Just International

Syrian News on April 4th, 2012

Ten Army, Law-enforcement and Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of 10 army, law enforcement and civilian martyrs on Tuesday were escorted from Tishreen , Zahi Azraq and Aleppo Military Hospitals in Damascus, Lattakia and Aleppo to their final resting place.

Solemn processions were held for the martyrs who were targeted by armed terrorist groups while on duty in Aleppo, Idleb, Damascus Countryside, Daraa, Homs and Hama.

The martyrs are:

•           First Lieutenant Moayad Ibrahim Yousef, from Lattakia.

•           Chief Warrant Officer Ali Mohammad Ratabeh, from Lattakia.

•           Sergeant Safwan Jamal Mutran, from Homs.

•           Corporal Mohammad Kheir Abdel Azeem Khallouf, from Damascus Countryside.

•           Corporal Ibrahim Khleif Freih, from Deir Ezzor.

•           Conscript Riyad Ahmad al-Omar, from Raqqa.

•           Conscript Shihadeh Hillo al-Khalaf, from Aleppo.

•           Conscript Mohammad Said al-Ahmad, from Aleppo.

•           Conscript Abdo Ahmad Khalil, from Aleppo.

•           Civil service worker Ihab Yousef Hamdoush, from Homs.

The Martyrs’ families stressed adherence to the national unity and their determination to foil the conspiracy hatched against the homeland, expressing confidence in the Syrian people’s ability to overcome the crisis through their steadfastness and the sacrifices of the Syrian army.

Armed groups perpetrate two new massacres at Dir Baalba,killing four women and a number of citizens

HOMS, (SANA)-Armed terrorist groups on Tuesday perpetrated two new heinous massacres at Dir Baalba town in Homs , killing four women and a number of citizens who were abducted earlier.

At a poultry farm in one of Dir Baalba orchards , the terrorists killed a number of citizens in cold blood, mutilating and burning their bodies after kidnapping them.

The terrorists also killed four women at one house in the same neighborhood after storming it.

The armed terrorist groups terrified the safe citizens in Dir Baalab and forced them to flee, sabotaged the private and public properties, including the buildings of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Faculty affiliated to al-Baath University.

The competent authorities arrested a number of terrorists who perpetrated crimes against citizens, seizing big quantities of weapons, stolen medical equipment hidden in one of the schools.

Meanwhile, a patrol for the law enforcement members came under heavy fire by an armed terrorist group one Khan Sheikhoun- Marrat al-Numan road.

A source told SANA correspondent that the authorities responded to the fires of the terrorists, killing one of them and confiscating their weapons.

Authorities clash with armed group in Taftanaz, killing a number of terrorists

The authorities clashed with an armed terrorist group in Taftanaz, Idleb, which was attacking citizens, and perpetrating acts of killing, kidnapping and planting explosives that target law enforcement members.

SANA correspondent learned that the clashes led to the killing of several terrorists, arresting a number of them and confiscating their weapons.

Three security members were also martyred during the operation.

Citizen from Daraa Slaughters his own family

Citizen Majed Taha Arshidat Aba Zaid, from Daraa, perpetrated a heinous crime against his family, killing his father Taha Suleiman, his brother Ibrahim, injuring his mother Ghazaleh, his sister Samar and his brother Hassan.

His brother Hassan who was rescued said in a statement that his brother Majed perpetrated this crime against his family at 4 a.m. today after storming the house.

He added that reason behind his brother’s slaughter was of inheritance disagreement.

31 persons from Madaya, Damascus Countryside give themselves up

31 persons from Madaya, Damascus Countryside gave themselves up to the authorities today.

The persons underlined that they were subjected to a lot of deception, but the reality became clear, underlining that the authorities released them immediately to return to normal life.

They pledged not to carry any weapon in future or participate in any acts of sabotage.

Earlier, 103 persons in Madaya gave themselves up along with their weapons to the authorities on Monday.

Foreign Minister to ICRC President: Syria Continues to Work to Ensure Success of Red Cross’s Humanitarian Mission

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem on Tuesday held a meeting with President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Jakob Kellenberger, during which he reviewed the details of the ICRC’s work and its needs in terms of humanitarian work in Syria.

