Just International

Syrian News 0n 16th Nov 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA)– The authorities concerned confiscated a large number of highly advanced communication means and satellite devices found with the armed terrorist groups and the members working with the seditious and instigative TV channels targeting Syria.

The first group of the confiscated devices included handheld two-way simplex system communication devices operating in the very high and ultrahigh frequency (VHF/UHF) ranges.

The devices were confiscated in a number of tension areas as they were used to ensure communication between the terrorists and criminals and organize the course of their movement to carry out attacks against the law enforcement personnel.

The devices operate by wireless scanning of the frequency ranges to pick up the calls of the security and law enforcement forces and monitor the movement of their personnel.

The second group included Thuraya satellite mobile phone sets which were used for satellite communication among the terrorists and those who work with them and between them and the misleading satellite TV channels and the external sides.

SIM cards for the Thuraya phones, charged through Arab and foreign providers, were used by the terrorists to avoid the monitoring of the authorities.

With the development of the crisis, various advanced generations of these devices appeared, such as Thuraya mobile phones powered by AB internet, which allows the possibility of connecting these devices to the internet via computer and transmitting text documents, photos and videos via satellite at high speed.

These devices were illegally infiltrated across the border from Arab countries and foreign developed countries and parties, on top the U.S.A. and Israel.

The information found in these devices included the phone numbers of all the misleading satellite channels- al-Jazeera, al-Arabiya, BBC, France 24 and others- and the phone numbers of Arab and foreign personalities involved in the events, in addition to tendentious and biased messages stored in advance.

The third group included Iridium satellite devices operated by the U.S. military satellite communication network made up of 66 satellites covering the globe which provides audio and data transfer services of different advanced generations.

The devices were used by the terrorists and agents during the events.

The group also comprised Iridium satellite phone accessories, which are antenna placed on the vehicle’s surface and connected to a phone inside the car via a cable since most satellite communication devices need Line-of -Sight between the phone and the satellite.

The fourth group included the global Inmarsat mobile communication satellite systems which operate by directing concentrated radiations towards certain points on the earth to provide voice and digital calls, videos and internet services with high accuracy and speed.

Such systems are used by the UN organizations and the embassies in Syria. There has been an increase in the number of these systems which are being imported to Qatar in unusual quantities before and during the events, which raised several question marks.


The fifth group seized a bulk which, after technical examination, was found to be a kind of an Israeli-made antenna operating on very special frequency ranges for satellite communication, which is part of an integrated satellite communication system using a network of US military satellites to provide high speed internet services to transfer data.

Unlike the previously mentioned communication systems, these systems are not commercially marketed as they require the authorization and approval of the Ministry of Defense in the manufacturing countries. The existence of these devices in Syria indicates the clear involvement of these countries; particularly that diplomats and politicians from these countries have announced intention to back the terrorists in Syria with advanced internet and communication systems.

The sixth group included radios with advanced audio players that were used by the armed terrorist groups and saboteurs to create chaos and confusion. These devices store audio clips including recorded slogans and sounds to be replayed during the gatherings near the mosques and in the crowded markets to film them as anti-government protests.

Most of these equipment and advanced devices are illegal and prohibited since they have been used without getting license from the General Telecommunications Establishment. The use of these systems and devices violate the regulating rules and legislations which guarantee that such use must not affect the security of Syria or undermine the state’s position and those responsible for possessing, importing and illegally investing them should be held accountable, as it is the case in any country in the world.

These devices can be classified, according to the circumstances Syria is going through, the places where they were seized, the sides which communicated through them and the purposes for which they were used to transfer information, fabricate events and plot to undermine the country’s position and security, as falling under the crime of espionage and treason.

The high cost of the seized satellite systems in terms of the equipment or the subscription confirms the big financial support provided to the terrorist and criminal groups and the involvement of some instigative satellite channels in providing these equipment.

Cellular coverage on the borders with neighboring countries has also been exploited by the terrorist groups to ensure cell phone calls and internet services benefiting from the coverage of neighboring countries, which reached between 30 and 50 km in a flagrant violation of agreements signed between Syria and these countries which set the limits of the overlapping coverage area between 1 and 3 km.

This violation can be put within the plan of some of these countries in supporting the terrorists in Syria during the events through raising the signal levels to maximum limits.

Authorities clash with terrorists.. One Policeman and a Teacher Martyred in Idelb

Idleb, (SANA)- Policeman Mohammad Katran was martyred Tuesday at the industrial area in Idleb after two gunmen on motorbike shot fires at him.

