called “friends of Syria” conference which will be held in Istanbul next month.

Mansour: Russia’s Stance Towards Situation in Syria is Positive and Balanced

Minister Mansour described the Russian stances towards the situation in Syria as “positive and balanced”.

In an interview with ” Voice of Russia” Radio, Mansour said ” Russia has been a sincere friend to the Arab countries throughout years and it has contributed in solving their crisis.”

He stressed that Lebanon welcomes Russia stance calling for finding solution to the Syrian crisis by the Syrians themselves without foreign interference.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.



Syrian News on March 21, 2012

President al-Assad in the Umayyad Mosque Stresses that Syria and the Levant Prove Day after Day that It Will Remain Main Fountain of Islamic Science

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – President Bashar al-Assad visited on Tuesday the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus to inspect the printed and audio standard copy of the Holy Quran which was set to be the standard for printing the Holy Quran.

President al-Assad listened to members of the Permanent Committee for Holy Quran Affairs about the stages of writing the copy which is considered the first of its kind in the Islamic world.

President al-Assad hailed the efforts exerted by the committee which is affiliated to the Ministry of Religious Endowments and includes a number of top Islamic scholars under the supervision of Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Said Ramadan al-Buti.

The copy includes the correct articulation of letters and their inflections and precision.

President al-Assad gave the green light for the printing of the copy as to be distributed to all interested.

The President also reviewed a copy of the Holy Quran dubbed ‘al-Sham’ written by over 64 calligraphers from 17 states. The copy is two meters long and one meter wide set to be the largest copy of the Holy Quran in the world.

In a statement, Minister of Religious Endowments Mohammad Abdelsattar al-Sayyed said that President al-Assad was briefed on this project which took four years to complete, which commemorates the sending of the original copy of the Quran by Uthman ibn Affan to the Umayyad Mosque.

He said that the preparation of this copy was a huge undertaking for the Ministry and that it was carried out by the Permanent Committee for the Affairs of the Holy Quran, adding that this copy of the Quran is the first of its kind in terms of covering all aspects of punctuation, Quran science, calligraphy and letter composition.

A Number of Law-Enforcement Members, Civilians Martyred by terrorist’s booby-trapped car in Daraa Countryside

DARAA Countryside, (SANA)-A number of law-enforcement members, several civilians were martyred Tuesday when a suicide terrorist exploded a booby-trapped car at law-enforcement forces at al-Jiza crossroads on al-Musefra-Busra road in Daraa countryside.

SANA reporter in Daraa learned that the blast caused big damages in some surrounding buildings with 2-meter crater at the place of bombing.

The act also left many injuries among the law enforcement members and citizens.

Seven Army and Law Enforcement Martyrs Laid to Rest

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Seven army and law enforcement martyrs on Tuesday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held on Tuesday for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Damascus and its Countryside and Daraa.

The martyrs are:

  • Major Farkad Abdul-karim, from Tartous.
  • Warrant Officer Aws Ghassan al-Ahmad, from Tartous.
  • Sergeant Amer Munir Ahmad, from Lattaki.
  • Sergeant Mohammed Hafez Hilal, from Lattakia.
  • Corporal Ashraf Ahmad Shahin, from Idleb.
  • Corporal Eid Kamal Ayyoub, from Damascus Countryside.
  • Conscript Khalil Mahmoud al-Ali, from Aleppo.

The martyrs’ families called for confronting the terrorists in order to restore Syria’s security and stability, expressing confidence in the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through adhering to  national unity.

They condemned the criminal acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups backed by some Arab and Western countries.

Syria Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Iraq

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Syria strongly condemned the terrorist bombings that took place simultaneously in several Iraqi cities on Tuesday, killing and wounding dozens.

In a statement, the Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said that terrorism has no religion nor homeland, and that the same terrorism that struck Damascus and Aleppo recently is targeting Iraqi cities.

The Ministry offered the sincerest condolences to Iraq for the martyrs who lost their lives in the bombings, voicing full support and commiserations to the families of the victims and hoping that security and stability will be restored in Iraq.

On Nowruz Day.. Kurds Affirm they are part of Syrian Society

Aleppo, (SANA)-The National Initiative for the Syrian Kurds on Tuesday held its annual festival at Sky Rose Hall in Aleppo celebrating al-Nowruz ( Spring ) occasion, with participation of popular, civil and official activities in Aleppo.

“The Syrian Kurds, as other national constituents, have foiled all wagers, showed high national awareness and sense to become a real defender of the Homeland,” Chairman of the Initiative Omar Ossi said, referring to the hostile powers’ bids to exploit the Kurdish file within their hostile agendas.

He pointed out to the role of the US-backed Zionism and their tools represented by Al Saud, Al Thani, Turkey and its war against the Kurds in safe regions, preventing them from celebrating the Nowruz Day.

He added that the Kurds will engage, along with their partners in the Homeland, in the national political life to build the features of modern Syria that will consolidate the basic principles of the Syrian people’s rights.

The festival included a lot of shows, songs, folkloric dances that reflected the Syrian people’s civilization and history.

HRW: Some Syrian Armed Opposition Groups Committed Serious Abuses

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Human Rights Watch (HRW) affirmed on Tuesday that some Syrian armed opposition groups have committed serious human rights abuses.

AP reported the Organization as saying in a statement that the abuses included the kidnapping, torture and execution of Syrian civilians and security force members.

HRW stressed that it has received  reports of ‘executions by armed opposition groups of security force members and civilians’.

Earlier this week, two booby-trapped car  blasts hit Damascus city leading to 24 martyrs and torn-off limbs of three other martyrs and 140 civilians and law-enforcement members were injured.