Al-Moallem affirmed that Syria will continue to provide all that is needed to ensure the success of the ICRC’s work and humanitarian mission in coordination with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC).

The two sides agreed upon a mechanism for direct cooperation and coordination between the ICRC and the SARC  on one sides and the Foreign and Expatriates Ministry on the other in order to overcome any obstacle and achieve the desired cooperation.

For his part, Kellenberger voiced appreciation for the cooperation shown by the Syrian authorities, which allowed the ICRC to reach areas affected by the current events and provide aid to those who need it.

The meeting was attended by President of the SARC Dr. Abdelrahman al-Attar and Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Fayssal Mikdad.

Interior Minister Meets ICRC President, Welcomes Any Assistance or Advice on Humanitarian Situation in Penal Establishments

The meeting of Interior Ministry Lt. Gen. Mohammad al-Shaar with Kellenberger on Tuesday focused on issues related to the ICRC’s work in Syria and the facilitations the Ministry can provide, particularly regarding the inspection of penal facilities and meeting inmates in them.

Al-Shaar said that the Ministry is working to improve the status of prisoners, provide health and humanitarian services to them, and rehabilitating them to allow them to reintegrate into society.

He said that all arrested individuals who are being tried are under judicial supervision and are all equal in receiving health and humanitarian services, affirming that the Ministry welcomes any assistance or advice regarding humanitarian factors that the ICRC can provide.

In turn, Kellenberger noted that the Syrian authorities allowed an ICRC delegation to visit Damascus Central Prison and inspect the status of its inmates in June 2011, adding “it would be unfair to say that you didn’t cooperate with us, despite that the visit of the delegation didn’t obligate you to allow us to visit the prison.”

He voiced hope for making such visits in the future in coordination with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent.

Al-Halqi: Public and private hospitals didn’t stop performing duty despite current difficult circumstances

Minister of Health Wael al-Halqi reviewed with Kellenberger the situation of health sector, challenges and the services provided for citizens across Syria.

Minister Halqi said that Syria’s public and  private hospitals, during those difficult circumstances, did not stop performing their duty in receiving and treating patients and injured people regardless of the political attitudes unlike what has been broadcast by the instigative media channels with the aim of  damaging the reputation of this sector and its humanitarian services.

He called upon the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) to visit any hospital or place to inspect work mechanism there.

The minister indicated to losses of the health sector in Syria at the hands of the armed terrorist groups, adding that 22  members of medical cadres were martyred while 30 others were injured, in addition to the damage caused to 19 national hospitals, 107 health centers and 125 ambulance cars.

Minister al-Halqi underlined the negative impact of  the unjust economic sanctions imposed on the Syrian people in general and the health sector in particular

Kellenberger stressed that the ICRC will study the possibility of meeting the requirements proposed by the Syrian Ministry of Health.

For his part, Head of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent Abdulrahman al-Attar reviewed the health aid provided by the SARC through its centers in the Syrian provinces, in addition to the training courses.

He hailed the facilitations provided by the Ministry to reach some areas and provide help and humanitarian aid

Gatilov: So-Called ‘Friends of Syria’ Group not Friend of Majority of Syrians

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said “Moscow sees that most of the Syrian people do not consider the ‘friends of Syria’ group as a genuine friend of them and don’t see it positively.”

In a comment posted on his Twitter page on Tuesday, Gatilov added that the protests held by many Syrians near the location where the ‘Friends of Syria’ meeting was held in Istanbul and which have been dispersed, show that many Syrians don’t consider this group as a friend of them.

Gatilov urged  all concerned parties to actively support the mission of the UN envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan.

Bogdanov Welcomes Syrian Decision to Withdraw Troops and Heavy Weapons from Syrian Cities before April 10th

” The Russian President’s Special Representative for Middle East Affairs, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov welcomes Syria’s decision to take the first step and withdraw troops and heavy weapons from the Syrian cities and villages before April 10th,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The statement added that Bogdanov reviewed with the Syrian Ambassador in Moscow Riyad Haddad the development of the situation in Syria and the efforts exerted by the Syrian leadership to solve the crisis in the country.

“Ambassador Haddad stressed that Damascus has started fulfilling its obligations under the plan suggested by the UN special envoy Kofi Annan,” the statement said.