A source in Idleb said martyr Katran was mending his car at the industrial city when the two gunmen shot fire at him and escaped.

Meanwhile, the Engineering Units in Idleb dismantled an explosive device near Kfar Roma town while two other bombs exploded, injuring 4 law enforcement members.

A source at the Police Department stated that the competent authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group in the same town, arresting terrorist Hisham Digheim.

It added that another armed group killed teacher Mohammad Shahada while he was crossing Sirmin town last night.

1,180 Detainees Involved in Events in Syria Released

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – 1,180 detainees who are involved in the recent events in Syria and didn’t commit murder was released on Tuesday.

553 detainees involved in the events were released on November 5th on occasion of Eid al-Adha

Russian Foreign Ministry: Moscow Informed Syrian Opposition about its Stance in Rejection of any Foreign Interference

MOSCOW,(SANA)- Russian Foreign Ministry said that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov received on Tuesday a delegation of the Syrian opposition abroad which is currently in Moscow upon an invitation by the Russian Society for Solidarity and Cooperation with Nations of Asia and Africa.

In a press statement, the Ministry added that the delegation was informed about Russia’s stance which calls for adhering to a constructive stance to overcome the issues raised in Syria today, implementing reforms that would serve the interests of all the Syrians, and preventing the foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

In its statement, the Ministry indicated that the Russian side clearly called upon all the Syrian opposition groups, which reject violence as a means for achieving political goals, to immediately participate in the Arab League’s initiative on settling the internal Syrian crisis through launching dialogue between the Syrian authorities and the opposition.

Umakhanov Calls for Starting Dialogue between Syrian Government and Opposition

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia Ilyas Umakhanov stressed the need for a peaceful internal dialogue in Syria.

Umakhanov’s remarks came during the council’s meeting with representatives of the Syrian opposition abroad.

He added that the talks dealt with the situation in Syria, peaceful cooperation and means of holding a wide internal dialgoue with the support of the Syrian society, ending violence and avoiding escalating the confrontation in the country.

Umakhanov reiterated the need for stoping the killing, in refrence to the armed groups that have commited illegal and terrorist acts.

He said that the situation in Syria should be solved peacefully without any foreign interference, adding that Russia is interested in initiating dialogue between the Syrian authority and the opposition.

Umakhanov highlighted the strong economic and military cooperation between Syria and Russia, indicating that the Russian leadership, the Russian public opinion and the Council’s members are carefully monitoring what is happening in Syria.

Bogdanov Stresses that Overcoming Crisis in Syria without any Foreign Interference

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov called for exerting more efforts to implement the Arab League initiative and achieve a political settlement in Syria through ending all forms of violence and starting an open dialogue between the Syrian government and the opposition.

Bogdanov’s statment came during his meeting with Syria’s Ambassador in Moscow on Tuesday at which the situation in Syria was discussed.

Bogdanov stressed Russia’s stance which calls for overcoming the internal crisis by the Syrians themselves through dialogue and reforms without any foreign interference.

Iran, Algeria and Iraq Reiterate Rejection of Foreign Interference in Syria’s Internal Affairs

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iran and Algeria on Tuesday Reiterated rejection of any foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs, underlining the importance of resolving the problems that are facing the country through dialogue.

Iranian media said Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi affirmed in a phone call with Algerian counterpart Mourad Medelci the importance of Syria’s position in the region.

He stressed the importance of holding more consultations to find the required ground for solving the problems in Syria with the concentration on confronting foreign interference along with achieving reforms in the country.

Salehi said that the current situation in Syria and along with the matter of a foreign interference could be solved in the framework of the political regime in Syria.

For his part, the Algerian Minister highlighted Syria’s role in the region, stressing the importance of consultations and solving problems through dialogue.

Iraqi Government Stresses Rejection of Economic Sanctions on Syria

The Iraqi Government stressed on Tuesday its rejection of imposing economic sanctions on Syria and internationalizing the Syrian crisis.

The Iraqi Government Spokesperson, Ali al-Dabbagh, reiterated in a statement that the Iraqi Cabinet stressed during its meeting today that the Arab League’s resolution on suspending the membership of Syria does not solve the Syrian crisis.

According to AFP, al-Dabbagh expressed his government’s concern over the repercussions of the situation in Syria on the security and interests of Iraq and the region.

Earlier, Ali al-Dabbagh described the voting process on the AL resolution as “unacceptable and double-standard”, calling on the Arab League to be the place where problems are solved.

