Just International

Syrian News on June 1st, 2012

Al-Jaafari: Implementing Annan’s Plan Requires Political Will from All Those who Instigate Violence, Smuggle Weapons and Harbor Terrorists

NEW YORK, (SANA) – Syria’s Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari affirmed that implementing the plan of UN Envoy to Syria Kofi Annan requires political will on the part of all those who instigate violence and provide weapons to terrorists, finance and harbor them outside Syria, and not just on the part of the Syrian government.

In a press conference held on Wednesday after a UN Security Council session for discussing the situation in Syria, al-Jaafari said that the first point in Annan’s plan discussing ending violence by all sides, which dictates that some sides respect this point, noting that Syria informed the UNSC and the UN Secretary General of the identities of those who are smuggling weapons into Syria.

He stressed that the Syrian government is very serious about implementing Annan’s plan, while those who impose second, third or fourth options are the same ones who don’t respect the plan and who questioned it from the beginning.

Al-Jaafari said that Annan held positive talks with Syrian officials and reviewed with President Bashar al-Assad the progress made by the government in implementing his plan, with President al-Assad reminding Annan of the need for everyone to commit to the plan and cease weapon smuggling into Syria.

He said that most of the interpositions during the session were balanced and used more accurate terms in discussing the situation in Syria, specifically regarding what happened in al-Houla.

He pointed out that the Syrian government and the Syrian people are in a state of shock because of the horrible crime that took place in al-Houla, stressing that none could be more upset over what happened than the Syrians because the victims – the children, civilians and military personnel –  are our own people, noting that 26 soldiers and officers were martyred in this incident.

Al-Jaafari said that this crime is heinous, horrifying and unjustifiable, and that those who committed will be brought to justice in Syria, adding that a committee is in charge of the investigation and is due to finish its work by Thursday or Friday, at which point everyone will know the results of the investigation and the identities of the perpetrators.

“We want the international community to specify those who are working against Annan’s plan and those who finance and harbor armed terrorist groups,” he added.

He noted that this crime isn’t the beginning of the crisis in Syria which dates back to almost a year, saying that some of the representatives at the UNSC showed a high sense of responsibility by acknowledging the existence of a “third element” which is the armed groups, something that Syria had been trying to explain for a year and was met by doubt by these same representatives.

Al-Jaafari went on to explain that the Syrian people are facing terrorist groups that are trained, protected and funded by some Arab and regional countries and other countries from elsewhere in the world, pointing out that Syria referred more than 100 to the UN Secretary General, UNSC members and UN agencies containing the names and identities of terrorists along with details on the dates, types and amount of weapons smuggled into Syria, in addition to a list of over 4,000 violations of Annan’s plan by the armed groups that caused hundreds of deaths among Syrian civilians and military personnel.

He also drew attention to the weapon which was carrying weapons from Libya to the terrorists and Syria and was captured by the Lebanese authorities, in addition to the arrest of 26 Libyan and Tunisian terrorists in Syria whose confessions were relayed to the UNSC, while other foreign terrorists were killed and their identities were likewise sent to the UNSC.

Al-Jaafari noted that a Syrian Salafi opposition figure spoke live on a Lebanese channel from Jeddah two days ago, assuming responsibility for the abduction of Lebanese citizens in Syria who had come from Turkey, concluding that there’s no need for presenting one piece of evidence after the other since everyone now knows that Syria is facing dangerous armed terrorist groups.

He also wondered how the German ambassador was talking about his government’s concern over Syrian children in al-Houla while the UNIFIL naval forces allowed permitted the ship carrying weapons from Libya to cross the Lebanese waters.

On ending the missions of Syria’s ambassadors and diplomats in some countries, al-Jaafari said that diplomacy is based on dialogue and its task is finding settlements and middle grounds and bridging gaps, and that diplomacy isn’t based on sanctions, attacking countries or expelling diplomats.

He said that these irresponsible actions show the true intentions of the capitals in question regarding the Syrian crisis, adding that if they actually wanted to help the Syrian people, then they wouldn’t have imposed sanction on them nor facilitated weapon smuggling, adding that the political solution must come from within Syria itself, and that those betting on second, third or fourth options will fall silent.