The statement added that stress was laid on the need for positive steps by the Syrian opposition and its armed groups, including clear expression of support to the Kofi Annan plan and practical steps towards its implementation.

Syrian Family Forum stresses commitment to National Unity

SWEIDA, (SANA)-With wide participation from different Syrian cities, delegations from Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan, the religious, civil and youth activities in the southern city of Sweida held on Tuesday the Founding Syrian Family Forum under the title “Syria is Fine”.

The participants rejected all forms of intervention in Syria’s domestic affairs, showing commitment to the national unity and support to the reforms led by President Bashar al-Assad.

They hailed the national role played by the Syrian Army to restore security and stability to the Homeland, condemning all acts of killing, sabotage and terrifying the safe people as well as the criminal acts perpetrated by the terrorist groups which serve foreign agendas.

The Syrian and Arab participants thanked all honest people and counties which stood by the Syrian people in the face of conspiracy to which Syria is exposed, underlining that building the homeland lies in the way of reforms, dialogue and tolerance.

Ali Hashim: al-Jazeera Channel Smuggled Thuraya Communication Devices into Syria

BEIRUT, (SANA) – Former al-Jazeera channel correspondent, Ali Hashim, said on Tuesday that the channel has smuggled Thuraya communication devices and BGAN satellite internet devices into Syria through Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey.

In an interview with al-Safir Newspaper, Hashim underscored that al-Jazeera channel paid USD 50,000 for each device smuggled into Syria for the opposition to relate their fabricated stories to the channel.

He stressed that al-Jazeera administration forced him not to broadcast the footages of gunmen at the Syrian-Lebanese borders, pointing out that al-Jazeera has lost credibility because of its one-sided view and the absence of ‘the other opinion’.

Musin: Syrian Leadership Faces International Terrorism

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Deputy-Chairman of the Russian Committee of Solidarity with the peoples of Syria and Libya, Marat Musin, on Tuesday said that the Syrian leadership is facing an international terrorism on its soil.

In an interview with Russia Today TV, Musin added that there is a major betting war carried out through intelligence and media agencies, armed gangs and mercenaries in Syria.

He outlined that there are armed groups and mercenaries that are kidnapping, killing and spreading chaos in Syria, stressing that these terrorists are supported by Qatar, KSA and Turkey.

Musin pointed out that the initiative of the UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan will be effective only if the USA ordered the mercenaries of Qatar and KSA to cease fire and violence, adding that ” Everyone knows that the Gulf states have US military bases and that Qatar is arming terrorists and recruiting mercenaries at the orders of the USA.”

Musin said that the solidarity committee is working on conveying the reality of the events taking place in Syria and Libya, especially after the global media channels shifted to suit the interests of the USA and the NATO.

Larijani: Istanbul Conference Gathering for those Bought by Israel, not Syria’s Friends

TEHRAN, (SANA) – Iranian Chairman of the Shura Council, Ali Larijani, stressed on Tuesday that Istanbul Conference held recently with the theme of “Friends of Syria” is in fact a conference for those bought by Israel and not for Syria’s friends.

In a statement, Larijani said that the UN Envoy to Syria, Kofi Annan, has not finished his mission yet, while the conference started highlighting disagreements, reiterating his country’s support to the ongoing democratic reforms in Syria and condemnation of the conspiracy hatched against it.

Larijani added that the United Kingdom offered 500,000 pounds to fuel unrest in Syria and the US is talking about helping the saboteurs and terrorists inside Syria to undermine the Resistance against the Israeli entity.

He pointed out that if the states taking part in Istanbul conference are obsessed with democracy why do they keep silent about the dictatorship in Bahrain?

In turn, Iranian Defense Minster Brig. Gen. Ahmad Vahidi said that those who claim to be Syria’s friends should support the reforms that are taking place in it, affirming that the Syrian people have chosen their paths and began reforms that should be supported.

He said that what is happening to Syria at the hands of those who claim to be its friends is a sign of hostility, and that the west’s reluctance to denounce terrorist attacks in Syria constitutes support for terrorists which is unacceptable.

Bishop al-Khouri: Syria Will Come out of Crisis Stronger

MONTREAL, CANADA, (SANA) – Greek Orthodox Patriarchal Assistant, Bishop Luca al- Khouri stressed that Syria will come out stronger and more united from the current crisis.

