Just International

Syrian News on March 6, 2012

President al-Assad Congratulates President Putin on Winning Presidential Elections

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad on Monday sent a cable to Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulating him on winning the presidential elections. 

In his cable, President al-Assad expressed, on behalf of the Syrian people and on his own behalf, heartfelt congratulations to the Russian President on his distinguished winning, wishing him success in his responsibilities.

The President also wished more prosperity and progress to the friendly people of Russia under the leadership of President Putin.

Putin, who was the President of Russia from 2000 to 2008 and is currently the Prime Minister until the date of assuming office on May 7th, won the presidential elections with 64% of votes.

Families of Baba Amro Return Home, Authorities Discover weapons’ factory

HOMS, (SANA)-Many families of Baba Amro on Monday returned home which they fled because of the crimes of the armed terrorist groups after authorities restored stability and security to the neighborhood.

Public workshops also continued maintenance and cleaning works, opening roads, streets and removing the debris left by the terrorists who sabotaged the general and private properties.

Works are underway in Homs to repair the oil pipeline which supplies the refineries and crosses Baba Amro after it was sabotaged by the attacks of the armed terrorist groups.

At Baba Amro, the competent authorities uncovered a factory for weapons used by terrorists to prepare explosives and hand-made rockets to be launched against houses without specifying the target.

The authorities also discovered an Israeli-like reconnaissance plane, cameras, anti-tank grenades, and tunnels and used by the terrorists to smuggle weapons.

Media Source: Syria Welcomes Kofi Annan’s Visit

DAMASCUS, (SANA) – A media source on Monday said that Syria welcomes the visit of Kofi Annan, envoy of the UN Secretary-General, to Syria.

On the other hand, the source said that Syria accepted to receive UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Valerie Amos, who is going to arrive in Damascus on Tuesday after midnight.

Amos will hold talks with Minister of Foreign and Expatriates Affairs, Walid al-Moallem, his deputy and head of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, the source added.

Amos will pay visits to some areas in Syria, according to the media source.

Lavrov: Gunmen, Foreign Fighters Among Syria’s Opposition

MOSCOW, (SANA) – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Monday said that Russia sees the news coming from many sources on arming the Syrian opposition and the presence of foreign fighters among the opposition as not encouraging.

In a press conference with his Jordanian counterpart Naseer Jouda in Moscow, Lavrov said that it’s important to call upon all sides in Syria to an immediate cessation of fighting.

Lavrov expressed worry over Burhan Galion’s statements on arming the Syrian opposition and the establishment of a military bureau in Turkey, adding that these news prove that Galion is working towards escalating the situation rather than putting an end to it.

Lavrov stressed that the basic objective now is to stop violence in Syria regardless of its source, adding that Russia allocated 1 million Swiss Francs to the International Committee of the Red Cross in order to deliver humanitarian aid to Syria.

“The West shouldn’t call upon Moscow to exert pressure on the Syrian government. The situation is far from being dependent on Russia.” He added.

Lavrov stressed that Moscow supports the mission of the former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, pointing out that Annan’s mission will provide the appropriate circumstances to start dialogue between the Syrian government and the opposition groups.

He said that there is no need to submit new initiatives over Syria’s crisis.

Gatilov: US Draft UNSC Resolution on Syria “Unbalanced”

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Gennady Gatilov, described on Monday the new US-drafted UN Security Council resolution on Syria as “unbalanced”.

Reuters quoted Gatilov as saying on his Twitter account, “the new US draft UN Security Council resolution on Syria is a slightly renewed version of the previous vetoed document. It needs to be significantly balanced.

Earlier, Russia vetoed two UN Security Council draft resolutions on Syria because they were one-sided and unbalanced.

Dolgov: Russia rejects ignorance of armed groups’ acts against civilians

Konstantin Dolgov, Russian Foreign Ministry Commissioner for Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law renewed his country’s rejection of the unilateral attempts to attribute the crisis and hold the Syrian government responsible for the acts perpetrated by the armed terrorist groups.

In a statement today, Dolgov said that those unilateral attempts ignore the acts of terrorists which violate laws, adding “those facts are documented in the latest report of the independent international Committee formed by the UN Human Rights Council.”