On some sides accusations that the Syrian government is responsible for the crime in al-Houla, al-Jaafari said that UN Under-Secretary-General Herve Ladsous didn’t accuse the government; rather he voiced suspicions, adding that all such talks is premature as the Syrian committee charged with investigating the incident will report its findings on Thursday or Friday.

He also pointed out that the massacres also affected Teldo and al-Shomariya areas, and that their perpetrators were intentionally trying to start a civil wars since there are three different sects living in these villages, which shows that the perpetrators are professional criminals.

Regarding the recent UNSC statement and calls for withdrawing the army, al-Jaafari said that this has already been done, pointing out the paradox as there are those who criticize the Syrian government when it deploys the army and law-enforcement forces to protect people while others criticize it when the government doesn’t do that which allows terrorists to murder people, stressing that there are situations when the government needs to deploy law-enforcement forces to protect civilians.

Al-Jaafari called on Arab Gulf countries and other countries who are interested in sparking a civil war in Syria to not bet on the failure of Annan’s plan, stressing that Syria acknowledges the presence of a legitimate political opposition which the government invited to dialogue which is part of Annan’s plan, yet certain hostile countries or governments repeatedly encouraged armed groups and the opposition outside Syria to not engage in dialogue.

He went on to say that the opposition isn’t unified and that there are those who are working around the clock to unify it to extort the Syrian government which is diligently working to end violence, stressing the need the pressure the terrorist groups to cease violence and the need for some Arab and regional countries to stop providing these groups with funds, weapons, political support and media coverage.

Regarding some ambassadors’ acknowledgment of the presence of terrorist groups, al-Jaafari said that while some have began to share Syria’s approach in this regard, others are acting irresponsibly regarding their peacekeeping tasks, adding that regardless of the claims made by an ambassador, they must – as members of the UNSC – refrain from using the term “regime” and instead say “government” if they wish to be responsible and noble-minded.

He stressed that the ambassadors who speak of “options” are after escalation and that they violate Annan’s plan, adding that their abandonment of the plans shows that they had been betting on its failure since the beginning.

Al-Jaafari affirmed that the success of Annan’s plan requires equal commitment from all sides, ceasing to traffic in Syrian blood, and sending a clear message from the international community on the need to resolve the crisis through the plan and achieve appeasement, not escalation.

He stressed that the diplomats in the UNSC are there to bridge gaps and find acceptable solutions and settlements, not legalize more sanctions and adopt anti-diplomatic measures.

“If they really want to help Syrians, then the messages Syria needs is stopping escalation and speaking wisely about how to help the government to sit with the opposition and engage in comprehensive national dialogue and find a settlement led by Syria,” al-Jaafari said, adding that these aren’t his own terms, but rather the language of Annan who spoke of a political process led by the Syrian government.

On the appointment of Jeffrey Feltman in a prestigious position in the UN, al-Jaafari said that he hasn’t received official word on this, noting that if it were true, then it’s a sign of escalation, stressing that the task of the UN is to carry out the international agenda, not force an agenda on the international community, which is why honest and neutral experts are needed for high-ranking posts.

Regarding dialogue and the possibility of holding it outside Damascus, al-Jaafari said that the government accepted China’s suggestion to host talks in Beijing, but the opposition, prompted by external instigation, rejected, and that this was repeated when Russia offered to host talks in Moscow, concluding that “the ball isn’t in our court; it’s in the others’ court.”

Churkin: Armed Groups Use Every Opportunity to Violate Annan’s Plan

In a similar press conference after the UNSC session, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin affirmed that armed groups in Syria continue to use every opportunity to violate Annan’s plan by targeting civilians and state officials.

Churkin said that there’s no tangible progress in implementing Annan’s plan save for the government’s withdrawal of heavy artillery from the perimeters of cities, noting that the Syrian opposition strongly rejects dialogue and that some of its members continue to call for foreign interference and continuing armament in Syria in a manner violating Annan’s plan and discouraging political dialogue.

He affirmed that the illegal flow of weapons to armed groups in Syria is continuing, and that these groups are receiving better weapons which is a worrying sign that requires some sides to take serious actions.

Churkin said that UNSC was untied on two decisions on sending the observer mission, and that everyone must commit to these decisions and pressure all sides to implement Annan’s plan, including the sides that don’t respect the plan and continue to militarize the conflict and encourage and arm groups to continue fighting.