Popular, State Efforts to Bring Back Normal Life to Terrorism-Affected Cities Being Exerted

CITIES, (SANA) –Less than twenty four hours after Aleppo’s terrorist bombing, Suleimanyieh neighborhood has restored to normal gradually amid its residents’ insistence to go back to their work and open their shops.

” We thank God that we are alright and Syria is alright… everything is okay because we, the Syrians, are as one,” a woman who was affected by Suleimanyieh blast told SANA correspondent.

In the capital, Qassaa residents started to repair their houses right after the blast took place on Saturday, pointing out that terrorism will not discourage the Syrians and they will rebuild all over again.

On the other hand, Ministry of Electricity continues its efforts to supply Homs houses with electricity after terrorist armed groups sabotaged the city’s infrastructure and properties.

Life in Idleb is witnessing normal activity after the authorities secured the area.

Lavrov: Positive Modifications in Stances by Western and Middle East Countries Regarding Evaluation of Events in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA)_ Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov asserted that arms and fighters penetrate into Syria from Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Libya irrespective of the stances taken by the Governments of these Countries

In a joint press conference following his talks with Lebanese Counterpart, Adnan Mansour, Minister Lavrov added that the task is to contribute to the taking of measures as not to let such penetrations continue, because they increase the complication of the situation in Syria and inflame armed conflict.

Minister Lavrov rejected strongly the news circulated by US representatives’ claims regarding ‘modifications in Russian stance on Syria’, asserting that some positive modifications and changes in stances have been made by western and Middle East countries, where realism in their evaluation for what is taking place in Syria is close to evaluations for the ongoing in Syria.

The Russian veteran Foreign Minister underscored the importance of conveying humanitarian aid to Syria, simultaneous stopping of violence by the authority and the opposition, lashing out at calls on the Syrian Government to pull out its units from cities while the opposition isn’t called on.

Minister Lavrov denied the news circulated about the entry of Russian warships into Syrian Ports, asserting that such fabrications aim at foiling Kofi Anna’s efforts as to help in solving the crisis in Syria and that the withdrawal of Gulf Countries ‘ ambassadors from Syria and the new sanctions by EU on Syria don’t help in making the mission of Annan a success.

Minister Lavrov declared that His Country would support a statement or a resolution by the UN Security Council only if it includes no mention of ultimatums, asserting that the events of the so-called Arab spring should not be exploited as a pretext to put the Palestinian Cause on the shelf.

On his part, Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour said that the viewpoints between Lebanon and Russia are identical in standing against violence as well as in calling for a stop of violence by all sides, reiterating Lebanon’s firm rejection to any military intervention in Syria’s affairs.

Mansour Renews Lebanon’s Rejection of any Foreign Intervention in Syria’s Affairs

Mansour renewed his country’s rejection of foreign intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs.

“We are against any military intervention, against any support to the armed men… we are with Syria’s unity and stability,” Mansour said following a meeting with Chairman of the International Relations’ Committee at the Russian Duma Council Alexander Poshkov in Moscow.

He added that Russia, as a superpower, can offer a lot through its constructive stances to solve the difficult problems in the Middle East.

Lavrov: Hardline US-French Policies Regarding Syria Prompted by Election-Related Considerations

Later, Lavrov said that the hardline policies of the United State and France regarding Syria are largely prompted by attempts to “earn points” in election campaigns in these countries.

In an interview with the Russian radio station Kommersant 93.6 FM, Lavrov said that for animosity towards Russia is currently being used in the United States to achieve election-related goals.

The Russian Foreign Minister voiced his belief that al-Qaeda might be behind the latest terrorist acts which took place in Syria, adding “when such terrorist acts, like those which recently happened in Damascus and Aleppo, are taking place how can we ask the Syrian authority to lay down arms.”

“I believe that in the condition of terrorist acts that are being manifested with al-Qaeda fingerprints on them, as far as I correctly understand what is going on, there must be a response, otherwise the citizens will be simply living in constant panic.”

Russian Deputy Defense Minister: We Don’t Have Troops in Syria

Russian Deputy Minister of Defense,   Anatoly Antonov stressed on Tuesday  that ‘at this time Russia has no troops in Syria’.

The Voice of Russia website quoted Antonov as saying that “We have a tanker there for supportive functions. We don’t have any Special Forces and Military troops. It’s all made up information regarding Russian Federation. There are no military troops now and it won’t be any. It doesn’t match our national interests.”

For his part, Chief of the General Staff of Armed Forces, Nikolay Makarov told journalists that ‘Russia is fulfilling its contractual obligations with Syria on sending weapons’, and it will continue carrying out its commitments, asserting that Russia is an independent state.

Matviyenko: Russia is Opposed to Excessive Pressure and Forceful Undermining of Authority in Syria

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko on Tuesday said that Russia is opposed to exerting excessive pressure on Syria and using force to undermine the authority in it, stressing that the Syrian crisis can only be solved by negotiations between the authorities and the opposition without preconditions.

In an interview with Russia’s Izvestiya newspaper, Matviyenko said that there are certain differences between Russia’s stances and those of western countries regarding the crisis in Syria, affirming that there are some points that Russia cannot agree upon with the west, and that Moscow considers western demands of toppling the regime in Syria to be interference in its internal affairs.

She pointed out that the Libyan model is not a successful recipe since that country is currently witnessing a civil war, noting that the west emphasis too much on toppling the regime in Syria, adding that at the same time, the west isn’t very interested in increasing external pressure on Damascus.

Matviyenko also affirmed that Russia is conducting daily dialogue with western countries and Arab League member states regarding the crisis in Syria.

She said that the joint announcement between Russia and the Arab League includes an article on guaranteeing that humanitarian aid reaches all Syrians, pointing out that Russia helped the International Red Cross to enter Syria, concluding by hoping that Syrians will be able to reach an agreement among themselves.