National Committee Assigned to Preparing a New Constitution Holds 3rd Meeting



DAMASCUS, (SANA)-The national Committee assigned to preparing a new constitution for Syria held today its 3rd meeting headed by Chairman Mazhar al-Anbari in Damascus.

The committee discussed the basic principles of the new constitution that deal with the political and constitutional system, economic, social and political domains related to the State of Law, plurality, electoral system, local administration, independence of judiciary and other basic principles.

During the last two meetings, the Committee held discussions on some visions and suggestions to regulate the work mechanism of the Committee and formulate a new constitution.

Syrian People Continue Protests against AL Decision against Syria

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Syrian people continued on Tuesday their protests against the Arab League decision on suspending the membership of Syria.

Outside the Arab League Office in Damascus, hundreds of Syrian people gathered to express their rejection of the decision, highlighting their support to the independent national decision.

“We came here today to tell the Arab League that the resolution is categorically rejected by the Syrian people, and it will never weaken Syria; rather it will increase the Syrian people’s resolve to be committed to their Syrian identity, Arabism and leadership,” a protester told SANA reporter.

At the Umayyad Square, Syrian ladies, who cut their hair, resumed, for the second consecutive day, their open sit-in in rejection of the AL resolution.

A lady who cut her hair told SANA, “What we did is an old Arab tradition that women used to do to show disrespect of men. Today we did that to show that we, as Arab women, are ashamed to have such an Arab stance which contributed to issuing the resolution against Syria.”

In the cities of al-Bab and Manbej in Aleppo province, tens of thousands of people gathered to express their condemnation of the AL resolution and their rejection of foreign interference in Syria’s internal affairs.

The people stressed the importance of national dialogue, pointing out that the Syrian people took to the street immediately after the Arab League resolution was announced to send a message to those who want to ignite sedition among the unified Syrian people.

They reiterated their support to the comprehensive reform process and independent national decision to preserve the sovereignty of Syria.

Arab Student Organizations Condemn AL Decision

The Arab student organizations at Damascus University issued a statement condemning the decision of the Arab League to suspend Syria’s delegation’s participation in its meetings and stressing their standing by the steadfast Syrian people and the Syrian leadership to foil the conspiracy against Syria.

They described the decision as “irresponsible, saying with this decision the Arab League poses new dangers to the Arab national security and provides the appropriate cover to the colonialist powers seeking to fragment the Arab world, loot its resources and undermine the unity of its people and land.

The Arab organizations affirmed that Syria agreed on the AL Initiative and adhered to it from the first moment as it has also announced its cooperation with any sincere Arab effort.

They said that the decision came to put an end to the joint Arab action through the Arab League’s deviation from its main objective in that “instead of being an arbiter in the conspiracy against Syria, it has acted as an adversary from the start and turned blind eyes to all the painful facts and events that took place in Syria.”

“In its latest illegal decision which violated the AL Charter, the Arab League confirms that it has become a hostage to a group of reactionary powers implementing a foreign agenda to undermine Syria’s steadfastness and its noble pan-Arab principles of defending the Resistance and the Arab Right,” the organizations concluded.

Al-Shaar: Police and Security Apparatus Determined to Arrest Armed Terrorist Groups

DAMASCUS, (SANA)-Interior Minister Mohammad al-Shaar said that the law enforcement and securtiy members are intensifying their efforts to arrest the armed terrorist groups who perpetrate acts of sabotage, loot private and public properties and kill innocents.

Meeting officers and students at Basel al-Assad Academy for police sciences, al-Shaar underlined that Syria recognizes the volume of conspiracy to which it is exposed due to its siding with resistance and its support to the Arab causes.

He added that the misleading media campaign and the fabricated news againstt Syria aim at producing an unrealistic image about Syria and creating a negative stance at the Arab and international public opinion.

Gulf Cooperation Council Considers Holding Urgent Summit to Deal with Syrian Crisis Futile

RIYADH, (SANA) – The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) said on Tuesday that holding an urgent Arab summit at this time is futile, a stance reflecting the lack of proper consideration of the dangers facing Arab joint action.

In a statement, Secretary General of the Council Abdul Latif al-Zayyani said that the GCC affirms support and commitment to the Arab League’s resolution regarding the Syrian crisis.

Syria called on Sunday for holding an urgent Arab summit to deal with the Syrian crisis and consider its negative repercussions on the Arab situation.


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