He added that Russia isn’t satisfied over the current situation, and that it’s taking every possible step to improve the situation and advance Annan’s plan.

Churkin also said that ending the missions of Syrian ambassadors and diplomats in some countries might be misconstrued by those who wish to see foreign military intervention and more fighting in Syria, which should cause some countries to consider the repercussions.

He said that discussing sanctions is negative, as there are harsh unilateral sanctions imposed on Syria that had severe ramifications on citizens and caused shortages in fuel and other materials.

Churkin affirmed that Russia supports political settlement in Syria and that it doesn’t pick sides, saying that speaking about other options would be a disastrous scenario that would have grave consequences on the entire region.

He called on all countries to think carefully before taking any step or making any gestures or insinuations outside Annan’s plan and the UNSC, in addition to calling on those who arm the opposition to reconsider their options and study the repercussions of their actions.

Churkin added that the results of the UN investigation regarding the crime that took place in al-Houla will appear within a few days.

In response to a question on whether Russia will defend Syria no matter what others do, Churkin said that “Russia will do the right thing for Syria, the Syrian people, the Russian Federation and the international community.”

Initial Report of Judicial Investigation Committee on al-Houla Massacre: Victims belonged to Peaceful Families who Refused to Stand up against State

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_The initial report of the judicial committee investigating al-Houla massacre affirmed that all the victims belonged to peaceful families who wouldn’t stand up to the state and had never joined protests or held up arms, who also had opposed the armed terrorist groups.

The initial findings indicated that the victims were killed by fire at close distance and sharp tools, not by shellfire.

The initial report added that the armed terrorist groups who gathered in al-Houla liquidated the victims in the process of an attack on the law-enforcement members who hadn’t entered the area where the massacre occurred, adding that most of the bodies are of terrorists who were killed in the clash with the law-enforcement members.

Brigadier General Qassem Jamal Suleiman, head of the investigation committee, said in a press conference at the Foreign Ministry on Thursday that the investigation is in its initial stages and is still underway.

He added that the investigation committee depended on testimonies of eyewitnesses who saw the massacre happen that can be directly verified, adding that some of them will appear on TVs, indicating that the initial report was based on evidences and facts in relation to the armed attack that targeted the law-enforcement members in the town.

Gen. Suleiman said that law-enforcement members were positioned at five points in al-Houla, adding that the armed attack was aimed at turning the place into an area outside the state’s control.

Suleiman said that the armed men gathered inside the village after Friday prayers and started an onslaught simultaneously with other gunmen numbered between 600-800 who came from neighboring areas, namely al-Rastan, al-Sa’an, Burjka’I, al-Sam’alin and others, where mortars, machineguns and anti-tank missiles were used, targeting two law-enforcement points as the main target of the attack, one near Taldao and the second near al-Sa’a Roundabout.

Suleiman said that the terrorist groups came from outside the town and simultaneously liquidated peaceful families during the attack on the law-enforcement members.

He indicated that the place where the massacre happened is in an area where there are armed terrorist groups, and no law-enforcement members entered the area neither before nor after the massacre, indicating that the area is located far from the law-enforcement members’ posts.

He added that the law-enforcement members hadn’t left their positions but defended themselves against the terrorist groups, which can be verified through the victims’ images aired by satellite channels, showing that the massacre happened due to close fire and sharp tools, not shellfire as the images showed no signs of mashing, burns or traces of shelling buildings, which means that what happened was direct liquidation.

Suleiman added that killing children does not serve the law-enforcement members or the state, but serves the armed terrorist groups who seek to incite sedition.

Gen. Suleiman said that all the victims belonged to peaceful families who wouldn’t stand up to the state and had never joined protests or held up arms, who also had opposed the armed terrorist groups, indicating that the terrorist groups aimed to invite foreign and humanitarian intervention.

Suleiman said that the massacre targeted the relatives of the People’s Assembly member Abdul-Moa’ti Mashlab whom they wanted to take revenge of before the events ran contrary to the plan and the massacre extended to slaughter other families.

He affirmed that the massacre perpetrated by armed terrorist groups is part of the scheme that seeks to give the impression that a civil war is close at hand in Syria as it coincided with the visit of the UN envoy Kofi Annan.

For his part, Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ministry, Dr. Jihad Makdissi, said “The report which came after three days is initial and the investigation is still underway as the massacre has political and criminal dimensions. The investigation faces difficulties due to the presence of gunmen in the area.”