In a event in his honor held by the Syrian Honorary Consul Nelly Kanou in Montreal, al-Khouri added that the conspiracy which was plotted by western parties and implemented by Saudi Arabia and Qatar aims at spreading chaos and destabilizing Syria.

He said that it is silly for a country like Saudi Arabia, which lacks the minimum requirements of civilized countries, to teach the Syrian people democracy, freedom and co-existence.

Bishop al-Khouri added the Syrian people and army ‘s rallying around their leadership is the guarantee for preserving Syria strong and united in the face of the sabotage and murder committed by armed terrorist groups.

He reiterated that Syria’s history and the unity of its people set an example of democracy, equality and co-existence for the whole world.

In Racial Measure Violating International Charter on Occupied Golan, Israeli Authorities Prevent Crossing of Golan Apples to Homeland

QUNEITRA, (SANA)- The Israeli occupation authority rejected the crossing of batches of Syrian Golan apples, the main source of the livelihood of the people of the occupied Syrian Golan, into the local markets in Syria in the framework of tightening its economic grip on the farmers of the occupied Golan.

In a statement to SANA reporter in Quneitra, Chairman of the Marketing Committee of the Golan Apples in the occupied village of Buq’atha, Said Farhat, said that the Israeli practices will not persuade the people of Golan from continuing their struggle, committing to their land and defending it in the face of the Israeli occupation arrogance and inhuman practices.

For his part, Quneitra Governor, Hussein Arnous, said that transferring the Golan apples to the Homeland constitutes the main source of the farmers’ livelihood in occupied Golan and one of the main factors of their steadfastness and commitment to the national identity.

Arnous called upon the international , legal and humanitarian organizations to put pressures on the Israeli occupation authorities to allow the crossing of the Golan apples, asserting that Quneitra Province has already completed all procedures to receive the apples’ shipments across Quneitra crossing, in coordination with the International Red Cross and United Nations Disengagement Observer Forces ( UNDOF).

Annan Informs Security Council of his mission in Syria… al-Jaafari: Countries that call for Arming opposition seek to make the Mission a failure

NEW YORK, (SANA)-Syria’s permanent Envoy to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari said that the countries which arm the terrorists in Syria, fund and supply them with communication sets seek to make the mission of UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan a failure.

“Those countries are violating the Syrian sovereignty and declaring the war on it… those countries are involved in complicating the crisis… they have to assume responsibilities and commit to Annan’s mission,” al-Jaafar said at a press conference held in the New York-based the UN.

“The Saudi Foreign Minister didn’t hide his personal intervention in the Syrian domestic affairs as he openly called for arming the opposition, moreover; he considered that a duty,” al-Jaafari added.

He said that those statements and others indicate to a duality in language that contradicts the harmonious way adopted by the Security Council, those statements represent a call for foiling Annan’s mission, so there are sides who want to confuse his voice through finding parallel tracks as the case in the meeting of Syria’s Enemies in Istanbul.

“The Turkish current government’s policy is hostile towards Syria… it hosted a meeting on its land which undermines sovereignty of a neighboring country as to be considered declaring war on it,” al-Jaafari added.

He made clear that commitment to Annan’s mission must be applied on all, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and all who seek to pass the Syrian sovereignty, create parallel tracks for the security Council which are not recognized internationally.

“All now acknowledge the existence of armed terrorist groups in Syria… the Syrian Government didn’t accept what it rejected in the past… Syria deals with a matter that is proven now and it was asking all, including al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya TV channels to acknowledge the existence of the armed groups,” al-Jaafari underlined.

He said that Syria is doing its best to make Annan’s mission a success, adding “we expect that Mr. Annan and members of the UNSC have as much as Syria commitment to make the plan a success… in diplomacy, there is no obligation to impose preconditions, what is important is preserving the Syrian sovereignty, and talking about observers is too early.

“We expect Mr. Annan will contact the other sides, particularly those who are involved in arming the terrorist groups to end acts of violence,” Dr. al-Jaafari added.

At a closed session, Mr. Annan informed members of the UNSC of his mission in Syria, saying that Syria has agreed his plan, but it awaits a commitment by the opposition to halt violence and withdraw the armed terrorist groups.


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