He underlined that Moscow calls for continuing finding a Syrian internal reconciliation, without any foreign intervention, through a cease-fire and resolving the human issues.

China Reiterates Stance on Adopting Political Solution to Solve Crisis  in Syria

Beijing, (SANA) – China said on Monday that it will send Li Huaxin, China’s former Ambassador to Syria, as an envoy to the country next week for two days in a bid by Beijing to settle the current crisis.

Reuters quoted China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Liu Weimin, as saying in a press conference held in Beijing “Although conditions are extremely complicated, and the situation remains tense, China still maintains that a political solution offers the fundamental escape from the Syrian crisis.”

“China believes that based on recent developments and changes in Syria, it is necessary for us to further explain our policies and proposals,” the spokesman Liu said of Li’s trip.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Saturday, underlining its rejection of any interference in Syria’s domestic affairs under humanitarian pretexts and stressed its commitment to supporting the independence, sovereignty, unity and integrity of Syria’s territories.

The Ministry called on relevant parties in the international community to seriously respect the right of the Syrians to choose their political system independently and to create a convenient environment and constructive support for political parties in Syria to start a dialogue and respect its outcome.

The Ministry underlined that it does not agree on military interference or pushing towards changing the regime, as it thinks that threatening sanctions does not help solve the crisis in Syria properly.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry is following up closely on the situation in Syria and believes firmly that the crisis in Syria should be solved through political dialogue and with a appropriate and peaceful means, as it is exerting ongoing efforts to achieve that.

Twelve Army Martyrs Laid to Final Rest

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Twelve army martyrs on Monday were escorted from Tishreen Military Hospital in Damascus to their final resting place after they were targeted by the armed terrorist groups while they were in the line of duty in Homs, Daraa and Damascus Countryside.

Solemn funeral ceremony was held for the martyrs as they were covered with flower and laurel wreaths while the Military Band was playing the music of the “Martyr” and the “Farewell.”

The Martyrs are :

•           Retired Brigadier General, Faisal Ismail Ahmad from Lattakia.

•           Lieutenant Colonel, Ghassan Hassan Fawzi from Lattakia.

•           Sergeant Major, Ali Asaad Suleiman from Homs.

•           Sergeant Major, Nasaat Kamal al-Akil from Sweida.

•           Sergeant, Mohammad Bassel al-Aoutani from Damascus Countryside.

•           Corporal, Bilal Ali Abboud from Hama.

•           Conscript, Hassan Mohammad al-Sayyeid al-Hussein from Idelb.

•           Conscript, Saad Salman al-Ahmad from Tartous.

•           Conscript, Moutasem-Billah Mohammad Mahdi Hatahet from Damascus.

•           Conscript, Fares Khamis Mustafa from Deir Ezzour.

•           Conscript, Sheikh Nafi’a Omari Mousa from Aleppo.

•           Conscript, Alaa Dib Said from Idleb.

The martyrs’ families expressed pride in the martyrdom of their sons, asserting that the blood of the martyrs will protect Syria and make it stronger in the face of challenges.

The martyrs’ relatives hailed the role of the Syrian army in maintaining the security and stability of the homeland, expressing confidence of the ability of the Syrian people to overcome the crisis through their unity and rallying around their leadership, asserting that Syria will foil all the conspiracies hatched against it.

President of Venezuela Reiterates Solidarity with Syria

HAVANA, (SANA) – President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela reiterated solidarity with Syria’s people and leadership in the face of the conspiracy, condemning the US pressure against Syria.

Speaking from his residence in the Cuban capital of Havana during his recovery after undergoing a surgery, President Chavez stressed that he closely following up on the international developments, especially in Syria, adding that “From here, We express our solidarity with Syria and President Bashar al-Assad.”

The Venezuelan President demanded halting armed aggression, not only the diplomatic, against Syria, calling upon all sides to participate in solving the crisis through dialogue without preconditions.

In 2011, Chavez underwent surgery and four rounds of chemotherapy in Cuba after the discovery of a cancerous tumor in his pelvis.

Source: The Embassy of Syrian Arab Republican in Kuala Lumpur.

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