”There are further details that were kept unannounced out of fear for the lives of the eyewitnesses. When the investigation ends, we will put the full conclusions to the international community, the UN Security Council and the UN observer mission,” added Makdissi.

Answering a question on whether the international community and the humanitarian and international bodies would be convinced on the findings of the initial investigation, Makdissi said ”It is a complicated matter to identify the international community, as part of the international community is hostile to Syria and has an agenda against it. What we care for is public opinion and the citizens who back the state because the state doesn’t commit such crimes and is in a state of self-defense as terrorists are being funded and armed.”

”It is a heinous crime that was condemned by the Syrian government for which we deny responsibility and stress that the Syrian army can never commit such a crime…The perpetrators sought to take revenge of a family of one of the People’s Assembly members, but events got out of hand and a larger massacre was perpetrated.”

Makdissi said that neither statements have not accused the Syrian army but hinted at other elements, adding that the Syrian army protects citizens.

In reply to a question on not engaging the observer mission in the investigation, Makdissi said ”It was the Syrian side who contacted the head of the mission, Robert Mood, who was sent by the Syrian Foreign Ministry…There were gunmen killed in the clash and moved to the village’s mosque and filmed for the massacre to appear larger. When the observers arrived, there was a flood of lies aired by media.”

Makdissi added that the Syrian government was acquitted of other massacres in Karm al-Zaitoun and Deir Baalbeh, adding that clues pertaining to the massacre are revealed.

”There is diligent work to incite sedition in Syria…There are 18 sects that have lived in harmony for years and the massacres are aimed at shattering this coexistence, but the Syrian fabric is impervious to sedition attempts,” added Makdissi.

Makdissi said that there are sides working day and night to ignite sectarian sedition; even after al-Houla massacre, they tried to attack another village but they did not succeed.

Makdissi pointed out that the world media focused on some massacres because they belong to a certain sect in Syria, adding that in Syria all Syrians are equal regardless of their sects.

Concerning Syrian ambassador and diplomats whose mission was ended in some western capitals, Makdissi said, “Ambassadors everywhere work to serve their countries’ interests. Recalling or expelling ambassadors is a political decision. We are dissatisfied because we built our diplomatic relations with whom we thought are our partners.”

He added that diplomatic transactions are based on reciprocity; however, Syria will not resort to malicious policies. Syria belives in diplomacy and dialogue as means to solve problems among states.

Makdissi stressed that about 200 media outlets are working in Syria in addition to 100 accredited media outlets, adding that there are no restrictions on the work of the media.

Asked about the coordination between the Syrian Investigation Committee and the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) team, Makdissi said the UNSMIS is not an investigation committee; it is tasked with observing and verifying.

He said, “We are telling the UNSMIS about the results of the investigation; we sent General Robert Mood to the massacre site, and we would like Annan to look at the reality of events in Syria through the eyes of the observers.”

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates: Developing Countries are Most Affected by Using Mercenaries to Violate Human Rights

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates sent a letter to the Human Rights Council on using mercenaries as a means for violating human rights and obstructing peoples’ right to self-determination.

In its letter, the ministry expressed concern over the bids of some countries who use mercenaries to abort the efforts of developing countries in combating this phenomenon, indicating that these countries have used modern designations such as the private security and military companies, convincing the world that these consist of guards working in protecting diplomatic schools or missions in countries ridden with unstable security situation to camouflage the true role of these companies.

The ministry said that these countries are exerting strenuous efforts to make the world forget the true nature of these firms as they work to provide a legal cover for their actions through exonerating them of legal accountability and engaging the world in a legal discussion on the law to be applied, with the aim of diverting attention from their violations of human rights.

The ministry said in its letter that massacres committed by the security companies come to the surface every now and then, revealing to the world their true nature.

The letter condemned the double standard policies of some countries in approaching human rights, giving orders to these companies to wage their wars against developing countries as they brag about human rights at the United Nations.

The ministry considered the events in Syria a clear example of this double standard policy, indicating to confirmed reports on US mercenary companies providing training for mercenaries to incite violence acts in Syria.

The letter added that such countries as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are supporting these companies and facilitating their work in killing Syrians, heedless of the international efforts to combat mercenaries and violating the resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Human Rights Council.

21 Army, Law-enforcement and Civilian Martyrs Laid to Rest

PROVINCES, (SANA) – The bodies of 21 army, law-enforcement and civilian martyrs on Thursday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus, Aleppo Military Hospital and Zahi Azraq Military Hospital in Lattakia to their final resting place.

Solemn funeral processions were held for the martyrs who were martyred in line of duty in Damascus and its Countryside, Idleb Daraa and Homs.

The Martyrs are:

­           First Lieutenant Hisham Nader Saftli, from Homs.

­           First Lieutenant Wissam Ali Sebh, from Lattakia.

­           First Lieutenant Adham Jawdat Ali, from Lattakia.

­           Chief Warrant Officer Mohammad Ahmad Isber, from Hama.

­           Sergeant Major Mohammad Mwafaq Tareq Naal, from Aleppo.

­           Sergeant Mohammad Hassan Suleiman, from Tartous.

­           Sergeant Adnan Nooh al-Helw, from Hasaka.

­           Sergeant Hassan Rajab al-Mohammad, from Deir Ezzor.

­           Corporal Jaafar Riyad Shahin, from Aleppo.

­           Corporal Abdallah Hussein al-Ahamad, from Aleppo.

­           Corporal Mohamad Abdel Hamid Ka’ako, from Aleppo.

­           Corporal Khaled Bassam Dakak, from Damascus Countryside.

­           Conscript Salim Mohammad Mohammad al-Haji, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Yasser Jumaa al-Helw, from Raqqa.

­           Conscript Mohammad Salem al-Arjeh, from Damascus.

­           Conscript Amer Mahmoud al-Malla, from Raqqa.

­           Conscript Yaser Yaseen Haji, from Aleppo.

­           Conscript Khaled Shhadeh al-Selman, from Aleppo.

­           Civil worker Samer Said Salloum, from Lattakia.

­           Civilian Saher Ibrahim Dalla, from Tartous.


500 Persons Involved in Recent Events Released

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- 250 people who got involved in the recent events in the country but did not commit murders were released in Damascus on Thursday.

Earlier, the authorities released other 250 persons who got involved in the recent events in the country but did not commit murders.

On May 16th, the authorities set free 250 detainees whose hands are clear of the Syrian blood, in addition to 265 detainees who were released on May 5th.

On April 21st, 30 persons involved in the events were set free, preceded by 552 detainees who were released on January 5th.

Ahmadinejad: West and Certain Arab Countries Interfere in Syria, Send Weapons to Armed Groups

TEHRAN, (SANA)_ Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reiterated that the West and certain Arab countries were interfering in Syria and were sending weapons to the armed terrorist groups.

The Iranian President condemned, in an interview with France 24 television yesterday, al- Houla massacre in Homs Governorate last week, saying those who had committed the crime should be punished.

President Ahmadinejad was quoted by IRNA News Agency as also saying in the interview that enriching uranium up to 20 percent is Iran’s legal right and it is not for production of nuclear weapons.

Ahmadinejad added that other countries would have to explain why Iran was not allowed to do this and what they would offer Iran in exchange if it stopped enriching uranium.

In response to a question of France 24 on the “threats made by Israel”, he said “How would the west have reacted if Iran had threatened Israel?” wondering if “the laws are subject to interpretations!”

President Ahmadinejad underscored that the “root causes for the world problems is this kind of approach”, and that His Country is a “country with seven thousand years of civilization” and that the “Iranian government is justice based, and not a forged one.”

CBS: U.S. Sanctions against SIIB in Line with Package of U.S. and Western Sanctions Aimed at Increasing Pressure on Syrian People

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Central Bank of Syria (CBS) stressed that the U.S. sanctions against Syria’s International Islamic Bank (SIIB) came in line with the package of U.S. and European sanctions on Syria which aimed at undermining and weakening the Syrian economy, in addition to increasing pressure on the Syrian people.

The CBS, in a statement on Thursday, said that the SIIB transactions are conducted under the supervision of the CBS as it is the case for all Syrian banks according to the international standards and principles.

The statement added that the SIIB foreign trade operations benefit clients who are not included in the sanctions whether they are individuals, private companies or public institutions.

It added that the bank’s imported materials are allowed, indicating that there are no U.S. or European sanctions that prevent importing them to Syria.

The statement added that the bank uses the international filtering system to incoming and outgoing transfers and prevent operations for names included in the sanctions list, indicating that the bank has documents that prove the legibility of its transactions.

Regarding the SIIB connection with Syria Commercial Bank, the statement made clear that there are no reason to end such cooperation as long as it is subject to the Syrian laws and regulations in force and doesn’t violate the international sanctions.

The CBS stated that all Syrian banks, including the SIIB, have stopped their dealings in the USD since the U.S. sanctions against Syria on August, 18th, 2011.

The CBS added that the sanctions didn’t affect the bank since it has no assets in the US and that the bank will continue its activity.

The statement concluded that the CBS will spare no effort to take measures that support the Syrian banks and guarantee their high quality services to preserve its pioneering role in boosting national economy.

The CBS announced that it will take all necessary procedures regarding the illogical and unjustifiable decision taken by the U.S. Treasury Department.

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Treasury took a decision to impose sanctions on SIIB, including freezing its assets held in the US and forbidding U.S. individuals and companies from any business with it.

Appropriate Mechanisms to Provide Humanitarian Aid to Needed Families in Daraa Reviewed

DARAA, (SANA) – Governor of Daraa Mohammad Khaled al-Hanous reviewed with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) the appropriate mechanisms to provide humanitarian aid to the needed families in Daraa and the future cooperation between the ICRC and the branch of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) in the governorate to carry out humanitarian activities.

The Governor briefed the delegation on the huge damage caused by terrorist acts and the authorities’ efforts to provide humanitarian and food aid and health care services to the people in the province.

He expressed readiness to do whatever it takes to facilitate conveying aid to the needed and affected people due to acts of killing and sabotage committed by the terrorist groups against citizens and properties.

Head of the ICRC delegation Yves Peterman hailed the coordination with the SARC in providing help to the families in need in all areas.

Blood Donation Campaign Organized to Appreciate Syrian Army and Law-enforcement Forces’ Sacrifices

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – Workers, students, deans of faculties and Head of Damascus University participated in the blood donation campaign organized at the university in appreciation of sacrifices of the Syrian army and law-enforcement forces to defend the homeland’s unity and stability against the armed terrorist groups.

Deputy Rector for Scientific Affairs, Hiyam Bashour, said that the campaign is a humble contribution to appreciate those who offered their souls to protect the homeland.

A worker at the faculty of Pharmacy, Wafaa Husaini, said that it is the duty of every Syrian citizen to express gratitude for those who sacrificed themselves to safeguard the country.

Another donator, Ammar Mhrez, stressed that the Syrian blood is united against conspiracies and schemes hatched against Syria.

UN Observers Countinue Tours in Homs, Damascus Countryside, Deir Ezzor and Aleppo

PROVINCES, (SANA)- A delegation of the international observers mandated to supervise the ceasefire in Syria, part of a six-point peace plan brokered by UN envoy Kofi Annan, on Thursday visited the Military Hospital and al-Zaeem Hospital and the city of al-Rastan in the countryside of Homs province.

Another observer team visited Douma city and met with inhabitants there.

The delegation of  international observers in Deir Ezzor visited al-Mayadeen city and the towns of Barqas and al-Zabari in the province countryside and met the locals.

In Aleppo province, the UN observer team visited Deir Hafer area, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the hospital of Aleppo University.

Syrian Human Rights Network Condemns Terrorists’ Burning Shops and Threatening Safe Civilians

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – The Syrian Human Rights Network strongly condemned the acts committed by the armed terrorist groups in some areas of Damascus Countryside and other cities and provinces, including the setting shops on fire, terrifying safe civilians and threatening owners of shops to close down.

In its statement issued on Thursday, the Network said that these terrorist acts don’t comply with the principles of human rights and cannot be considered the way to freedom.

The network wondered why do the human rights organizations and the Security Council turn blind eye to these crimes which constitute a flagrant violation of human rights and threaten the life and security of Syrian citizens.

The Network denounced the appalling silence regarding organized terrorism and killing committed by the armed terrorist groups which contain terrorists from Arab and foreign nationalities against safe citizens under the auspices of the US.

It called upon law organizations to be objective and honest in implementing the principle s of human rights and illustrating issues that serve terrorism and reveal the identity of those who committed it and its supporters who seek to stoke panic and threaten security in Syria.


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